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>never been a mecha fan
>casual anime fan (Akira, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Ninja Scroll)
>be hyped for Pacific Rim and decide to finally check out NGE after all these years of avoidance knowing the praise its gotten
>research so see where to start and find out its a goddamn mess
>watch ep 1-26 original release

what the fuck this is nowhere near Bebop-tier anime was this supposed to be deep? Should I really bother watching the other ending movies?? This shit wasn't that great even for 1995. And goddam those last 2 episodes no wonder people were pissed
>>34736179 (OP)
go die in a fire pleb
>being this pleb

holy fuck kill yourself
i feel your feel OP before I saw it I would see posters of it thinking the characters lookde goofy but interesting and WTF the boy is a little bitch, if I was his father I would have abandoned him too. And of the two girls, one is an emotionless imbicile and the other is a attention craving cunt
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>>34736179 (OP)

Did you watch EoE?
Also 2deep4u
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i'll dump eva shit just to spite you OP

kill yourself
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They never tell you about all this shit in the show
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OP here

PLEASE someone explain to me why this is so fucking good. I even watched Love Hina (forgot to mention) and it was more tolerable and the boy was still a whiney little faggot. All I wanted them to do the entire series is stop bitching and explain what the angels and evas are and they waited until the LAST MINUTE because I think they knew noone would care afterwards
I hate being this guy but yeah it was
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how do you think people write this shit?

is there, you just miss everything

rewatch it like 10 times
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>>34736179 (OP)
Wow OP, you are indeed a faggot, an underage b&, retarded redneck.

And this is not about taste. You can hate NGE but this crap:
>this is nowhere near Bebop-tier anime
tells me you have brain damage.
that's fucking retarded and convoluted as hell, convoluted =/= good storytelling
It's an interesting breakdown of human psyche and depression.
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>can't understand a simple plot

you guys can't be that retarded

I only really enjoyed it once I could empathise and understand with a character, you need a foot in the door really

It wasn't Shinji
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>>34736179 (OP)
Okay you fucking faggot and casual here's the thing: Neon Genesis is the greatest anime ever made. Now that you have disagreed with this fact and I am going to track you down but I'm not going to kill you, not just yet. No, that would be too easy. First I am going to monitor you for a while to see what kind of person you are etc. Then I am going to initiate events in your life so that it will become impossible for you to not get a GF who you will marry and have children with. I will allow you a few years so that you may properly fall in love and so your children may grow to an age of 6 or 7 so they can comprehend what will happen but will still be irreversibly damaged from it. Then one day, while you are at home with your beautiful wife and children I will knock. You or your wife will answer. I will immediately chainsaw whichever one of you has answered in half and rip the other one's throat and eyes out with my bare hands. I will then tie your children to a chair and begin slapping them with your and your wifes body parts saying "Daddy said Evangelion was no good and this is what happened. I'm not going to be around long enough to repeat this to you fuckers if you do the same but there are fuckers crazier then me out there who will do waaaay worse if you say you hate Evangelion" I will then force them to watch Evangelion, EoE and Rebuild all on Rebuild for a month whill repeatedly abusing them with your decaying body parts.

Good job dad. You've fucked up now.
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EXEMPLI GRATIA: "I watched EVA, but it didn't do much for me. wtf? I like cowboy bebop though", "what the fuck this is nowhere near Bebop-tier anime was this supposed to be deep?".
>that's convoluted as hell
How retarded are you?
It's not perfect, but it's unarguably unique.
It builds you up and break you down, I liked it.
Anime should really go to >>>/a/, though.
>people still not understanding, not even watched evangelion already
>in the year of our lord 2013

no wonder /tv/ is filled with plebs
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>not posting the fuller version

Look at Kaworous fucking hair, I want to stroke it
>can't understand
It's so poorly laid out I'm not even going to try, and why should I? Because jap babbys are all kawaii?
>not watching EoE instead of the final 2 episodes
>>34736179 (OP)
are you for real

So you need to self insert into it.

>not watching both
>not watching the final 2 episodes between the giant mindfuck of EoE

say what?

Nah not self insert but it does help if you can identify with one of them partially, the series is all about character interaction if you can't sympathise you're not going to pick up on the nuances
>is too deep4me so i will remain ignorant instead of try to understand the plot

no wonder capeshit still sells like hotcakes
No you don't, you just don't have to be pleb faggot.
I beg to differ. Evangelion is among the best I've ever seen and will likely see.

