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  • File : 1275472791.jpg-(141 KB, 792x1144, keanu.jpg)
    141 KB Be nice. Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:59 No.9743832

    I'm going to send him a letter telling him that I think hes a real bro and just try to cheer him up. You should too.
    >> House M.D. !RsT5bxOQxs 06/02/10(Wed)06:00 No.9743841
    Did the mix-tape download get posted?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:01 No.9743850
    I'm gonna send him a postcard telling him how awesome he is.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:01 No.9743854
    Yeah here's a repost just for you.

    Here you go guys:

    Thinks to note:

    Spanish guy at the end of the Cowboy Bebo song.
    Tracklist order isn't 100% maximum sadness, someone needs to work on that. I did my best.

    Some songs might be needed to be edited to add fading into them to create a more sad feel.

    The cover was just one I saved from this thread.

    Live long and prosper /tv/ and may this mixtape give us a slight glimpse into what it's like to hold the same burden Keanu does everyday.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:02 No.9743866
         File1275472925.jpg-(249 KB, 1280x960, 1x04_07.jpg)
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    Feels bad man.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:02 No.9743872
    last minute add to the mix tape
    >> Liquid Snake Fox !HOUNd6r5qk 06/02/10(Wed)06:02 No.9743874
    hell yeah
    brb gonna shed some manly tears for Keanu
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:02 No.9743876
    I'll send him flowers and chocolates.
    >> House M.D. !RsT5bxOQxs 06/02/10(Wed)06:02 No.9743877
    Thanks a lot Anon.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:02 No.9743879
    Is this some shitty 'new'meme?
    >> Mike Le Watt !L4ityhwMgA 06/02/10(Wed)06:03 No.9743882
         File1275472995.gif-(587 KB, 160x121, 1267492399047.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:03 No.9743885
    What's up with this sending letters to Keanu?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:04 No.9743889
    Is there a tracklist?
    >> House M.D. !RsT5bxOQxs 06/02/10(Wed)06:04 No.9743897
    You must be new, this has actually been around for ages...just much more subtle and obscure.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:04 No.9743900

    Hardly call anything generated by /tv/ a meme...more like some crazy simpleton posting the same thing over and over again in a desperate bid for attention.

    PS. Keanu is the kind of guy that would tell you to fuck off in person, just FYI
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:05 No.9743911

    He's gonna be a good spike.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:06 No.9743922

    > 454 confirmed guests
    >> House M.D. !RsT5bxOQxs 06/02/10(Wed)06:06 No.9743923
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:07 No.9743941
    wow u mad
    go have a wank
    >> CIingingMars !nDHcugKusw 06/02/10(Wed)06:08 No.9743951


    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:09 No.9743965
    We should probably get reddit in on this. Seems right up their alley.
    >> Liquid Snake Fox !HOUNd6r5qk 06/02/10(Wed)06:10 No.9743978
    no. were just showing him some apreesh since, you know, he lost everything he has ever loved and has to live forever with that pain
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:15 No.9744054

    A RACE?

    A ROLE?

    >> Liquid Snake Fox !HOUNd6r5qk 06/02/10(Wed)06:16 No.9744059
    everything he ever loved
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:18 No.9744085
    I have actually become convinced this man is the real life Dorian Grey.
    >> Peanut Untouchable !!cuCA5COdsT0 06/02/10(Wed)06:18 No.9744089

    Everyone he ever loved. Seriously, lrn2Google.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:18 No.9744096
    What's the story behind all this
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:19 No.9744109
    everything poor bastard.

    he gave away 50million dollars just to make people happy. he is a fucking legend.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:20 No.9744120
    No seriously, stop being vague.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:21 No.9744133
    Child was stillborn
    wife died in a crash
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:21 No.9744136
    What happening with him? Come on man./
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:22 No.9744145
    Wow when did that happen? Or are you talking about that spike role hes going to play?
    >> Peanut Untouchable !!cuCA5COdsT0 06/02/10(Wed)06:23 No.9744154

