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What... the fuck
>Kirby Dick

Can't Handle The Banter: The Movie
what is this about?
The US Army gets the people that haven't gone to prison yet.

It's not much wonder its infested with rapists.
cool I love Britney Spears

Just watch it, it's so fucked up. About the institutionalization of rape in the american military.

fucking america
eat shit, he does some good docos

now watch Sick: The Life & Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist

there's a scene where a guy with cystic fibrosis hammers a nail into his dick, you see him take out the nail too and blood pouring out

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Women join a male dominated organisation and use their pussies to get ahead and to keep themselves safe. Sometimes they do it to much and get shamed and ostracized for it. Then they go to the MPs and make up bogus accusations to cover their tracks. THAT IS THE TRUTH. Also rape and sexual assault used to be a right of passage. If you could handle getting beaten and sodomized yiu could handle running into an enemy bayonet charge.

Women should not be allowed into the military.

Trying too hard brah

I think he wants a barbaric world to gather him up and manrape him on a daily basis.
take your misogyny back to /pol/
Im here to stay, civilian. Go walk in a slut parade.
>Kirby Dick
Why am I laughing
Take your social justice back to reddit.
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>Kirby Dick
>Women join a male dominated organisation
Stopped reading there. If a women this fucking stupid he deserve being raped.
>black and white thinking : the thread
I guess the joke is that you are so stupid your comment is incomprehensible.
>>35197007 (OP)
Bassically a bunch of stupid cunts with joined the military and were surprised they got raped. Its like saying you want to climb MT everest and complaining about the snow.
>Rape ans sexual assault are for men ONLY

this post is so gay

Or if you join the military because you want a short term financial boost and/or you're too stupid for everything else, get deployed in the third world and get your legs blown off and then demand everyone for the rest of your life treat you with respect since you were defending their freedom.

>the military didn't put every guy I accused of "rape" in prison forever with no evidence.
Is it about lesbians in duty? I might watch it.
Oh awesome a deus ex movie
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>women believing the bullshit the recruiter told them
>>35197007 (OP)
>stupid women: the movie
not realising rape is about power rather than giving a shit if its a woman or a man
>be deployed to other country for 2+ years
>don't see gf/wife/fuck buddy at all during that time
>can't fuck local women because superiors will fuck your shit, as well as the locals
>Suddenly women join the army
>5 Women in the camp
>2000 men in the camp who haven't seen a woman in 2 years
>Women: hurr why are we getting raped all the time?
Yeah it's completely about power.
Fuck off SVU
Men are repulsive. Nothing new.
Is anyone surprised that women get mistreated in the military? They don't fucking belong there.
Worst Deus Ex game by far.
They'd rape guys if they weren't buff as fuck army guys.
Post some of those screens from /k/
They rape guys anyway, don't they? That's an army thing.
I love the idea of a woman striding into an army base and going 'right, now that I'm here, the raping is to be stopped immediately'
>Yeah it's completely about power.
sure it is. Sex itself is mostly about power, there are other ways to get your rocks off. The reason sex is preferable to masturbation is not because the stimulation of those same nerve endings is inherently or physically better. Its because of the interaction with the second person. If the part of that interaction to be enjoyed is holding them down while they struggle, then yeah its pretty much completely about power.
>those same nerve endings is inherently or physically better

virgin detected.
You're retarded.
I love the idea that men literally cannot handle their libidos so much that woman shouldn't be unhappy they got raped.

I'm pretty sure we aren't cavemen, the idea of blaming the victim here in this case is ridiculous.

Then again, this is 4chan, so I shouldn't be surprised by the misogyny and the basic misunderstanding on how the world works.
Most people here have difficulties getting laid.
Of course they're going be frustrated.

fuck sake

male rape has been in the army in jails and in the criminal under world since the dawn of time

in the army its about putting someone in line, he might be a fighter or someone that will keep coming back no matter how many times you check him or he will come back with his boys to fuck you up

you rape him assert your dominance over him that will fuck him up

he isn't gunna go to this mates and be like ohhhh guys i got raped we gotta go bash these dudes it will humiliate the fuck out of him and scar him psychologically he will then realise the sort of people he is dealing with and the level of crazy they are willing to go

its a very fucking effective tool

woman just assume its all about "i want tits i haven't seen tits in years i need tits" it isn't. Cunts come into the army and think their fucking feminazi point of view should be respected and that they are untouchable sorry petals but you joined the fucking army not the girl scouts enjoy getting brutally raped dumb shits
i would even go as far to say

that male on male rape is probably 10x worse than male on female rape in the army its just that nobody fucking reports it because they will loose all credibility as they will be seen as a faggot who got raped
This sounds pretty interesting.

But I get the feel that docs like this are incredibly biased.
Is there actual penetration and sex scene in this movie or should I pass? Also fuck the troops who cares lol.

I don't blame the victim I just have limited sympathy for her. Soldiers basically are cavemen and these women are putting themselves in environments where men's self control is going to be severely strained. And for what? They don't need to be in the military.
so basically you no evidence for anything you claim?

They need to prove women are as good as men even though women aren't nearly as good as men in any possible way.
>men's self control is going to be severely strained
seriously? they're soldiers, they're supposed to be in control, you know all duty and orders and you think they can't smell pussy without throwing aside everything else?

>And for what?

Plenty of woman either feel the need to serve their country, pay for college, use it as a way to stabilize their life, etc. The exact same reasons men do.



here is an excerpt from one of those links that backs up exactly what i said

>Why is the best-kept military secret that most soldierly sexual assaults are now definitively homo, not heterosexual, male-on-male sexual exploitation?
i said evidence, do you even know what the word means?
do you know what cognitive dissonance is? I think you are suffering from that m8.

Why dont you re-read the articles again.

also pls see

I'm not going to bother reading this thread but it being this site I can bet there's at least one person in this comment section defending rape, cos we so edgy XD
I kind of agree. It's an extremely difficult situation. We work to separate these men from a lot of the morality they learn from the time they're born, and we need and encourage certain kinds of behavior, it's sort of hard to expect all of them to snap right back into conventional home grown western morality.

I guess it comes down to whether or not you look at the men who burned villages and harmed civilians in Vietnam as evil babykillers or whether you look at them as victims as well, as I do.
my god... you really don't know what evidence is. That sort of explains everything.
Women shouldn't be allowed to serve in the military in a capacity where they're serving along males who are seeing combat. Logistics and medical aid and whatnot, sure. They definitely shouldn't be in combat and they also shouldn't be around men who are in combat.
i can tell i'm dealing with a cunt hear

>present me the evidence

>gives evidence

>present me the evidence you dont know what evidence is muh god

go fuck yourself cunt
>Also rape and sexual assault used to be a right of passage
That's kind of an interesting point. Not wholly accurate but for men there used to be a lot of "hazing" that involves sexual humiliation and the like, and it served an important purpose. For women, it would be considered rape.
nobody is defending rape

evidence is never evidence of anything.
thanks for clearing that up for me
Churchill said that the only true traditions of the Royal Navy where whip, rum and sodomy.
>tfw I hate rum or any stron liquor
Hes right though you idiot.
I used to think that it was always kind of stupid when people said that men would try and protect women so they shouldn't be allowed in combat.

I don't agree with it per se, but when I imagine the effect on morale of a woman screaming and crying versus a man screaming and crying when they get shot or injured, I gotta think that the former would be way worse.
Cry more, SRS.

If you think becoming a soldier is the only way to serve your country then you are a fucking moron.

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