I never gave a fuck for mecha, by the way, but I love Evangelion.

Watch The End of Evangelion for the real ending. Your mind will be fucking blown to pieces.

It's high art in every respect.

>original series
>the end of evangelion

That's all you need.
Oh I can understand it just fine, it's still retarded and convoluted though.
It's a shit anime OP. You were duped.

OH WOW, you guys are such jack offs
Go to >>>/a/
I'm sure they will tell you why it's great/shit
OP here

what?! almost none of that was explained in the 1-26 episodes is that shit in the after-the-fact releases?? THATS BECAUSE THE STORY WAS A FUCKING MESS!

WHY even bother lying about Lilith being Adam when contact with the angels would yeild the same result. And how the fuck is that last angel kid boh the Adam fetus AND that thing Gendo aquired. SEELE made an angel?? fucking how??

This show didn't make me consider my existence because I dont need an anime for that it didn't teach me anything new in that regard I just wanted an awesome story
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I bet you loved Drive
But NGE isn't moe, what could /a/ possibly tell him?
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Gundam > Evangelion
if you are talking about kaworu, he was a vessel that contained adam's soul

the big ass white shit trapped inside central dogma is lilith but they always lied saying it was adam.

adam is the small fetus shit that kaiji gave to gendo on a suitcase and gendo inserted on himself to give it to rei, (this shit happens on the movie so you won't know shit)
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I love Drive, it's definitely one of the best movies since 2000.

Evangelion is the best anime I have ever seen.

It's a matter of taste, but for people like me, it's the best.
>>34736179 (OP)
>what the fuck this is nowhere near Bebop-tier anime was this supposed to be deep?

Neither of them are, they are cartoons, in Japan as in the rest of the world cartoons are made to be enjoyed, understood and watched primarily by children, and as such tend to be quite shallow.

Many anime fans will disagree with that fact, but they're man children and no one cares what they think least of all me. Cartoons are made for consumption by children in mind, this is a fact, you can get red in the face all you want.

>Should I really bother watching the other ending movies??
No, you will never get a job or get laid because you watched Evangelion, if you're not enjoying the series thus far proceeding would be pointless and the land whales that waddle over to you saying how super deep and introspective Evangelion is can be ignored because their opinions don't matter.

>This shit wasn't that great even for 1995. And goddam those last 2 episodes no wonder people were pissed


When people try to be artsy with something intended for children people tend to either like it or hate it,

I for example thought it was an idiotic and shallow waste of time, many people here thoroughly suck its cock and pray they get a facial.
>not watching both
>hating on the last 2 episodes
i fucking hate you, faggots
>All I wanted them to do the entire series is stop bitching and just spoonfeed me what was going on!
Fuck NGE
Fuck you if you like it
Plebeian faggots
Could you explain why we should want a bunch of drama from a group of unsympathetic make believe assholes?
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wow so wise
so speshul
so introspectve
The show gives people a more (can't believe i'm going to say this) realistic point of view with children piloting giant robots and protecting townspeople. No child could stay sane and keep the Evangelion universe safe; it's just bound to fall apart.

Don't forget that two of the kids are fucking angels. The Eva universe is messed up.
your arguments can be shortened to
>cartoons are for children

which is stupid. Go watch old simpsons, as the biggest example on earth.
Animation is just one way to tell a story. Just because shit for kids is mostly cartoons and "adult" shit is almost never in cartoon form, doesn't mean the style defines the content.

You're either dumb as fuck and uneducated, or 17
>wow so wise
>so speshul
>so introspectve
What people think of Evangelion.
why would anyone want to watch anything?

>For children

Children are supposed to get EVA?
made me chuckle
>bunch of drama from a group of unsympathetic make believe assholes?
>make believe assholes
>make believe

Why are you even on this board? It's entire purpose is to discuss make believe things. No one here should have to explain to you the reason to watch thing that are "make believe". That's why you're here.
>your arguments can be shortened to
It can't be shortened at all and you're a petty inexperienced idiot for trying, you need to take the entire argument or take none of it.
Not even that guy but you really do sound like one of them angsty 17yo philosophers.

