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Why is it that most people don't even know Gattaca exists when it is one of the freshest, most interesting and scientifically accurate science fiction films ever made? Seriously I would put it at like six or seven in my all time scifi list.
I wouldnt have known about it if we hadnt watched it in my biology class.
>implying he didn't endanger everyone
It's my all time favourite movie.
It's not just any sci-fi movie, it's about a man and his dream.
It's about this man standing up to the world and saying "Fuck you world, I'm good enough.".
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I feel the same way about the original Rollerball
it is a really good movie, I was pleasantly surprised watching it a couple years ago
>>34832818 (OP)
More like Borettaca.
I don't even remember the plot.
>>34832818 (OP)

not as many marketing dollars as a blockbuster
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>dat Freeman heart
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>"I never saved anything for the swim back."
Right handed men don't hold it with their left.
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You want to know how I did it? This is how I did it, I never saved anything for the swim back.
gattaca is my number 1 sci fi movie, anyone rating it lower than 1 is just dumb
>>34832818 (OP)
even though the message was good, its execution was flawed

other than that, its an alright film. nothing too exciting or new. i do highly appreciate how scientificly realist it is, aside from the above problem
Mr. DeLeo's class?

fucking everything about this movie is awesome, except this line

i'm right handed and i both piss and jerk off with the left, what the fuck is this movie's fucking problem? THERE ARE MILLIONS OF US!

noope your jsut weird everyone jerks and pisses with their prominent hand
>>34832818 (OP)
It's so good but is only a seven on your list? That makes it sound terrible.
>pissing with a hand

do you guys all have that condition where your dick warps really far sideways or something?
>>34832818 (OP)
the film is literally becoming a reality right now

Pretty amazing movie, I'm still shocked I found out about it when I had to watch it in Biology.
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>they got you looking so hard for any flaw
>thatand after awhile thats all you see
The movie was really good, and I agree that it was vastly overlooked.
But I don't really understand why it is so lauded on /tv/ over so many other movies.
>boring movie
>tv production values
>main guy wants to selfishly sabotage a space mission because he's entitled
>muh rights, muh feelings

>>34832818 (OP)
>scientifically accurate science fiction films

>riding a space ship to Saturn in a business suit
It seems to be a popular film to show in high school biology class
I enjoyed the film watching it casually, but then it was one of the films we had to study in English where we had to watch it 4 times and butcher it.

I swear English ruins any text for me.
Lemme guess: you don't hold your dick because that's gay, right?
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The only movie my biology teacher ever talked about was The Day After Tomorrow because of how accurate it was regarding global warming and its consequences.
How is Rollerball science fiction?
you misspelled documentary.
How tiny is your dick where you don't have to hold it while pissing? If I didn't hold mine I would piss all down the front of my pants.
Because it's an actual nerd movie, not just a pretend one.
>>34832818 (OP)
I thought this was like a staple of 10th grade biology mandatory movie watching
Why does everyone in this movie have a "black" name?
I don't hold my dick because it's not small, so I don't need to.
wtf is a "black name"
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freak that's weird
>implying Rollerball didn't happend
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>thinking that global warming exists
daquan, tyrone, la-a, laqwanda, taqanisha, jurael, trayvon, the list goes on. you can make your own black name by playing scrabble and using all of the 8 letters you draw at the begining of the game
>Jura el

Are black people kryptonians?
no, their just niggers without any creativity
That fucking theme song.
like Primer
Jerome, Vincent, Anton, Irene, Eugene. These are black names? Where do you live that they're "black", when they're clearly European.
Beautiful movie, even though he had what it took to make his dream come true you still feel hopelessness knowing the sacrifices he had to make.
i never said that those names are those of a niggers. the guy asked what are black names, so i gave him a small list of examples
Fun fact, my step dad was an extra as one of the perfectly engineered people but he's only watched the movie once when it came out.
>>34832818 (OP)
Somebody, Somewhere Proposes Gattaca: The Series
put you in the chair like ethan hawke
sorry but I dont understand your post
It gives "dem feels" and has a very realistic take on the genre. It tapes into a small but passionate fan bases of pseudo intellectuals that /tv/ can relate with. Not to say that its not good. It's one of my favorites. I love the film noir look and feel of it all.
>film noir
>pseudo intellectuals

get your shit together son you dont know what you are talking about

>scientifically accurate
>genetic runt beating a ubermensch

OP is always a faggot
Well some nigger said it.

>Why does everyone in this movie have a "black" name?
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top lel
i know rite easily in top 5 greatest scifi of all time
i watched this shit in biology class and it ruined it for me. because i hated school and i slept through most of it
Same here
Black Men Can't Float
fuck yeah. also dat based shubert scene:

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>pseudo intellectuals

god forbid we ever give anyone the benefit of maybe being a real intellectual without waiting for their AAA+ certification from the University of Fuckwits
first its the superficial physical traits like height and eye color. then the more serious ones like asthma or a heart condition. next itl be mental/neurological things like dyslexia, add, maybe even homosexuality until everyone will be a bland near identical cookie cutter characture of each other. no one will have unique characters devoloped from adversity and struggle everyone will be the same, jump as high or run as far as the other coming up with the same solutions to the wolds problems. thats the future with eugenics
>I never saved nothing for the swim backwards.

What does this even mean?
my sides when i read that there were adults present, but they also couldnt swim
he means he gave it his all stamina-wise not caring for the swim back just to outrace him

if that were true he should've drowned
>implying homosexuality is genetic

top lel
This. Ehen fapping with your left you also have the advantage of being able to use your mouse at the same time.

Unless I have a semi my dick hangs down, I mean it's doable once I get a stream going but once it slows down I risk getting piss on my pants.
homosexuality is like autism
there was another side to the Bay niggas
You're right, it's a genetic mutation
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so is this real or fake ive never known...seems like a troll
quitre real

I absolutely loved that part.

Just like how October Sky isn't about a kid building rockets, it's about a kid's relationship with his father. The business suites was like the movie shouting "THIS MOVIE ISN'T ABOUT ROCKETS, IT'S ABOUT A MAN ACHIEVING HIS DREAM DESPITE ALL OF SOCIETY WORKING AGAINST HIM."
what the fuck class has you watch a movie multiple times?

do you mean you reviewed a couple key scenes for discussion?
there weren't even any gats in this movie.
Jude law sui iding at the end was lame.

And the whole I never saved any for the return trip was cheesy. And his bad heart was a liability to the mission and he shouldnt have joined had he any real conscience
>I was never more certain of how far away I was from achieving my goal than when I was standing right beside it.

s-stop it ;.;
>Jude law suiciding at the end was lame.
Nigger was depressed, what did you expect? He got a silver medal when he was BORN for gold. He *never* had the drive to be something, in fact, I would say he was burdened by his genetics. He found someone who could go somewhere on his genome and don't you dare tell me that Vincent didn't earn it.
>And the whole I never saved any for the return trip was cheesy.
Maybe a little, but it was still earnest and not hammy.
>And his bad heart was a liability to the mission and he shouldnt have joined had he any real conscience
His bad heart? No. He had a RISK of having a bad heart, nobody cared to look at him, they only saw his genome. That's the point of the whole movie, that's the point you missed.
And I don't think he was a liability to the mission. I previously mentioned how they only looked at people's genome, but as the Mission Director or whoever he was said, they still tested everyone thoroughly to see if they were up to snuff. If he wasn't capable, they would have dropped him from the mission.

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