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Friday edition

featured profile: http://letterboxd.com/jvince/

featured list: http://letterboxd.com/jvince/list/poll-the-letterboxd-communitys-top-100-movies-1/

featured review: http://letterboxd.com/jvince/film/pacific-rim/
jvince, go away
>I shook my head while reading your review of Russian Ark
Well okay.
d-did Cinebro, Larry and Healey go see Pacific Rim together?
Pacific Rim was awesome. Who else saw it tonight?
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guten morgen
>I am Cuba
>5 starts
mah nigga
I am Cuba is so fucking awesome. My film prof introduced it to my class and everyone else thought it was long and boring haha. What did you think of the blatant anti-capitalist propoganda? I personally loved the way that the film pulled on the heartstrings and made you hate capitalist ideology. The pathos was so well done, and the way it is shot is so skillful and some of those shots blew my mind. It doesn't look dated at all, which is simply incredible.
it was too good

i'm generally not sympathetic towards the views expressed, but it was powerful and i didn't find it as manipulative as it's been called

i normally dislike segmented films, but this was perfectly cohesive because of how it was shot. quite possibly my favourite camerawork. it reminded me a lot of fallen angels
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have either of you watched the documentary about the making of it?
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>tfw Hour of the Wolf actually appeard in my dream

God damn you Bergman
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>They also have a black actor playing the good guy
>if you have any black friends i'd bring them along.
make bigger pictures so i can find it easier motherfucker.
why do people do these rankings when they haven't seen the director's films? and then this guy has the balls to call him a favorite.

>This list includes all the movies i have seen from director Krzysztof Kieslowski.
>This list includes all the movies i have seen from director Krzysztof Kieslowski.

are you retarded
He asked why you pair of tards.
>This list includes all the movies i have seen from director Krzysztof Kieslowski.
Fucking hell. I didn't think genuine retards could make their way to 4chan.
>This list includes all the movies i have seen from director Krzysztof Kieslowski.
How about you explain yourself better. I'm not who you're replying to but I'm puzzled as to what youre trying to get at.
I said why bother if you haven't. Also the balls to say he's your favorite and you haven't seen even half of his films.

And yes, fabs, I am talking to you.
He's upset letterplebs have the same shit taste as him
The guy asked me which ones I've seen and I found making a list convenient. I don't really see what the problem is to be honest. The way I see it, you're just looking for an excuse to complain about something you really shouldn't care about in the first place.
>This list includes all the movies i have seen from director Krzysztof Kieslowski.
>actually defending such mongoloid list making (in a retarded way no less)

Keep copy pasting it until you feel like you changed someones opinion, princess.
Classic letterplebs.
>caring about people's lists

keep talking faggot
When I see stupid people doing stupid things, I like to call them stupid.
why do people do these rankings when they haven't seen the director's films? and then this guy has the balls to call him a favorite.

You must be very bored
That is why I visit this website in the first place.
why do people do these rankings when they haven't seen the director's films? and then this guy has the balls to call him a favorite.

why do people do these rankings when they haven't seen the director's films? and then this guy has the balls to call him a favorite.

why do people do these rankings when they haven't seen the director's films? and then this guy has the balls to call him a favorite.

why do people do these rankings when they haven't seen the director's films? and then this guy has the balls to call him a favorite.

why do people do these rankings when they haven't seen the director's films? and then this guy has the balls to call him a favorite.

jesus christ
That one is just silly even if he had Primer in it
why do people do these rankings when they haven't seen the director's films? and then this guy has the balls to call him a favorite.

That list is indeed retarded though.
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Minority Report in second-last position, behind War of the Worlds.

What a dolt.
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my fucking sides
i would hope that ones a joke
>tfw a field in england soundtrack


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b-b-but I have seen all of Lynch's and Malick's feature films
don't worry fabs is just mad
I do these for directors who have more than 15 films I've seen.

I think that's alright.
If you've seen more than 75% of their films maybe.

