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I'm really surprised with this movie. Best thing disney has done in a while. And better than what pixar has been doing this years, what the fuck.

What did ya think of it?
I only didn't like Skrillex and some songs.
yeah it could totally be the new toy story
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Seen it three times, gf works for Disney so got to see an early screening.

Fucking amazing--not perfect, but a damn entertaining movie.
That's what I thought too. Is basically the same thing.
Just got done watching it op and I liked it.

But why was Skrillex in it?

And what was up with the J Pop shit in the ending credits?
i cried when he wrecked the car
I dunno it kinda pissed me off the skrillex part. And I turned off the credits because of the obnoxious song.

But well, it wasn't that bad.

Me too ;_;

Pissed me off too, skrillex at the party and playing his music in one of the scenes.

At the end credits they also play a J Pop or K Pop song which was weird as fuck.

He was trying to save her though.

Also she was super cute. :3
Disney tryin' to be hip

That scene was so fucking sad. Then

>Jean wait, this isn't what I wanted
>Well what did you want Ralph?
>I don't know, I was just tired of living alone in the garbage
>Well now you can live alone in the Penthouse

;_; that double whammy




That ruined the movie for me.
Didn't care for the second half by Sara Silverman did a fine job.

>so many lonely feels from this movie

Yeah, but I guess it's hip 4 too cool for school kids. I hate skrillex.
I thought it was awesome, and the Skrillex song actually worked in context of the Hero's duty scene.

The main problem I had with it was the Rihanna song that came out of nowhere and killed the immersion, and a couple of the lines were corny.

Other than that its the best animated movie I've seen in a long time.

I didn't see his name pop up at the ending credits though.

But fuck why have him in a movie like this?

It made 0 sense.

>don't know who he is

>10 year olds
>probably don't know who he is
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>mfw "you really are a bad guy..."

Nah dawg, ParaNorman is still the best and so is Fantastic Mr Fox.

Also the one about the cooking rat is still my favorite Pixar movie.e
"Cool" references for 14 year olds?

I guess but still pretty stupid putting him in there.

>LOL look mom it's Skrillex WUB WUB WUB xD
But this isn't pixar dood

Also, in my perception of animated movies, I think Fantastic Mr. Fox doesn't apply in this context. I mean, it's definitely not for kids.

>Turns out I don't need a medal to tell me I'm a good guy. Because if that little kid likes me, how bad can I be?

why did this movie give me so many feels?
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1. Toy Story
2. Wreck-It Ralph

That's my order. Everything else is a distant 10th.

This movie had amazing animation. And I mean particularly the voice/facial expressions. They caught every phenome from Sarah Silverman's voice in that venellope girl. Fucking impressive.

I know your feel bro.


ParaNorman was funnier, no doubt, but I thought Wreck-It Ralph had a better story, better characters and it actually gave me the feels.
I honestly think anyone older than 18 who watches an animated movie is a fucking weabo faggot.

However, exceptions are definitely made for Wreck it |Ralph and Toy Story.
>Thought she was kinda hot
>Learn she's 9
>See it again and just think she's cute

It was weird
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>my main man

oooo, I just want to eat her up. so adorable

I was completely skeptical of Sarah Silverman being in this movie. But her performance was incredible. I had no idea she could voice act that well.

I only saw this because my little sister asked me to take her. I ended up liking it more than her.

I'm even going to buy it when it comes out on blu-ray
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>Tries to take Sarah Silverman out of the game
>She can't leave
>"It's okay, Ralph. Just go, go without me."


>Ralph takes the silver surfer board
>Commits Sudoku to set off Mount Doom
>"I'm bad, and that's good. I'll never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be, but me."

For a kid's movie there sure were a bunch of feels.
You really don't enjoy studio Ghibli or Pixar?

>commits sudoku

But yeah I agree with you, it was pretty heavy on the feels.

It even had a few oddly dark moments

>we might have to put ol' Ralph and Felix out to pasture.
>Like my Nana
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>What's the first rule of Heroes Duty?
>No cuts, no buts, no coconuts?

