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oznzb Usenet Indexing Community


For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two Contests—one for new Rotating Banners, and the other for our House Ads.

Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners!

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How the fuck did this line ever make it into the final cut?
This is the first time the Doctor has specifically said something like this since The War Games, where he was being forced to regenerate as a bloody punishment. Other Doctor's haven't exactly 'wanted' to go, but they nodded their heads and said, "yeah, alright. It's the way my body works. Better than death I suppose. I at least had a good run." Especially since 10 went out on quite a high-note (saving all of time and space at once), especially compared to other Doctors (it's bigger win than 3 ended on, for example). "But he had to kill the Time Lords." 9's character arc was coming to terms with his actions in the war. 10's was admittedly coming to terms with the loss itself, but I'd think seen them turn evil and the face he was willing to stand against them (until Skeletor jumped in and started doing Force lightning) showed he had come to terms with it. Even 9 went out with a smile on his face, "you were fantastic. Y'know what? So was I." That's basically, "I had a good run, eh?"
>>34281732 (OP)
He didn't want to part with this incarnation exactly because he achieved so much through it.
That's actually not that bad of a reason. I hadn't thought about it like that Anon. I still don't like it, but I like that idea.
BECOZ ITS DAVID TENNANT AND HES SO HOT nd i cry evertiem xoxoxo

Really though, there's no other reason than he was a well-liked Doctor and had a much longer run than Ecclestone in the new series.
Also John Smith basically died.
I actually hope this time 11 says something along the lines of "No need to overreact like last time"
It's entirely consistent with Tennant's Doctor. He was very emotional and human compared to the others.

The fact that different doctors didn't react in the exact same way to their regeneration is meaningless cos, guess what?, they had different personalities.
Because it was basically RTD being a huge faggot like always
>>34281732 (OP)
Will someone please explain to me why these fucking tumblr gifs always have a shit frame rate and are always the person saying only about 2 words of the quote typed on the gif. Whats the fucking point?
With other Doctors they have that "Well, I guess it's my time." attitude.

Although, 2, 6, and 7 are the notable exceptions for obvious reasons.
because his catchfrase was allons-y= let's go
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Wasn't it implied he was still in there someplace? That they were basically the same person? Wasn't that the Doctor's reasoning when he asked what's-her-face to join him on timespace escapades?
>It's entirely consistent with Tennant's Doctor
>Tenth Doctor
>at all
Dear Rusty Davies,

When you make more Torchwood?
To be fair, he probably DID think he was going to die. That's why after he did regenerate, he was checking all of his appendages to see if they were all still there.
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Most of them are from a set of 4-8 and need to be viewed in tandem. The fancy filters are there to be artsy fartsy and most of the makers are graphic designers already. I do't like it either but that's where all the content is.
Read the second paragraph of my post.

Another point I'd make is that he was alone in this regeneration so had noone to put on a brave face for.
He was consistently bi-polar
>>34281732 (OP)

>character is dying
>he doesn't want to die

I don't understand why this is giving you trouble. Every cell in his body is going to regenerate and whoever he'll be after this will have the same memories but he'll be a totally different personality.

It is like death. Tennant's Doctor was just full of life and didn't want it to end. He lacked the maturity of many of the ones before him
Requesting the picture of 10 and 11 having a double scoop
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But fucking why? Why have a series of gifs to say the same line? Why not have one gif for one line of dialogue? Or just a fucking picture. GOddamn I hate everyone stupid fucking tumblr fang rirls neede to kill themselves ahhhh gof fuckign j#fnmk sfdbgknsdgysdhfjlkvmbsdKfmd

I just assumed that tumblr probably has an file size limit for uploads so they can only do short ones
>double scoop
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The gif series usually map out part of a scene or most of the time a humorous or serious conversation. The filesize cap is 2MB I think.
The end result is usually lame but it's an innovative concept when done right.
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Yeah, well, fuck you
>Why have a series of gifs to say the same line?
They don't. What are you talking about?

>Why not have one gif for one line of dialogue?
That's what they do. Although the gif size is usually too small to show the entire sentence be said, but the subtitles have it.
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>Although the gif size is usually too small to show the entire sentence
This is worse than the feminazis.
not really
>dat gif

Absolutely disgusting.
Last lines:

1: "Ah yes! Thank you, it's good. Keep warm"
2: "Oh, you're making me dizzy! Oh no!"
3: "A tear, Sarah Jane? Don't cry. Where's there's life, there's..."
4: "It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for."
5: "Adric?"
6: "Carrot Juice, Carrot Juice, Carrot Juice!"
7: "The Master! He's out there! I've got to stop him!"
8: ?
9: "Rose, before I go, I just wanna tell you one thing. You were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And you know what? So was I!"
10: "I don't want to go."

