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Why would you even touch fast food again after watching Fast Food Nation?
For the same reason people drink despite knowing the damage it does to their liver.
They enjoy it.
shits good and cheap yo
>>29305577 (OP)
Cheap food.
Aint that hard to understand.
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I'd still eat something made with that lettuce.
Fuck it.
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Food documentary thread?

How is Forks over Knives?
We're made of the same atoms that are in shit, so what does it matter if it's in my food or not?
whats wrong with fast food?
i haven't watched it

but five guys & bobby's burger palace ... that's that shit
so go eat some shit
Because it will make you sick?
Because it's tasty and it has never made me ill.
Try the atoms in drain cleaner sometime.

Fine I will. Sounds better than most fast food actually.
I haven't eaten fast food in years, since way before all these documentaries came out and it became the big thing to wail and moan about fast food and the obesity epidemic? I mean, yeah, fast food is bad for you, but it's also just bad. I don't know why anyone would want to eat it in the first place.
>shits good
>feces is good

That about sums up the taste of a person who enjoys fast food.

>Cheap food

There are so many books and online resources you can use as a guide to eat healthy for little cost. The real reasons people eat it are because they're incredibly lazy (it takes minimal effort to prepare quality meals at home with good ingredients) and indifferent toward their health.
Because it's

That's like asking why people use cars when they can just jog to work, after all jogging is healthier.
Jokes on you OP. I only eat at subway now.


I've gotten food poisoning from supermarket chicken, and some duck I ate at a pretty good restaurant...never once has fast food made me sick. Except if it's Subway. God that shit is awful. Why is that place still making money? Its gotta be the worst fast food on the planet. Not because it's a healthier alternative' (which it isn't by the way) but because of the quality of meats they provide.
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>implying i would touch fast food before watching FFN
I worked a fast food joint for a couple of months. We were actually very conscientious about the cleanliness of our area, throwing out old food and washing and gloving. Don't believe everyting you see on TV.
cheaper than food at the market unless you buy super cheap shit that tastes like cardboard/chemicals and it taste good. the key is moderation.
Are there nothing but Indians and Mudslimes at your Sub Way? That may explain it.

Not being 3edgy5u, the location and employees make all the difference.
Yeah, I guess I know that. People will eat shit because they're lazy and it's easy.

I also just like to think of all the money I've saved not eating fast food.
>>29305577 (OP)

But I don't live in America, we have much stricter laws governing what you can feed people and what can go on in the kitchen here.

I'd never eat American fast food, the portion sizes alone frighten me.
Unless you're on the road, and even then you could bring sandwiches, there's no excuse to be eating fast food. This goes double for you Americlaps with your god damn litre of cola.
why does your mom buy your groceries?
Why do you think so many fast food joints set up by schools, hospital buildings and large offices?
They're pandering to the lazy and impulsive masses.

There's a Burger King, Pizza hut and KFC right down the road from my High School and a KFC, BK, Wendy's and Taco bell within a stone's throw of my college campus.
No, I buy my own groceries, but you spend much less buying and preparing your own food than you do eating out, even "cheap" fast food.
>making false implications
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>not getting your Double Double animal style and your fries well done
Looks like a log of shit
No seriously
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Fuck, I really want to get a Double Down right now.
but you're wrong
thats because the person added grilled onions, and that poster didn't notice because he's an idiot that just googled in n out
That's an abomination.
>that dried up half burned sad excuse for a beef patty

i loved when i went to BK right before they closed and ordered the double whopper, when i got home all it had was 2 burgers between the buns

>mfw i still ate it and still went back cause neet

i think the movie i was watching was The Terminal
i never eat fast food. mainly because it's not actual food and tastes like shit.

i'll never understand how people can digest stuff like taco bell or pizza hut. probably grew up eating cosmic brownies and those cementy granola bars
After all those pictures of people getting chicken kidneys alongside their meals, I'm officially offput by KFC.

in general I'm avoiding fast food, because shit is nasty.