Pretty enjoyable. Sarah Silverman didn't annoy me as much as I thought she would. Skrillex's song worked well in the Heroes Duty scene but the Rihanna song took me right out of it and just questioned what the fuck was happening.
You son of a gun!

Exactly. It killed the immersion.
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yo fuck that guy Jean though, he was a huge douchebag

This fucking scene ;_;

>you're my hero

I know. The other apartment people were at least pleasant to ralph even though they didn't want him there. He was just a dick.
I can't believe Disney got me to see a Princesses merchandising line movie and I actually liked it.
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>you're my hero~
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>Distant 10
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What a qt3.14
I can fuck that
This is one movie I don't want a sequel to. It was a pretty open and closed story. It wasn't about defeating a villain, it was a about Ralph's journey as a character, and the movie pretty much tied up all the loose ends.

The only way I could see a sequel working is if they made it about Felix or Calhoun.
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>dat girl
>dem quads
It wasn't as referency as I expected and the story was fairly solid. I was expecting two hours of "HEY REMEMBER THIS GAME?"
That girl is adorable.
>Dem catchphrases

Have some candy!

The really sad part is Brave is gonna win best animated picture even though it Ralph was clearly the best animated movie released this year. (ParaNorman would be acceptable too)

As long as Pixar doesn't release a movie as bad as Cars 2 they have it in the bag, whether they deserve it or not, simply for being Pixar.
Nah, I'm pretty positive Disney's going to win.

Brave was really bad.

Me too. It had a really bad advertising campaign, you'd think Sonic was a main character because he was in all the promo shit.
>>29768346 (OP)

disney movies are the bane of movies

hey look mom dad and 2 kids, most people have that, it will appeal to everyone

we'll ad some 90's in-jokes that dad will get cause we know dad doesn't like coming to see kid movies with family, that will satisfy him

mom will be happy to have some quiet time

kids will be happy, pretty colours...look how real the blinking is, we'll exaggerate that and make any movement, especially jaw and limb really quick then slow it at said movements end

we'll make it emotional so anyone who hates it won't say it for fear of being 'the asshole'

>not realising these movies are an exercise in massive $$$$$$ accumulation and no-brain hits relying on collective guilt, implied empathy and association

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buttdevastated dreamworks employee detected

I know, but the mere fact that its Pixar will cause it to win, even though Pixar has been going downhill since UP.
Anyways, I pirate them lel

But I'm sure the artists in the movie do it for pleasure, as I would.
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At least watch the movie before you shitpost.

(Old) Pixar is mature movies with a kid-friendly exterior. Same goes for Wreck-It Ralph, which I would put up there with the top echelon of Pixar movies.

Shit, I suspected it was a troll, but that confirms it



hurr he right

hmmm I know!


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haha sorry to upset you weck it walph fans

>he troll
>he shitpost
>he edgy
>he buttmad

good points

sup bitches?
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Is the Felix a guy or girl?
I hope it is a girl...
Because it is cuter than that Venellope
That's ugly. Fucking grimes
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even i find that usage a little bit creepy
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Even the product placement in this movie was brilliantly done.
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>mfw I found out the director of this movie was a director on the Simpsons back when the Simpsons was good.
That was silly


Fuck off man. The movies have wide appeal because they're made by competent people who love what they do. Working at Disney is kind of a dream position of anyone involved in film/animation. So all the elements of production end up being finely tuned and palatable because the film makers are all professionals who know what they're doing.

I thought it was a clever reference. Theres obviously going to be product placement in most big movies these days, so I'm glad they implemented it in an interesting way rather than hamfisting it in or trying and failing to be subtle.
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>just finish the movie
>come to /tv/ hoping at least someone mentions it
>a thread on the first page
What did you think?
he needs to make more movies

or go back to doing simpsons
I love that feel

Also, yea. Great movie.
Getting that shit on bluney as soon as I see it.
simpsons are dead by now
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get in the corner, stay there, no more feels tonight
It was well put together, likeable characters and the music fit despite the mainstream catering. And the feels.

