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File: 1358825047021.jpg-(23 KB, 450x300, pans_labyrinth4.jpg)
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I just watched this for the first time and am stunned. Does anyone seriously not like this film? I know /tv/ argues about everything, but I can't find one flaw in it. The acting, score, and cinematography were all beautiful. Surprised I don't see this in any top tens.
I'm not huge on foreign films (I'll watch decent ones once regardless of dub or sub status), but Pan's Labyrinth is one of my favorite movies of all time.

Watched it for the first time with my mom and brother, they both loved it too.
It's was judged as being too hard to follow and that the cinematography was unimportant as you had to read subtitles the entire time
I really don't like del Toro's monster designs, they look so stupid. I've heard this movie is a lot better than his others, but the art direction really puts me off.
for the most part it has been well received around here
>as you had to read subtitles the entire time

Was this seriously a complaint that people had?
dull and boring and they don't even speak english
what a piece of shit
I saw it with my Dad and he complained about it but I find within like 5 minutes you don't even them really.
>>29244310 (OP)
>I can't find one flaw in it
Wait about 30 minutes. /tv/ will find "flaws" for you -- most about how they don't like mexicans and somehow, Teh JEWZ!

It's a great film, in my opinion.

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