    River Phoenix, his best friend, died in front of his club.
    Sister died from some fucked up shit... The list goes on and on.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:23 No.9744157
    Child thing was in '99 and wife dieing in a car crash was in '01 I think
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:23 No.9744161
    Anyone have the original of the album cover? I want to get a nice print of it and hang it up.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:23 No.9744162

    He's existed for thousands of years and can't die. He can only sit back and watch the self-destructive nature of the human condition and be powerless to intervene without incuring the wrath of the others.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:24 No.9744166
    >Father was a heroin addict/dealer who left his family when he was 3. He has since severed all ties with him.
    >Best friend, River Phoenix, dies before they could make another bromantic movie together.
    >Fiance has still-born daughter.
    >Fiance can't cope and they split up.
    >Sister gets contracted with leukemia.
    >Fiance drowns sorrows in alcohol and gets into a car accident.
    >Spends millions of dollars to keep his sister alive.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:24 No.9744172
    >>9744157 I feel bad.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:26 No.9744193
         File1275474394.png-(273 KB, 720x528, 1265141326529.png)
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    You guys know it is true.

    Pic related. It's my face when I realized this makes the most sense.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:26 No.9744197
    He is immortal and gets to see everyone he cared about, and generally everyone around him die.
    >> Peanut Untouchable !!cuCA5COdsT0 06/02/10(Wed)06:27 No.9744202
         File1275474453.jpg-(100 KB, 936x723, the_man_from_earth_1.jpg)
    100 KB
    Keanu Reeves as Himself in The Man From Earth.

    If you haven't seen this movie, go do it, NOW.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:27 No.9744208
    I used to think he's just a mediocre actor.. I change my opinion now
    >> Macready 06/02/10(Wed)06:28 No.9744216
    sister didnt die dickhead
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:29 No.9744229
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:29 No.9744233
    Fuck I want to give the man a million hugs.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:30 No.9744250
         File1275474653.jpg-(15 KB, 261x323, 89559595.jpg)
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    This is depressing
    >> suomynonA 06/02/10(Wed)06:32 No.9744273
    you shouldn't change your opinion about someone's acting skills just because shitty things happen to them
    >> House M.D. !RsT5bxOQxs 06/02/10(Wed)06:33 No.9744274
         File1275474784.jpg-(91 KB, 857x732, Eternity.jpg)
    91 KB
    Listening to this while reading this thread.

    >> Peanut Untouchable !!cuCA5COdsT0 06/02/10(Wed)06:34 No.9744292
         File1275474876.png-(214 KB, 624x352, 1274065929767.png)
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    I'm so sorry, that makes it all better then.
    >> Liquid Snake Fox !HOUNd6r5qk 06/02/10(Wed)06:35 No.9744302
    dont forget about cheer up Keanu day!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:36 No.9744316
         File1275474996.jpg-(270 KB, 1417x1417, Coverr.jpg)
    270 KB
    Woops, forgot the image.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:37 No.9744333
    Do you want the other versions as well?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:38 No.9744336
         File1275475093.jpg-(44 KB, 230x306, 37124_kelsey-grammer.jpg)
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    Grammer's family life has been plagued by tragedies. In 1968, when Grammer was thirteen years old, his father, whom he had seen only twice since his parents' divorce, was shot and killed on the front lawn of his home in the U.S. Virgin Islands.[2] In 1975, his younger sister, Karen, was raped and murdered[4] after being abducted outside a Red Lobster restaurant in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where her boyfriend worked.[5] In 1980, his fraternal twin younger half-brothers were killed in a freak scuba diving accident.[6][7] Grammer has sworn to prevent his sister's murderer, Freddie Lee Glenn, from being paroled;[8] in July 2009, Glenn was denied parole at least in part due to a letter Grammer submitted to the parole board.[9][10]

