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Every person I talk to about Pacific Rim says that it looks stupid, or looks too much like Transformers. I try to explain why it looks great, but nobody seems to give a shit about the technical aspects of it, and still shrug it off.

Guillermo will never have another big budget film to direct.
>>34313410 (OP)
>No new posts after 5 minutes
It won't fail.

Little kids love movies like this.
it may be fun.

I'm actually sort of annoyed by Charlie Day in the commercials though..
the trouble is that it's a film made for actual nerds rather than ordinary plebs who think they're nerds because they like the big bang theory
the best you can hope for is cult status
It'll make a profit for sure. will it be up there with Ironman or Man of Steel? I'd say 50/50 on the chances of it being a high earner.
>>34313410 (OP)

its a gamble for the studio and del toro

normal people havent heard of pacific rim like they have superheors or transformers so if this doenst make a big profit then del toro is fucked and will go back to $25 million budget indie movies.
Why does something so insignificant manage to make you emotionally upset?

Haven't you reached full maturity yet?
Nope, the adverts make it look like transformers.

They blew it.
i don't think that would necessarily be a bad thing
>emotionally upset
dat redundancy
I had never heard of it before. I didnt even know this pacific rim was a "thing" before. It looks like transformers and I have no interest.

This movie is going to absolutely bomb
isn't transformers enormously successful?
how is looking like that a bad thing from a marketing perspective?
Calm down, sugartits. You might get physically upset.
Transformers was a shit that escaped from Hell because it had the worst cast ever assembled for a plot that took itself way too seriously.

People just want giant robots beating the fuck out of each other and/or other things. That's what Pacific Rim's giving them.
its got "John Carter" written all over it.

nobody except robot fanboys and weeaboo godzilla faggots have heard of it.

with a budget of $180 million plus marketing of $100 million

this movie needs to make $600 million to turn a profit.
>sort of annoyed
>emotionally upset

It just seems he will be that typical nerd in the movie with stupid dialogue and nothing else.

I like the guy, that's why I'm hoping I'm just being making dumb assumptions.
transformers made a billion because every kid on the planet had a transformers toy, we know what they are.

what the fuck IS pacific rim?
not exactly transformers but like the guy above me said about john carter which looked too much like avatar for everyone's tastes

We have had transformers and its done and people were over it by the last one. Most who saw it just wanted to see how they would wrap it up. Plus transformers is a much more recognizable brand than pacific rim
>>34313410 (OP)
>Every person I talk to about Pacific Rim says that it looks stupid, or looks too much like Transformers

yeah that sounds like an accurate sample size
John Carter was so much better than Mountain of Shit
So they're making a live action Neon Genesis Evangelion movie?

Why you guys didn't tell me about this?
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>Pacific Rim ad comes up on TV
>dubstep and dragons
No no, that's what my friends say too.

Casuals gonna casual. If you're not using recognizable brand names or actors, you're not going to be nearly as successful as you could have been.
How does that work? Surely if it cost $180m to make and $100m to market it needs $280m to turn a profit?

Not this shit again
Looks stupid as fuck. Who cares about the technical aspects when it's a Transformers movie?

nope, because all profits are taxed and the theaters get a cut of the profit too, a movie needs to make double what it spends to make a profit.
b-but muh idris elba
A better movie then Transformers
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Who's going to play Asuka in this new Evangelion movie?

I hope it's Bella. She would be perfect.
Theatre profit is extremely minimal. For the first few weeks a movie is in theatres the venue only gets about 50 cents/ticket. The longer it remains in theatres the higher share they get. That's why soda and popcorn cost so much, it's the only thing they make money off of.
>>34313410 (OP)
>or looks too much like Transformers
This is the part that irks me most. There is no way that Guillermo is Bay-level shit-tier.
This is actually pretty accurate.
They don't give a shit about the American audience.

Have you seen the cast? Have you looked at the Jaegers and Kaiju? The effects?

