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What does /tv/ think of Jackass?
Fun-loving in the beginning; suicide-worthy when it became evident that they were greying, middle-aged drug addicts clinging to the only plausible job prospect in their showbusiness careers.
Most of them were pretty much late teenagers in the beginning right? Its kinda weird seeing their stuff from awhile ago... Even though I barely watched that stuff in the first place
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Pretty much hit it right on the head there. I was the same age as them when they started and I felt like I could relate to these guys and would have loved to hang out. Now I watch their stuff and I just feel sad for them.
can't wait for the new one
Show was good. All movies good too except the last one.
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>>35650305 (OP)

The best bits are the ones with Johnny Knoxville laughing while being injured, and the ones where everyone laughs at Bam until he cries.

Also, Ryan Dunn always seemed like the biggest bro in the entire group. RIP in peace.

You don't pity them? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52xA85EJIhY

Knoxville made out pretty well, but the rest are back to doing clubs.
Someone needs to stream Jackass.

Gonna find a torrent and just have that shit on replay for the night.
> thinking of Jackass.

don't think. just laugh.

I saw Preston Lacy at a sushi place in Hollywood last year. He had a couple of 10/10s hanging out with him. He seemed pretty happy.
But Bam is rich, Steve O has its own show and Knoxville is a pimp.
No idea about the rest.
3 was great just for the commentary.
Night Pandas was cool as fuck.
i can't believe he's still alive
Knoxville is unbreakable, dude.
i meant steve o, but yeah, both of them
>>35650305 (OP)

Fucking awesome. OP. I would never do the shit they do, but it's nice to know there are people who do it in the name of SCIENCE!

>inb4 retard
I am going to UCLA for Neuroscienc

>feel bad about being rich

What kind of schizo Jew are you?
>Bam throws pie in his fathers face
>Does it again
>His mother yells "What are you, some kind of jerk?"
its great until steve o starts to shoving things up his ass for lele XDDDDDDDDDD randum

this made me laugh harder than nearly anything in my life

this and the scene where his dad drove into the hole ont he lawn mower
Isn't steve-o the one who backed out of shoving the toy car up his ass in the first one?
The wrong Jackass died.
i'm just glad it wasn't pontius
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Dunn dying is one of the few celebrity deaths that have ever had an effect on me. Such a genuine dude.
same here, him and gandolfini

does he just enjoy shoving things up his ass?
>liking anything Bam Margera
the only good thing about him was Dunn (notice i said "was" ;_;)
Not that it's anything of note but I smoked a joint with steve-o before and he was literally one of the nicest dudes ever.

The ones who deserve it the least are the ones who get it the hardest. I still get bummed whenever I think about it.
Why couldn't it have been Bam? Why is he still allowed to live?
>>35650305 (OP)
muh youth
That's what happens when an asshole drinks and drives.
I'm just glad he didn't take anyone with him, the fucking retard.

He and his girlfriend were regulars at a restaurant I worked at in L.A. The man tipped HUGE, which was weird because we all assumed he was broke.
>The ones who deserve it the least are the ones who get it the hardest.

Is dis nigger for real? He was drink driving, he deserved it the most.
I thought it was the other dude that was driving

He did, though.
Bam provided the world with a new form of comedy, fucking off your parents and taking it to extreme levels just for laughs. Whether you enjoy it or not he brought a lot of value to the show and so many have copied his shtick since.
How'd that go down?
pontius is god tier with knoxville just behind him. steve-o is cool too. I'm also going to say manny is awesome too even if he doesn't show up that often. but without pontius, knoxville, and steve-o, there is absolutely no jackass
Who doesn't?
Should have been Dave England with Bam driving.
> I am going to UCLA for Neuroscienc
noone cares you pathetic shitbag
He did take someone with him. He had a passenger in the car.

btw, there's a documentary about manny called ultimate predators or something like that, he seems like a really genuine dude. I suggest watching it if you like his appearances
his parents reactions were funny but what he does and how he acts is like shit a fucking 13 year old would do if he was rich and could get away with it.
That is a weird way to spell Tom Green.
Knoxville and Pontius literally laugh after every stun no matter how much they get hurt or embarrassed. That's why they're the best.