Who had the best last line?

9. Nothing will ever beat 9's.
If I were coming into this as an outsider, which I am, it's 100% definitely 9. That makes him seem like the most interesting one.
Neither did two of the aforementioned Doctors, and yet their deaths were significantly less grating.
I'll just rank 'em from best to worst and try not to crucify me for it.
Six (I'll admit I don't know the context)
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I'm gonna go full autism here.

The Second Doctor's last words were "You can't do this to me!" followed by repeating "No!" a few times.
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>9: "Rose, before I go, I just wanna tell you one thing. You were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And you know what? So was I!"

Nothing will ever top this.

9 of course.
>Six (I'll admit I don't know the context)

His last lines in Trial of a Time Lord are simply a joke because...I dunno, health drinks are funny.

Then Colin Baker got fired, and the next serial opened on Sylvester McCoy turning over in a blonde wig because Colin Baker refused to do a regeneration scene. Can't say I blame him at all.
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>and the next serial opened on Sylvester McCoy turning over in a blonde wig because Colin Baker refused to do a regeneration scene.
Holy shit, that's hilarious. Can't wait til I get to it.

Shit, I can make some better ones, m8.

Just ask.

tumblr is rubbish for Doctor Who gifs

In the show, it looks like he falls off his exercise bike and dies.
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Best last line:


Best regeneration scene as a whole:


Now, the big question: who had the best introduction?
Matt Smith

The Eleventh Hour is a FANTASTIC episode.

7 wasn't bad either.
Just watched the Ribos Operation. Can you make one of Four and that guy casually slapping eachother? I think it was part three.
That would be 9 too.
"Nice to meet you, Rose - run for your life! ."
Can we just confirm 9 as GOAT?
I love the idea of Eleven regenerating due to something really dumb. Like the Curse of Fatal Death where he fries himself on the machine like three times. But dumber.


"I'm the Doctor. Basically...run."
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Tenth explains his trepidation pretty clearly, he says that even if he's technically alive, it'll be another man running around, not him. He fears death, even if it's the death of a persona instead of an organism.
They filmed three versions of this scene.

One was casual and straightforward: "I don't want to go."
One was super emotional: "I...don't want to go...;_;"
One was somewhere in between. This is the one they went with.

So it could have been worse.

Doctor Who Confidential showed them off, I think, as well as Tennant discussing them. So it's worth a watch.
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Just wait for him to regenerate into Idris Elba and immediately wreck the shit out of the control room.
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>Idiots still bitching about Tennant's last words as the Doctor

He really didn't want to go. Why is that so hard to understand?
> That scene showcasing all The Doctors leading up to eleven.
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Colin Baker. No pussyfooting around, he just insults Peri then goes straight to trolling the audience. I'm surprised he didn't have a good laugh about Adric while he was at it.
No that's not what he meant. The TARDIS had set a course back to present-day earth, and he realised doing so would bring up too many memories of past companions. He wanted to regenerate and start as a new Doctor alone, away from earth. Hence, "I don't wanna go".
That was one of those moments that made me feel all tingly and cry a little.

I'm such a sucker for scenes like that.
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I'll see what I can do.

This is one of the gifs I made.

I have to keep em short because I can't post gifs that are over 3MB.
>Why have a series of gifs to say the same line?
Tumblr's community is absolutely moronic when it comes to making gifs. The only way they know how to make the filesize small enough to fit under tumblr's stupidly low limit is to either cut the total length or make the framerate choppier than a sea in a hurricane.

You would be a god among men if you taught them how to properly make gifs.
matt smith reminds me of a time lord captain jack sparrow, he's great
You can't go wrong with Ten blowing up a ship in his pajamas and quoting The Lion King within the first 24 hours of his regeneration.
It wasn't the line so much as the execution. So melodramatic for a show about an immortal alien with a magic time box.
Moffat's original idea was to have a pirate gettup. Look it up if you don't believe me.
I hate Tumblr GIFs that have subtitles and show the character talking. Thanks guys, I couldn't figure out who was saying that if it wasn't animated.

The worst are anime GIFs, because it's literally just a mouth moving. Oh you mean the character verbally SPOKE those words?! Oh man I thought it was just an image macro with a weird caption this changes everything.
I know it's not related but I just want to say fuck tumblr in its entirety

In the days of old when you wanted to fap you could go to /gif/, find a really hot gif and do a reverse image search to find the source. These days you do a reverse image search and you get 10 pages of tumblr links, none of which have the source.

