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>There are people who don't realize that the whole "patrician vs plebeian" meme on /tv/ is merely a joke.

Being elitist based on accomplishment or skills is perfectly okay.

Being elitist because of your "taste" in commercialized "art" is the epitome of childishness.
you realize there are things called art judges who make millions of dollars based on their taste?
>there is an OP in this topic who doesn't realize everyone knows that
>science ahead of engineering

Top fucking lel
>>35420635 (OP)
You know the ONLY people who say things like you just said, you know what they are right? PLEB BABBYS
>you know realize the op's plan is to troll people with the picture
>Science as a catch-all term because babby doesn't know how to differentiate
>Philosophy and art not going hand in hand

You are a pleb.

1. Without scientific understanding of nature, one cannot apply the knowledge towards building something.

2. Too many engineers are working on bullshit such as consumer electronics.
And how many are that?

Exactly two.
where is Economics?
Mid Tier
>>35420635 (OP)
Far too many memes start out sarcastic and mocking but become seriously used by new people and idiots who didn't get it.
>>35420635 (OP)
is computer science considered as science ?
tfw astro physics major
But everything stems from philosophy, which is the purest of human thought.

I'm doing physics too, and astro is considered soft physics.
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>God Tier
I see you are quite euphoric yourself good sir *tips fedora
>there is a poster in this topic who greatly overestimates his fellow man.
>he probably thinks cows feel unfulfilled and oppressed by living on a farm
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>out of high school go do an art course in college
>do graphic design course at the same college
>3 years out of highschool and making 1k a week

feels God Tier to me
>>35420635 (OP)
Anyone who knew it was a joke stopped using the words a long time ago when idiots started using them seriously.
>buttmad liberal arts baby
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Daily reminder that the greatest mind of all time was a christian
Anyone else notice that Engineers are the only STEM students who constantly brag about their degree and belittle people doing other degrees?

>Muh Job Prospects
lol STEM
enjoy your superiority complex and unemployment
You probably graduated in the top 5. How many of your former classmates are not employed in grafix design?
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>>35420635 (OP)
They all have roles.

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