If it's like 15/60 for Bergman than wait til you've seen more.
lol why do you have to follow some rules some guy on /tv/ made up
if you wanna rank some films you've seen you can rank them
You can either do things right or you can be fabs.

Whatever you want, friend.
marcissus you know catfish was staged
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how come youtube captions for foreign stuff is perfect, when for stuff in english it's always fucked
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i'm gettin real tired of your shit jvince
>Discussing tv in a film website
is there anything he can't do?
>another person with Enter the Void in their favorites

This pleases me
>following jvince

really, really
he changes them all the time anon, don't be tricked.
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>not knowing marcissus
>thinking that's him
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but it is
>saving pics of guys

your father must be proud
>thinking his troll profiles are him
Bo Dallas?
>everyone praising pacific rim, calling it fun
>the big bore adam cook giving it 5/10

what a surprise
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>not having pictures of the beautifullest trips

>being a non-believer
DYEL faggot
fuck off loser
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Think I might go to my local 72ft cinema to see Pacific Rim.

/tv/ actually got me hyped fuck you guys
i would if i could
why do people comment on reviews like

''good review, here's why you're a cunt and you're wrong...''

you don't need to say ''good review'' you pussies
>what is social skills and not coming out as an asshole?
>caring about being an asshole on the internet
How BETA can you BE?!
you just don't want them to unfollow and stop liking your reviews
And how underage can you be?
>Actually having a letterboxd account
Approximately that Beta.
well this anons argument went to shit
And further to this for anybody that has seen it, Pacific Rim in 3D or 2D?
Worst list I've ever seen, don't even know how I ended up here.

you weren't kidding
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>a wild Spring Breakers appears in the middle

>All post 80's american hollywood movies
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>m-my criterioncore!!
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>There were a handful of WTF moments and Jaguars Fan Gif moments
>Jaguars Fan Gif moments

>The Top 10 are the only ones in order
>3 fast and furious movies in the first 5
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Gonna watch Santa Sangre tonight.

WIll The Dance of Reality be any good, or is he too old?
>Thoroughly enjoyable, this was the best and most memorable iron man in the series for me, although to be quite honest i have no idea what the first one was about; it's all a blur. The humor throughout was quality and the mandarin was by far the best part of the entire movie, and I did not see that coming. Overall a solid addition to the series

This guy's reviews are so goddamn bad.
you sure told me!! :P
>Jaguars Fan Gif moments

what an odd reference
A-a-am I patrician now, /tv/?
would anyone be willing to post said gif?
yes well done, your certificate will be mailed in the post shortly
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>1 line reviews

Fuck off.
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>the waterboy
ha ha ha only joking, you aren't really as cool as us, the patricians! another epic troll by me, the master troll.
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>not knowing le blue shirt face
>Why don't you waste an hour of your life writing a review that no one will read?
I only do it so it shows up on my recent activity.
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As it should be general?
>tryhard pleb
>most boring man alive
>average pleb
>good guy
>kid who watches shit films to shit on just for likes
okay now i get it
just never remembered it as "jaguar fan"

Almost, but my account somehow appears to be missing, and I'm fairly sure I'm the best.
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i had no idea he was popular
>you will never be this jealous of boring tryhard plebs who are alright but watch movies for likes
yeah wtf, didn't he post here a week ago saying he just joined
your post is a mess, concentrate on one thing anon if you want to ruffle something
that's what i thought, sort of
>that generic as hell 2000s arthouse taste

Jesus Christ
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Do you due diligence and report this review.
i dont get it either
out of nowhere he was at the top
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>be from Jacksonville
>this gif sums up everything about Jacksonville
pic unrelated
Why is every new popular reviewer worse than the last? Almost making me appreciate Adam Cook.
2700 reviews in a little over a week will do that to you.
it's peaceful stoner
these poor fucking retards need a forum
>tfw fulham fan
>tfw soon to be owned by jacksonville owner
>tfw this gif will sum us up as well
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Recently watched and reviewed Redemption;
Changed my review style so please have a look and see if you like this style; including what was wrong for me watching.



inb4 pleb, stop posting your profile, didn't read, tsar being a snob
>not appreciating the lord himself

0/10 Your just butthurt
>'review' tags
>unneeded, unwarranted, unasked for, unnecessary
top kek
atleast it is longer than a paragraph and not simply a summary
>autistic kenny
top kek
He already had a blog, I copy pasted one of his reviews into google assuming he was copying reviews but I just found he'd already had a big catalogue.