That guy was wasted as fuck, too. What bugs me is that Dunn had probably been driving drunk for years. Sucks that this is what had to happen to make him stop.
That's a good idea, put a Jew on your credit card and you'll be less likely to over spend.

Pontius is like a human teddy bear. I remember when he gave a tour of his van on MTV Cribs. Fucking hilarious.
I was at a concert and he was doing some kind of act their with him and some of the minor jackass guys. He was signing autographs for a group and I asked him as he was leaving if he wanted to smoke and he said yes.He took me across the barracade over by their bus and smoked. It was pretty cool the security came over while we smoked and he just waved them off like a wizard.
I'll never have sympathy for someone who drinks and drives and dies because of it. Dunn seemed like a cool dude, too bad he was a fucking moron.
That sounds awesome man. Genuinely jealous now.
Jackass was okay but I liked bumfights better.
Just started watching the first Jackass and after they crash the golf cart Bam says "Dunn can't drive for shit"

Yeah but then he put a bunch of beer in his ass in the next one.
Fucking love that guy.
So it would have stayed great forever, as long as it was Dunn butt chugging for the lulz?

wow you are too edgy for me bro
>getting entertainment from jackass

the one true all-american show, then. no wonder your shithole is so fucked up
Holy fuck, there are people as dumb as you guys on this board? Never thought I'd see the day someone went under Abatap's and other daily reposter mongoloids' levels of stupidity
wait, are you implying that you don't drink and drive?

what are you gay?
i miss Dunn

That last scene literally had me crying tears of laughter. Worth it just for that pagent shit alone m8.
Jackass is great, funny for what it is. Really the only problem with 3rd one was that you can tell theyre getting old, but besides that, majority of the skits were funny as fuck.
whats wrong with that, i watched it growing up and seeing Jackass content come out takes me back
>Implying it isn't 300000x better than Dirty Sanchez ever was

>Hey you know what'd be hilarious m8, if we had a contest over who could break their ankle jumping out of a tree first innt m8?

Those welsh faggots were just sadomasochists, at least jackass tried to be funny.
They haven't produced a lot of content
>>35650305 (OP)
Wasn't Bam some prodigy that was winning everything he entered and could take a game of tony hawk? How did he sink so low
Dirty Sanchez sucked a dick. All british mtv shows does.
did you guys watch home wrecker?
He was in the Tony Hawk games when they were actually good (3,4,U1&2). Too bad the series sucks shit now
>Dirty Sanchez sucked a dick.
Yes, that sounds like the type of thing they would do on that show.
the only think i can remember from that show was a pube pizza. Yeah thats the height it reached
Is it just me or is Bam lookoing more and more like his uncle?
Nope, just you are looking more and more like his uncle.
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>>35650305 (OP)
I watch it with my friends when we're drunk
>>35650305 (OP)
There are VERY few things I can watch over and over again over the course of 10+ years and still find myself laughing out loud by myself even to this day.

Clue the Movie is one, Jackass is another.
God why I'd Dunn have to die? We could have gotten rid of Bam!
It looks staged as hell.
wow.. now THAT made me sad.
the Bad Grandpa skits in the show was my least favorite..
I think everyone wants to be a kid forever.

Bam's antics aside because he's just a fucking douche. But if you could be an adult and still have fun doing childish shit.. why wouldn't you?
>>35650305 (OP)
I enjoy Jackass. Downloading all of the movies now.

I also really liked CKY. Hilarious stuff.
>that last scene

You missed an e, m8. Try not to be so careless when fiddling with brains.
I remember Manny used to have some kind of animal documentary show or something on Animal Planet I think it was
The problem is Bam takes it too far all the time.

I mean he even managed to fuck it up with his wife, probably the best woman that'll ever want anything to do with him because he has to be a total prick 24/7.
Seriously he encourages whats his name his other friend to be drunk/high all the time just so he can laugh at him
Certain people are in on the stunts, and the stunts are still done with safety in mind, it's the reactions that aren't staged. The wedding for example, the bride and groom were in on it, no one else there was. The machine that launched him through the store. The store owners were in on it.
Also MTV or whoever likely pays off shit real well when it comes time for Johnny to fuck shit up. If anything Im betting the wedding was paid for with only those certain few knowing
you say that like it's a bad thing
>The ones who deserve it the least
Chris Pontius got the most laughs from me. To be honest, I thought the spin-off Wild Boyz was funnier than Jackass, and most defiantly funnier than Bam's show. Just seeing big birds and shit run after them while Pontius laughs away was just gold. And they actually did quite a few interesting things.
Yeah the chemistry between Steve-O and Pontius was awesome. Not to mention both have hilarious laughs.

