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lol, feminism
I remember last time round there were people saying that Cate Blanchett or Catherine Zeta-Jones should be the next Doctor.
Why not Helen Mirren or Tilda Swinton then? Go get Angelina Jolie while you're at it to be the companion.

This story has been doing the rounds ever since Tom Baker left.
Hasn't this been said just about every time the Doctor has been replaced in the new series?
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>Introducing Elizabeth Hurley as The Doctor
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I'd start watching this show, if this were 1997.

Too posh to be the Doctor
Tilda Swinton would be fantastic.
>emerges from Tardis in That Dress
Helen Mirren as an inscrutable older Doctor along the lines of William Hartnell would be trill shit.
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There are plenty of great possible actresses who could make for a great female doctor.

The problem is the show could never afford any of them, and instead get some garbage chav to do it and it will be cringe-worthy.
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>Hello, luv! I'm the Doctor

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I wouldn't mind a female doctor, I was talking with me mum the other day about it and we agreed Sally Hawkins would be great!
>TFW you will never make consensual love to her in the missionary position out of fear of contracting shane warne's herpes
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I actually rather have a female Doctor than a black Doctor, as long as is not River Song.
I might start watching this shitty show if that were the case.
>>33795118 (OP)
Moffat will cast a black, jewish lesbian and then leave the show in one final act of being the tremendous cunt that he is.

And then he'll take over Sherlock and shit that up as well.
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I hate the idea of the Doctor being anything other than a white english man but I'm strangely ok with Idris Elba
The Doctor was almost a woman in the 80's, the shows creators toyed with the idea but the network was all NOPE.
>>33795118 (OP)

If its Joanna Lumley I will cry with joy
He can be Bond or The Doctor but not both.
Make up your mind /tv/
Or Judy Dench. I fucking love JD. But I don't care if it's a white/black/anything else man or woman. I just want the Doc to be old again. Stop making him younger and more "beautiful" every regen.
They should go into full PC mode, hire a poor, heathen, lesbian Kenyan woman who has never even seen a westerner let alone a television. She what she brings to the character.
To me the Doctor is always gonna be a dude, but eh I can't get worked up about it.
I want the Doctor to regenerate into an American. Just to fuck with people.

I just want the doctor to old, and posh, and arrogant and horrible and then I'll love it
Yes so we only get to have this conversation every 3 years. Let's make the best of it
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They made a lot of bad decisions in the 80s.
If the Doctos is to be a woman I want her to be the kind of old woman who has big boobs and always wears cleavages and you feel super filthy because you find her attractive but you can't help it

That would be sweet. Really, I'd be infinitely more upset if they became an amerifat like me or something than any sort of race or gender change

has anyone made any chav doctor jokes yet
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please bbc
Anyone but Jaimie Murray. I can't stand that stretched-skin big mouthed twig.
I want Q from Skyfall, he was also in the Hour. hes so hot.
he does have time lord hair
You now realise that Robert Patinson is an English actor and would most likely be offered and accept the role of the new Doctor.

HAHAHA kill me now
robert patinson is a bro


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