It seems he was just pasting them in over a few days. He's a pretty good reviewer.
>opening with a quote
is this a bad review?

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yeah thats what I figured, I am in the process of re-reviewing my favourite films and any watched from this date will be in a similar depth
I didn't mean to cast aspersions as I checked him out and seems to have his head on straight, but just trying to clarify that that type of copy/paste infusion will certainly propel you to the top.
it's actually a good review

the stuff at the bottom is quite cool for people who've seen the film
wouldn't mind more people doing that
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Yeah, I found that quote particularly interesting, I'm guessing you haven't lowered yourself to watch this film . .

>Without being able to upload screenshots to show certain artistic elements doesn't it make sense to use quotes to convey meaning?
>google fulham
>top lel
seriously though pringles man doesn't know shit about owning sports teams
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The fact you have taken the time to read the review has definitely changed my opinion of you!. .

Your feedback is welcomed and if you ever get the chance to watch this film, you might even agree with some of the pointers!
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nigger what are you doing here?

Also shit top 4
honestly the only reason i don't like quotes to start reviews is because if it's actually a good line, i want to hear it for the first time in the film

but like i said here >>34966884 it's actually alright

um.... it's appropriate
Considering a trip so it's easier to block my bullshit.
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Nigger, post profile.


Be original faggot.
none of them are on my top 4, and also, no.

Were you originally /tv/? You just seem like a run of the mill letterpleb posting here for attention
Any of that would be better than Django at 1.
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oh snap
calling him out
said the guy with Pulp Fiction and Snatch in the top 4
>Were you originally /tv/?
Thats actually a great question. It seems like most people from these threads aren't
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You obviously missed my point, you might have a flavour for old pretentious films - but you lack the brain power to understand a simple concept; 'the user's favourites' not your favourites, faggot.

>Revised list for today
>Citizen Kane, 2001, Oldboy, There Will Be B lood
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>your favorites can't be "old" films because they are all pretentious
i doubt that, i'm /tv/ but i'm not just gonna randomly talk about feet or something in these threads
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>changing your top 4 when called on it
shit son

I'm not basing it on the genre or type of film, I just think those are very mediocre for you "favorite" list when there are so many better

I would guess you would act the same under similar circumstances if someone named the room and transformers on their top 4.

So are you /tv/? you don't seem /tv/ for sure
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>Favourites can't be new films because they are 'pleb'
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Yeah showing the faggot an extension of my top 4 because choosing 4 was tough . .

and no if someone named transformers on their top 4 and could justify it to themselves sincerely then fairplay . . .I would struggle if they claimed it was a better 'action film' than say 'the raid'
meh or top pleb?
aren't you claiming that those films are better than all the others by putting them on your top 4?
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forgot pic
you have to tell us who you are then, anon
jesus, favourite =/= best
the pinnacle of personal enjoyment is not the same thing as 'very well made'
meh at best
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name me a few better recent action films than the raid . . .
>do it faggot

so people don't like the best films they've seen? they enjoy worse films?
b-but this is reddit
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occasionally /b/ but it was an appropriate comment.
I wasn't strictly talking about recent action films, there are so many better films in general

I'm only shitting on you because you're clearly not /tv/ and blatantly begging for likes
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1. your not shitting on me, I dgaf
2. I was /tv/ probably long before you so deal with it . . faggot

Captcha: anutha served.
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prove it
no need, you already know it's true otherwise you wouldn't have replied . . . .
>frequents /b/

god, I'm done
Let's make a list:

Kenny & Healey - /v/
Buttfugget - /mu/
Tom Callum - /b/
Tom Flew - /sp/
Fabs - /reddit/

Who else?
...but i don't know
how would I?
i dont know if you think i am the other guy who was replying to you, cause i'm not
i replied to that statement cause it seemed like some childish attempt at showing off
so no one is actually from /tv/, they just claim to be?
the popular ones aren't /tv/.

