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    210 KB Battlestar Galactica Hype thread....JAHMP! Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)19:23 No.2916619   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    60 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:38 No.2918941
    >if they end the show on a cliffhanger, fans might stop watching the show

    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:51 No.2919023
    >if they end the show on a cliffhanger, fans might stop watching the show

    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:59 No.2919048

    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:05 No.2919085

    >Roslin ... will survive

    Well shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:08 No.2919098

    The "Dying Leader" still needs to find out about the truth of the Opera House.

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    301 KB Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:01 No.2919054   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Which girl would you fuck from the Skins series?

    If you're a chick, what guy would you fuck?

    For me, all about Cassie. Anorexic crazy chicks are really fucking sexy.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:05 No.2919076
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:05 No.2919084

    She had nice tits.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:07 No.2919091

    Show sucks pretty hard though, I had to give up on it on the third season.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:08 No.2919097

    So you went through two seasons (which is like 15 hours of viewing) and then just was like, 'Fuck, this sucks.'

    Or do you just dislike the new characters?

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    32 KB Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:33 No.2918915   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    What the hell, /tv/? Seriously.
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:03 No.2919067
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:04 No.2919073
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    You start one NOW? Little late.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:05 No.2919080
    :3 I'm so pleased. FUCK DA HATERS.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:05 No.2919082
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:08 No.2919096
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    i knew you;d show up.

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    27 KB Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)21:04 No.2917271   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    slowpoke here.

    This was the best ep of House in a long time. I was kinda disappointed that he didn't take the methodone at the end. I liked the change, would have been nice to keep it for atleast a few eps.
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)23:14 No.2918354

    only for those of us with shotacon.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)23:31 No.2918502
    Didn't this episode just completely reverse what House was all about? Making the pain go away has kind of been his white whale since season one, but the moment he finds a permanent solution he just says, "make me too nice, fuck it" and just accepts the chronic pain.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)23:34 No.2918524

    his white wail is figuring out the medical puzzle

    the absence of pain fucked with that
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:05 No.2919077
    Remember in season 2 when Cuddy gave House that experimental treatment after he was shot to make his pain go away and for the short time it was gone he was still able to do his job?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:07 No.2919095
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    130 KB Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)23:08 No.2918301   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Guys I'm just gonna come out here and say I really really liked this movie, I've watched it a couple times even. Not only that but I think Will Ferrel did a great job in a semi-serious role.

    nd i pop a big bonar for mag gyllenhal
    5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:38 No.2918939
    will plays the same loud and obnoxious character in every movie.

    and he gets to roll around in the money thay give him for doing so.

    either we have no taste in movies or he knows what we like.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:57 No.2919041
    The writer in the film is one of those pseudo-intellectual minimalist post 21st Century fuckers and I hate her for that.

    Also, that period really doesn't need to be there in the title.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:01 No.2919052
    >>It was really good movie. It managed to be dark, yet surprisingly happy.


    >>2919041>>The writer in the film is one of those pseudo-intellectual minimalist post 21st Century fuckers and I hate her for that.

    Also fucking agreed.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:03 No.2919066
    saw this movie to, like it, out of the ordinary
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:07 No.2919093
    >one of those pseudo-intellectual minimalist post 21st Century fuckers

    Oh jeez, wtf does that even mean?

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    95 KB Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)23:31 No.2918498   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    So, for someone who has never read Watchmen (I plan to after seeing the movie), what is this whole squid thing about? What happens with it? I know the basic plot of Watchmen, though I don't really know what the hell is going on.
    Showing all replies.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)23:34 No.2918525
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)23:38 No.2918554
    The "squid" was created by Ozymandias and teleported into Manhattan by Dr Manhattan as part of a plot to bring and end to the escalating tensions between the US and Russia by artificially creating a non-human enemy that both sides would unite against, thereby staving off the destruction of man
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)23:39 No.2918567
    The movie is said not to have the (necessary) SQUID END.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)23:41 No.2918578
    In the comic, Dr. Manhattan didn't know about the squid or Ozy's plan for new york.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)23:42 No.2918584
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)23:46 No.2918588
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)23:46 No.2918592

    Also, the squid was created on an island by artists and psychically gifted people and it was psychically charged with horrifying unimaginable imagery that caused people to gouge out their own eyes and kill themselves or go crazy or what have you. The images exploding in a pulse upon the appearance of the (partial) squid.

