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It's recently come to my attention that certain parts of the internet are getting butthurt over this picture? Why is that?
>>33728225 (OP)
Fat women don't like it when their polar opposite is represented in cinema instead of them.
Because it's a pretty woman for 2 seconds of meaningless fan service. We've seen Kirk in nothing but his underwear but I'm sure there's some excuse why that's not the same. I'm sure women don't like seeing half naked, fit men.
It's juvenile, pandering to 14-year-old boys.
Where's the one of Chris Kline?
because the underwear is so fugly
Looking at her belly, I do wonder if her tits are real.
But then, there's a 14-year old boy in every man, so I suppose they knew why they put it in.
Because they didn't even try to make it feel in place.
pointless fanservers
What /tv/ (and everyone else) has failed to realize is that both of these statements are true.

But as >>33728443 perfectly put it, there's a double standard.

Point is, who gives a fuck. Yes, I think it's juvenile. But it's summer, not oscar season.

This. Have they no style in the future?
because it's outrageous!!@1!1 and also toooootally never happened ever in the original series like not even once
>>33728225 (OP)

Because Tumblr-feminism has become so incredibly sex-negative. If it were a French Star Trek movie, she'd probably be completely nude and no one would bat an eyelash.
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>saying "juvenile" in regards to Star Trek
>as if it isn't juvenile already
Hardly. The reason she has this fugly bra on is the PG-13 rating, and America's nipple aversion.
>Looking at her belly, I do wonder if her tits are real.
What does one have to do with the other?
Mindless objectification by the patriarchy. We have a right to be angry
It was just done really badly, they had the scene just so they could put it in the trailer and it felt really weirdly out of place. If they really wanted to do it there were better ways that wouldn't feel so forced. People are drawing comparisons with Kirk's scene however that actually served some purpose to his characterisation beyond 'look how hot she is'
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Oh God, I can already imagine a French Star Trek where every Star Fleet crew is always naked and some Ferengis open a hailing frequency and see the everyone on the bridge naked on their viewscreen.

Now I really want to see French Star Trek.
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Three strikes, you're out
I've seen enough diet-coke adds to know this goes both ways.

woman wear underwear :3

omg so lewd
>4chan misunderstanding/misrepresenting feminism because they can't stand women


You people are idiots
go away whale


go away troll

Right, they should be pandering to 14-year-old girls instead.
>saging a thread because one guy got you mad
>I do wonder if her tits are real.

Why? They're not big.
>that pointless sage

You really are an idiot

Your vagina smells bad.
I don't get it
>girl in underwear in movie trailer
>no one complains

>girl in underwear

Did feminism explode the last few years or what is happening? I'm getting confused
>Mfw the only reason men go to watch a film is because a woman got her tits out

Women truly are the superior sex
fat women from tumblr are getting more attention
this is what I don't get I thought feminism was about women being able to express their sexuality without being judged like this
>>33728225 (OP)
she has a good physique, toned, fair amount of breasticles and a fairly pretty face. plus she's blonde and feminazis hate blondes with tits.

Fanservice is never pointless.
/srs/, please go.
apple taught women to post on the internet
>Did feminism explode the last few years

>Men aren't allowed for women to appeal to them sexually

I hate this world
>express their sexuality

She isn't though, the scene doesn't do anything except have her in her underwear. If they had her do something interesting like seduce Kirk, or I dunno pretty much anything then it wouldn't be pointless.
Basically this.
With Obama in office, Libtard bloglodytes have nothing to whine about, so they have to manufacture outrage wherever they can.

Now it's about policing male sexuality.
I haven't seen Star Trek but I'd be offended if her character had nothing to offer except sex appeal. Might not be the case for this film, but it's way too common for female characters to be glorified pin-up girls while any interesting role is reserved for men.
Granted, that bra might hold a lot of secrets, but they look sizeable. Certainly bigger than I would expect for a low body-fat woman.
I know, how dare they include a pointless scene.

We need more wide shots of everyone on the deck with tons of lens flare.

You've probably never seen any of Alice Eve's other films. T&A is the upper limit of her acting ability.
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Yeah, she does actually have a decent role in the movie.

I love how everyone is forgetting Uhura's underwear scene from the first movie.

....and TOS for that matter...

>You will never go back in time and kick the pregnant mother of Steve Jobs in the stomach

I would also assume everyone would be smoking
Kirk had a threesome scene in this movie, with catgirls for god's sake.
The world was okay when women had no outlet for their vapid bullshit. Now that they can interface freely with the world around them, they are just flooding the collective consciousness with stupid opinions about pointless garbage.
How would you feel if almost every movie character of your gender was a cardboard cutout who existed only to titillate members of the opposite sex?
Funnily enough, that would actually improve relations with the Ferengi. They find it repugnant that humans clothe their women.
In the movie she is a weapon's specialist and has a fairly large role in the second half of the movie.

the scene in question is maybe 1% of her screentime
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>How would you feel if almost every movie character of your gender was a cardboard cutout who existed only to titillate members of the opposite sex?
But that's not how women are presented on film
Probably less, and it was less about her and more about Kirk taking the time to peep at her in the middle of an intergalactic crisis.
>How would you feel if almost every movie character of your gender was a cardboard cutout who existed only to titillate members of the opposite sex?

You mean how most male characters are portrayed as well?
No, theyre mad because theres no reason for her to be in her underwear in this scene. When Kirk gets undressed hes having sex so it makes sense but to have a women strip just so you can show tittys for the audience is just continuing women being relegated to non speaking roles and sex interests.
>has a fairly large role in the second half of the movie

Her character was really weird, they have her as the admirals daughter but the only time that is important is to stop him attacking them but then he just beams her out anyway. She's meant to make us suspicious of the missiles but by the time she does anything interesting with them Khan has already told us what's inside I think, may have misremembered
It makes sense to be undressed while having sex but not to be undressed while changing clothes?
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>only 28 percent of speaking roles go to women
>Most of those are merely love interests
>posts the one fat chick in hollywood
Kahn tells them to open them up, then she goes to the asteroid to check them out
When its only an excuse for fanservice yes
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>posts the one fat chick in hollywood

You got 2. How about i start posting fat actors and we'll see who runs out first.

Why do so many larger women actresses do the whole be really obnoxious thing?
>no reason for her to be in her underwear in this scene
You mean besides changing clothes to go check out the missiles?? Were you even paying attention to the movie?
again, threesome with catgirls
I guess you could argue that was to establish/reestablish Kirk's sex life but . . .
Because theyre fat they can only make it in comedy
They can't be real actors, so they have to be funny. But it's hard to have a sense of humor.
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Depends on what you mean by fat
>still in hollywood
maybe on reruns and those fashion/news shows
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Oh, so because it was in the past it doesn't count?
Yes. That's true. You wouldn't post a rosie o'donell

But Latifah is arguablel since she could probably be in a new movie next year without anyone batting an eye.
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>people upset over a woman in her underwear in a blockbuster movie in the summer for about one minute total

Have you ever met a fat person
>They are really like that
5 seconds at most man, blink and you would have missed it


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