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>still using a closed-source client to do illegal activities when trusted and transparent open source options are freely available for all platforms.
>ignoring the adware already in your uTorrent.
>being willing to be used by uTorrent to help deliver information back to their servers.
>ignoring reports that the MPAA partners with uTorrent's parent company.
>thinking that the malware proposed by media companies isn't already on your PC, waiting to be initialized once Congress approves it.
>sitting around waiting to be IP tracked, have your photograph taken via your webcam, and finally identified via your ISP because you decided it would be a good idea to use an MPAA-friendly companies's software to pirate their material.

Don't say we didn't warn you, uTorrent cattle.
>not supporting the industry
>implying this doesn't pertain to /tv/ even more.
>using torrents
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>>33780399 (OP)
When I use my brother's machine I always cover the web cam because I feel like I'm being watched.
>>33780399 (OP)
What's the alternative?
I use tixati

Like it a bunch, lots of options.
>implying you're not already being tracked when you download.
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>not using based Deluge
who still uses utorrent
also, not using private trackers exclusively.
>When I use my brother's machine I always cover the web cam because I feel like I'm being watched

You will be, someday.
>owning a webcam
>tfw your private tracker doesn't have something and you have to dirty yourself going to filthy pubs
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>not having a vpn
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>mfw I watch eJ-6i
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It's not about that.

It's about upping the amount of "PLS SEED ONLY 1/kbs ;____;" comments
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>tfw terrified every time I torrent because I use BitTorrent and also have no security or antivirus software
>So to recap, the report asks congress to legalize spyware, malware, trojans, and ransomware — all tools developed by cybercriminals to rob you of something that doesn’t really belong to them. In defense of the media companies, they do own the copyright on media that’s being pirated, but that shouldn’t give them justification to carelessly violate all sorts of privacy rights on the off chance that someone is stealing digital copies of their music, movies, TV, games, books, and so on.

Holy shit that article.
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>mfw I don't know that feeling

What are you looking for? What trackers do you use?
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You'd be bored watching me posting on /tv/ all day and pulling the reaction face faces when trying to find reaction images.
>who still uses utorrent

Idiots who like adware and spyware.
I'm only in one tracker and I'm too lazy to get into more, I probably will eventually. Just sometimes it doesn't have old films.

>What trackers do you use?

>Implying every torrent client doesnt have spyware

top lel
>12MB installer
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>You'd be bored watching me posting on /tv/ all day
>implying you don't browse /tv/ with your pants around your ankles while you make your lewd comments
>>33780399 (OP)
>being this misinformed
the trolls on /g/ got to you didn't they?
>While not currently permitted under U.S. law, there are increasing calls for creating a more permissive environment for active network defense that allows companies not only to stabilize a situation but to take further steps, including actively retrieving stolen information, altering it within the intruder’s networks, or even destroying the information within an unauthorized network. Additional measures go further, including photographing the hacker using his own system’s camera, implanting malware in the hacker’s network, or even physically disabling or destroying the hacker’s own computer or network.


Oh my god.
I've heard that the utorrent MPAA rumors are a bunch of bullshit and they had proof to back it up, but I don't remember what it was.

All I know is shit that would take ages to download or stop downloading entirely because it wouldn't connect to peers on deluge works just fine on utorrent.
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>mfw anon sees my orgasm face

And I totally would browse like that if I lived alone.
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>Not pointing your webcam at an image of hardcore scat porn for the FBI to enjoy
>The hilariously named "Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property" has finally released its report, an 84-page tome that's pretty bonkers. But amidst all that crazy, there's a bit that stands out as particularly insane: a proposal to legalize the use of malware in order to punish people believed to be copying illegally. The report proposes that software would be loaded on computers that would somehow figure out if you were a pirate, and if you were, it would lock your computer up and take all your files hostage until you call the police and confess your crime.