March 5th. I'm getting it too. One of the few movies this year I actually intend to buy.
Yes, but they can be resurrected with good writing

I refuse to believe they've explored everything they could

Sure, some of the characters have gotten bland and stupid, but I'm telling you, you could write out a few good simpson episodes with subtle humor instead of slapstick stupidity, tongue-in-cheek parody instead of HURR WHAT'S COOL RIGHT NOW and The Simpsons would be back on track!
>>29768346 (OP)
>just watch Brave
>confirmed for shitty Pixar endeavor
>story was not very believable
Brave had a story?
I can only dream ;_;
Yeah Pixar hit their creative peak with Wall-e, and then it's gone downhill

>muh feminism

Yes, it was a very, very weak one. Like the type of thing you'd expect to see in a b-rated kids tv show. Not up to what I expected from Pixar at all.

They've been doing quite poorly lately. Cars 2 and now this. I wonder whats going on over there.
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From the looks of it John Lasseter moved all his best Pixar folks to Disney Animation, leaving Pixar with the B-Team.

Or the Jews did it.

So is Disney going to reclaim the crown of best animation studio from Pixar?
The painful answer is yes unless Pixar can go back to coming up with creative ideas

All I see in the future are sequels, maybe a Cars 3, baby banter, etc
>tfw next movie is a prequel of monsters inc
I didn't like that movie

>Monsters Inc Prequel
>Potential Toy Story 4

The only movie that warrants a sequel is The Incredibles, and that's if Pixar is completely dry of decent ideas.
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I thought they were done with toy story

Geez, did some alien race fly their spaceships to Pixar and suck all their creative juices out of their craniums??

>A movie about toys that come to life develops into a buddy comedy
>a movie about ants who think circus bugs are warriors
>a movie about monsters that live in your closet and use your screams to power their cities
>a movie about superheroes that have to settle down and raise a family
>a movie about a lonely robot that was left on earth to clean up after humans thrashed it
>a movie about an old man that decides to tie balloons to his house and fly away


>bland feminism

did they fucking run out of PCP or some shit? I know a guy that can hook them up for fuck's sake!!!!
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j-pop is exactly the kind of music i would expect in a game called sugar rush. Search your feels, you know this to be true

The one at the end was an owl city song

ruined my day when I found out, I sort've liked it. The shame

>the good dinosaur
>John Lasseter gave details about the film's plot: "They are kind of cartoony but they are dinosaurs; they are not walking around with clothes on or anything like that, they still are kind of dinosaurs. We focused on mostly the plant-eaters, not the carnivores… Their society becomes more of an agrarian society, meaning farmers. They become farmers. It’s a very funny story about a certain way of life that a young dinosaur has trouble fitting into and he ends up going on this quest. He kind of messes up and he has to put everything right by going on this quest and on that quest he meets this our character that is an outcast from his society too and so the two of them form this bond and it becomes this unique kind of story…

Sounds awful.
i just saw monsters inc again in theatres and dear god what actually happened? that was an excellent movie and now
>cars 2
das fuck, i kinda dug UP even but i cant really see myself ever digging it up in the future

looking forward to monsters uni tho, hopefully they set some shit right

I have a very pessimistic outlook on Monsters University. I think its going to be in the same vein as Cars 2.

Then again, I only saw Wreck-It Ralph because my little sister begged me to take her (I thought it was going to suck), and I ended up liking it more than her. So theres always hope I guess.
>dat metal gear reference

I enjoyed it. Would like another one within the same universe.

They'd have to use Felix and Calhoun or something though, Ralph and Vanellope's story was pretty open and shut.
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Pixar has definitely been on a low streak after making arguably the best toy story movie with toy story 3. Cars 2 was like a bad dreamworks movie and then brave was just MEH. I think the main problem with brave was that half the budget went into animating >dat hair

It is actually interesting to think that Disney and Pixar kind of swapped movie concepts with their 2012 releases. Disney makes the creative movie about a video game bad guy that wants to be a good guy, and Pixar makes the generic princess movie.