They stopped after Steve Irwins death. Because if he can die like that, so can they.
main reason to watch Bams show was for his family and for the episodes where Johnny or someone came on and completely shat on Bam.

Also the golden episodes where Vito got one over on Bam
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Some of the stunts were hilarious but these.. holy fuck they were goddamn nuts.
I wish they'd do more fun stuff and not just more pain = more entertainment.
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>what the fuck is that
Ryan might been a idiot but he was still a nice guy
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just how the fuck is steve-o still alive?
I love it, but I can't stand the toilet humour.
>Johnny is making it rain with more money than it cost to make the movie.
drugs, alcohol, and medication all the way through Jackass 2.
Johnny and the gang all being supportive of him, not drinking or doing drugs around him and not having him do as much crazy shit post the attempt to kill himself.

Well except for Bam, I heard he continuously bitched on the set of Jackass 3 about the lack of beer and drugs and kept on sneaking shit outta his car
>>35650305 (OP)

Is it viral marketing or autism making this exact same thread everyday?
Well Bam was is and will always be a bitchy douche.
I fucking love Jackass, there's always threads that restore your faith in /tv/ and this is one

>Dat time they go for a shit in a toilet store

Then you realise there'll always be pleb faggots like this
Dunn flipped his car with Bam and some other guys in it when they was in high school. After that Bam was afraid every time Dunn was driving.
What the hell do Bams dad do for a living?
>viral marketing
4chan isn't that goddamn important you worthless piece of shit faggot
I think he was a Baker
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steve-o has the greatest tattoo i have ever seen. i don't think anyone else could pull it off though
he designs candy
Knoxville vs Steve-O

Who was better?
can you imagine having to stare at that every time you fuck him in the butt? disgusting
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Oh man, toughie.

I have to say Steve-o, but just because of Wildboyz
Always hated Bam.

That random shit he did with his dad like running into the bathroom and ripping off his clothes, wtf was that? The only funny part is the way the dad reacts.

He's just such an unfunny douche.
Couldn't agree more, what kind of faggots thought he was funny anyway, goth kids?

Knoxville always struck me as caring a little, either about his image or his safety, not to the point of it making him bad but it was still there.

Steve-O just straight did not give a single fuck.
Why do you think Bam always fucked with his parents? He just couldn't be funny on his own.
One of the very first stunts at the start of the second movie always gets me. I can't remember what it exactly is, but Knoxville comes out from behind a door, dying from laughter, wearing a tiny sailor hat. For some reason it kills me every time.

Dunn doing the jet engine stunt is also a personal favourite.
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>mfw watching partyboy
>everyone in the stores are mad as fuck
If he came into my store I'd laugh my ass off
RIP in peace Bam Margera
>tfw used to watch Viva La Bam all the time and thought it was hilarious

I rewatched a few episodes recently, god damn that show is retarded as hell
So we can confirm that only pre-15's enjoy the show?
Since /tv/ has started talking about this a lot recently, why don't you name your best viva la bam/jackass/wild boyz episodes?

Personally any episode with those crazy ass finnish dudes on viva la bam is a 10/10
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Only good thing is his parents and his uncle
>he doesn't know the dudesons
tfw you never admit how much you like party boy. what, he is really funny. i would die if i saw him doing that in a store. the best one was in japan where he took the cops hat.
i hired a male stripper to be party boy at my birthday one year. he couldn't dance funny and nobody got the reference. it was akward, mainly because nobody came.
>thank you so much...godddd
dirty sanchez > dudesons > wild boys >jackass >viva la bam
Wildboys > jackass > dudesons > dirty Sanchez > bam
I used to watch his show when I was 14 and liked it but looking back now at what a prick he was to his parents just infuriates me. Pull those pranks on your friends but not your parents.
Wildboyz=Dirty Sanchez>Jackass>>>>>>>>>Dudesons>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shit>>>>>>>>>>>>Viva la Bam
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That wildboyz episode with the Orangutang that's drinking and trashing the hotel room.