Get ready to be raped for all those movies you download, /tv/
>have your photograph taken via your webcam

not having tape over your webcam
i don't have a webcam so i'll be fine
>The almost-respectfully-sounding Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property (read: the entertainment industry) has come up with a new 84 page report (pdf) that has a few curious recommendations for Congress. Among them is the request by the industry that they be allowed to use malware, trojans, and other countermeasures against pirates. That includes the use of so-called "ransomware," which would allow the entertainment industry to lock down your computer and all of your files -- until you purportedly confess to downloading copyrighted materials:


It's coming, /tv/
I hope you tape over your phones camera too
>The report proposes that software would be loaded on computers that would somehow figure out if you were a pirate, and if you were, it would lock your computer up and take all your files hostage until you call the police and confess your crime.

ARRGHH!! holey sheet!
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>>33780399 (OP)

>living in a repressive country that cares about pirating


off urself
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Land of freedom everyone
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>that would somehow figure out if you were a pirate, and if you were, it would lock your computer up and take all your files hostage until you call the police and confess your crime.
>that would somehow figure out

And here is the part which makes it difficult for legislators, because if they mistakenly seize/damage your computer because their program mistakenly thought you were downloading illegally, then they've fucked up and you can sue their balls to the wall.
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>tfw not american
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Is tixati free as in open source or only free as in beer?

I hate to admit that I use utorrent. I installed deluge alongside it but I just prefer utorrent for one reason: it allows me to seed the absolute minimum without getting any pentaly whatsoever on my downloading speed. Thus I only leech, seed 1kb/s and stop the torrent after it's done.
>>33780399 (OP)

That sort of thing is considered terrorize under current laws. It is computer based and that makes it even worse.
What about if I use utorrent 2.21?
/v/ did worn me and I used Deluge, thanks guys even though all the Jew mockery hurts my feelings ;_;
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Why don't you want to share anon :(
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>MFW I have all my important data on a physically separate disk so i dont give a shit if i have to load a new os copy
>MFW the os is pirated too
>As discussed in the cyber recommendations above, if counter attacks against hackers were legal, there are many techniques that companies could employ that would cause severe damage to the capability of those conducting IP theft. These attacks would raise the cost to IP thieves of their actions, potentially deterring them from undertaking theses activities in the first place ... Further work and research are necessary before moving ahead.


/tv/ I hope you don't live in America when malware is put on your computer to prove you are a pirate and then you actually have to get a job to pay back the MPAA
>using anything but utorrent 1.8.2

>getting torrents from anywhere but forums with strict member reviews and guidelines
>He thinks people will actually pay the money.

All it will do is encourage people to become hobos.
On a related note, is there a way to export all the torrents I'm currently seeding on uTorrent to their .torrent files? I've been meaning to switch clients but it seems like a pain in the ass

>>33780399 (OP)
>more news about anti-piracy arms race
>viruses, malware

>implying we don't dodge that shit all the time already.
>implying my VPN and VM give a shit

Also, I have the latest uTorrent and there's never been any ads. I never understood why people say that. Are they retarded?
I don't know, but I remember Bruce Lee saying a similar "work hard" statement.

I wish exercise was as simple as pushing yourself to wanting to almost fainting, that sentiment is far more likely to just leave you sore the next morning.
>not using 2.2
>being this wat

holy shit
I'm not scared.
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Deluge Masterrace
>I just prefer utorrent for one reason: it allows me to seed the absolute minimum without getting any pentaly whatsoever on my downloading speed. Thus I only leech, seed 1kb/s and stop the torrent after it's done.

And this is why I fucking hate uTorrent.
but i use utorrent 2.2.1
no adware
Will Smith - "Fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me. Danger is very real. But Fear is a choice."
>paying for piracy
Fear is a logical phenomena, if your body feels serene in the face of danger your biological data has been malwared
I don't liek buttsecks

uT 2.2.1 is cool and all, anon

Understand, though - we cannot ever receive support and updates for our client. It's basically abandonware as soon as there's something revolutionary introduced into the FOSS clients.
Deluge stops my torrents at 98%

fucking sucks dicks

That sounds like it was written by a failed video game journalist.
Please update your guide. See:

I don't NEED updates. Speed is skyrocketing and shit is getting downloaded, anything else is irrelevant.
Seriously, in this day and age, people ACTUALLY using a controversial closed source bittorrent client are kind of asking to get screwed over. People made secure and free alternatives for us, and they released them for free. Why not use it? Why keep making somebody who disrespects you rich? God, go fuck yourselves. All of you morons. This is like walking into the showers in prison, publicly slathering Vaseline on your asshole, and then being surprised when somebody asrapes you.
They only look for people downloading pleb blockbuster films and not niche, old or foreign films, so /tv/ has some cause for concern.
you can do that with deluge idiot.
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That is just fucking awful. No wonder that kid has a scrunch face, if that's what he has to listen to.
You mean, the least economic program in history? I don't understand why a torrent program needs to be such a CPU hog.
>implying pleb shit isnt entirely what /g/ downloads via a torrent client owned by a company that does business with the MPAA
Correction: you don't need updates NOW. Some day, however, the torrenting communities will rely on new features that the old client will lack. And there will be no way to introduce them.
>security holes
cry harder , I don't want to use your buggy free software.

>concerned about comments on torrent sites
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So just don't update it.


That sure is a hard job to do.
>commenting on torrent sites
where to download rtorrent?
babby"s lil lawyer
It's only controversial to mentally ill computer illiterate morons who will believe anything spammed enough times. Which is where this comes from. OP is that spammer. He literally spent months on /g/ spamming threads like this every few hours. This all amount to OP being a loser whose life is so empty he's spend an absurd amount of time trying to force a meme and you being such a dimwitted easily manipulated moron you fall for it if its repeated enough. The entire root of the so called controversy is than uTorrent removed torrent engine search boxes from their website when the MPAA threatened then. This got twisted and exaggerated into a mentally ill paranoid retardation that they are now somehow in league with the MPAA because they removed search engine boxes. uTorrent is made by the people who inventing torrent. The very nature of torrenting is very transparent. No one needs to go through any trouble to find out who is pirating what. Your IP is announced to everyone if they connect to a torrent swam. Stop embarrassing yourselves with your computer illiterate and report this thread as the spam it is.
install gentoo
I would love if this happened. Imagine if all the plebs who downloaded the Avengers got caught and now they can't post on /tv/ because they have to pay 10 grand to the MPAA.

/tv/ would improve overnight.
You need linux.
yeah ok, but utorrent has superior connection speed and ui.

just get 2.2.1 or get #rekt.
when did you sell your soul
Why aren't they going after spammers? That is more in the public's interest.
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>the public's interest
Doing illegal shit with a closed source client is fucking stupid anyway.
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Deluge has the exact same UI, in fact a bit better. It's also up to date and just as fast or faster.
Saying stupid shit like this that proves you're a computer illiterate is fucking stupid.
Are you ignoring the very real intention to put malware on the computers of the people who download illegal copies of movies, etc?

Did you even read the articles?
Try it out yourself. uTorrent also does some pretty shady things. It homes out to IPs when theres no jobs in queue and updates are disabled.
There's optons for it in preferences yes but there's not a chance it works as flawlessly as uTorrent. uploading speed goes beyond the selected speed. Quite a few kb/s is taken off the downloading speed.
>not using 2.2
>paying to pirate
oh em gee scary, its probably telling the world you're a pedophile and stuff, epic win lel pleb
Torrenting is only downloading an innocuous piece of information. That the entire file eventually appears is magic.
deluge is a linux port with several quirks on windows. utorrent is not (although it has a few quirks as well).
>Living in a country where corporations have more rights than you do
It's all magnets.
As a computer programmer, I love idiots like OP. You can always tell the posers like him. To him "open source" is like a fucking movement or some retarded shit he uses to make himself feel less lonely and like hes part of something. He of course has no use for source code as he couldn't understand it if he tried. He's a poser after all. As such, guys like me take advantage of this large group of posers with the open source bait and switch. Open source is like a imaginery friend protecting him in his mind, his poser feelings of security based on assumptions someone else checked it for him. The bait and switch comes from the easy reality that you provide clean code and an infected binary. Someone did this to the 12 year olds on /b/ some time ago with their retarded loic shit. Hilarious.
Yes! I feel that torrenting is a wizardly function and should be protected under Freedom of Religion.