This is an international movie. It will make at least $500mil from international sales alone.
>>34313410 (OP)
You know what I never thought of that. I'm just hyped because /tv/ and MUH evangelion but it probably does look stupid to the public.
>implying something as shitty as NGE would get it's own live-action film adaptation
Also, I always feel like anime/manga can only be played by Japanese people or people of Asian descent. Look at Dragonball: Evolution.
>evangelion look a likes
>portal voice

This isn't for "real" nerds at all. This is leddit tier shit.
>>34313410 (OP)
> looks too much like Transformers
So its going to make tons more money than it deserves to? Thats good to know.
could well be blockbuster of the year

this film has 1bn potential
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>looks like Transformers

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>go watch Man of Steel
>trailer for Pacific Rim comes on
>oh shit dis gun b gud
>trailer ends
>jacked bro with skanky gf sitting beside me
>"Pfffff, looks like Transformers"
Mah niggas.
That's very optimistic. It'll almost certainly open weak.
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>be mexican
>never watched any other mecha/giant monsters stuff except for 98 godzilla movie and series
>get told here that mexicans are supposed big mecha fans
>search some spanish/subtitled trailers to see if la banda is hyped

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>implying it didn't

What is this thread about then?

Looks like Evangelion to me.
I don't get this movie. It looks literally the same as transformers and people are hyping it. What the fuck? Yesterday we saw the trailer in the cinema and the whole cinema cringed.
it has no real competition Lone Ranger is a week before it in the coveted July 4th weekend slot. Wolverine is two weeks after it.

Lone Ranger is got a high chance of flopping. Only Depp and the July 4th slot are going to save it.
might as well say Warm Bodies looks just like 28 Days Later because they are both zombie genre films.
how do you know they all fucking cringed? did you talked to everyone there? could you see everyone's faces?

fuck, I remember early rimjob threads and everyone seem excited and now there are a lot of shit talkers
transformers 3 made a billion I think this could do the same

it won't tho
I hope it does well. I'm gonna take my dad to see this in cinema, we always watch Guillermo's films together.
Except this doesn't have dumb shit, angst-y, emo teenagers. While NGE was a source of inspiration, it seems they took some of the good parts, and left out all the bad. Cry more you weaboo faggot.
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Hnnggg every time

I have a feeling this is going to end up like Dredd. Still hopeful, I'm gonna go buy 4 tickets and see it by myself.
My group made fun of it and people in front laughed at how bad it looks. One guy said he might bring a kid to this.
Del Toro and Idris Elba are both unknowns to the person off the street.
Speaking of things, any news on that artbook?
I mean, did someone upload it by any chance?
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nobody except turbonerds and 12 year old boys care about giant robots fighting. the entire movie looks like they're trying to cater to "nerd culture" (giant robots yeah so cool wow!!! and that robot from portal is in it!!! us nerds right??)

if i want to go see a sci-fi popcorn flick, i'm going to spend my money on something that offers me a universe with more than "big robots fight monsters"
So you are in favor of the same small pool of directors and actors making constant sequels/prequels/reboots/adaptions of known franchises. For ever into eternity. ??
Damn I thought mexi bros were down at least because of del taco directing.

b-but muh godzilla films
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Isn't this a kids movie?

Why should I be exited?

I bet you faggots also watch Doctor Who and Spongebob.

fucking grow up already.
You sure are mad. It actually looks like a film made by nerds for people who genuinely like the same things they do.
OK Pops. the law and order reruns are that way >>>
>no fun allowed
I enjoy Herzog and Hanneke as much as the next pleb, but come one.
>I only watch taxi driver and goodfellas, for I am a well cultured and matured individual
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that's fine, just keep the viral marketing in your obscure mecha rule 34 boards or wherever you all live
No, I'm just saying there's no draw here for the general audience.

Box office performance is going to be all word-of-mouth, and how well it connects with disparate niche audiences (mecha fans, tv actor fans, del toro fans, etc).
What happened in your life to make you so jaded?

Not every fucking film has to be some work of art.
The detail and animatronic work on Del Told's movies are amazing.
Toro should develop a ride based on this movie where you control a Jagger
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>implying herzog isn't fun
>giving a fuck about box office performance
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>Alien life
>They came from deep beneath the Pacific
>Alien life

seriously? jesus christ
Enjoy your robot monsters movie anon. Try to collect all the action figures!
And get electronic shocks because of the wirings and water.
can you not into lovecraft?
>muh patrishuuun tasteee XD
You probably don't understand what alien means.
have you seen the feature on the Jaeger cockpit set GDT built? he built eveyrthing you see on screen but the foot attachments and the glowing holographic controls.
Of The Bull is obviously doing this for his love and interest for nerdy stuff but this not being well recieved might hurt both him and this type of movies from being made
It's a portal from another world that opened deep beneath the Pacific.
no I was thinking more like soaring over California, except you are in something like the set heads in PR
what's appealing to you about the mecha vs giant monster thing?
i dont find that very compelling as a story.
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>People actually don't like kaiju films

What are you, faggots?
Yes, that is in fact what studios care about

Is that... a gold tooth?