I was laughing for more than 10 minutes straight after the sketch ended.
epic, simply epic :)))

Pontius is the fucking best man
I don't remember what talk-show it was, I think it was a british one, and quite recent, but when asked about his worst injury or something like that Knoxville said he had fractured his penis in an old stunt and it still hadn't healed years later, and so he has to stick a tube up his urethra to piss.

Is that something that he'll have to do forever because of some particularly gruesome fracture, or is it just slow healing?
There's no bones in the penis, so it's tissue/muscle damage, and that can take a looong time to heal.

I'm not even sure if I found it hilarious. I did find it interesting, though. I never knew people hated Bam so much until I saw all the hate online. Not gonna rewatch it any time soon.
Not sure if poster already but it's knoxville's new movie about Irving Zisman (the old guy)
>no mention of Nitro Circus
Jackass is vanilla shit in comparison

>implying 2 wasn't fucking awesome
Just no, bunch of fags who copied jackass
And being less entertaining
That too
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>mfw the fatso appeared in Ridiculous and everyone was laughing at him while he was just making a bitch face
It made the episode unwatchable.
i love it. its one of those things growing up that like all your friends liked. some of the stunts are ridiculous, but you will always get a solid laugh out of it.
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>Based Tony Hawk showing up outta fucking nowhere.
I say we killed Bam with a snake!
>that child pageant scene
anyone else watched the PBS special that talks about how MTV has researchers that go to teenagers homes and investigates their lifestyle?
>tfw Vito
>Flips the bird
>the extreme gayness that Pontius could pull off
shit was outrageous
The one were they're running through Tokyo (or was it Hong Kong?) dressed as Panda Bears, I've never laughed that hard ever.
Steve-O, Pontus and Knoxville were the best.
Australian spin-off Wildboyz was the best thing to come out of Jackass.
Wee-man was cute, but there was too much bullying.
>ere Johnny or someone came on and completely shat on Bam.

>Australian spin-off Wildboyz
lel wut


lol they fucked with that guy so much.
Funny this thread popped up, in the past two days I rewatched all 5 movies and downloaded Wildboyz.
It's pretty great.

My favorites are Knoxville, Steve-O and Pontius
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dat paper cut scene.
So much fun.
Lol, with the exception of Steve-O he always did the most insane stuff man.
Like getting shot in the stomach with a potentially lethal bullet, or fighting a bull, or when they did that toreo thing with the four seats everyone ran away once they dropped from the machine except for Johnny who kept on messing with the bull until he got cornered and smashed a couple of times.

Watching the making of stuff and like that, it seems like Knoxville was the one who always wanted to go to the extreme.
Shit like this always gets me
>Dave England

>Puke Omelette
>That wildboyz episode with the Orangutang that's drinking and trashing the hotel room.

>That scene in Jackass where Dave England reveals he can shit on command
>Dave starts puking
>Ehren starts to drink more

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>that skit where Wee Man gets into a fight with three midgets at a bar until midget cops appear to arrest them and two midget medics come to help the one guy out
Best skit
>that whole Raab and his mail ordered bride thing
MTVe went from Jackass, Wild Boyz, Dirty S, Metalbanger etc. to Teenage Moms.


>preston lacy chasing wee man scenes
fucking hilarious
Remember the first time I watched that, if I recall correctly someone stapled their scrotum to a table or something. Turned it off right away.
I felt bad for her.

>mfw I literally want to puke too
Its like taking a trip to /b/
The trip doesn't last long
this is one of my favorites
How is that different from the jackass guys stapling their scrotum?
I wish they did some scenes with Darf

this sceene
Humans arent so different from apes.
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>the skit where Dave England just shits on a tiny toilet
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>that scene where he goes into a toilet shop and shits but also shits his pants prior
Wildboyz > Jackass

>tfw no Wildboyz movie
>Zebra costume with the fucking lion
fucking insanity
A double edge weapon indeed.
>you okay dude
oh I agree, very much so. I loved the nature of Wildboyz and the sthit they did.

