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The new doctor is an old white man

This honestly couldn't have been better.

Now to go read tumblr butthurt
How am I supposed to make Tumblr love gifs to this old fart?
the majority of doctors have been old white men
Unbelievable. My tax money pays for this display of patriarchy.
He'll be pulled after one series for not being trendy enough.
Wow, how original. I be he's going to be straight and protestant too.
First thing I thought was "HA! TAKE THAT TUMBLR!"


But for real. What do you guys think about Peter Capaldi as The Doctor?
He's old. I'm done with the show.
>>35667275 (OP)

I'll stop watching after the Christmas Special and wait until this dipshit regenerates.

Good actor, fine. But he's old as shit and I can't be bothered to watch him wheeze around the place with his angry old man face.
What was tumblr bitching about this time?
Why does BBC reuse the same actors over and over again? Its hard to see him other than the bad guy from Torchwood Children of Earth
i like the choice. honestly i was getting sick of the youthful doctors. I understand the need for that to draw in younger viewers, but hopefully now it can focus more on adventures and less on sexual tension/romance
he was such a good character in skins

albeit short lived
Because all the good british actors fled to Hollywood where they can experience a less misogynistic environment.
okay /tv/, please inform an ignorant person. Is Capaldi a good choice?
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>mfw tumblr cunts finally fuck the fuck off
>mfw faith mostly restored in moffat
Was tumblr hoping it was gonna be a girl?
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A 55 year old white man and one of the finest, most imposing British actors in decades.

Great choice.

You Amerifags need to watch The Thick of It and learn how a real actor operates.

Malcolm Tucker the Dalek fucker.
this is really annoying me. i can't put my finger on where i've watched him before...
Children of Earth is non-canon for doctor who though, so is miracle day. It makes no sense for him not to show up to that shit.
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Is the new doctor Jewish?
>Not Asian
>Not Female
What's this bullshit? In this age?
I think so. But i might be baised and love him because of The Thick of It
Fires of Pompeii & Torchwood
Except he said his doctor will be nothing like that.

: (
NO you silly cunt wank gay fucker
I hope that with this guy Doctor Who becomes a serious science fiction show again.
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The American tumblr crowd butthurt is beginning already.
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I agree on the tumblr thing but
>Having faith in moffat
I guess pleb hour starts at a different time across the pond?
finally we can get rid of the fangirls... or create new fetishes for older men
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Please someone make a montage of the Tumblr and little kid cunts crying.
Old guy...pity, as I liked Matt and David...and Christopher was the bestest Doctor!

It was never a serious science fiction show, it's been camp as hell for ages.

I'm pissed, I don't like this guy I would of preferred an unknown younger actor. Hopefully he only sticks it out for one series.

He'll undoubtedly be a little bit like that. The Beeb won't resist that fire.

For all you faggots whining about an older man, fuck you. This is one of the best things the BBC have ever done.
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>mfw he gets a male companion and there's romantic tension
You guys are really underestimating what fangirls will schlick over
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today is a beautiful day
If some cunt can fuck something up, that cunt will pick the worst possible time to fucking fuck it up cause that cunt's a dalek.
Peep Show! He was the University professor in Peep Show
I don't want to see Peter Capaldi having to do his first power of love ending
> Read comments on Facebook on Doctor Who fanpages
> How can you go from Matt to him.. I am done.. horrible choice. Its like Clara will be working with her grandfather now.-
> A dinosaur is the Doctor!?
> never watchcjing it again, so diissappointed, its just plain wrong, I couldn't even watch the end off the program ughhhh
> From Matt to whatever this is.. ew. He could at least be good looking. Just no.
> But Why does he have to be old. He Might Hurt His Back While acting,

Nice fanbase...
No no no! We're trying to get RID of the tumblr fangirls, not give them more material!
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>mfw ratings fall sharply because the female audience is gone and the show gets canned
Getting rid of Matt Smith > Done
Getting rid of fangirls > in due process
Getting rid of Moffat > next
Great, great choice. He's an amazing actor and has a great "Doctor-face". Really excited to see him in action.
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>Malcolm Tucker the Dalek fucker

Oh lordy
>Implying they won't flock to him and thus usher in a new era where the older man is revered and lusted after and /tv/ can finally have IRL waifus
if that's all they think of the series, good riddance
pls be captain jack
Why do BBC shows such as Doctor Who and Sherlock attract the tumblr landwhales?
>Next Doctor Who announced
>Out comes out a dark figure
>The room falls silent
>It's Ainsley
>"What? You were expecting a white guy? I guess that makes you racist"

Fresh from Facebook. Unsurpisingly, the initial status is a tumblr hambeast. Surprisingly, that last comment is from a female.
I can't wait until he's in conflict with a female antagonist and outsmarts her.

The vaginal rage...