These are the same people who watch re-runs of TTGL and Evangelion and build Gundams in their mom's basement. It's not a film meant for well-adjusted members of society.
That's not the story, it's a plot device.
It's the topic of this thread.
It's probably not for you then. There are shitloads of people who grew up watching Japanese monster movies and love Guillermo's attention to detailed set pieces and monster design.
>implying NGE fags are gonna be flocking to this
Do you not understand how offended weaboo faggots are at this? It's quite laughable.
well, why do THEY find it compelling?
Why should we care about it? It's not like they're cancelling the movie if it doesn't do well in theaters. Isn't the most important fact if you like the movie or not yourself?
>>34313410 (OP)
when I first saw it I thought "how fucking stupid?" Then I spent my money on superman. That movie sucked so much dick. There have been films in the past that I thought just looked plain dumb but ended up liking. I'm hoping thats the case with pacific rim. Actually, i've even began to look forward to it.
Cause they can? Not everyone conforms to your opinions and ideas faggot
>implying this won't be a pop culture phenomenon that shifts mass audience tastes in blockbusters for generations to come

because del toro is doing the same thing, just that his gundams are really big, and he's paying a lot of money to have people act in them.
This. I didn't believe it would be actually successful but now that Superman is being (unjustly) panned for being 2grimdark it seems that people are now ready for an non-grimdark blockbuster
Yeah, it's amazing. There was also a video on youtube about the props and animatronics that they made for Hellboy movies.
idris elba is a good actor and I hope del torro is good at what he does. The monsters are really meh but the sci fi stuff is really exciting to me. The world seems complete and not just tacked on to make an action film.
what are some cool monsters according to you
I think that this one is more Shadow of Colossus than EVA or Transformers.
I would have preferred Tom Cruise over Idris Elba, mainly because Elba is in everything these days and Cruise would have been god tier in this.
superman is not being panned for being too "2grimdark (?)." Man of steel is a shit film with shit action.
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>>34313410 (OP)

The upside here is that those same complainers made all the Transformers movies and the new Star Treks and other retarded shit into financial successes. They can say what they want, they'll show up for this. They may not have any standards to keep them from feeding Michael Bay, but that means they also don't have any to keep them from feeding Guills.

Big scale "epic" CGI, an ad campaign with BRRRRM and "AT THE END OF OUR HOPE" in the trailer, that's all you need to pull them in.

Idris needs to become A-list. He's a much more talented actor and deserves it more than Cruise.
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>being excited for ''Transformers with bigger robots and aliens: the movie''
I dont care for monsters. I'm fine with them as the bad guys of the film but they're not something I get excited about.

At a push, a decent monster flick might be something akin to the thing. The monster in that film is intelligent and that inteligence is scary not just the monster itself.
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>It's a portal from another world that opened deep beneath the Pacific.

How about all that fucking water?

Doesn't it go inside the portal?

What a shit movie.
im not saying they can't, asshole, im asking why? im curious.
what's the allegory? what about TTGL and Evangelion and Gundamns speaks to you? and why does it speak to you?
Great then Pacific Rim would be 2 hours of Cruise running around.

