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Signed up for Snapchat as "MOOTCHAT"—can't wait for the torrent of dick pix!

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>His secret revealed
The secret is not his name, but the existence of the John Hurt incarnation.

>The Name of the Doctor
A red herring suggesting we were going to find out the Doctor's name, but as the Doctor says his real name is not the point. The title is the last line of dialogue in the episode.

>I said he was me. I never said he was the Doctor.
>My name - my real name - that is not the point. The name I chose is the Doctor. The name you choose, it's like a promise you make. He's the one who broke the promise. He is my secret.
>John Hurt: What I did, I did without choice...
>I know.
>John Hurt: In the name of peace and sanity.

Well played Moffat. Thoughts on the episode? Theories on the 50th?
>>33237947 (OP)
50th Anniversary Special will revisit the Time War.

John Hunt is the Ninth Doctor (or Doctor 8.5 if you prefer), who actually fought in the Time War and is responsible for the extinction of the Daleks.

The Doctor does not want to remember this time in his life, which is why he refuses to call John Hunt "The Doctor".

We know that John Hunt is doctor 8.5 because he's wearing the same outfit as McGann.
it was wonderful
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Trenzalore looked nice
I was annoyed that Clara told him which Tardis to steal, when in the Doctors wife episode, the Tardis said that she was unlocked because she wanted to steal a time lord and see the universe
John Hurt playing the Time War Doctor seems pretty likely

Best episode in ages
Can anyone tell me any major plot in Doctor Who ever being explained fully?
maybe the Tardis spoke to Clara?
Eh, I just ignored it as a joke
He's a time-travelling alien....
thats about it
Maybe Clara is the Tardis?
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Everything did
I really enjoyed it, was actually a good explanation for Clara turning up all over the place and felt like a story about time travellers. Vastra's gang wasn't too obnoxious. All the nods to the old Doctors were great, and the final reveal was a proper "Oh my God!" moment that has me hungry to watch the 50th.

That said there was some disappointing elements to it, The Doctor kept going on about how he should never go to Trenzalore, in fact pretty much the entire plot of the last season was The Silence trying to kill The Doctor to prevent him going there, but if the Great Intelligence hadn't been there there wasn't any indication anything bad would have happened. How River knows the Doctors name is still a mystery. Also that whole conversation between River and the Doctor was pretty cringey.

Also did The Doctor say 'Geronimo!' before jumping into his own timestream or not? I can't remember, but that seemed like a perfect opportunity for him to say it again.
i guess the great intelligence tried to fuck something up (like make the doctor choose another tardis) and clara had to help the tardis getting her Doctor

I was really hoping for something more about the secret to Clara. They blew their load on her after only half a season and now there's nothing all that special about her.
Well Clara did have to go through the Tarids
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I'd get inside that if you know what I mean
You guys do know that John Hurt is the Valeyard right?

> but... but the trainyard
>I said he was me. I never said he was the Doctor.
> That´s the Valeyard
A time lord only reveals his name on the day of his wedding. This is why River knows.
>The Doctor kept going on about how he should never go to Trenzalore, in fact pretty much the entire plot of the last season was The Silence trying to kill The Doctor to prevent him going there, but if the Great Intelligence hadn't been there there wasn't any indication anything bad would have happened. How River knows the Doctors name is still a mystery.

Yeah it hasn't tied up all the loose ends
>On the fields of Trenzalore, at the fall of the Eleventh, a question would be asked, a question that must never be answered
This doesn't seem done yet, maybe it'll come up in the 50th

The Valeyard is after Smith's Doctor.
Im kind of annoyed that we now know how the doctor will die, so every episode onwards will have no tension in it whatsoever

He's not the Valeyard. The Valeyard is a version of The Doctor somewhere between the 12th and 13th regeneration. It's more than likely he'll be the regeneration that fought in the Time War who actually had possession of 'The Moment', destroying Daleks and Time Lords.

The Doctors after him choose to shun him because he dishonoured the moniker of 'The Doctor'.
Not the full quote
>“On the fields of Trenzalore, at the fall of the Eleventh, when no living creature can speak falsely or fail to answer, a question will be asked. A question that must never, ever be answered."

In between 2 and 3

In between 8 and 9

Regenerated and then regenerated back, like an "undo", most likely in between companions

Will regenerate into him in the future


Maybe this "silence" is Clara Oswald stopping The Great Intelligence from killing the Doctor? TGI was pretty active in killing the Doctor and not being silent at all while Clara was silently protecting the Doctor all that time

Other than that, I still don't know what The Silence are hoping to accomplish.
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>They blew their load on her

we all did anon, we all did
did you really watch the show all these years and at some point were unsure whether the Doctor will live or not?
Time can be rewritten

Timey Wimey

This is Doctor Who, everything can be rewritten due to bullshit reasons m8

He can regenerate probably hundreds of times too, so there was never any tension in the first place.
>introducing John Hurt as the knackers yard
I thought trenzalore was going to be some kind of planet where it was impossible to lie or ignore a question, not a giant graveworld
well, maybe it's a fixed point in time and the doctor has to enter his own timeline... and maybe he'll undo everything he ever did. like... restarting the universe

so, the silence are the tood guxs
of course not, but there was always the threat of death.
I feel like Smith's the Valeyard...
he cant regenerate from things that kill him instantly, like gunshots to the head or decapitation
No, that's been resolved. The "fall of the 11th" was the 11th Doctor sending the TARDIS into free fall in order to land on Trenzalore.
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I thought it might be some kind of courtroom/trial sequence, but I guess 6 already did that


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