Fuck tumblr, it single handedly ruined gifs.
Because it was such a sour note.
End of Time was dumb, but it was a special kind of dumb where you don't care because god-damn it's on such a scale that you just kind of have to applaud RTD. It was entertaining. The last 20 minutes started off well. It was nice to get some closure on the companions, even if the Rose one was quite fan-wanky, it was nice to see.
Then, the line. He could've ended like a king. Head held high, him against the world. The man who defeated the Time Lords once and for all. The man who saved all of reality. The Oncoming Storm. What does he actually end on? Crying about how, "it's not fair." Smooth RTD.
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>Moffat's original idea was to have a pirate gettup. Look it up if you don't believe me.

I watched Captain Blood earlier and I was thinking what an awesome Doctor Errol Flynn would have made.
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I just made one, but apparently the copy of The Ribos Operation I have isn't that great, so it doesn't look fantastic.
I'm gonna second this. I mean, hell, there was actually an explosion noise when he got up.

That's awesome.
>"I can do anything you want Clara, just ask!"
>"Can you jump out of the tardis mid flight and land on your feet?"
>"Only one way to find out, GERONIMO!"
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But it DOES look fantastic!
>>34281732 (OP)
Are you bipolar or something?

But yes, I agree with >>34283592

I don't think it was fan wankery at all. It showed Ten being a little pussy and in a state of serious vulnerability, and that worked well. Like when you know someone who is pretty much perfect, but then one day they're crying on your shoulder, and you can't help but feel a little good that they're a real human being and not quite the person they are at parties. Or something.
What makes me look bi-polar?
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And he doesn't act shocked or confused. He has a good look at himself, takes a breath, then smiles like a smug motherfucker.

I swear, Colin Baker was an actual Time Lord who knew the future, and this was how he decided to act based on that.
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So, is this the new buzzword, or do you genuinely not understand the illness?
It runs in my family; I could tell you all about it if you'd care to be educated.
No, dumber. Like he swallows a marble or something.
does anyone else find it a bit strange that they actually had satan in an episode of doctor who?
Well here >>34282532 I was using it to describe 10. It fits well- he'd go from happy-happy adventure mode to murder-mode in an instant if he was pushed far enough.
According to >>34283726 I too am bi-polar now. Not sure why.
Children swallow stupid stuff and survive it all the time. I used to swallow change when I was a kid because coins tasted salty.
It technically wasn't Satan, it was just the creature that inspired Satanic imagery.
They've actually had a lot of candidates for who possibly could be the inspiration for Satan.
was there any reason why the TARDIS inside changed halfway through season 7? I can't remember anything happening to it
Well if you think about it, he was very handsome. His previous carnation was ugly as fuck. It makes perfect sense why he wouldn't want to go.
What you'll learn in the 50th is that he meets Matt Smith and develops this fear of regeneration because he doesn't want to look like a foot.
Just before he says that line he has a - flashback? flashforward? whatever - to being Matt and he's like 'oh god please no'
I disagree.
>Children swallow stupid stuff and survive it all the time
Maybe there's an important bit of Gallifreyan physiology that automatically stops working if covered by something the size of a marble. Then he regenerates and it flies out of his mouth at such a speed it damages the TARDIS' walls and that cliffhanger leads into the next episode.
Why doesn't he just slip on a banana peel and bang his head on the console. Two birds with one stone and you don't even have to make up crap about Gallifreyan physiology.
Or he regenerates but still has the marble stuck in his throat so he regenerates like twice more before Clara hits him on the back or something. Be a good way to get past the 'only 13 regens' thing
>Whew! Thanks for that. Regeneration energy usually gets rid of whatever killed me by blasting the area, but I guess it doesn't work for...marbles.
The marble absorbed the energy and grows into a glass version of the Doctor ala Journey's End logic
Perfect. I love it. If Matt goes any other way now I'll be super disappointed
I was being facetious, though you should realize that "bipolar" has a different meaning to "bipolar disorder" (though of course, I meant it that way, but in a silly way, in that he was angry about something in one post but cool with it in another--I know how bipolar disorder actually works).
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he changed it after he lost the Ponds cuz depressed
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I want a 2 second black regen and a 2 second female regen to set the whole internet aflame.
He's survived more severe physical trauma.
All is well. It's just a touchy subject for me since I grew up around it is all.
What if the Doctor has to swallow a marble to save a companion's life?

Imagine the drama of a Doctor forced to choose between choking to death and letting someone he loves die. It's been done before, but not like this. Also he can still talk with the marble in his throat, because we need to get some last-minute dialogue and crying in there.
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>talking to m8 about who would make a good doctor
>suggest actor
>"Na, he wouldn't fit the doctors personality"
>I want a 2 second black regen and a 2 second female regen to set the whole internet aflame.
Brilliant. You're hired.
Someone posted something a while back that made me nearly cry with laughter that was like the Doctor regenerates into a black man, screams 'NOOOO' and throttles himself or something until he regenerates as a handsome white male, and he's like 'ahh that's better'
>All is well. It's just a touchy subject for me since I grew up around it is all.

