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oznzb Usenet Indexing Community


For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two Contests—one for new Rotating Banners, and the other for our House Ads.

Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners!

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>implying this isn't going to be best film of the year 2014

You must like legos.

>this faggot didnt have legos in his childhood
You must like legos as well.
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>supporting traitorous Danes

Do you?
Looks bretty good

good kill yourself

mega blok masterrace
I hope you faggots step on a lego piece.
This looks like complete shit but I am so excited to go see it.
are legos still in?

Feel like this movie would've been cool 15 years ago
Of course they're cool, OLD MAN.
They're really huge now but they're not fun like how they were before.
Now it's all themes and shit instead of a huge fucking box with a million pieces

nigga lego alone makes more $$$ then like every other toy company in the world combined

except maybe whoever owns transformers, they do pretty well too
I was glad there was so many references to ALL the lego sets, when I first heard of it I thought it was going to focus on their recent properties (which are pretty much all warner brothers characters).

The preview made me laugh, when the wizard is naming off all the different lego sets and he gets to "the 2002 nba all stars."

That and all the characters in the background that I recognize from like 20 years ago. It looks fun.

wow I had no idea

I thought all the kids were playing on ipads and 3ds these days
>Gob as Batman
>Watches his parents get killed
>"Hello darkness my old friend..."
I lost it at 1980-something space guy.

Now that's when Lego was cool... though the gray castles were an improvement over the silly yellow ones.
Wow, looking at what Lego offers now, it seems they have both Marvel AND Dc superheros, plus Lord of the Rings, Ninja Turtles and a bunch of other crap. There original sets they have going look kind of neat as well.

It's no wonder these guys make a fortune.
>Techno version of Take on Me
> Lego hobbits with half sized leg pieces

I giggled.
Feel This Moment by Shitbull and Christina Uglyera
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I am wind-rider Kongu! Every single one of you is hate worthy! All are body-bloat, slow-think, no-lifes! You spend every second of bright-time looking at slow-think no-use pictures! You are everything bad-worse on Mata Nui! Truth-speak, have any of you ever gotten any Ga-Matoran? Quick-think, it could be that it is give-joy to point-laugh at others because of self-problems! You all take up-tree to new heights though! This is bad-worse than rod-rubbing to Po-Matoran carvings!

Don’t be not-known! Crash-wreck me if you can! I’m no-flaw sing-song! Captain of the Gukko Force! Starter of Le-Koro koli team! What fun-good activities you do, other than “self-pleasure to non-armour matoran”? I also do good thought-plans, and have a skilled second (he just blew rama swarm out of air; battle-flight was SO widgets!)!

You are all ever-ugly slow-thinks who should just remove masks. Thanks for listening.
Carving related: Me and my second
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
way way back in the 1980s secret government employees
If this is anything like Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, it'll be surprisingly awesome.
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oznzb Usenet Indexing Community

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