Where are the militant Libertarians when we need them?!
Windows shill plz go
Is this real?
Just because some people are gullible like that doesn't mean FOSS isn't the better solution for the common user, fucktard.
>m-muh freedumbs
The common user has no idea what source code is or how to edit or compile, why would it be the best solution.
Because the software can be actively improved by people who do. Not just the select few who are ready to abandon the project the moment the cash stops flowing.
>not using the 2.0.3 version free of such nonsense
>not using a better, actively improved, up-to-date FOSS client free of such nonsense
itt samefag autists
>Ubuntu with KDE

top lels
>implying it doesn't work that other people check it for them. Protip: word of mouth works
>implying those same people also won't tell what binaries are reputed or not

FOSS works for everybody in the same manner as movie spoilers do.
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There's like one ad.
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>actually using that piece of shit
oh god what are you fucking retarded?
>tolerating ads in your client when there are better clients with no ads
I don't know about the cops stuff, but I don't understand why you wouldn't switch for that reason alone. Or at least block the ad in your hosts file.
Does anyone know what happened to movie2k?
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It's minimized 99.9% of the time. Why the fuck would I look at it after grabbing the magnet link?
utorrent for mac, never seen an ad in my life
>using 3 year old software
>not using appchan
dear god, your life must be miserable
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you can disable ads
>not disabling ads
>r u single?

Omg are you some kind of queer with that purple Windows theme? Not only are you using ads but you seem to be a fag.
That still doesnt explain why you would use it when there are better clients available without ads
Lets say I win a competition and can choose between 2 of the same model of car, one with a picture of a dick in the glovebox and one without. Yeah I'm not going to be looking in the glovebox much at all but I'm still going to chose the one without it.
You can disable all the ads.
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>been using uTorrent since 05
>never got a virus
>never got a ISP complaint
Is bitlord any good?
Windows 8 cycles through color schemes to match your desktop wallpaper.
It changes themes depending on the dominant color in my wallpaper. I think it's kinda neat.
Me too.
>having a purple wallpaper

fucking fags
>is the client I downloaded because it was on le pirate bay good
>this guy
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My wallpaper is Anna Kendrick

I think maybe I am a fag
Takes 30 seconds, super easy.
Does this even matter to me since i'm not American?
Doesn't necessarily mean his wallpaper is purple.
IIRC, the megaupload guy wasn't American.
Look what happened.
I hope you don't think that disabling lets you avoid being made revenue from. I'm sure uTorrent has other ways to monetize your usage.
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Forgot image.
Deciding on a torrent client:
>I could download a client which will try and persuade me to install adware, comes with loads of space inefficient features I will not use and requires me to research how to disable an intrusive ad.
>I could download a program with a simple fast installer (or no install) which does what I need better than the alternatives without the unnecessary bullshit.

Wow such a difficult decision.
Actually, nothing happened because they fucked up with the evidence.
The windows version looks exactly the same.
Why should I care about that?
Hm it's weird I've never even thought to check.

>Look what happened.
His government apologised to him for illegaly spying on him, and America is slowly losing the lawsuit against him?
I don't think I was talking to you, I was just trying to help out that guy if he wanted to keep utorrent.
I'd rather just uninstall adware altogether.
Good luck catching me...i don't have a webcam...muhuhaha
>His government apologised to him for illegaly spying on him, and America is slowly losing the lawsuit against him?

And do you think you will be apologized to and be able to win your lawsuit once the malware is loaded on your Windows machine and your photograph is taken, activities logged, and your computer locked down for the police to pick up?
>I don't think I was talking to you
>On a fucking image board
What? I was just commenting on the complete pointlessness of disabling ads when the majority of clients don't even have ads.
Do you have a refutation to my point or do you enjoy using an inferior program?
Thanks again, I forgot how autistic these people get about "muh technology"
I wonder how many famous people pirate. Pretty sure all the famous people over here who saw Ep 9 of GoT pirated it.
This is why I come to 4chan. You guys keep me in the loop.
I didn't intend to enter a debate, I was just offering advice and found it strange that you would choose my post to launch your soapbox.
no ads on 2.2.1


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