Well, I'm not insulting you. I have relatives with bipolar disorder, so I know how tough it can be. It's just like when 4channers describe picky people as "autistic", or when people are sad and say they're "depressed". It's not to stereotype or make fun of those people, but just to make a point in an exaggerated way.

This has been a very special episode of /tv/.

lol m8 ur m8 is missing the point of actors m8
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>I want a 2 second black regen and a 2 second female regen to set the whole internet aflame
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>He's survived more severe physical trauma.

That's why it's stupidly funny.
This. It's like how the Doctor has been shot at countless times, but the Seventh Doctor just steps out of the TARDIS and gets shot by gangsters for no real reason and dies. I don't care what the fans think, that was amazing.
The Seventh Doctor was doing alright until human surgeons decided to open him up.

This. He got shot in the shoulder.

The apes killed him.
wasn't it:
5: "It feels different this time"
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Change, my dear. And it seems not a moment too soon.
"Hello. I'm The Doctor. So basically....run."
Yes, but then he has that spiral heads effect and says "Adric..."
That was actually a pretty tense scene. "You have to listen, I have two hearts..."

I can see why it was cut for the UK broadcast.
I just rewatched the end of time, didn't feel anything really when Tennant regenerated then I started grinning like an idiot when Matt came one.

Feels weird man
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Feels like when I watched it for the first time.

Except I felt really annoyed until Smith showed up.
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Hey, that happened to me the first time, too! And every subsequent time.
>I don't want to go.
Oh, goddammit, Ten, you couldn't give a better line than that?
>Nose - I've had worse. Chin - blimey! Hair - I'M A GIRL!?
HA! OH, THIS GUY! He is going to be amazing.
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Guys I think I'm going to cry

That gif is like watching a downgrade
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>90 missing episodes
If this isn't true I might start cutting
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Will torrent as soon as they hit public trackers.
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Third Doctor. Unless Eleven goes out with a "Geronimo," then he will have the most badass line.

Oh my fucking... holy shit. You guys. How many of you want the Twelfth Doctor to rip off the bowtie and say something like, "What was I thinking? Bowties aren't cool"?

I just think it would be funny. Even though bowties are obviously cool.
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>Even though bowties are obviously cool.

If you're pretentious fuck maybe.
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Don't be mad.
I fucking hate rose Tyler
She was a fat scene girl who was fucking useless and I'm glad she is trapped in some other dimension or whatever I Don't GIVE A FUCK
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You calling Troughton pretentious?

No. It actually look good on him.
I thought she was pretty good in series 1

Especially the first episode where she and ecclestone didn't really get on

series 2 onwards she can fuck off though
Enjoy the anniversary special


BBC saying categorically that as far as they're aware, the episodes don't exist.

Always hope they just haven't been informed yet, but it's a pretty big blow.
>I wear a bow tie now. Bow ties are cool.

I wanted to punch Smith so hard in the face the first time he said that.
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He could pull off a lot of things.
Not a bit of that strikes me as being conclusive. More like they have about as much knowledge about it as everybody else does.

Although, Doctor Who episodes being found there is still pretty unlikely if their records are truly correct. Though, mind you, the reason so many episodes still exist was because the BBC did a pretty shit job at making sure they were destroyed or sent back.
Why would the BBC know? This is the same company who ran Blue Peter episodes asking kids if any of their parents had old video tapes of Doctor Who, and if so could they please have them.

We already knew the BBC fucked up and lost a bunch of episodes to save money (and in a fire), what we don't know is if the missing episodes are out there somewhere else.
They're perfectly preserved in an alternate universe and the BBC learned how to breech into it. They just can't travel back and forth safely yet.
Moffat will write an episode about this, and the Doctor will lose the lost episodes in the Void. Just you wait.
I think Moffat said he hated writing alternate universe stories.
But he's exactly the sort of person who I could see writing a Doctor-comes-into-our-universe story.
It would be false meta tumblr pandering with the Doctor going into Hot Topic and playing with the TARDIS plushies.
Also fans would mob around him and he'd have to distract them with the sonic screwdriver or some other bullshit.
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Still, can't be worse than that Red Dwarf special.
>Best Doctor
>Not Eccleston
u wot m8
I actually enjoyed Back to Earth
This line really annoyed me for a reason entirely separate from most people's complaints. In The Writer's Tale, Rusty says he always knew how Tennant's last scene would go, and mentioned that he couldn't wait to type the later N followed by a full stop.