Sort've related, but their director said somewhere their main worry about the movie was dreamworks stealing the idea and releasing a shitty movie first.

1. Shitty marketing campaign, designed to appeal to 'lel gamer pride!!1one1"
2.He had like 3 or 4 cameos, most of which unnoticeable.
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you're wrong
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I wouldn't
Are all of you trolling?

Wreck-It-Ralph was pretty bad, mang.

If you can't understand why it was a good movie, you are pretty dumb, 'mang'
I did.

I'm going to cuck you mang.
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It was too predictable.
Story was meh.
Pacing was weird.
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This was worth the price of admission alone. One of the best shorts Disney has ever made.

Also this, yeah.

If they didn't put this in front of it, it probably would've been better.

I really liked Paperman, it overshadowed the whole fucking movie.
i would

>It was too predictable
I guess. 99% of movies are predictable though. Maybe I'm stupid but I honestly didn't expect Turbo to be King Candy until right before the reveal.
>Story was meh
I thought the story was awesome. A concept you rarely see, and it was pretty fucking deep for a kids movie.
>Pacing was weird
The last 30 minutes were a bit crammed together, but aside from that I thought the pacing was good.
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That's a valid point, but I don't want that many popular movies/go to the cinema's much. I saw Turbo=K.C. like in the middle of the movie, so it sort of ruined it a bit.

I just feel like it was two stories crammed into one, one of which got finished really early and then they just tacked on another bit which ended up being a majority of the movie.

Anyways, I can understand why a LOT of people would like it.
It was just like watching 'Big Bang Theory, The Animated Movie' for me.

I didn't think so. It wasn't so much about defeating a villain as it was Ralph's journey as a character. He has no friends, everyone treats him like crap and he's sick of his life even though its a job that needs to be done.

He decides he's going to take matters into his own hands and earn a medal to be a hero. Along the way he meets another outcast. Vanellope is another outcast merely because of her programming. He makes an actual friend who likes him for who he is, and finds himself on the way. During this he also does the same for Vanellope. It isn't meant to be taken as literally.

As for the big bang theory thing, I completely disagree. The references were subtle and well implemented, whereas the big bang theory is "HAI GUIZ LOOK AT THIS NERD REFERENCE AREN'T WE NERDY LOL"
>I honestly didn't expect Turbo to be King Candy

Me'in either. And I'm usually really good at sniffing out obvious plot points. I figured out FFX's plot twist with Tidus' dad REALLY early in the plot because Auron would always seclude himself in deep meditation whenever Sin would appear.

The thing that made Turbo difficult to predict (to anyone who follows the hardcore logic of the movie) is that the movie HEAVILY implies that Turbo forever died in his backstory when it mentions he was put "out of order FOR GOOD". In order to predict the twist, you had to go out of your way to distrust the narrators.

It was good because there were a whole bunch of loose strings all tied together at the end. Turbo being one of them.
Eh, still wasn't my cup of tea.

I saw the references coming like 5 seconds before that happened.
It was like having someone sitting next to you telling you what's going to happen right before it does.

The references weren't an integral part of the plot though. They were subtle. Yeah it made mention of some stuff, but it was more of a little inside joke for people who played the games. I'm not a big gamer so I only got like half the references. Hell most of them are written on the walls of the subway.

The Big Bang Theory on the other hand is sitting on your lap screaming in your face "LOOK HOW NERDY WE ARE!" and the references become crucial jokes and plot points as opposed to a nudge and a wink.

If it wasn't your cup of tea that's cool, but it was by no means a bad movie.
i agree with what you just said.

It was a good disney film which made me emotional towards the end.
Oh I still objectively think it's an average film.

I guess I may recommend it to someone but there's so so many things above it.

Honestly I didn't think /tv/ would like it either.
Wreck-It Ralph was very endearing.

Yes,Toy Story was more fresh and original (nothing like it before), Wreck It Ralph made me tear up 10000x more. It was almost ludicrous how emotionally manipulative the movie was, and I let it rape me because it was so good.
One thing I don't think this movie gets enough credit for is the animation. Yeah the art style was similar to most cg animated movies, but the game worlds you visited were beautifully animated, creative and cool to look at.