If you've never watched The Thick Of It. You should
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>female audience is gone


i was hoping they'd choose someone non-white or non-male so that popularity would plummet and we'd know where britain stands on multiculturalism.
British people are exotic, 2 male characters to fuel their gay shipping because men aren't allowed to be friends.
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Forgot my image.
I've seen bits of it. About to marathon it and pretend Capaldi's the Doctor.
because Cucumberbatch and Dr. Whoeverheis are somehow attractive to them. Also MUH HIPSTER FASHION
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Yanks, apparently Capaldi and Craig Ferguson were in a band together....Well, there you go.
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It's going to plummet alright. No one cares about this old fart.
im not a tumblr teenager but im upset.

you guys are all fucking males in here and you are ONLY OKAY with this because you have a hot young girl to fap over aka oswin! And you are all basement dwelling foreveralone bitter virgins so you dont want to see a romance between the Doctor and the companion and so this choice is great for you because you get what you want.

but it leaves the CORE who audience out to dry. Believe it or not, the core who audience, the ones making money for the show by buying dvds and blurays and itunes shit and paying for conventions and stuff are girls. nerdy girls to be specific and they dont get a hot young guy to admire over. what this is going to do is make people less intrested in doctor who because now because of this old guy playing the doctor , the audience wont be as 'loud' and 'vocal' in internet and conventions and as a result the hype will die down and the show will lose ratings and the show will get canceled. 7

are you fucking happy?

I hope this old fart is here for like one season and he can regenerate to someone more profitable/attractive/liked by many. because can you imagine this old guy going to like comic con panels and having fun with the fans? no you cant
Do you guys think that this will bring the older generation back?

Moffat's just secured himself an extra year in the minds of /tv/ with this move.
All of my lel
How can people possibly prefer RTD to Moffat?
Do people honestly prefer Dramatic Chipmunk style cinematography?


yeah, a punk band
So much butthurt...
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>All this butthurt

Back to tumblr with you, hambeast.
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I'm actually surprised. Was actually hoping for some young like Matt Smith. But i am happy with the choice. Peter hopefully will do an excellent job as the new Doctor.
does this mean that doctor who is going to be more slow paced now? i mean, hes old. no more actiony stuff anymore
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This makes me happy.

Will probably watch it because of this.

fantastic choice. will be a good contrast to past doctors, i'm sure.
Why are all female doctor who fans ugly?
wait, i'm a female tumblr user and i fucking love peter as the new doctor, there are actually some people aware of how cool this is on tumblr
Pls leave
how would you write an episode with twelve?

>Dalek ship crashes in Scottish countryside
>UNIT tries to fight them off
>Doctor and Clara investigate and shit
>Doctor leaves Clara with soldiers and goes inside the ship
>Finds a Dalek prisoner
>Locked inside the cell with him
>The Dalek prisoner (let's call him DLKP) has no weapons
>Doctor continues to talk to DLKP, eventually the two break out and work together to stop the Dalek army
>One one of the Daleks exterminates DLKP
>Doctor brings him back with wibbly wobbly but he only revives DLKP long enough to say goodbye
>Doctor goes full fury of a time lord and kills the Dalek army
>Doctor leaves Clara on earth, saying he needs to be alone
>Cut to Doctor sitting at the doors of the TARDIS in space, watching Earth from above.
>Returns to get Clara, acting like nothing happened but visibly upset


We don't give a shit!
>tfw the Doctor will be damn near 60 by the end of his run

Feels bad, man

Mofet cant get into good execution while rusty is good at execution but bad at story.

Compare the name of the doctor vs the end of time
Is this real?

Fucking YES!!!!!! Finally a more mature Doctor again!
whoa, dodged a stabbing there m8

the doctor could have been a transgendered muzzie nigger

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my doctor
wait, so was that script with "i'm the doctor, suck my dick" real? i love capaldi but i don't know how i feel about profane asshole doctor
But will he keep the accent?
Very disappointed. He is a great actor but the doctor should have been younger with the regen. But I guess this is what you get with Moffat disappointment bring Russell back please!
>I want it to go on record that I think it's time the part of the Queen be played by a man.

Goodbye sweet 11. Your tears are the only ones I dare not drink.
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>The remnants of the David Tennant fangirl army, are finally going to leave
We win.
If I want a wank I don't go to Doctor Who
10/10, well thought out - would use as copypasta
more more GIVE ME MORE
nah i think i'll stay
bb pls post feet
I'm pretty disappointed that people are bitching about his age so much. Pathetic.
I'm happy with that. The "action" was always bad.
>Malcolm Tucker the Dalek fucker

My sides
Wasn't he in the fires of Pompeii?
So was Karen actually.

What is it with them using actors that have already been in the show?
and second comment was made by you?
I can't wait. I can't wait. Everything is falling into place perfectly!
>inb4 fangirls start talking about how hot older men can be
An old doctor is gonna be boring, he might be a great actor, but he is gonna be standing still and bossing clara around to do the stuff, thats what i feel it would be, but who knows i might be suprised
Every British actor has already been in the show

Davina McCall for space pope!
Yeh he's old, but that just means he'll stay for a couple of series instead of 4

Might be a good move

now imagine this comment but with the sexes of all invoved reversed, and then imagine the controversy that would cause amongst the same people that are spewing this sort of bulshit.
>go to see his other roles
>World War Z
>W.H.O. Doctor
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Daniel Radcliffe confirmed for #13
>bosses around female companion
>"Do as you're told, woman."
>massive vaginal butthurt all over the world
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I don't think this choice was by coincidence....

