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  • hey guys, just fyi: we've got this great board called /r9k/. it's really good and we'd enjoy it if you checked it out, posted some, and stuck around for a while. see you there! toodles~

    File : 1272502065.png-(30 KB, 1109x392, ash_path_tree.png)
    30 KB Drifter !IHAloJDB4A 04/28/10(Wed)20:47 No.8790150  
    /tv/, I'm going to play Pokemon for the first time in years.

    I'll take any suggestions for /tv/-related pokemon nicknames. Or any good nickname for "Gary" even.

    Also, general Pokemon tv-show discussion.
    When did you stop watching?
    For me, it was probably just after they added Togepi to the group.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)20:49 No.8790171
    I stopped watching when Pikachu evolved.
    >> sage Brewsky !!0bpDL6+XJHS 04/28/10(Wed)20:49 No.8790172
    I like you Drifter, but this is more /v/ related.

    I sageth thou.
    >> Toothless !i8pAo9p.B2 04/28/10(Wed)20:49 No.8790175
    >When did you stop watching?
    When I grew up
    >Shit sucks, growing up
    >> MrSage !.MqCRmCfgc 04/28/10(Wed)20:49 No.8790177
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    I never watched the show religiously, but I'd tune in every now and then as a kid.

    For a fun pokemon experiment, call your Metapod "Penis" so you get a giggle or two when you use the Harden power.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)20:49 No.8790179
    Name your nemesis "Sage"
    >> sageguy !!yFZ6ZMYnhCB 04/28/10(Wed)20:49 No.8790180
    SageMon Digivolve to...
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)20:50 No.8790191
    >Or any good nickname for "Gary" even.

    >> Drifter !IHAloJDB4A 04/28/10(Wed)20:50 No.8790205
    I hope that you are trolling hard
    >> Toothless !i8pAo9p.B2 04/28/10(Wed)20:51 No.8790212
    Also, name your first pokemon Toothless.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)20:51 No.8790225
    The original 151 pokemon are the only ones that matter. Any other ones are for dick sucking fags
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)20:51 No.8790227
    First, Dr. Who in /v/.
    Now non /tv/ related gaem stuff here....

    >> Lovë¡¡¡ChloChlo !MoretzUAvk 04/28/10(Wed)20:52 No.8790238
    Carnage ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)20:52 No.8790241
    Call it Bendover.
    >> Drifter !IHAloJDB4A 04/28/10(Wed)20:53 No.8790256
    Well, I am playing by Nuzlocke Rules, which got it's name from Lost, so it's kins of related to /tv/ in that sense
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)20:54 No.8790281

    Lol no, Gary is cool

    >> Toothless !i8pAo9p.B2 04/28/10(Wed)20:54 No.8790288
    Nuzlocke run eh? Awesome. Remember not to let your HM slaves die. Name your first damn pokemon Toothless!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)20:55 No.8790319
    First Pokemon = Moot
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)20:57 No.8790368
    You = Bateman
    Gary = Lecter

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