I didn't take this to /a/ because Im an anime casual and there's no way they'll take me seriously

I went into NGE with high hopes like I've been saving it for something y'know? But I was underwhelmed as all fuck at this. I don't expect Japanese writers to explain everything but goddamn whatever they didn't want to explain they filled it with existential garbage and crying. Some of the intrigue I liked tho, like that one bitch who was fucking Gendo after her mother did like "aww naww" and based Gendo not giving any fucks. And the Kaji guy was bretty cool

So the general opinion is I should watch EoE because episodes 1-26 don't do shit on their own
>So the general opinion is I should watch EoE because episodes 1-26 don't do shit on their own

Is this a bad ruse
>>34736179 (OP)
>Bebop is overrated

Go back to /a/
Except your "arguments" were
>cartoons are for kids and shallow
>those who watch em should be ignored because i say so

you must be a troll. Nobody can be this stupid.
I apologise.

Point still stands though.
Stick to Gurren Lagann, OP.
>>34736179 (OP)
>NGE: Robot fights are cool. Everything else is shit.

That's pretty much it a nutshell.
EoE explains what is happening physically during Episode 25 and 26. NGE explains what is happening mentally during EoE. Then he wakes up at the end of EoE and is beyond insane.

Find me a child who does
if you felt the series lacked explanations and epic shit happening, go EoE
I honestly thought it wasn't necessary after watching it.
Except it doesn't. Consult >>34737179.
You just wrote down bunch of your own unrooted opinions and you expect people to treat them as undeniable facts when it comes to discussion.
>>34736179 (OP)
It was made in 1995 and was something new for the genera, you can stop complaining

It's like listening to kids argue that The Usual Suspects was predicable and boring.
that's like saying
>matrix : the kung fu was cool, everything else was shit
If you wanted kung fu, watch bruce lee.. idiot
What is your opinion on the series "Aku no Hana"?

I think it has been a masterpiece.
>Except your "arguments" were
You can't even discern my arguments, why am I paying attention to you?
>cartoons are for kids and shallow
Indeed, full of dime store philosophy and/or edgy crap and easily understood storylines.
>those who watch em should be ignored because i say so
It's like an inside joke between old animufags from the times when it was really hard to find anything else besides a few titles, so these titles have become classics.
NGE is shitty and everyone knows it, but admitting it makes you look like a pleb. Same as Drive.

>Implying I am a child

If I was I wouldn't be on 4chan or watching animes
But it's a nonsense post.
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Btw pic related it's me.
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>If I was I wouldn't be on 4chan or watching animes

Except NGE is okay at worst, and Drive sucks
Also it's been around for so long that some people started to actually like it.
I didn't think it was deep at all, and everything made sense while during my first watching.

I still love the fuck out of it and watched it 6 times since.

EoE left me with feels for weeks, like finishing LOST with /tv/

It wasn't complicated or 2deep4u, but just great.

The only anime I watched before hand was Bebop, and now I'm on my 20ish anime series, and nothing has held candle to it

I hated Drive. Couldn't finish watching it. I think Ryan Gosling really is stupid or something. Like in the head
It is an awful movie.
My favourite anime series:
1. Kurozuka
2. Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei
3. Akagi
4. Shigurui
5. Mouryou no Hako

Are you suggesting children spend all day every day on 4chan watching chinese girl cartoons?
manchildren do
you know...i think he is

Manchildren aren't children
thats pretty childish of you to say
They are in every way that counts.....or doesn't count, depending on how you look at it.
This thread is fucking ruined
Why are the edgy kids trying to be beyond "edgy 2deep4u stuff" always around..?
>Why are the edgy kids trying to be beyond "edgy 2deep4u stuff" always around..?

Because most of 4chan aren't real people, they are completely hollow and incapable of feeling, that's why they pick fights so they can actually experience something no matter how small whether it be hate or misery
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Oh no Evangelion thread is ruiened
I used to be like that i guess. 5 years ago when i blended in. Now i feel too mature for this place, where i can't have a discussion without people calling me a faggot or "you're wrong because i say so"
I just started watching NGE, I'm on episode 3.

I'm a total anime pleb, I only ever watched DBZ as a kid, but decided to check it out since I run out of live action series. So far it's pretty good
Why? I'm not op and I like it so far

ok so I just started streaming Rebirth because I could see already that Death was just everything I just saw and........
did Shinji just cum in his own hand to this passed-out bitch?