(This is the cast for World War Z. It was an o.k. movie, but still)
yeah because the master using his life force as iron man jet thrusters is a good move for his character

Thats exactly what we wanted for YEARS!
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>Which one of you made this video?!?!
>World War Z
Oh shit I remember now. He was one of those scientists/doctors right at the end.

mite b cool
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>bring Russell back please!
Oh HELL no

Glad I wasn't the only person who checked that out.
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Never forget....
So they fucking announced the new Doctor IN THE FUCKING SHOW and then turned around and recast him off-screen? What the fuck? How are they going to explain this in the show?
>>>35668320 >>35668324 >>35668332 >>35668345 >>35668348 >>35668351 >>35668431 >>35668445 >>35668470 >>35668475
i like how none of the replies are actual arguments against the valid points I made but you guys just laughing
Watch and fucking learn.


No, all he said was he won't be cursing, which is prety much a fucking given, it's a pre-watershed show for families. He did say that his Who would be in a (I'm paraphrasing) similar ik to characters he has played before (malcolm tucker).
He was a World Health Organization (WHO) doctor

get it?
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So I've been browsing some tumblrs and noticed that some people really hate Moffat. Like, really hate him. Why? I've only watched Sherlock (which I loved) so i don't get it? Why do these "feminists" hate him?

I thought girls diged older guys
SJW lose
fangirls lose
tumblrfags lose

Today was a good day for Doctor Who
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>the new doctor who
good man.
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I'm starting to be okay with Moffat's constant dislike of Twitter.
That wasn't the new doctor, it was an old version the doctor was trying to forget.
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I still don't get it.
Why didn't the Doctor die from getting eaten by the sun?
Why didn't he even lose his memories?
Fun Facts: He's the same age as Hartnell was
god, some people are so ageist
Oh well, top gears on now
That wasn't the new doctor, that was the incarnation between eight and nine.

And yours was just shaming tactics and ad hominem. Now fuck off back to tumblr.
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not all of them are butthurt guys, she is probably really cool, faith in humanity a little restored
non whites are so tsundere for superior white masters it hurts
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Вернись на двощ.
except John Hurt wasn't announced as the next doctor you fucking nitwit. do us all a favor and kill yourself
>all of these retards referring to him as "Doctor Who"

Okay here's one.

A show shouldn't be run based on the whims of the fans. Sure they shouldn't be ignored but you sound like you'd rather have Doctor Who dictated by market researchers and executives than writers.
Thus begins the glory years of Doctor Who.
Moffat sucks at execution. He writes long, convoluted plots that never actually get resolved.
Sorry guys, I don't follow Dr. Who much, but wasn't the 12th doctor supposed to be John Hurt? Or was he just playing a role of the doctor in a different time?
>lacking this much comprehension

John Hurt isn't the next Doctor. John Hurt was a past incarnation of the Doctor that the others basically stripped of his title because he wasn't worthy of "the name of the Doctor".

John Hurt is the Doctor between 8 and 9. Capaldi is the next Doctor.
does anyone have a proof thing that we new it?

Moffat had nothing to do with it. He is elaving after the christmas special.
I didn't read the thread but hell Capaldi looks like a much better choice than Smith (and I actually like Smith).

well to be fair, thats how it they referred to the doctor in classic doctor who, the third doctor and 2nd I think as well
Thread theme.

Because Moffat's gone steadily downhill since he took over. Started off great, is pretty bad right now because he hasn't finished off this long and convoluted as fuck plot.
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u better shut ur mouth u cheeky little cunt i swer to christ i'll hook u in the gabber m8
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i don't want to see a doctor who written by tumblr vaginas either
>Believe it or not, the core who audience, the ones making money for the show by buying dvds and blurays and itunes shit and paying for conventions and stuff are girls

No, the core audience are children.

Grow up nerd.
I like how you can exactly which of these people go on tumblr.

well she doesn't know that, but at least not all young women are like, "doctor old, boo." its refreshing to see on twitter
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I'm wondering if they're going to acknowledge that was on the show during Tennant's run, or if they'll just hope no one remembers it.
It's a combination of him being a pretty shit writer and people forgetting that RTD was just as bad.
Ahaha! No.
Scots are very rarely Jews.
He also self-inserts as the Dr. Despite everything, having one person in charge for a long time ruins a show because they get full of themselves so even if he was a competent writer (which he isn't) he should leave anyway. Idk why the BBC doesn't make the Dr Who directors leave when their Dr regenerates
i was seriously expecting Idris Elba to get the role. this just set back race relations 100 years.

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