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  • File : 1272190504.gif-(118 KB, 620x506, matt-smith-karen-gillan-and-alex-ki.gif)
    118 KB Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:15 No.8696910  
    Ladies and gentlemen of /tv/, meet the latest incarnation of Rani.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:15 No.8696924
    Not the Rani. She would have regenerated after she died in the Library.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:17 No.8696948
    Time Lords can still die.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:18 No.8696964

    Yeah she would've died just like the recent clone/daughter of the Doctor who popped back to life after he left.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:19 No.8696994
    in b4 weeping angel
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:21 No.8697010
    -Timelords can only regenerate 13 times (although the master has found a way to circumvent that limitation)
    -Timelords do not regenerate instantly (if we are using the 2005 season as an indication)
    - Her spirit was upload to a digital realm. You see the soul of the doctor each time he regenerates (as well as residual energy). Her "soul" as it were was not present (Torchwood: The residual energy/"soul" in the severed hand is used by Jack Harkness)
    - She has impersonated a companion in the past
    - She has tried to trap 7 incarnations of the doctor simultaneously
    --> She has been visiting various incarnations of the doctor now; all where they dont know her.
    - She has shown knowledge of timelord anatomy
    - She knows how to kill the doctor indefinitely (stop both of his hearts at hte same time)
    - She can write in high gallifreian
    - She is either /younger/ in time of angels than she is in Silence in the Library, or has the ability to time travel
    ---> Rani still has a Tardis (the trex that was in there when she was trapped with the master simply broke the ceiling).
    >> Faraday !HjLTtX.XQ2 04/25/10(Sun)06:21 No.8697011
    I don't think that Moffat would be brave enough for a callback like that. Not many people would understand what was going on and he'd have to add tonnes of exposition.
    Not that that should be a new thing for Doctor Who, but still.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:23 No.8697035
    Indeed, however she was scheduled for an appearance twice in the past (89 was the latest, I think), both of which were CANCELLED.

    She also appeared in a childrens benefit in the 90s.

    She was "in" when doctor who stopped airing
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:28 No.8697093
    I really doubt it. It would be fucking epic if it was true, though
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:30 No.8697110
    The called back The Master, didn't they? They just threw in a few episodes to explain a bit about who he was.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:33 No.8697168
    they also had davros in season 2 of the new series iirc
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:34 No.8697176
    In the library episode, she seems to think tennant doctor knows her. which would mean it was 10 that met her first.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:34 No.8697179
    No. Utopia didn't give anything apart from "LOL I AM DA MASSA I R TIME LERD LOL BAI BAI"
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:34 No.8697185
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:36 No.8697199
    did you miss the warehouse scene in the following episode where tennant explained what the master was all about?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:37 No.8697208
    This sort of makes sense. Her appearance is radically different in the two incarnations we've seen. The face of Boh is on record for saying "you are not alone" in a timeline before the influence of the master -> when the master was at the end of the universe in human form (last time I checked Jack, assuming he is/was indeed the face of boh, didnt have the power to detect timelords innately).

    Both rani and the master were imprisoned in the same place (Rani's Tardis), and the master escaped when the trex broke through the roof according to wikipedia, so why didnt rani?

    In the latest episode, she said "I don't want to go back to prison again".
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:40 No.8697240
    Or maybe she just only knows a single incarnation of the doctor.

    I've got two theories now about the cracks in space-time. First of all that Lady Gaga is making them, as Rani has been known to use whizzbangerry like time funnels, etc.

    Alternatively, it is the dalekanium daleks trying to escape the void to attack the rainbow daleks.

    Alternatively, the end of the series will involve victory to the angels over the daleks/earth (they were called the silent assassins in Blink), and as we know "silence will fall"
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:41 No.8697251
    >lady gaga
    >i've got two theories
    >lists three
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:43 No.8697265
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:45 No.8697289
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    From Wikipedia: "A past relationship between the Rani and the Doctor is hinted at, but never elaborated upon"

    >The doctor told her his real name
    >She calls him sweetie

    >phillip J fry on bigfoot.png
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:46 No.8697303
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    >>dalekanium daleks trying to escape the void to attack the rainbow daleks.

    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:46 No.8697305
    >lady gaga
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:47 No.8697308

    The Doctor's name is Sweety?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:47 No.8697310

    Lady GaGa?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:47 No.8697320
    ITT people who do a better job of writing doctor who plots than the actual plot writers.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:48 No.8697322

    Screw you their awesome and you know it.
    >> Faraday !HjLTtX.XQ2 04/25/10(Sun)06:48 No.8697324
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:48 No.8697327



    Sweety Man?