There were also a lot of subtle things, like how the characters from older 8 bit video games moved that I really appreciated.
Okay I'm now just thinking I didn't like it because it didn't strike me on any emotional level.



I know, I can't think of many movies that played with your emotions as much. You really felt an attachment to the characters, more so than most other movies I'd say.

Different movies resonate differently with different people. I'm a hopelessly cynical bastard and this movie nearly made me ball when he wrecked her cart, whereas I didn't really give a shit about the wife dying at the beginning of UP.

Which is why I don't think it can be classified as objectively bad

*bawl, I guess is the correct word.
>I didn't really feel anything in either of those movies

Oh lawdy.

I guess, whatever.
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Like I said, different strokes. I only mentioned UP because a lot of people say the beginning is one of the saddest things they've seen in a movie.

He's the hero we deserve. But not the one we need right now. So we'll hunt him
Yeah, they do.

I guess this is why I rate movies based on camera work and acting over any sort of connection with the characters.
i was annoyed that he didn't die a hero's death.
disney pussed out.
There goes my hero,
Watch him as he goes.
There goes my hero,
He's ordinaryyy

I rate movies based on that too. I thought the animation was excellent and the voice acting was damn near flawless. I don't like Sarah Silverman but even I have to admit she did an amazing job.

The reason I think the connection to the characters is important is because if a movie can genuinely make me care about a character's struggle or journey, then its obviously doing something right.

It didn't hit you in the same way, which is why your opinion differed I think. Back to the different strokes thing.
Best animation of 2012 overall

It was charming, smart, looked fantastic, lots of attention to detail and while cliche it parts it felt very fresh overall

10/10 only watched it once in 2d cant wait for the blu ray
I thought the movie was fine, for a kids movie but definitely not up there with the best. I thought it lacked wit (so many 'doody' jokes) and am surprised at people saying they teared up and shit. This is entry level feels, even for kids movies.

I will, however, say that the way the world and the little laws and rules inside it was fantastic. Very well thought out. Also plus points for having Burger Time references.
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My feel moment was when Venellope reveals she lived by herself.

Then Ralph tells her he lives by himself too.

And then I let out a tear.

Best animation probably, but I thought ParaNorman's was more unique and refreshing.

WIR was the better movie overall though.
But its not really a kids movie now is it?

Thats like saying Anime is for kids
I liked Coraline and Pirates better

It was a very good movie though
That doody was referencing Call of Doody, wasn't it?

It's a Disney movie that surprisingly, darker than usual.
all the good disney movies are a bit dark.

To me, Wreck-It Ralph, along with earlier Pixar, are movies with sophisticated and adult concepts and themes that are packaged in a way thats friendly to kids too. Its why so many adults like them.
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I also took a huge gulp when Ralph feels bad for screwing up her cart, but Vanellope ends up loving it anyway. She was grateful that someone finally cared about her.

>We'll have to put ol' Ralph and Felix out to pasture, like my Nana

>That scene that illustrates Vanellope's "death"

It definitely had some adult themes.
Primarily, it is a kids movie. They are the primary audience. They put stuff in to make it bearable for the parents watching and to draw in a secondary 'gamer demographic' but don't think they didn't have kids in mind when they made it.

About as dark as snow. Do you even the Black Caldron? Nightmare before Christmas? C'mon man.

Thats part of what made it so endearing. Two outcasts finally friendships and someone they can relate to.

>that scene where Ralph learns Vanellope also lives by herself, surrounded by garbage.

*found friendship
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Its marketed towards kids yeah, but like Pixar movies I think its sophisticated enough to put in the "anyone can enjoy" demographic.
>Do you even the Black Caldron? Nightmare before Christmas?
I think it was the setting.

Nightmare Before Christmas was dark on the surface. Everyone expect it to be dark. Sugar Rush is bright and happy. It was more surprising when the story gone "darker".
Most adorable character ever made.