Closest I ever come to it is stuff like 5 guys, Panera, Chipotle.
god im glad i live in chicago and can get real burgers
You wanna bet? I spend maybe around $150 a month on groceries. That's three meals a day for 30 days, That's about $1.66 a meal. Try getting a good meal for that much at any fast food place.
My furnace burns so hot it doesn't matter what you throw in it.
> 5 guys, Panera, Chipotle.
That's because they serve real food there
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i can't tell if trolling or 17 years old living with mommy and daddy
tastes good though. life's short nigga. yolo is teh motto.
You know, I actually spend more like between $150 and $200, but my point still stands.
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Because Five Guys is the harbinger of a new golden age of man, a beacon of light leading the crestfallen masses towards the delicious realms of heavenly delights, to taste the sublime creations that God himself has deemed mankind worthy enough to savor.
After watching Fast Food Nation, I actuallly wanted to eat McDonalds.

And I hate McDonalds.
>not living on a farm and knowing exactly what you're eating

A lot of the time it's the only type of food people can eat because they're either too busy or they're too poor. It's cheap and it's quick.

and it's not THAT unhealthy, at least not as bad as it was in the 80s and 90s.

(I only ever have it like once a month as a treat, but I never drink their beverages it gives me stomach cramps)
I work at Subway and have never seen anyone do anything like that, and I personally try to make sure everyone gets the best product I can
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You guys are missing out on some serious goodness.

Fuck just look at that fried skin. Don't you just want to crush it up and snort it?
are you ever not here? jesus
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He didn't choose the /tv/ life; the /tv/ life chose him
Mah nigga. Portillo's has some good ass burgers.
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I've had one. It taste like garbage. KFC cannot into food. Stale, garbage encrusted chicken with cheap bacon and fake cheese.


These fine gents are the reason I'm never concerned with what happens at a fast food joint. Stuff like what OP posted is rare. Or only happens in the graveyard shift, because you can see everything that happens in the kitchen area in most places.
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Yeah I wasn't here like 5 minutes ago.

is that brain?
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Well first of all, I like food, not crap. So I don't eat at Subway. There's nothing fresh about fake meat and fake bread.
you must eat pretty shit food

And once again, Texas does things better than whatever shithole you live in.
I agree subway is shit.
No. I just don't buy sweets and other fatclapper processed foods.
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pic related

but 5 dallah footlong

I had Five Guys the other week, actually; they finally opened one in Michigan. Bretty gud, I have to say.

>doing anything well besides dry humping cows
the only 5 dollar footlong left is the ham. it's not a good deal anymore. there's no point to pay 7 bucks for such a shitty sandwich when there's so many good sandwich places that serves real food
What are the acceptable fast food places besides 5 Guys? I've always enjoyed Firehouse Subs over Subway
>The real reasons people eat it are because they're incredibly lazy
That's not true, I cook at least 95% of my meals but I still enjoy fast food every once and a while, not because it's easy but because it tastes great.
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Now Quiznos, on the other hand...

Texas BBQ is better than you shitty south carolina or Tennessee "bbq"

I miss Quiznos ;_;
>>29305577 (OP)
>tfw you live down the road from the Burger King where this photo was taken
OP's pic is not subway
So call them up and get yourself a sandwich delivered to your house.
No, I buy ingredients and unprocessed foods and then I cook things myself.
How do you fake bread?

Texas barbecue is absolute garbage.

>implying I'm an Amerifat

Ha ha ha oh wow.
lack of grain. subways bread is fake as fuck
pick 1
pick 2

Confirmed for shit taste.
don't you get tired of ramen noodles?
>$10 sandwich
>I would go to a local deli
pick 2
at least it's baked fresh in the store, more than you can say for most fast food places
my west coast nigga
Has anyone here ever had Davanni's? That shit is the bomb diggity. I used to work at one. Working there sucked, but getting discounts/free food was heavenly.
There are many. Basically, any place that prides itself in serving fresh made, real food.

>noodles n company
>jimmy johns
>Taco Del Mar
>Jason’s Deli

There's a shit ton. You just have to find them

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