Elba > Cruise any day.
It's probably a one way portal.
Fuck dog, I ain't seen tha movie yet AND neither did you. Nigga.
one way portals dumbass
then what's the plot? because i cant decipher it from the trailers and people talking about it here?
from an outsider (who have never seen any of the stuff pacific rim is based on) it seems like a movie entirely concerns with just that "plot device" and not much else.
so is it just nostalgia? the same reason people go watch batman? cool.
>muh pseudointellectual assumptions about a fictional device
>not understanding the concept of humanity coming together to fight a threat through cooperation and science

not every action movie has to have the conceit "well there is this edgy/conflicted guy who happens to have superpowers"
>implying this is supposed to be a horror flick
>implying it isn't action
>implying many pseudo-intellectual fagtrons on this board will enjoy rock-em-sock--em-lovecraft
>implying fun is allowed
>implying 90% of these posts are trolls
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>one way portal

Lets throw physics out of the window
>magic portal from another dimension

jesus christ

It's two way. The last battle is fought on the other side.
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go start a pluto/goofy race debate somewhere faggot
Del Toro seems to indicate that it's not- he said in an interview that we will get to see what's on the other side of the rift, and the scene where all the jaegers are going under the water makes it look like they're heading to a big climacti fight on the kaiju's side of the rift.
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>pacific rim

pick two
it's an alright summer blockbuster, its detractors arguments are basically "baaaaaw not like in my donner movie" or "superman doesn't kill"
OK. that makes sense. and then everything falls apart again once the monsters are gone. alright....might be cool.
jeez christ you are fucking autistic
>End of Evangelion movie
>can't identify religious allegory
>pleb of plebs and fag of fags, glory, halle-lu-jah
>the concept of humanity coming together to fight a threat through cooperation and science
another generic concept? *sigh*
Why do you assume it's a vacuum on the other side?

Honestly, I'm pretty interested in how they tackle this Lovecraftian multiverse setup.
Well besides having been horribly and directed, it also completely misses the point and concept of Superman.
never seen it
Here;s some actual numbers on the topic: http://www.boxoffice.com/articles/2013-06-is-pacific-rim-2013s-biggest-box-office-wild-card

Evangelion had an amazing atmosphere and wasn't afraid to fuck with brilliantly written and relatable characters.
It had it's own unique voice and was subverting traditional tropes left and right.
Also, the visuals were stunning and monster and EVA design was original and disturbing.
It was uneven as fuck, but who cares.
Personally, I've seen it and hated it. I don't remember the donner movies and I distinctly remember not liking the film before superman killed zod.

but this is off topic and ill speak no more of it. I'm hoping this film delievers.
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what if there's also an ocean on the other side?
It's going to impact what Del Toro does in the future. He's already struggled with securing projects for himself for several years now.
diff. anon but I can 100% tell you that the missing word here is "edited". Horribly edited and directed.......

fucking film jumped around like crazy. Makes batman suddenly reappearing in gotham seem mild by comparison.
I can't attest to Gundam, but I can say that as long as you sub the last two episodes of the evangelion series with the end of evangelion movie you get your time's worth with that ending. It's worth a watch.

So, basically, early word of mouth will decide it? Guess we'll won't really hear much of that for another week or two.
Because Del Toro is a great film makers, and if this fails, he probably won't be able to get some projects off the ground.

A bit of a Freudian slip there, but yes that is the exact word I was thinking.
Initiating launch operations. Gypsy danger. Pilots ready to connect. Two pilots engaged in neural bridge.

Holy shit, Charlie Day cut this movie's brakes!
>implying it isnt going to be the best summer blockbuster since all the others failed
i did not even consider this. however what sort of world do these things come from, gigantism and their amphibian nature imply a massive planet with oceans and continents as well. What do they eat? Other kaiju? is there a vast ecosystem supporting them? who opened the portal?
Good point. Can see this doing modestly domestic but then making a good 400mil over seas like
What if in the sequel humans will go to their world
yes!! Not its up to the film to deliver on those questions. Make a good goddamned film and not some action adventure.
it's implied in the movie that something sent the kaiju to earth for the purpose of wiping out humanity. the kaiju also have biological weapons like EMP, anti air darts, etc. The Kaiju are all probably creations of some intelligence.

They're not naturally occurring. The Kaiju in this movie are living bio-weapons of mass destruction, engineered by beings who live on the other side of the portal. They send the kaiju through to wipe Humanity off of Earth, so these beings can come through and colonize our universe, since theirs is in the finals stages of heat death.
What is a kaiju?

Also the 3d Rei is getting dubbed by the 2D Reis voice actor. Its practically guaranteed to be a huge hit in Japan.
The twist is that the Kaiju are jaegers from the future and we've been fighting ourselves without realizing it. The kaiju finally managed to push to our side and think they're winning the war against what they see as the kaiju.
Then at the very end King Ghidora is teased to go through the portal.
They're artificial. They're bioweapons created by an inscrutable agency that intends to exterminate humanity and colonize the Earth.