And then we got "I don't wanna go."

Turns it he was talking about the scene description after the line: "The new man."
I read u wot m8 in ecclestones voice

it actually fits really well
Well he is Northern (in before catchphrase), it's the kind of casual phrase a Northerner can get away with. If he was some sort of toff, he'd say, "Why, might I enquire as to what one intended with that statement?!" or some other long-winded faggotry.
Well, that sucks. The new series could use a good Inferno equivalent.

I said GOOD equivalent. Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel doesn't count.
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Best doctor coming through
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They were still the best cyberman focused episodes of the new era.
I had such high hopes for Nightmare.
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>Eccleston only did one season
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We all want more of him so he must have done a good job.
I got a similar vibe from Turn Left as a "what if" story.
What was the 9th doctors catchphrase?
i forgot
I did too. It's great that Matt Smith got to have a double role and I liked the new designs, but everything else just fell apart.
"Fantastic!" i think
Don't remind me.
Is Rose tyler worst companion
Smash-it Sam
Gaiman handed in a very long script and the BBC whittled it down and cut out the nonessential scenes that didn't involve the Doctor.
He even handed in a rough draft and they told him to rewrite it to include more scenes with the Doctor.
Is that such a bad thing considering Matt was the best part of the epsiode. Although the whole thing would've benefited from being a two-parter anyway, especially considering this is when we see the Cybermen get their new designs and capabilities.
It is a big thing since it was the worst episode of 7.2 and that's saying something.
The worst part is idiots are gonna watch it and go "I thought Gaiman was a good writer. le trash meme."
Bananas have a good source of potassium
The decision to excise two-part stories was truly the worst part of Series 7.
whey aye man
Roooooseee! Boo hoooo waaaahhhh!
No. That's the Tenth Doctor's catchphrase.
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Like a bigass fur coat.

Pic loosely related, I don't have a full image of it.
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Will this do?
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Troughton Is my favorite Doctor by a LONG way, but I have mad love for Matt Smith, (especially in his first series when Moffat wasn't trying to ruin the show) I thought he was brilliant, and his favorite Doctor, that he based his version on, is the 2nd Doctor.

>I hope they get a better show Runner and somehow figure out a way to keep John Hurt as the Doctor for a series at least, Damn that dude is such a wicked actor he would probably take the Doctors Character to it's pinacle if the writing didn't suck.
>Moffat created a fragile thing of wonder then dropped it, three times.
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Well, that was wibbly wobbly.

Here, have another.

Definitely agree, Troughton is GOAT.
>I hope they get a better show Runner and somehow figure out a way to keep John Hurt as the Doctor for a series at least

It's best they leave him as a one-time deal, even if they do a good job.
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Thank you. Here's one in color!
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Here's one that's animated!
Whove Mind
Do you reckon? It's just the timbre of his voice and acting ability that makes me think he could probably bring gravitas and depth to the recent scripts that have been so lacking in anything but *Clara pulls a puzzled the perky face* *the Doctor has to rush through some dialouge because of time constraints* *Clara looks perky then puzzled*

I just feel his gravitas would lend (and almost force upon) the whole show some of the deeper elements that the latter parts of Moffats tenure have so sorely lacked.
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>when Moffat wasn't trying to ruin the show

>hope they get a better show Runner and somehow figure out a way to keep John Hurt as the Doctor for a series

They can't even fucking afford Matt Smith and you think they're going to get John Hurt for a series.

It's a miracle they got him for one episode.
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Those will do nicely, thanks.
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Nonsense, there's plenty more!
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Oh, well... looks like a good opportunity to expand my "02" folder.
There's always room for more Troughon!

Honestly I'm a bit short on fuzzy coat images, I should do some capping sometime and continue TooMuch's legacy.
u wot m8
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Any excuse for me to overfill our Doctor Who folders.
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Here, let me enhance that for you.
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>not having a folder full of thousands of Doctor Who images and gifs


I also have a folder full of gifs I made
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I have no idea what you're talking about.
While we're on the subject of screenshots and Doctor Who images, I thought I'd share this site with any of you that don't already know about it.


Select "Pages", then click on any of the sections, and you get a wonderful list of episodes with a bunch of screenshots from that episode and some extras. The place is a goldmine.
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Can I get some full serial recommendations of Troughton? No missing episodes please.
Already seen tomb, mind robber and Dominators (worst serial I've ever seen).
No War Games, I'm not ready for a 10 week serial just now.
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Pretty good, m8
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What's wrong with them?
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If you don't want any missing episodes at all, you only have three more serials to choose from: The War Games, Seeds of Death, and The Krotons.