Best yet, it had 2/3 best Jackasses in it.
All I remember about dirty sanchez was some guy getting lipo without anesthesia in the backstreets of taiwan and then proceeded to drink the fat get got lipo'ed
that was fucking disgusting

Nah man, nah. I can't deal with that humour.

I only remember various construction-site "gags" all designed to just be painful. Chucking bricks at each-other or nailing hands to a board through the skin between the fingers and stuff like that. It was just so... Blunt, that it made Jackass seem like a high-cost production.
>having respect for these people
>not laughing at them like chimps in a zoo

they are doing it for our entertainment and we'll just throw pennies at them for doing a good job.

No respect, none of that, just DANCE MONEY, DANCE.

rich monkeys.

>Knoxville takes it like a champ
>Bam cries like a bitch
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Never stops being hilarious.
>that skit where Pontius gets beaten up for that
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>mfw bam cried when he was tricked and had cobras all around him
Oh Knoxville is fucking fearless man he doesn't give a shit.
Bams a little bitch in comparison.
>was pretty hungry
>found this
Bam's crying was pretty entertaining on the show. He's trying to hide it so bad.
>Your nuts
Yeah I actually liked Bam's crying bits, just because it added some variation to the others just laughing it off and such, which could at times just make it seem like nothing of importance had in fact happened. It's fun seeing someone actually be affected by the stunt.
I liked the movie of them. It felt like they gave them something more than £20 to do all the stunts with. The one where they tell one of the guys that there's a world record for getting shot with paintballs and try to beat it is hilarious.
Hey man, he did it at the end, he is weak but not a little bitch.
Fair enough.
More balls then me either way anyway.
i will never be the same again
I actually felt a little bad for him. He sounds so goddamn terrified and they just keep throwing more snakes at him while he cries and panics like a little kid.

>Don't do this to me. please! PLEASE PLEEEEASE! .LETMEUPLETMEUP!

He deserves it though.
They did that several times, on Jackass The Lost Tapes there's another version where Steve-O eats a bit and pukes all over the place
>dat disgusting fat fuck making that face Knoxville makes it rain
did you get herpes off the joint?

Yeah, that "pleeeaaaseee!" just sounds so panicked. It's hilarious, but I still feel for the guy a bit.

The bit I found the most hilarious though is when he first notices the fake snakes.
>he's going to to make an omlette
>oh, I guess he's going to chew it and spit it into the pan
>notice that he's not spitting out, and his mouth is full
oh boy, I don't like where this is going
That's pretty funny.

But all their stuff is just built around blunt pain. I like the diversity in jackass: you've got pranks on people, painstuff, stunts, grossout stuff. It works because it's always something new, fresh and different. I like the ones were they mindfuck people on the street the most, like preston walking into a restroom and wee-man walks out. Great stuff.
cky2k was bestmode.

This one?

the bee on the string was amazing. was that in 2k?
Yes, you can tell it's literally his worst nightmare come to life.

I didnt find the snakes thing that funny.
Most of the time theyre just doing stupid stuff and pranks but full on phobias looked cruel.
Yeah well that's completely normal, he has a phobia, that's not really something to fuck with.
They did the same in Bam's own show and they chased him with a giant snake and he was close to tears.
He destroyed Dunn's bike in retaliation and Dunn cried bitter tears :c
The man who shot them with the crossbow in one of the UK episodes ran my arctic warfare training in Norway.

I think he works in Hollywood now.
Yeah I'm not denying that Dirty Sanchez is a one trick pony and even then they're not great at their trick most of the time. They're still fun to watch every now and then.
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I would pay money to see this.
Ryan Dunn is a true bro. You can see with the other guys that it's not really funny anymore when someone's almost crying. They don't really know how to react.

Not saying margera isn't a cunt though.
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All those others rip-offs like Dirty Sanchez or Dudesons suck because the guys don't have the charisma of the Jackass guys, so it's just watching some old men getting hurt.
That scene in the first movie where Knoxville gets shot with the beanbag shotgun.