    His second marriage, to stripper Leigh-Anne Csuhany in 1992, lasted one year. Grammer says that she was abusive and that, after talk of divorce, she attempted suicide, which resulted in the miscarriage of their child.[18] During this marriage, Grammer had a daughter out of wedlock, Greer Kandace (born February 15, 1992), with hair and makeup stylist Barrie Buckner.[6]
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:38 No.9744338
    Sure. I haven't seen them, apparently.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:38 No.9744342
    is the pic from a movie or something?
    >> The Picture Of Keanu Reeves, Starring Keanu Reeves Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:39 No.9744349
    They should make a movie about him. It can be about how he found the secrete to immortality when he was a young, struggling French actor. Then it can chronicle his life until now. It'll show how he met Oscar Wilde and influence his novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. It'll lead up to present day, where he has lost everything he ever loved including his love acting.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:39 No.9744350
    Every time that gets posted I've forgotten what it entailed and I always accidentally laugh at
    >after being abducted outside a Red Lobster restaurant in Colorado Springs
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:39 No.9744357
    difference is, Kelsey's been known to be a jerk. Keanu has always been portrayed as a nice, quiet and humble guy.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:39 No.9744358
    You made this? Looks very cool. You got his clothes wrong, though.
    >> Liquid Snake Fox !HOUNd6r5qk 06/02/10(Wed)06:41 No.9744376
    but who would play as him?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:41 No.9744377
    no, that's the album cover in >>9743854

    I'm the one asking for an original of the pic (or the pic without the text) to print out somewhere and hang up on my wall.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:41 No.9744383
         File1275475289.jpg-(14 KB, 316x317, 1275474266426.jpg)
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    >"Money is the last thing I think about. I could live on what I have already made for the next few centuries," he declared.
    >next few centuries
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:42 No.9744396
    the fellow deserves a medal.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:42 No.9744398
         File1275475348.jpg-(836 KB, 1417x1417, keanu8.jpg)
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    Fag who made it here, commencing cover variation dump
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:42 No.9744399
    She's dead to me.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:42 No.9744402
         File1275475357.jpg-(3 KB, 128x153, ohwow.jpg)
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    >> Liquid Snake Fox !HOUNd6r5qk 06/02/10(Wed)06:43 No.9744414
         File1275475403.jpg-(89 KB, 1004x988, 1275471957285.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:43 No.9744415
         File1275475409.jpg-(534 KB, 1417x1417, keanu7.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:43 No.9744416
         File1275475413.jpg-(87 KB, 773x491, 1275470828238.jpg)
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    There's something latently distasteful about receiving the sympathy of thousands of anons, and yet I can't place my finger on it. Don't get me wrong, it's great that we're all trying to cheer him up, but it's the very FACT that thousands of people have only come to this conclusion after recognizing the shit he's been through seems to me like a big slap in the face, a huge reminder of all his life grievances shoved at him from so many people he doesn't even know. And keep in mind, he's a pretty reclusive man and doesn't want to be treated the way stars are often treated today. He may very well still be sensitive to these topics and only discusses them with a handful of people in his life.

    There's something about this that I find unsettling, because we're not recognizing him for who he is or his acting career so much as we are giving him attention because of all his life problems.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:43 No.9744421
         File1275475438.jpg-(19 KB, 243x253, bitte.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:44 No.9744424
    jesus christ stop sucking his dick, the guy's shitty and overrated actor...and you don't have to be a "movie expert" to know this
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:44 No.9744431
         File1275475486.jpg-(515 KB, 1417x1417, keanu6.jpg)
    515 KB
    Also taking requests for different titles/colors.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:45 No.9744435
    A cry of help, from the enternal wanderer.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:45 No.9744438
    y u mad tho?
    >> Bakkar&Berg !jlQh6QwQAs 06/02/10(Wed)06:45 No.9744442
    He was in a band, did you guys know that?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:45 No.9744443
    i like what you did with these... can you make a light blue one?
    >> House M.D. !RsT5bxOQxs 06/02/10(Wed)06:45 No.9744449
    HAHAHA nice advisory.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:46 No.9744452
    I agree.