If you want recs for serials with only a few missing episodes, I could give you some. A good rec from Loose Cannon isn't too hard to sit through if there's only a few missing.
Are you kidding? After smashing the first 2 Matt Smith series Moffat managed to run the entire thing into flash bang no explanation character intro and no more flippancy. He wasted his budget and oppourtunities in trying to cater to both the Us and Uk markets, something you cannot do on a large scale such as the US without compromising the intrinisicly English things that make Doctor Who so popular here.

Not every English actor is motivated by money, it happens more than you'd think that people take roles more out of interest than financial gain.
Thanks, I think I'll check out SoD.
"paki cunt"
Seeds is a fun one, Troughton runs around with solar guns and fucks some Ice Warriors up towards the end of it.
nothing, but I've recently had surgery on my dick and Clara gives me a boner. It's fucking painful.
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M-my condolences.
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>Farting aliens
>Chav girlfriend
>Big Brother episode
>tolerable doctor
My computer is so bogged down it can't even load the damn torrent. I might want to close the Gandolfini tab and silverlight window.

You forgot

>Britney Spears song
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I know that feel, bro

Clara is too qt.

They should make her wear more skirts and dresses.

I want Matt Smith's like to be "I'm .. Oh I'm regenerating.. regeneration is co-" WHOOSH

"Where was I? Cool. Yes. Hello!"


I kind of got a kick out of that.

>Let us celebrate her passing with a traditional Earth ballad.
>Eccleston's only series was only half-okay
Any new news about the 90 missing episodes?

Last I heard, Ian Levine or whatever said it was legit.
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So how did /tv/ take the season finale?
First half: This has potential
Why? I stopped browsing /tv/ after Nightmare in Silver.
>>34281732 (OP)
you're retarded OP.
Guy on Twitter says there's proof, BBC says they haven't seen anything about it.
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I really dug it despite the G.I. being a bit misused.
This is looking more and more likely if he's backing it now. He'd previously debunked it.


Could have done without INTRODUCING JOHN HURT AS THE DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! though. It really ruined the moment.
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Have there been any more leaks?
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>that 9 line

god i remember being 12 yrs old, not knowing shit about regeneration, and being absolutely confused as to what was happening

>tfw i didn't want him to go

Also i just looked up the date that episode aired so i would know how old i was when it did and it just so happens that it aired exactly 8 years and 1 day ago.
He's an archivist for the BBC or something, isn't he? Not just some random dude on twitter.
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Almost everything struck me as being kind of dull with the exception of scenes with previous Doctors. So, I found myself being bored and not very interested in the ending.
>I used to swallow change when I was a kid because coins tasted salty.
do you like dicks?
I have no idea tbh, but as it stands now the BBC is saying "it's not true until we see proof" and the Twitter guy is saying "I've seen proof but don't have any to show right now"

Guess we'll just have to wait and see how things turn out
9 - always 9
Yeah mate, who doesn't?
The filesize limit for gifs is 1 MB.

The point the first guy should be making or is making is why doesn't 4chan make its own? It has a 3 MB limit and a board specifically for gif making purposes.


Albeit /worksafegif/ has an even bigger limit of 5 MB.

This is an area that 4chan trumps tumblr in. I don't understand why a lot of people here have to rely on tumblr gifs. Besides the fact that there's a lot of content there
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There's actually a few people in the DW generals that make their own gifs.
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we make our own all the time m8
That bit on the bleedingcool article is interesting

>I’ve checked the paperwork but I can’t fathom why BBC archive stuff would be addressed to a Merseyside address, especially one where the company name given doesn’t match the stated premises or postcode (hence why we couldn’t deliver the box and the customer had to fetch it himself). Then again, the shipper may have just cocked up the address slightly, it’s all perfectly kosher and I’m just fretting inappropriately. After all, the customer did say all would be revealed in time.

>Then again, the shipper may have just cocked up the address slightly

Someone could have messed up the address for some shipment of Doctor Who episodes. Kinda like how 25 minutes of lost Metropolis footage was found some place in Argentina after being passed around by a collector.
I'd say it's pretty likely. I mean, sillier thing have happened. Like two episodes of The Dalek's Master Plan being found in a church basement.
Alright, m8s
I kinda want to get into this show, all I've seen is silence in the library 2 parter. Should I start at a certain doctor like the 05 series?
Just start with s01e01 Rose. Depending on your standards/attention span, it's a bit of a rough ride. People will tell you to start with season 5 but don't be fucking lazy.
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The best place to start is Series 1, 2005.

Just be aware they're not all as good as the library episodes. There's some solid gold in there, though.
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Holy fuck. I never noticed this before.