"Kaiju" is the term for a giant monster like Godzilla in Japan. It's also used to refer to the entire genre of giant monster movies.
I don't remember where I heard it, but apparently del toro gave James Cameron a cut of the film and Cameron gave like 9 pages of notes that del toro then used to further edit it, so since king Midas himself has touched I'll say it's going to b massive

Is it really that important? I mean, who needed Darth Vader's origin story? Wasn't alien from Alien much more interesting before we learned that it's basically a big bug?
Some things can be left to imagination, some should be.

>There is no room that is more fun to visit than the art department of a Guillermo Del Toro film in full swing. If there was a job that consisted of just drawing new crazy-ass monsters every day, I think Guillermo would have that job, and he would be the happiest man alive. He always puts together these great teams of artists, and then he encourages them to try anything and everything. [...] all dedicated to realizing the vision of the cackling Mexican madman at the middle of this hurricane, Guillermo.

>The film also seems to have a strong undercurrent of "brilliant outsider who has been prevented from doing his job for a while shows up ready to kick some ass and then KICKS SOME ASS," and it would be very easy to see Guillermo as that person. He has had some time away from features, and not by choice, so there is a bit of a sort of act-of-faith fervor to the filmmaking here. Listening to him talk about the design and rewrite phase of this film, he sounded both very happy and also like he was still not sure it was really happening, half expecting it to get shut down for reasons beyond his control. Every decision he made during that time seemed reasonable and well-advised and creatively interesting, and the films just didn't happen.

>When Guillermo offers someone a job on a film, he asks them, "Do you want to come and play with us?" And when you see him in his element, as he definitely was on "Pacific Rim," that's exactly what comes through. He's playing. He's free and he's playing the biggest game of monsters and robots ever.
Xenomorphs are a bio weapon of the space jockey/engineer race.

They are the end result of a deadly mutagen agent. That the engineers use to wipe out their own creations.
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mfw I figured out what you meant by freudian slip

Yes, but nobody knew that when the first two movies came out, and those movies were big hits. Nobody NEEDED to know where the aliens came from. The mystery was more interesting than anything they cooked up in Prometheus.
Jaeger piloted by Shaw and David.
Why do people say this is a movie for nerds?

It's robots, with pilots that have to synchronize dance moves, vs monsters

I see nothing even remotely nerdy
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>be watching sons of anarchy season 3
>come across this thread
>realize pacific rim has a trailer
>watch trailer
>jax is narrating
>clay is in the trailer
Because I love the ending.

>dat primordial soup as blood of mother deity
>dat orgasmic ascension and unity with creator
>dat kabbalah and gnostic references
>the last two episodes of evangelion were horrible. Horrible.
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>The film also seems to have a strong undercurrent of "brilliant outsider who has been prevented from doing his job for a while shows up ready to kick some ass and then KICKS SOME ASS," and it would be very easy to see Guillermo as that person. He has had some time away from features, and not by choice, so there is a bit of a sort of act-of-faith fervor to the filmmaking here. Listening to him talk about the design and rewrite phase of this film, he sounded both very happy and also like he was still not sure it was really happening, half expecting it to get shut down for reasons beyond his control. Every decision he made during that time seemed reasonable and well-advised and creatively interesting, and the films just didn't happen.

This is why I'm excited for this move. Del Toro isn't just some hack working for a paycheck, he's a passionate filmmaker who hasn't been allowed to make films for several years. The guy's out to prove something to himself and to Hollywood.

>While NGE was a source of inspiration

it's not the only fucking monster/mech anime ever and the fucking mechs in it are not even true mechs for fuck's sake
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do you really need to ask?
I smell DDR repackaged for the Xbone and PS4 this Christmas.
I've asked all my coworkers, siblings and friends about it and they don't know anything.

"Pacific Rim?"

Also just looking at the facebook likes, it's not going to be pretty

Hopefully the movie sucks so we don't want a sequel

Wait are they really making a hour long movie with the plot of Dance like you want to win!? Please tell me this is a joke.