    And he isn't as bad of an actor as everyone claims. I personally liked him very much in Constantine or Sweet November
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:46 No.9744463
    >overrated actor

    >every critic to ever review his work underrates his acting performance

    >overrated actor

    You don't know what this word means.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:46 No.9744466
    Sure, which image/line do you want it with?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:46 No.9744468
    Yeah, he plays in Becky now. I'm thinking of sending him a mixtape or maybe even writing him a few songs/recording a few covers.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:47 No.9744481
    >I'm either a troll or a retard
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:47 No.9744482
         File1275475664.jpg-(828 KB, 1417x1417, keanu5.jpg)
    828 KB
    Thanks man, I thought it'd give the whole thing a more album cover-ish look when printed out, and it seemed fitting.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:47 No.9744483
    Constantine is one of my all-time favorite "fun" movies. So much awesomeness and he did a fantastic job. Tilda and Stormare were just amazing too.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:48 No.9744497
    I had no idea De Niro had prostate cancer. Fucker gets to live on, while great actors like Dennis Hopper die prematurely.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:48 No.9744500
    Inside the suit like n this image>>9744482
    thanks man!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:48 No.9744502

    I guess we have a lot of empathy to give. He is a loner, not be choice but through fate. I'm sure a lot of people on 4chan can relate.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:48 No.9744504
         File1275475735.jpg-(21 KB, 188x158, mmmpphht.jpg)
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    more like UNDERrated
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:49 No.9744506
         File1275475746.jpg-(426 KB, 1417x1417, inside the suit.jpg)
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    >> Liquid Snake Fox !HOUNd6r5qk 06/02/10(Wed)06:49 No.9744507
    >He called me out and now i feel stupid so now i will call him a troll
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:49 No.9744512
    hehe, it looks good
    >> House M.D. !RsT5bxOQxs 06/02/10(Wed)06:49 No.9744513
    I've saved them all. I have a Keanu folder now
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:49 No.9744521
    >doesn't read fan mail or wants to know about them
    >fake autograph or pay for real one
    >-several months without reply if any





    What a dick!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:50 No.9744525
    a lot of people are generally getting it right but some are using that kind of approach. we need to make sure we build a celebration of keanu rather than send letters of sympathy
    >> House M.D. !RsT5bxOQxs 06/02/10(Wed)06:50 No.9744533
    We need to kill him with kindness.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:50 No.9744535

    Critics hate Keanu because of his emotionless expressions. It's a wide known fact and a meme in the 'real world'.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:51 No.9744544
    yeah but we really can't be truly kind like a good friend or else we'll die too

    that curse man, a hell of a thing
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:51 No.9744547
    can you post the same pic but without the text to use as a wallpaper
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:52 No.9744554
         File1275475930.jpg-(900 KB, 1417x1417, keanu9.jpg)
    900 KB
    There you go brosef.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:52 No.9744561
    whats all this shit about keanu reeves?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:52 No.9744563
         File1275475949.jpg-(13 KB, 245x346, Keanu Reeves.jpg)
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    >I'm rich and immortal even though I can't act and these basement dwellers want to cheer ME up
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:52 No.9744565
    fantastic, thanks man!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:52 No.9744566
    keanu's a smart guy. his easygoing attitude gave him a bit of a dude persona, but he's a grounded guy with his head on straight. i don't think he needs help from strangers.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:54 No.9744580
    Money won't comfort you when you're endlessly drifting through space, watching stars and planets collapse around you for eternity.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:54 No.9744583
    sexy man
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:54 No.9744586
    The Real Folk Blues
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:55 No.9744590
    No one NEEDS help, but we want to give it to him.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:55 No.9744595
    very nice ;p
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:56 No.9744598
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:56 No.9744604
         File1275476193.jpg-(18 KB, 335x200, billntedrufus.jpg)
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    He was there at the begining; He will be there at the end.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:57 No.9744614
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:57 No.9744617

    If you were happy with your life you wouldn't see a problem with wanting to cheer up another person.