Ah sorry by 05 I meant 2005 but thank you
Weird, I think this might be the only DW vertical I've ever seen.
I didn't actually think you were referring to Season 5, I was just anticipating other posts suggesting you to start there because there's always some.
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Yes someone showed it to me as there favorite episode so I expected the others to be lower quality
There's better ones too.
someone need to shoop Hurt Doctor in there now
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But that's not funny, it's just the most logical theory as to who it was now.
These are getting me excited.

>tfw you rewatch Smith's episodes a few years from now
it's going to be glorious
I meant Hurt Doctor's face on Rose's body
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Oh right.

Where are you getting this from? Did /tv/ make these back when the seasons aired? I wonder what the threads were like back then.
>I want my characters to do the same thing over and over again and never change

you are the reason entertainment is so fucking stale
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What the fuck?

That's not what I posted. I don't even have that image.

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these are fabulous
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They were glorious.
I apologize in advance, but can someone explain to me what the in universe explanation is for him having a different actor for what appears to be every season? I don't watch Dr. Who, but know of it, and it's always interested me as far as how they change the actor every season. I know it's supposed to be the same character, just different body. But why? I remember something like him having to re charge or something to that effect?

It's not every season, but basically he's from an ancient and technologically advanced race that can regenerate their bodies when they're damaged, or they get bored.
why dont we make funny OC anymore ;_;
/tv/ as a whole doesn't seem to anymore
So, I'll assume that he's not damaged enough in every instance that it's happened so far to need to do this. In this case where he's saying he doesn't want to do it, what's the reason he's going through the process? Or in any of the other non damage related transformations?

Thanks for the information.
I missed out on the golden era.
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We make funny OC all the time.
The 'I don't want to go' moment was caused by him being exposed to massive amounts of radiation.
Fatal injury has caused every regeneration except for one, which was forced upon him by his own people. If Mr. I Don't Want To Go refused to regenerate he would have died shortly after.
Oh, got it. Thanks.
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For the Doctor, it generally only happens at the point of death, except for the first two times. 1st when he wanted a younger body and 2nd when his government forced him to change.

Other people of his species have done it on a whim, though.
>1st when he wanted a younger body
It's never explained what caused him to first regenerate. Get outta here.
His old body was wearing a little thin
Most likely/obvious answer. But again, it's never explained.

It's kind of implied.

Sure, he could have had a heart attack or whatever but it's not like he got shot.
We take screenshots and gifs, that's not really the same thing.
I miss the Ponds, but it's nice to see him be more dominant with his new companion. Amy didn't let him get away with that shit. Atleast we got to see a bit of a different side to this incarnation before Smith leaves.
>It's kind of implied
It is absolutely never implied that he intentionally regenerated.
We're not saying that. We're saying he essentially died of old age.
>We're not saying that.

>1st when he wanted a younger body
>graphic designers

Nor is it implied that he didn't, but since 10 said "Time Lords don't age, they regenerate" and River said she'd reverse her aging just to fuck with people, it seems a reasonable explanation.
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And if you want to be really technical, bringing the continuity of "Season 6B" into account (where the Second Doctor was forced to work for the Time Lords before regenerating, which explains why he's working for them in The Five Doctors and The Two Doctors), even that's not the Second Doctor's last words.

According to the TV Comic story "The Night Walkers", which is set up as a direct prelude to Spearhead From Space, his real last words are:

>"Fear no more, Hogan...After this dreadful night has passed, your scarecrows will not walk again!"
I've spent a lot of time in DW generals. A couple of exceptions aren't going to convince me bro.
That was probably my favorite moment of modern Doctor Who and fit his character perfectly. The reincarnations are all different, so naturally one might react differently to the situation.
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>tfw the GOAT doctor only got one season
>tfw he didn't even have fun doing it
Eccleston very much enjoyed his time on Doctor Who, and he loved doing it for the children.

It was the people in charge he hated. Something about bullying the crew on set.
More like Dr Who gives a shit
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I know, right?
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Okay, buddy.
I kind of like the idea of the Second Doctor acting as an agent for the Time Lords.

That being said though...the TV Comics were really REALLY weird.
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hey guys
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>you will never have a plastic puh-puh-puh pizza bf
Great, now you reminded me of my bodybuilder uncle who was pretty much the prime example of a man's man.

And then his mother(My grandma) died and i saw him being reduced to a blubbering mess, hugging my grandmother's coffin, not even being able to finish his speech.

God that devastated me, probably even mre than my grandmother dying.
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Just imagine that regeneration has already kicked in when the monster flips 6 over. It's the only way it makes sense.
Why did 6 turn out like such a fucking ass anyway?
He had that "mad man" doctory vibe to him. It was without a doubt the trench coat and haircut.