    A million times more badass that Dr. M Bombs.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)23:49 No.2918611
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)23:51 No.2918619
    I dunno man, would be pretty damn sweet if Dr. Manhattan can level a city with a fart.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)23:55 No.2918642
    Not to mention the fact the entire world felt at least a little bit of that, removing the ability to doubt the authenticity of the attack.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:00 No.2918676
    I was always a little weirded out by the squid thing. I love Watchmen, but despite all of the foreshadowing for it, it seemed like kind of a strange, out of left field sort of thing. There's no buildup to Veidt's monologue that there's real psychics running around, and having something so outlandish as the conclusion of a detectivish sort of story seemed rather arbitrary. It kind of assumes that the reader takes the author's word that it's a good plan rather than being an "of course" sort of thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:06 No.2918722
    The world disagrees.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:08 No.2918742

    I think the novelty of it all is the point. Its Lovecraftian in the sense that its unspeakable, unimaginable terror on a giant scale. I think the Squid ultimately was meant to have more of a very deep psychological rather than political effect. Something presented to the world-stage SO unbelievable and yet so undeniable. And no one has any clue what it is, but I imagine the sudden presence of an undeniably alien and horrifying threat would cause the common man to re-evaluate what being a human is.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:10 No.2918758
    it was meant to be totally absurd. it was meant to be totally out of left field. it was a comic book plot. that was the whole point. they spent the whole book deconstructing superhero comic books and making them real. then, when faced with a typical comic book plot, an absurd, surreal, horrifying comic book plot, they can't do anything. they can't even punish the badguy. because they're real.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:11 No.2918768
    Read the best comic ever you fucking douche bag tool.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:11 No.2918773
    >me and my neckbeard broskis disagree
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:12 No.2918779
    >re-evaluate what being a human is
    Thus ending the war and producing a utopia.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:13 No.2918784
    Okay, I'll buy that. Thanks bros.
    >> Namefag 02/28/09(Sat)00:14 No.2918788
    Ok see before I even read Watchmen I played Mass Effect and thought, wouldn't it be wonderful if the human race actually worked together, or they where somehow scared into working together if they thought they where getting invaded.
    I guess I am as much of a genius as Alan Moore, because that was the point behind the squid, scare the human race into working together.
    Get it broski?
    >> I AM the namefag 02/28/09(Sat)00:16 No.2918801
    I said, GET IT BROSKI?!
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:18 No.2918818

    Are you fucking high?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:18 No.2918819
    >There's no buildup to Veidt's monologue that there's real psychics running around, and having something so outlandish as the conclusion of a detectivish sort of story seemed rather arbitrary.

    It's all built up and alluded to in the notes and newspaper articles.

    This guy gets it.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:20 No.2918829
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    yea, good luck with that.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:22 No.2918851
    Yes, high on comics.
    I used to think movie were the best way to get entertainment too just like all of you.
    Then I started reading books and eventually moved on to comics, you guys should really try it.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:26 No.2918874
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    >Heil Hitler
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:27 No.2918880
    This was done many times before Watchmen, or Mass Effect, on that note
    >> GodlessCommunist !yb/j9iT6Jg 02/28/09(Sat)00:29 No.2918885
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    You should've stopped at books.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:29 No.2918892
    seriously read it 1st. check out the motion comics theyre very well done
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:30 No.2918897
    Is it just me or does that picture look like a really fat cyclops with her legs spread wide in anticipation?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:31 No.2918902

    I raged.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:31 No.2918903
    Fuck you, I bet you are one of those ignorant fucks who only know about the childrens comics and don't respect the truly great one because of that.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:31 No.2918905
    Ya i know brah, but you gotta put it in bro terms when talkin to bros.

    Get it brah?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:31 No.2918906
    Jesus fucking christ what are you thinking going to somethingaweful?????
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:32 No.2918908
    I still don't get the deal with the Comedian. He was an asshole to everyone, didn't give a shit about morals, did whatever he wanted and claimed salvation was innevitable... yet he attempted to stop Ozy's plan that then got him killed? WAT
    >> GodlessCommunist !yb/j9iT6Jg 02/28/09(Sat)00:32 No.2918911
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:32 No.2918914
    Salvation was unattainable*

    My bad.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:34 No.2918921
    oh, my bad brah
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:34 No.2918922
    anyone want to explain the black freigher to me on a deeper level? how does it relate to the main story?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:37 No.2918935
    It's pretty much just a mirror per se of Ozy
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:37 No.2918938
    just take the time and read the book, it will make the movie so much better trust me
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:40 No.2918954

    Guy fears for safety of loved ones, hellbent on saving them, goes through hell getting back to them, the journey drives him crazy, he ends up hurting them in his desperation to save them.