But a fantastic thing about EVA is the journey, you start out as a generic Monster of the week and then watching how it slowly descends.
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>mfw Prometheus ship is actually a Jaeger that can transform
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sons gets pretty crazy at the end of season 5 when they do the lead in to pacific rim man. Those fucking niners and their robot rims, and don't even get me started on the mayans....
Since when are giant robots and monsters nerdy? They're some of the coolest things ever.
Did I say it was? All I said was the it was A source of inspiration, not THE source. As in "one of many sources of inspiration".

lrn2readingcomprehension fagot.

Did you not read this?: >>34315425

Compared to online buss for July releases in previous years, Pacific Rim is doing quite well.
the less plebs care the better it will be
not enought talking for you, homosexual?
mexican here, fucking lel'd at the pic
>>the last two episodes of evangelion were horrible. Horrible.
>tfw you have a large collection of Ultraman, Godzilla, and Gamera action figures
woah they have to dance?

Not to casual and and wide-audience members. In my experience, anyone who expresses an interest in stuff like this would at least be considered slightly nerdy. But that may also be because I do have a bunch of friends who don't share all the same interests as I do.

>So far though, our social network tracking indicates that--at the very least--the genre fan crowd is pumped for del Toro's popcorn flick. Pacific Rim accounted for 4,818 tweets between June 14-18. That's 44 percent behind the comparable time frame performance of last year's Prometheus, though its nature as a "prequel" to the Alien franchise likely accounted for the higher activity. Another good sign for Pacific Rim is its 104 percent stronger performance than 2011's Cowboys & Aliens.

>Pacific Rim: 4,818 tweets
>Prometheus: 8,641 tweets
>Cowboys & Aliens: 2,360 tweets
>Super 8: 1,885 tweets

>Warner Bros.' July tentpole is performing even more strongly on Facebook. Its 253,783 fans 24 days out from release top all of our non-sequel comparison films. Pacific Rim has a healthy 24 percent lead over Prometheus' same-point count, and huge 122 percent and 517 percent advantages over Cowboys & Aliens and Super 8, respectively.

>Pacific Rim: 253,783 fans
>Prometheus: 204,711 fans
>Cowboys & Aliens: 113,411 fans
>Super 8: 31,124 fans

>Last but not least, the Flixster user score for Pacific Rim sits at a strong 98 percent "want to see" from roughly 32,000 voters. With over three weeks to build on that, it's on pace to easily surpass Prometheus' final count of 36,870 voters (which gave it a 97 percent score). Cowboys & Aliens had a strong vote total (also within reach for Pacific Rim), although its anticipation level sank as release approached and poor buzz spread. Super 8, meanwhile, was the modest pre-release performer before its word of mouth carried it to great success.

>Pacific Rim: 31,263 anticipating users (24 days from release)
>Prometheus: 35,764 anticipating users (1 day from release)
>Cowboys & Aliens: 37,632 anticipating users (1 day from release)
>Super 8: 24,640 anticipating users (1 day from release)
just shut the fuck up about nge already, I don't give a shit about what you meant

God I wish I had Gamera action figures. I remember seeing one movie as a kid and it was fucking awesome. Maybe I will download some of the Gamera movies now.
>>34313410 (OP)
I'm planing to see it with my m8s. we are about 20 boyos in their late 20s. this gonna be a cheeky telifilm.
Judging by that picture I'm so glad I haven't seen Transformers 2 and don't intend to.
>dem facebook numbers

This shit gonna be gud
No. Not 2deep4me. It was an utterly disappointing ending. End of Evo gave us the allegorical epic ending with the answers we needed.
>I don't give a shit about what you meant

Obviously you do since you were the one that got all butthurt about not mentioning your other sacred mechs, and were also kind enough to respond to my last post. You fucking mouth breathing neckbearded fat fuck.
Wow what a badass NGE loving weeaboo nerd. Getting your pantsu so twisted over someone telling you to shut the fuck about your favorite shitty anime.
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Remember when jocks and their skanky girlfriends said "pfft lame" during the Avatar trailer in cinemas?
Remember when no one seemed to be interested in it and some retards proclaimed it as dead on arrival?

Pacific Rim will be one of the highest grossing films this year.