    Are you just jealous we're paying attention to keanu instead of you? You must feel lonely and by all rights deserve our undivided attention.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:57 No.9744620
         File1275476248.jpg-(139 KB, 1130x186, the cold wind.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:57 No.9744622
    I'm glad you like it. I will make a back and bookled this weekend I think. I'll make a thread with it when it's done.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:57 No.9744625
    OH God, I lol'd
    >> Liquid Snake Fox !HOUNd6r5qk 06/02/10(Wed)06:59 No.9744649
    >Implying living forever when everybody you ever loved is dead is a good thing
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)07:00 No.9744657
    omg you are so smart that's exactly why I'm so pissed off about this
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)07:00 No.9744665
    fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)07:01 No.9744688

    this song (indirectly) describes Keanu's situation beautifully.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)07:02 No.9744701

    of course it is, why else would you be so upset.
    >> House M.D. !RsT5bxOQxs 06/02/10(Wed)07:03 No.9744705
    Ching chang wing wong.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)07:04 No.9744720

    you fucking lose animefag. its about the one of the music not the damn words.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)07:04 No.9744722
    if only you understood it ;_;
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)07:04 No.9744723
         File1275476678.jpg-(29 KB, 290x399, 1269439575_lost-290.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)07:04 No.9744729

    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)07:08 No.9744767
    The mixtape's great. And the artwork, really looks great.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)07:10 No.9744788
    >anime bullshit

    u troll?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)07:21 No.9744932
         File1275477666.jpg-(81 KB, 500x335, 1262075933494.jpg)
    81 KB
    a good intro song for the mix tape

    tell me thats not the most beautiful thing you've ever heard
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)07:33 No.9745162
    Why are we making a mix tape with sad songs again? Do you want him to kill himself or something?
    >> House M.D. !RsT5bxOQxs 06/02/10(Wed)07:34 No.9745185
    It's not for him, it's for us.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)07:37 No.9745235
    Oh. Then for god sake, don't send it to him.
    >> House M.D. !RsT5bxOQxs 06/02/10(Wed)07:38 No.9745248
    Oh shit no. Fuck, I don't want to kill the guy.
    >> Liquid Snake Fox !HOUNd6r5qk 06/02/10(Wed)07:39 No.9745259
    that would be impossible.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)07:45 No.9745337
         File1275479104.jpg-(40 KB, 744x481, xzibit-happy.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)07:49 No.9745407
    Cheer up keanu i have a felling this millennium will be better
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)07:56 No.9745531
    you know what's even worse what if around the year 5000 the whole thing just resets and starts over again

    exactly the same except for keanu
    and he has to do it all over again
    and he gets to be with his wife for such a short time every 20 thousand years

    what if the universe won't let him die
    man that would be really horrible
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)07:57 No.9745553
    I would gladly take his place.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:00 No.9745595
    Heh, this mixtape would seriously crush him.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:01 No.9745611
    I wasn't on here for a couple of days, what's up with Keanu?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:02 No.9745634
         File1275480154.jpg-(531 KB, 800x3600, only in my dreams.jpg)
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    only in my dreams can I be close to anyone without them dying..and even then they can only be cartoon characters....
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:04 No.9745662
    Read the thread, you lazy fatass.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:05 No.9745687
         File1275480358.jpg-(686 KB, 796x1146, kehanu.jpg)
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    What can change the nature of... wait what the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:07 No.9745705
    Is this specific to /tv/ because all these amusing shoops lead me to believe /b/ is in on this too? /tv/ isn't funny enough for some of these.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:08 No.9745720
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:08 No.9745721
    I read on Wikipedia that "Keanu" means "the coldness" in Hawaiian. Is that true, or just /tv/'s doing?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:09 No.9745729
    >amusing shoops
    get the fuck out and go back to jerking it to "lolneedzademotivator4dis"
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:09 No.9745737
    Behindthename says it means "cold breeze".
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:12 No.9745778
    It means "cold wind coming down the mountain".
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:12 No.9745791
    I didn't say /b/ was always funny, but the sheer weight of numbers means funny gets through sometimes. That rarely happens here.
    >> House M.D. !RsT5bxOQxs 06/02/10(Wed)08:14 No.9745814
    /tv/ did all these except for the drawn version which I think came out of /a/.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:14 No.9745818

    rarely happens in /b/. So far I'm unconvinced.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:14 No.9745823

    Thank you for the useless comment faggot.