    Kind of a parallel to Ozy's desperate personal mission to save mankind through any means possible. But in the end the heroes acknowledge that he may be right, so the metaphor kind of breaks down? I could be reading it wrong. Arguable. I'd like to hear someone else's take on it.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:40 No.2918956
    It just changes with the emotion of Watchmen.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:41 No.2918963
    he wasn't any of those things. he was a deeply flawed person. and he actually WASN'T trying to fight ozys plan, because he knew there was nothing he could do and almost respected it because of how absurd it was.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:43 No.2918973
    No point in trying to explain it to these people, they cannot understand the depth of comics and books.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:44 No.2918975
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:45 No.2918985
    the comedian didn't want to see millions of new yorkers dead
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:47 No.2918991
    it was a mirror for ozy, probably in the hope that by the time the story had reached its climax the audience might have a greater understanding of his character without resorting to messing with the story as they had intended (and ruining the twist). people sympathizing with ozy scares the shit out of me, it wasn't morally ambiguous, he was a fucking madman.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:50 No.2919016
    His plan changes humanity. Destroying what he was hoping to save.

    This is why the comedian resisted the plan. He and Rorschach saw the same thing. They wanted to protect humanity from having to see the darker things. They'd clean up after them, they'd save their children and punish the wicked, they'd swim in the wastes of humanity so the good people of the world could go on being good.

    The Black freighter was humanity's new and darker course.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:54 No.2919029
    You're so dense it gives iridium a complex.
    The Black Freighter. Okay, the freighter is the nuclear war that Veidt thinks is coming, with all of his simulations and analyses. So he hatches a plot to forestall it. He has to do this on the backs of his dead friends. i.e. Blake. Rorschach is the shark from the Black Freighter comic, the one that confronts Veidt. When the wanderer reaches his home village, he kills innocent people he believes to be conspirators (Veidt's secretary). When he finally reaches his home, he kills his wife, thinking her a pirate. (Bubastis and the intrinsic field separator). In the end, Veidt and the wanderer are forced to accept the inevitability of their choices. the wanderer boards the black freighter, and veidt sets the stage for nuclear war when he drops the squid on the world. he doesn't know it of course, but that's why Rorschach's journal is the last thing you ever see.
    >> Ian Curtis !f0VMpnwSCQ 02/28/09(Sat)01:00 No.2919049
    Squid is replaced by Dr. Manhattan destroying population centres in the guise of giving humanity a warning. Ozymandias shows us TV footage of peace talks, uniting against common enemy, etc. Dr. Manhattan leaves Earth to create new life; although the stupid thing is; what happens when they realize Dr. Manhattan has gone? It's an incredibly near-sighted ending.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:01 No.2919058
    your looking at it way too specifically. those parrallels don't really make any sense, and aren't needed. it's just the general plot of a madman jumping at shadows, believing he's trying to save everything he knows if by harsh means, when really he's the only threat.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:02 No.2919061
    oral die
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:03 No.2919064
    those parallels don't make sense? fuck you, fella.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:07 No.2919092
    >people sympathizing with ozy scares the shit out of me, it wasn't morally ambiguous, he was a fucking madman.

    Which therein proves the madness of mankind to support such an act, and thus proving Ozys' point.

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    26 KB Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:02 No.2919062   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Hey /tv/, what do you think of The Graduate?

    For such a "classic film," I wasn't very impressed. The first half was great, and for a while I there I understood why this is considered such a classic film...but as soon as he started chasing after Mrs. Robinson's daughter, the movie went to shit. What the hell is the message here, anyway? That if you grow a set of balls you'll be rewarded with a boring girlfriend who can't hold a candle to the hot cougar you've been screwing all along?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:03 No.2919068
    lighter version of The Reader
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:06 No.2919087
    The first time I watched it, I felt the same as OP, but with further viewing, I've discovered it's greatness. It's the funniest non-funny movie I've ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:06 No.2919089
    I don't think much of it. It's a strange, aimless film about a strange, aimless kid. very french.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:06 No.2919090
    It's definitely not as good as it's made out to be. In fact, Bonnie and Clyde is the better countercultural movie of that same year.

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    13 KB Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)23:15 No.2918356   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Just saw slumdog.

    Minor Spoiler: Why does the brother fill the bath tub with money? I'm certain it's some kind of symbolism, but it still seemed odd.
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)23:18 No.2918386
    her daughter is a big camwhore. she had some fotoblog, but they made her shut it down
    >> dreamofrevenge !A5iVKu2rcU 02/27/09(Fri)23:22 No.2918424
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    'Sup KFC. I mean, CFK.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)23:24 No.2918439

    every fucking 30 second a comercial about KFC
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)00:21 No.2918844
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:06 No.2919088
    My theory: It's all about slowing down the gang to give his brother time to move. They have to clean, count, and divide the money. No time to go after Latika.

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    141 KB Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)21:20 No.2917397   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Im just wandering how shes gonna die but i likes what i gots
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:03 No.2919071
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:04 No.2919075
    Oh, so shes the twi'lek that gets fed to the rancor.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:05 No.2919079

    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:06 No.2919086
    no. not really.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:07 No.2919094

    Too bad she's a Togruta

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    77 KB Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:03 No.2919070   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Why does Dollhouse suck so hard?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/09(Sat)01:05 No.2919083
    Because you touch yourself at night.

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