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she doesn't want herpes

no seriously, some people are crazy about it *shifty eyes*
you want to give a nigger a peck?

your father would shed a tear
or some people are racist
I don't want to know WHERE those filthy nigger lips have been.

Probably around a crack pipe.
Why is 50 Cent at some shitty NASCAR event is a better question.
>>30384029 (OP)
i don't blame her

i would never kiss a colored person
I guess he's trying his hardest to stay relevant. I don't know what his career is like right now.

Or maybe he just enjoys it.
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>colored person
Oh good lord his twitter page is hilarious
she's the one that got nervous and switches her head

i think nascar invited him to try to open up the sport to more people. nascar has been on a downward slide since they hit their peak a few years back.
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Is that famous rapper 50¢?
So his presence there is indeed the attempt of an entity to stay relevant. I wasn't too far off.

a true master of life
haha 50 cent is awesome

thats alot of mens dream that watch espn

he probably got her number after that

so much spaghetti
Hollywood Jews love promoting the racemixing shit with their movie, but here in reality-land, kissing or fucking a nigger is like like sniffing a fart.

>good lord his twitter page is hilarious

Why are white people so insecure?
small dicks
>first thing id do is cut my taxes and tell yal chill the fuck out ima get to the rest of the problems
>Tigger had like 50 white bitches
kobe's wife is a latina.

lamars wife is an armenian.

tiger's ex-wife was white. but tiger is like 1/4th black
>>30384029 (OP)
he got cheek
what is the big deal?
arent armenians pretty much white?
some do, but most look like something between an arab and a greek.
Is that the chick from sportsnation?

And why is 50 at the daytona 500?
The Oscars are over

Go back to your own board, /sp/
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50's the king of mfw
Fucking lol. His tweeter feed is a bunch of bitches that want to fuck him.

When you have that kind of feedback, its no wonder he thinks he can walk up to any random woman and start kissing her.
>not letting negroes rob and rape your families
>whites are being insecure!

liberal logic

Nah, she works for Fox. You're thinking of Charissa Thompson. Get your lotion ready...

if a white guy made these comments, you'd have feminists, ACLU, NAACP and a whole week of news coverage asking for his head
Shes not a race traitor and is a true all amercian girl

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