I liked Pritchard from Dirty Sanchez in a way that I wouldn't mind seeing him in another show, but otherwise I agree wholeheartedly.

Also there was too little variation in the stunts compared to Jackass.
>when they kidnap Brad Pitt
Oh the glorious tears I laughed up
Damn, why is Pontius such a bro?
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>mfw Brad Pitt sent Bam a message when he heard that Ryan died
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>Any other day of the week
>"I hate Jackass, it's nothing but immature shock humor and poop jokes for retarded highschoolers."
>Any time a new movie comes out
>"Oh well I GOTTA see that!"

top kek
>>35650305 (OP)

How has nobody mentioned that bam obviously gets pulled by something since the velocity of the hand is nowhere near bam's speed moving backwards after he gets hit?
what did it say?
1- Pontius
2- Steve-O
3- Knoxville
4- Wee-Man
5- Dunn (alive)
6- Preston
7- Dave England

10- Brad Pitt

20- Dunn (dead)

3000000- Bam

What? He falls over backwards at a reasonable speed.
>luke wilson & mike judge not 8 & 9
Because you are retarded.
That might just be the gif. I remember it being WAY faster in the movie.

apology for poor english

when where you when rain dung dies

i was sat at home drinking jolie fluid when fred ring

'rain is die'


and you?????????
''That was only a warning.''
You're just confused because you don't see the bag of flour from that angle, it's what hits him before the actual hand seems to reach him, which makes it look like he gets pulled by something.

>No Danger Ehren

which led to dunn travelling everywhere by car and you all know what happened there

>its dunn man! he died in a car crash!
>what? no... thats awful... I have to go...

because momentum
Johnny Knoxville making it rain on a transgender stripper. WTF
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The best scenes are the ones where they put this fucker somewhere with snakes and he cries like a little bitch.
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this was fun

What did you do in it?
Two favorite skits were always the one where a guy dressed as satan pops out of a roadwork site and stats protesting to keep god out of california, also that one where a tall fat guy goes into a portable toilet and starts making shitting noises then a midget walks out.
He'd do the same thing to them in heartbeat if they had a similar panic-button though. But you can everyone gets a bit uncomfortable when he seriously starts screaming. Pretty sure they'd planned for him to stay down there longer, until he got up himself, but Dunn took pity on him.

>that pageant bit
>stolen from Little MIss Sunshine
Vito was comedy gold

I love how Knoxville is wearing a sailor outfit for no reason

>that's my girlfriend

>that's cool I'm her manfriend

I use that line everytime a grill tells me she has a bf

yup. I loved 2k I was like 13 when I saw it, perfect age

Dunn's is the best


There is one in 3.5 where they have Dave (I think) on a bed of nails in India, and he's begging them to let him off and there's like snakes crawling on him and snake charmers playing and it just seems like the worst experience
Danger Ehren always gets bullied and nobody likes him
Yeah and he totally didn't want to do it, there's like 3 minutes of footage of him just saying no I won't do it, eventually he does it but it seems like the worst thing ever
This one really shows what a fucking beast Knoxville is

"That's great!"

>stays standing
I like Wildboys

it was like Crash Bash but with Jackass
I liked that one when Bam was crying like the bitch he is.
full ep here
I can't even fucking believe that Brad Pitt participated in Jackass
I wonder if he thought about it afterwards, the fact that no one went out of their way to help him while he was screaming for it.
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>dis nigga
>Fuck that.
>Fucking Christ.
>That is great.
Brad Pitt Kidnapping

It sure as hell would have made me paranoid as shit.
Stolen right from little miss sunshin
Jesus Christ what is with all the white suburban stoners lamenting this guys death. He was nothing special.
He's bro as fuck
No when the scorpion pinched his chin he pussiedout and was not laughing.
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Jackass was hilarious when I was 14.

>mfw adults like this shit
knoxville is such a fucking champ.
Why have I never fucking seen this
>just watching as a multimillionaire gets kidnapped
>not saving a fucking MILLIONAIRE

are you all fucking retarded
Basically you play a season of episodes of the show with you as the director of the show. I played through it during MAGFest 2013. One of the most difficult set was "poo man"
Fuckin' hilarious
Pritchard and Dainton are really cool guys, seen them in ASDA loads

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