Warner just went into radio silence with it because of Man Of Steel. In 2-3 weeks they will fire up that marketing machenery for Pacific Rim and soon you will be bombarded with 30 mini-spots of it on TV, radio, etc. This is their chance to start a new, hundreds of millions franchise. They will make sure this one won't bomb.

It will do more than fine, mark my words.
even the plebs will go see it after the first wave of us patricians go watch it and thoroughly enjoy the MOTY experience
I've seen people who think it looks like Real Steel or Battleship
I still can't believe they named it Pacific Rim. The movie looks like a promising action flick, something in the "what Transformers should have been" type, but what a stupid fucking name for a movie. They won't even need to change the name for the porn parody, it's all already there.
What makes you think I'm even defending NGE? Not even a big fan of it. If you bothered to even read through the thread you'd see I was deriding those NGE weaboo faggots.
What else would you have called it? Kaiju Attack?

The new marketing campaign has already started. They've released a bunch of new TV spots this week.
Well, what kind of name would you have preffered?

Lovecraftian Rift In The Pacific?
implying it won't be "this ain't no pacific rim: a xxx porn parody"
pacific rimjob
Well, it has the same high contrast look as most of those recent monster movies that all seem to be ripping off Bay of all people. Hopefully that's where the similarities end in the case of Pacific Rim.
It's a bog common geography term.
Much Ado about Kaiju
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>jaegger licks a kaiju's anus(ses) while the other skullfucks it
>plebin' it up

>>34313410 (OP)
>Implying money determines the success or failure of high art like this
you autists only know how to rate a movie based on box office numbers and rotten tomatoes percentages, and that's why you'll always be plebs
>Pacific Rim
>high art
live by the sword, die by the sword
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The implication is that
>mo $ = mo oppotunities
>mo oppotunities = long steady career
>long steady career = mo entertainment fo us
Which rim is it specifically?
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I would like to elaborate on my
>Remember when jocks and their skanky girlfriends said "pfft lame" during the Avatar trailer in cinemas?

The majority of simpletons might dislike what they see the first time around and they want everyone else in the room to know how they feel about something. You must keep in mind though that simple minded people are almost always bored, because they are too fucking dumb to figure out how to spend their free time in life enriching ways.

This is how their conversations usually go (I overheard it several times myself. This is legit)

>Skanky girlfriend: Hey jock, what should we do tonight?
>Jock: Dunno, CSI is on tonight.
>Skanky girlfriend: Nah, let's watch Jersery Shore instead?
>Jock: It's always the same I don't like that show anymore, it's so I dunno.
>Skanky girlfriend: What should we do then, I'm bored Jock?!
>Jock: Let's go to the cinema
>Skanky girlfriend:What's on?
>Jock: Some drama about gay aids people lol and that one robot movie with monsters. It looks dumb but at least it has action in it. We can have some Coronas later.
>Skanky girlfriend: Ok, but I need at least an hour to get ready. I'm calling Kelly and Jayjay. Maybe they would like to go too?
>Jock: Yeah, do that.

You see, they might say one thing, but usually do the exact opposite. Let's call it my hobby to observe retards' behaviour. Stupid people fascinate me.

Don't you mean "sPacifically?"

I was thinking the exact same thing, good on you.

Plus, it's always the assholes in the theater who HAVE to let everybody around them know what they thought.
hey bud your autism is showing.
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Consider the pacific ocean like a giant bowl. There is only one rim. If you want to argue the rim isn't one single piece, I ask you to consider the tectonic plates.
>Well, what kind of name would you have preffered?

Power Rangers - The Grittening
This will either make a shit load of money or it will be another Dredd.
Either way it will be cult status (same as Dredd) for me
>John Carter was so much bettervthan MOS
Top lele
Fuck outa here
>everyone without aspergers is an idiot hurrrrrrrrrr
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> mfw there other people apart from Spoony who compares PR to Transformers....

I thought since day 1 people were already comparing to EVA (even though it could be applied for hundreds of Anime...)

a handful of giant mechas, piloted by humans, are mankinds only hope against total annihilation
I think it's the specifics of mechas v. monsters, and having the mind-meld with the machine.
I am so hyped for this movie, you guys don't even know.
I know because I'm in hypermode myself.