And I've watched several Studio Ghibli cartoons.
The Rihanna song was dumb and killed the immersion.

A few of the lines were a bit too corny.

The pacing of the third act was erratic.

Those are pretty much the only flaws I can think of. Other than that its one of the best animated movies I've ever seen. I'd give it a 9/10.
>>29768346 (OP)
it was ruined by not being a pixar movie
fucking songs.

>Cars 2
That made me laugh way to hard.
I wouldn't mind seeing the sequel have a little more action. Here's how I see it:

>A rogue piece of code becomes sentient and begins collecting moves of other famous game characters
>The code takes Felix's hammer and begins forming it's own game made of broken code
>New game threatens to short circuit the whole arcade
>Ralph decides to face the code, goes through various games learning techniques from characters to combat stolen powers (alternatively, he recruits characters willing to risk their lives for the arcade and they help him)
>Eventually travels into the code's game
>It's a convoluted mess of various game locations and set pieces
>Ralph has a final showdown with the code, a mash-up of video game characters/bosses, while traveling through different game settings and using the techniques of those games

Sound good? Maybe too much action, or too cliched.

>"I'm bad, and that's good. I'll never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be, but me."

My feels could not be contained, I shed tears all over the place. WIR got to me far more than I expected it would.

I don't like the idea of it being focused on Ralph. The first one was more his journey as a character, and it was pretty open and closed. I think your idea could be alright if it focused on say, Felix.

This is one of those movies I don't want a sequel to though, so I probably wouldn't like any idea they came up with.

>WIR got to me far more than I expected it would.

That seems to be the consensus.
How about a game character who had his game closed for being unpopular and too bland? He can face his loss of identity, and he has nothing to lose risking his life. He can learn a mega punch from Ralph at some point.

That's cool. I like the idea of a new character facing an identity crisis and learning something from Ralph as he went through something similar.

I'm just apprehensive about a sequel because I really enjoyed this movie, and it ended pretty much perfectly, with Ralph finding his catharsis and friendship. I don't want a sequel to come along and be like "A new villain is threatening the arcade, watch Ralph go punching his way across various games in an effort to stop him" which is what I'm pretty sure would happen. It would tarnish the impression the first movie left on me.

I'm pretty sure this is the reason most sequels suck.
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Wreck it ralph was good, but I still think Tangled was better. Rapunzel was just too much of a qt 3.14.
This thread is full of faggots.

The movie was mediocre at best. Lose the kid and everything would've been fine.
I missed that because I saw it on the tiny airplane screen. Any other small references like that?
Tangled was an impressively animated cartoon but it was a movie that just went through the motions (girl finds guy, falls in love, escapes evil witch). I wouldn't have even watched watched if Rapunzel and Mother Gothel weren't so hot.
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>Lose the kid and everything would've been fine.
Lose the kid, and this movie loses 80% of its charm.
I liked Wreck-It Ralph, but both Brave and ParaNorman are better. I know your vidya jimmies were rustled and you guys love your Skrillex, but praising Wreck-It Ralph as the best thing since sliced bread makes you look like a 16 y/o retard.
I literally deleted that movie from my harddrive after the first 20 minutes.

How To Train Your Pet Dragon did its subject matter 10000x better and with better animation.

Now seriously, where do girls like this exist? Do the government kill them after taking the picture? Cause I've only seen landwhales at cons.
>judging a movie you haven't finished
Don't be such an artard and watch it till the end
I did and I wish I had deleted it after 20 minutes.

Generic and weak as fuck

1. Wall-E
2. Toy Story
3. Toy Story 3
4. Up
5. Wreck-It Ralph
6. The Incredibles
7. Monsters Inc.
8. A Bug's Life
9. Finding Nemo
10. Ratatouille
11. Toy Story 2
12. Cars 2
13. Brave
14. Brave
it was weak and generic, but still fun and well made
>Generic and weak as fuck
It's funny, because I could use the same exact adjectives to describe Wreck-It Ralph.
I thought that was fucking hilarious. I'm pretty sure I was the only one in the theatre who laughed at it.

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