    I have skimmed through the thread and what I can see is that anon wants to cheer up Keanu for some reason. I'm asking for that reason. Is that so hard?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:15 No.9745833
    Yeah, rarely. Now compare the number over there to over here. I'm unconvinced too.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:15 No.9745843
    Still an oddly appropriate name for an immortal being doomed to watch his loved ones melt away like a snowflake landing on his palm...
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:17 No.9745870
    see >>9744166
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:18 No.9745877
    >play The Devil's Advocate
    >play Constantine
    >life turns into a living hell

    It's all about Karma
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:19 No.9745893
    I said read it, not skim over it like some ADHD American kid.

    >> Wildling !!30T0gjZtjOG 06/02/10(Wed)08:20 No.9745905
         File1275481200.jpg-(23 KB, 685x625, doctormanlytears.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:21 No.9745923

    Wouldn't know as I don't go there convincing myself that finding that ONE little itsy, bitsy teeny weeny "gem" in the sea of unfunny and copy pasta is somehow worth it.
    It's like continuing to date a bitch who hasn't put out. Even if she does EVENTUALLY put out, the jokes been on you the whole time. (and she can still opt to leave you high and dry).
    So far, all you've convinced me is that your an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:24 No.9745946
    >your an idiot
    Also, u mad
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:25 No.9745951
    /a/ is also in on this.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:26 No.9745955
         File1275481566.png-(85 KB, 749x1248, lol i trol u.png)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:27 No.9745966
    his name means COOL BREEZE in Hawaiian not cold breeze

    COOL BREEZE which in hawaii would be a good thing because in hawaii its HOT
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:28 No.9745972
    I haven't trolled at all itt. Yeah, u mad.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:28 No.9745977



    >Implying I'm American
    >Implying I'm a kid
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:30 No.9746000
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:32 No.9746028
    I couldn't help loling at this
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:34 No.9746053
    Not sure if jokes can be epic but that was pretty damn close.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:34 No.9746055
    Not only does it look like he's really depressed in most pics but it looks like he bears some great burden

    like he did something awful and has to live the rest of his life with it
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:38 No.9746086
         File1275482288.jpg-(37 KB, 325x345, black-bear.jpg)
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    Did someone say bears?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:38 No.9746089
    anyone know what shoes he's wearing? they look cool
    >> Brewsky !!0bpDL6+XJHS 06/02/10(Wed)08:43 No.9746178
    I became a fan of him on facebook like a year ago, you should too ;_;
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)08:47 No.9746231
    >he's really depressed in most pics but it looks like he bears some great burden
    >like he did something awful and has to live the rest of his life with it

    You think being immortal is that easy, right? To watch the ones you love dying?
    I think Keanu imagined to see them leaving this world at old age not dying like flies.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)09:00 No.9746402
    File deleted.
    The full experience.

    He must consume to continue, which he must also do.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)09:05 No.9746490
    Why did you delete it? I liek. D:
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)09:09 No.9746535

    Were that a movie.

    I'd totally watch it.


    A down 'n out bum, turns out he's some sort of supernatural humanoid that has been alive for thousands of years. It goes over the history of his life, why he's so "down and out" now. Wars, famine, plagues, lovers lost, children burried all the bit leading up to who he is today. It would really have to make you feel for the character, sympathetically, but he couldn't be so inhuman (apparently immortal) that the viewer wouldn't relate to him. Hence the review of past relationships and such.

    He's there for a reason, one important thing he has to do, he has known this all along. The when, where and how. The journey of his cycle, the pain and suffering helped him develop some characteristic, some trait or way of thinking that were necessary to him performing his role.

    Then at the end credits a godtrollface.jpg.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)09:17 No.9746631

    >Hey 4chan, want to make a movie?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)09:36 No.9746846

    OH MAN
    You blew your cover, Keanu!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)09:39 No.9746874
         File1275485991.jpg-(116 KB, 823x600, blah1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)09:41 No.9746894
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)10:22 No.9747527
    can anyone upload this to rapidshit or mediafire please :)

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