You are all cocksucking master rusemen
watch it after NGE
Don't listen to fags. Watch whole series + EoE
I don't think anime is the medium for you, try Gravity Falls or Adventure Time.
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The best EVA threads start out with a different topic and then somebody references NGE and turns the tides of the conversation.

/v/ of all places has the best NGE discussions before they turn into MY WAIFU>YOUR WAIFU.
Does /a/ like NGE or they consider it pleb because it's popular?
oh you're hilarious do you write?
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Old /a/ liked it in 2005 but all they discuss now are moeblob shows.
/v/ is an alright place to discuss anything other than videogames
They don't like anything even remotely popular.
>>34736179 (OP)
>cowboy bebop
SO there's no place on 4chan to discuss anime if you're not an expert of the medium?
genre not medium
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It's not about depth, it's about style and atmosphere. Also you'd have to be a robot not to tear up during any of the episodes to feature Vicious.
/v/ and /tv/ are decent places if you catch the right threads. /v/ has great Shingeki no Kyojin threads lately for instance, and there was a good Ghost in a Shell + Innocence + SAC thread here yesterday I think.
Has anyone seen the movie "Psychic School Wars"? I loved it.
Was that the one ggthx guys translated few weeks ago? It's in my backlog. It's good, huh? Visuals reminded me of 5 centimeters, but that's about all I got from the trailer/screenshots.
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>>34736179 (OP)
It's great, very interesting.

It's from the director of the classic series Mouryou no Hako, which is a masterpiece.

P. S. Makoto Shinkai sucks.
I agree with you OP, it was pure shite. Laughable production values too, they resorted to using storyboard stills for for the last few episodes. Though I can understand that people in their early teens could have enjoyed it back in the 90's and now revere the show with extreme nostalgia.
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>Makoto Shinkai sucks.

Why would you say something like that.
Maximum pleb.

Watched this for the first time last year, trying to watch Bebop now, and Bebop is fucking shit. It's like a cartoon for children.
You wanted to see robots fight eachother like the four year old that you are.

The show wanted to tell a story about depression.

Conclusion: become not a retard.
I only watch mature anime for mature viewers such as myself.

Tokyo Godfathers? Oh please. Urotsukidoji is miles ahead.
Because his movies are aesthetically and ideologically trite.

His body of work gets progressively weaker and more empty with every new movie.
Rebuild 2.22 is pretty fantastic
downloading them all, thanks!
Anno's a Scientologist. Great
>It's an interesting breakdown of human psyche and depression

If you're twelve
>ideologically trite

Films have to have a certain ideology to them now?
They're emotional films about feels, not contemplations about modern cultorology or stuff.

>aesthetically trite
Who killed Kaji anyway?
Can you name anything that does the same thng better THAT ISN'T TERRENCE MALICK?
>only mature depictions of depression for a mature depressionist such as myself
>I just wanted an awesome story

Oh. Go watch Jojo then.
>something intended for children

You know, like theosophy about Man's origin
>existential garbage and crying

The sum total of Hideaki Anno's oeuvre
Tony Soprano

Name anything better
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>>34736179 (OP)
>that's like saying
>>matrix : the kung fu was cool, everything else was shit

>Films have to have a certain ideology to them now?
They do. Perhaps, you don't understand what an "ideology" means.
Crime and Punishment.
>It was made in 1995 and was something new for the genera,

"Genre." And yes, it pioneered embezzling your budget and having to resort to hand puppets because you went broke on
get this
painted backgrounds

>It's like listening to kids argue that The Usual Suspects was predicable and boring.
> Being surprised Kevin Spacey's the villain in any movie
> He had the same fucking initials as Keyser Soze
> Any year with four digits in it
>e finishing LOST with /tv
>try Gravity Falls
> implying GF is not the NGE of /co/
Perhaps you don't understand that we live in 2013. and that "floating subject" and "dehierarchy" are things for more than half a century now.
> last panel, no kudos
I will hunt you down and harm you
>The show wanted to tell a story about depression.

That's called "Living in Japan and being Japanese."
>Can you name anything that does the same thng better THAT ISN'T TERRENCE MALICK?


There really isn't anything interesting about chemical depression. It's like the opposite of art. And I'm speaking as someone who's been on 60mg duloxetine for over a decade and prozac before it.

If I thought other people needed to understand my disorders I'd become a tranny game developer.
So nothing concerning depression and breakdown should ever be created because it won't be better than one of the greatest literary works ever written?