If only his shoes weren't shitty sneakers. Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
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Hello, nice to meet you. I'm the Doctor
It wasn't Satan specifically. It was an ancient evil creature that had a very powerful nfluence. It's concienceness reached out to many planets, wich is why almost every religion out there describesThe Devil as such a creature. Because of that creature's evil. It touches the minds of certain people.

I actually really like how they made "Satan" real.
I actually think 7 has the SADDST ending..
There he is, chillin in his TARDIS wich some tea, and a fine book. Then shit happens and he lands on earth. He leaves the TARDIS and gets fucking shot.

Then doctors attempt to "save his life" and kill him.
Ironic, no? The Doctor killed by a doctor trying to save his life. How many times has he done the same thing?
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>Tardis crashes on a cowboy ranch
>Doctor starts regenerating as it crashes
>Tardis crashes inside ranch house
>A man comes out
>It's pic related
"Let's fix some sons o' bitches"
OldWho fans would get fucking spastic and explode that once again the Doctor is an attractive hunk, instead of an eccentric average brit.
I hope they go with an older Doctor this time..
Like, not John Hurt old, but older. Say someone in his early 40's?
To be fair, Moffat would never hire someone who looks normal. His advanced process for hiring actors is

Unconventional appearance --> Eccentric/different ---> Extremely british

10/10 GOAT main character
He existed "Before Time" though, and that's a concept that not even the Doctor could grasp. He had to face something he couldn't understand and put faith in those before him who set up the means of eliminating Satan's physical form. Total religious story from a show that sucks the Dawkins Dork whenever it can. Hilarious!
Same. I wasn't completely happy with ecclestons appearance. He looked like an average hooligan IMO. I mean, nothing against the man, his acting, or his role, but ideally, it would be something less dadcore.
In what way was it a "total religious story"?
That's just what the creature claims.

How did you get that from what i said? I loved Eccelston. He's my favourite Doctor next to 3 now (im watching old who, 3 is fucking amazing. He's like a spy or something. Karates people left and right, drives his awesomeold timey car. i love him)
Hugh Dancy might be a good choice, young enough but old enough to play the character and not ultra famous.
Well as religious as Who will get. It was a test of faith in what the Doctor believes against a being that existed in a place the Doctor can't go. Allusions, metaphors, allegory and such.
I just worded it weirdly.
>I'd love a guy who's in his 40's or something, but I wasn't entirely happy with Eccleston
is how it should have been written

But yeah, I grew up on OldWho reruns and Ecclestons first impression was he looked so out of place and looked like an average person you could find on a welsh sports bar.
Do you just mean it had religious elements or are you really trying to claim it was pro-religion?
Not really PRO religion, but more like the Doctor having to accept things he can't understand and roll with it. Act of the faith sort of thing. That's what I took from it, and why he didn't want to talk about it after the fact.
You can't defend Doctor Who writing as either. I would not be surprised if in one episode they find a proxy for God.

Oh wait they already did that, but it turned out to be a sun vampire or whatever.
I don't think it's the first time that the Doctor has "acted on faith". If I recall, he didn't have much alternative. And all the components were still based in (the show's) reality/science.
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how would you feel about Robert Sheehan as the next doctor? I think he'd be pretty good, maybe a bit young
I'd stop watching immediately
1. Looks like he's 15
2. Don't like his voice
3. Don't like his appearance
4. Don't like his acting

Sorry, that's my opinion
And they're all valid opinions but you mustn't be that big of a fan of the show if you'd quit without even watching his first episode.
> Watching rings of akhaten
> Doctor gets hit on the head with a ball
> Enters Karate stance.

Channeling 3 a bit are we?

The producers wanted Six to be really unlikeable to start off with, and gradually he'd calm down and you'd like him.
I can't remember htat. gif it yo.
I'm an old who fan and I have no problem with the 12th being ultra hunky and/or non-brit
but Jensen Ackles, come on try harder, his range is Dean Winchester to Eric Brady, not good enough (it'll be Matt Smith all over again)
Some charm and some acting please.
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>"old who fan" who has no problem with a Doctor being played by a non-brit
>claiming Smith is a bad actor with poor range
noice b8 m8
yeah I may be the only one who feels this way but meh
Don't get wrong Smith was dreadful in his first season, but he has sort of warmed to the task (now he is gone.)
Although I wasn't really taken with the last couple of eps, not convincing enough.
But that's just for me. Others adore him, others hate him.
There's a difference between not liking the character being portrayed and an actor being bad.
I see the point and that's how I define the actor.
to me Smith was fine in the middle of his run just not on either end.
Point I'm trying to make is I don't see some-one like Jensen Ackles being able to do it (though I could be wrong.)

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