Explain the depths of your hypeitude.
But Avatar became a success after plebs realized it was just as dumb as they are.
Everything in america is big to a nip.
How is it that even the negative Pacific Rim threads turn into hype threads halfway through?
>all these movies about Earth is at stake

How about Aliens infiltrating drug cartels and take out the criminal underworld ? Why does everything have to be end of the world this and that ?
It basically just looks like a high budget Power Rangers movie.
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>Tfw even fucking Australia has money for a giant mecha but apparently Mexico doesnt
It does. Apparently if there's a sequel Mexico's jaeger is planned to be in it.
Because when people stop and look at the information out there for this movie, they realize their preconceived notions regarding it are wrong?

At least, I can dream that's the reason.
If they didn't, it would be a strange oversight considering who's film this is.
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>The filmmaker went on to say that the sequel will have a Mexican Jaeger. Apparently one was intended for Pacific Rim, but wound up not making the cut. "We basically couldn't afford it," Del Toro laughed. "He was the most expensive Jaeger."

Also, this tweet, from the script writer, revealed the Jaeger's name.

>implying the mexican mecha wouldn't just be transporting drugs to the U.S.
Charlie Day‘s character Dr. Newton Geiszler works for a Pan Pacific group studying the monsters’ organs. ...Newt goes on the streets to find Hannibal (played by Ron Perlman), to get his hands on a black-market Kaiju brain, and finds himself in the middle of the action. He is obsessed with trying to share a mind space with one of the Kaiju, much in the same way the pilots share a mind space to operate the Robots, to experience what they see.

Of all the sets, the most fine detail went into Hannibal Chau’s secret lab set. There are lots of animatronic monster pieces, custom constructed aquarium structures holding Kaiju pieces. Guillermo has described the set as “the jewelry box,” from the film’s inception. Ron notes that there is always a set on a Guillermo del Toro movie with dissected creatures created for science, collecting, or both.

Four-foot long alien insect creatures called Roleypolly are found on the dead Kaiju; they’re parasites that live off the monsters. The insects are created with a combination of computer effects and full-size puppets which are robotically controlled.
>>34313410 (OP)

>3 Chinooks carrying 2,000 tons
I've never been more ready.

There are eight choppers per robot, get your eyes checked. And they can't be chinooks, those robots are nearly three hundred feet tall, the scale is all wrong. They're clearly some sort of oversized futuristic super-copters.

Absolutely perfect.
>>34313410 (OP)
You talk only to stupid people.

Ahahahahahahahaha the forklift
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>Matador Fury

It's more like Evangelion. They're mechs, not sentient robots. Jesus Christ, get it right.
Pretty sure this was a joke.
What makes you say that?

I don't think it was. All the names sound like that, and Beacham and del Toro have talked before about the sheer amount of backstory they've cooked up.
godzilla vs. mechazilla
>what Transformers should have been
I don't understand this. Transformers is a dumb action movie with giant robots. Pacific Rim is a dumb action movie with giant mechs.

How can you hate one and love the other?
/tv/ is just too autistic to realize that this mecha shit only appeals to weaboo faggots. Of course this movie will fall and it deserves to.
Evangelion is closer to "sentient robots" than mechs though you fucking retard... Sentient biological mecha...
>what the fuck IS pacific rim?
Your mom's ass
The whole most expensive jaeger comment made it seem like a joke. Though if they're actually serious about it then I'd like to see a concept at least.
Whatever. The movie was clearly influenced by NGE.
Try looking around for information about this movie. They are putting far more thought into Pacific Rim than any Transformers movie has ever gotten. And for that matter, I'd at least wait until the movie is out if I were you.
I don't see how it is. That's like saying Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla is influenced by NGE. There is nothing in common other than monsters attacking robots (and the Evas aren't even robots).
because you're an undiscerning pleb whos appraisal of a film consists of a short phrase.

I think they mean "most expensive" as in "We'd used up so much of the budget by that point that we didn't have any to spare for the Mexican Jaeger bit."

It's only a joke in that they're ironically contrasting the limits and expense of their budget against the fact that people associate Mexican products with cheapness.
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The sheer amount of obvious effort and love that is being put into this movie, the fact that Del Toro so clearly loves his fucking job and isn't just blowing shit up for a paycheck, and the lack of teenage romance bullshit so far are what separates this from Transformers in my mind.

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