/tv/, unpopular until death
>popular films in top 4
>obscure films in top 4
>semi-obscure loved films in top 4

angry anon is the worst person

I've probably been around longer than you, tough guy
Kenny is /a/ and /reddit/
Wow. Kenny's /a/, /v/ and /reddit/?
What a sellout

Cringewrothy samefag
kenny is a little ghetto slut
Are we not allowed to browse other boards? I go on /v/ and /g/ as well
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I actually really like the film poster though
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eat shit n00b.
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toby?? more like trashy!
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>throwing a little fit
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confirmed shit tier, post that profile
I occasionally go to /x/ and post spooky pictures of Chernobyl but /tv/ was my first board and its still my home board, if that counts for anything

Have only been to 3 boards. 99% has been spent on /tv/. Afraid to go outside.
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that was weird
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in what way is this place not as bad as /v/?
/tv/ don't get to look down on many boards, /v/ is one of select few.
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I just realized every poster in my favorites has at least two guns in it.

one is more popular than the other
/tv/ is so obscure that we get left out things like maps when each board is a country, or a pokemon or some shit. and obviously /tv/ values obscurity.
our hobby is a respectable art

i know a lot of /v/ treat games as they should - like games (closer to sports than art) - but their industry and market is a complete fucking joke

it's just a sad bitter dying hobby
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are you talking about that minecraft server where every board built an island?

>mfw /tv/ was the only board not to take part
how come no one's talking about that film about julian assange that's coming out

i didn't really follow what happened to him, but it looks great

sounds like it's actually out in US
it will just make me angry

america is fucked up
I thought the film looked pretty awful but I based that mainly on the poster and the fact the subject matter is probably boring.

Santa Sangre is something else. I still need to watch El Topo.

Also now may just be the beginning of me being a tripfag like my lord and saviour tsar
hello applebe
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I think he is.
>tfw not enough people on the /k/ island to make me give a shit
hey what's your lettrbxd m9
i don't follow you
I only have one friend on this thing. Anyone want to follow me?


I plan to do a ranking list of Refn's movies but I'm not going to do it until I've seen every movie he's released so far, as I don't want to incur the wrath of >>34960069
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fine, i'd just like to you know who you are if you're using a trip
Petefic - /sp/, /reddit/
Marcissus' boyfriend - /mu/
Tsar was summer and supports boxxyfunposter so I'm guessing /v/ or /imdb/
best mean last summer nigger
and i was here long before i got a trip
>Pacific Rim is an audiovisual assault on the senses. Flies will breed in your mouth and collective orgasms shall be had (unless you're one of those snobby, cynical assholes that hate well-executed movie magic). Mr. del Toro, you can take all my money. Make as many sequels as you want. This is the robot movie you've all been dreaming of. Michael Bay, take note. Recommended.
classic fabs
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Been going full pleb lately
>inb4 what do you mean lately?


Pacific Rim was good, but not great. Thinking of watching either Stoker or Place Beyond the Pines tonight, which one do you guys recommend?

I am not /sp/. Why do you people keep saying this? I never go there. I post mainly on /mu/ and I go on reddit at work since 4chan is blocked and actually doing work isn't fun.
>I go on reddit at work

found ur reddit account lel
are you a detective

first fabs, now petey
Shamefur dispray.

this fucking guy

holy shit he made a rage comic about skyrim and posted it to reddit.
I stopped playing a while ago because I fucking sucked at it
I just play CS and Crusader Kings now
post it (i can't work reddit)
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ha ha good 1 petefic m8
What are /lbxd/'s favourite animes? I like Bleach, Death Note and Full Metal Panic
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le petefic face
Typical letterboxd poster
I didn't make it. I stole it from one subreddit and posted it to another for karma. Not sure if that is better or worse than actually making it.