Plus I think he meant in terms of anime, litfag.
I don't claim it's better but Infinite Ryvius is as good.
>in terms of chinese girl cartoons
I've seen NGE threads on /co/ once in a while.

They'll watch anything with Kristin Schaal in it.
>They'll watch anything with Kristin Schaal in it.
Except her fuck-awful Andy Kaufman impersonation as a stand-up comedian.
I answered the question an anon asked compulsively and out of the context. I didn't imply anything.
I agree, her stand up is pretty weak.
Nigga, Elayne Boosler was the shit in those days. And she's funnier than the Seinfeld character they based on her.
anime is not a good vehicle to convey depression in a story because hand animating 3 frames a second doesnt do much to animate gesture cues or facial nuances commonly typical in depressed people. Mangas make more sense because you're relying more on story than delivering the visual medium

if anime is the only source for you to connect with depression then you don't know what depression is
Wow. Your comment is so stupid.
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How will I know he's depressed if he's not sobbing?
yeah draw one fucking picture and leave it there with voiceovers for 5 whole minutes PLEASE
Well at least OP didn't say Pacific Rim ripped off Eva
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I watched 3.33. Felt the same thing i did with Prometheus.
More questions than answers, some characters acting stupid, but it was still enjoyable.
Not the war crime i thought it was.
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>>34736179 (OP)
It was legitimately 2deep4u.
actually, if you were paying attention, one of my problems is that it wasn't
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I disagree. Scenes like these can express a lot about a character.
fair enough but geez how about a slow zoom or something fuck
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Tang has got to be my favorite end of the world scene. Komm Susser Tod just makes it perfect.
The first time I saw that scene I thought it was pretty meh, but then I re-watched the movie 2 months later...
there are no good franchises about mech.
there are good franchises with mech,

this is why NGE is fucking incredible and transformers is shit
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>tfw not really into anime that much

Is NGE really all its cracked up to be or is it just good if you are really into chinese cartoons?

Is this the kind of show that people should watch before they die or is it just good by "anime standards"
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NGE is a shitty Ideon/Devilman rip-off.
what's the one blomkamp commented on?
It's better than most shit that's on tv like Dexter and Walking Dead, that's for sure
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>implying I watch that shit anyway
>>34736179 (OP)
why does adam want to destoy lilith?
Yeah, it's actually really amazing. I hate almost all anime because I think it's boring, badly paced, confusing, and full of shitty characters, but this show is none of those things.

You should at least watch a few episodes and see if you get hooked by the action or characters, and if not then maybe anime just isn't your thing.
How was Shinji-kun able to walk, considering he didn't have a backbone?
First 6 episodes were great. Then it becomes shit until ep 24. Serioulsy, this show could have been better if it only had 12 episodes.
>if you don't like this then you don't like anime

NGE isn't the best anything
Two "seeds" can't share the same planet.
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I made the major mistake of marathoning this show and EoE over 3 days

It's nothing more than a descent entry level show, don't get fooled by these "2deep4u" people. Any casual Chinese cartoon fan should check it out though.
That's exactly what I'm planning to do, why was it a mistake anon?
I thought that the first 22 or so were great, then it undergoes the usual anime pitfall of "2deep4u" shit, and then End of Evangelion is pretty good.

I loved every single angel battle, though, they really kept me into the show.
whats the Blomkamp one?
>I need to wrap up a backstory uhhhhhh acient advanced race somehow dying off to fast for any survival measure gonna shoot out dna all over the universe to preserve species for the future on other planets DONE!!
>fritz the cat is for children
jesus that must have been a 30 second still
you need time to think about the show and let it stew during the second half. Stick to a couple episodes a day
I agree about ep 6, but I thought it got properly good at ep 16
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>you will never have sex with a clone of your mother
I did it over 4-5 days, it wasn't so bad. Most of the show is pretty easy to digest except for the end shit, which I could spend hours and not get without other people telling.
every eva thread ever:
>i really didn't enjoy the series, anyone care to explain why it's so highly regarded by some?
>clearly it was too deep for you, you just don't get it
>surely if it's great then it wouldn't be hard to at least describe why?
>it's just too deep for you, you just don't get it
It's a whole minute
Madoka is better
rei is satire of the fact neckbeards will latch onto completely empty shells of characters with wacky hair and eyes as their "waifu", and also how they all have mother issues
Misato best girl

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