Anyway, what little respect I had round here is now flushed down the drain. weeeeeeeee
Don't really watch much cartoons, but it has to be said that Season 5 Episode 22 of Roger Ramjet is one my favourite all-time pieces of media.

A true modern day classic.
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fucking sellout pleb
lel that one I did make.
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>mfw I saw that comic back on /v/ back when they were obsessed with rage comics
I've been here too long
Typical /tv/ user.

Leave this shithole anon.
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S-s-so should I watch Stoker or Place Beyond the Pines?
I don't know which does reddit like more
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Rostova pls respond, have you seen this episode? From the animes you listed it sounds like it would be your sort of thing.
Pls don't be mean kenny, you're from reddit too
I've never heard of Roger Ramjet before.
Oh god you don't that's kenny too do you?

Also not sure if this is your thing (not sure if you're the right generation), but spongebob squarepants s04e04 is one of the best.
who aaare you
didn't someone from /v/ make that?

Instead of doing a review I will just point out the crap that inhabits this film.

- The shark roars like a lion.
- Mario Van Peebles does a Jamaican accent
- The shark swims from New York to the Bahamas in less then 3 days.
- This is the sequel that popularized the tagline "This time it's personal!"
- African Americans feet apparently look Caucasian under water
- The god damn shark is hunting one family, even members that weren't born yet during the last attack.
- The film tries to suggest that there's some sort of psychic link between Ellen Brody (Lorraine Gray) and the shark
- Roy Scheider was hospitalized because he busted a gut laughing when offered a cameo in this film.
- In the 4 years since the last film the character of Mike Brody changed professions from engineer to marine biologist, got married and now has a 5 year old daughter.
- The shark is apparently a cyborg as you clearly see mechanical parts coming in and out of him throughout the film.
- The bottom of the ocean in the Bahamas looks incredibly like a swimming pool on occasion.
- Ellen Brody continuously has flashbacks to events she never witnessed.
- Mike Brody is not nearly alarmed enough when his mother's prediction that a Great White Shark will show up in the Bahamas to attempt to kill him actually happens a few days later.
- Having sex with Michael Caine will make you forget that you were depressed about your son being killed by a shark 3 days ago.
- The shark is so scary that it can make blood appear in the water when it hasn't attacked anyone yet.
-Michael Caine is so hot that his clothes instantly dry when drenched.
- Sailboats and sharks can bend space and time in the Bahamas (see ending)
- This shark is apparently not cold blooded, but has nitroglycerin pumping through it's veins causing it to EXPLODE violently if punctured with ANYTHING taking out any large nearby structures with it.
- The fucking shark roars like a fucking lion.
Also Disney's Pepper Ann, Season 4 episode 7 is a classic.
Any newtrip that joins these threads and doesn't push their account is clearly Kenny
or del
A more modern cartoon that I like too is Wild Grinders, be sure to check out episode 3B.
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I mean, yeah he's always been a bit of a pleb but damn he won't ever hear the end of this shit
>That incompatibility of homage and update transcends the actual meat of the film - big robots kicking monster ass (and vice versa) - into the human realm. I think I would have been a little more lenient with the film as a whole if I actually cared about the fates of any of the characters.
>majestically audacious
Seriously, though, the lack of sympathetic development was really disappointing.
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Rostova loves cartoons.

most popular review of the film
his jew nose holy fuck
>Haha! You made fun of a German accent! Bravo! This review is genius!
I just saw this fuck on the Collateral page. He rated it like 74/100. Is he joking or?
not to mention he's hungarian
>Of course though, this is modern day Hollywood, and even Del Toro can't have his Empanadas and eat them too.
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Ooooh, now I get what he was doing. Well done !1apleblel2. That was actually funny and original.
>This is a film best entirely on repetition

how drunk do you have to be

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