    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:48 No.8697331
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:49 No.8697337
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    Whoops, forgot my image.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:49 No.8697340
    Sweety would infer the relationship.
    As would her knowing his name (possibly the single circumstance where he would tell her his name).

    By the way, did anyone notice that the tardis universal translator didnt translate the high gallifreian?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:50 No.8697343
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:50 No.8697344

    Oh no, I've seen this before. I believe this is a terminal case of George Lucas Turkeyneckitis.

    It's in the final stages.
    >> Faraday !HjLTtX.XQ2 04/25/10(Sun)06:50 No.8697352
    It's always the same when fans of shows start thinking about the possible plots for shows.
    People want the show to be really high-falutin and so make these elaborate theories but it always ends the same way:
    Some boring Deus Ex Machina ending which is utterly disappointing.
    See Lost threads, there's no way the actual show will end in the awesome ways people have theorised.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:51 No.8697360

    >>ITT: People write bad fan fiction about a character nobody gives a fuck about.

    I'm 21 now, so I was born the year DW was canceled. Growing up I knew what Daleks were, I knew about Cybermen, I knew about the Master and the Time Lords and the Doctor,. Do you know why? Because people still talked about them, nobody once ever mentioned The Rani. She was a shit character that was introduced while the original DW was on its last legs. Moffet would be a fool to ruin River Song with this shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:51 No.8697363
    Sorry, wrong spelling.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:52 No.8697369
    you should have read the threads on the Dalek episode. I think there were enough words written to have a fully fleshed out episode that would have been 10x as good as what we got.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:52 No.8697371

    They probably just overlooked it.

    Or some bullshit reason that's irrelivent.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:52 No.8697375

    I know no matter what i'm going to feel like i wasted 6 years of my life.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:53 No.8697376
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    >river song is rani
    >rani is lady gaga
    >doctors name is Alejandro
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:54 No.8697386
    or the TARDIS purposely doesn't translate it because Time Lord wanted to be able to communicate secretly if they happened to have some one in their TARDIS.
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)06:55 No.8697397
    >it is the dalekanium daleks trying to escape the void to attack the rainbow daleks.

    Sweet. The fag Dlaeks suck. I want my old design back.

    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:55 No.8697403
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.8697419
    In my opinion, every single fan theory I've read on /tv/ concerning Doctor Who (and also lost) is terrible.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.8697424
    It's not that time lords can't regenerate more than 12 times (13 lives) it was more of a limit set by the time lords themselves. As we've seen when the master did it they can refuse to regenerate.

    The Dr will keep regenerating as long as he pleases.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:57 No.8697428
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    River Song is River Song.
    Amy can't remember the Daleks because the Doctor's in a parallel universe, also explaining the cracks.
    My penis itches and I think I may have knob rot.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:58 No.8697432

    I bet you want DT back to, fag.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:58 No.8697436
    >Amy can't remember the Daleks because the Doctor's in a parallel universe, also explaining the cracks.

    Because of time travel, faggot.

    Also in b4 rose comeback
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)06:59 No.8697442
    >the Doctor's in a parallel universe

    That would suck.


    It means the fag Daleks are not present in our relaity. Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:59 No.8697443

    If parallel why so River?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)06:59 No.8697452
    River does not behave like the Rani. Not by a long shot. The Rani is a scientist and places her experiments above everything else. River is more of a newer version of Sara Jane Smith. An adventurer that keeps landing in really hot water.

    As far as their twisted past goes, I'm willing to bet a future incarnation of the Doctor will pick up a new, young companion, and the two of them will fall for each other during their travels, and eventually marry. When the marriage certificate arrives, we see that her real name is River Song, a name she doesn't like, but takes after the Doctor ditches her out of spite for lying to him for so long.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:00 No.8697458

    >fag Daleks

    >Lost tripfag

    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)07:00 No.8697464
    David Tennat? Abreviations make you a moron.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:00 No.8697468
    It's possible, but its really not plausible for a tv show to have a parallel reality with such a small, insignificant difference between parallel realities.

    OPs theory is great, as is the daleks trying to escape the void
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:01 No.8697474

    No, "Sweetie" infers her being one of those stupid middle aged women who think that calling people "Sweetie" and winking at them is somehow sexy and charming.

    They are mistaken in this belief.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:01 No.8697487

    She's no incarnation of anything. They just keep meeting up in reverse. That's all there is to their relationship.
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)07:02 No.8697490
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    Problem anon?
    >> Faraday !HjLTtX.XQ2 04/25/10(Sun)07:02 No.8697502
    Doctor in a parallel Universe?
    Or Amy from a parallel Universe?
    I think the latter.
    She could even be prisoner 0 and that worm thing is just an incidental creature.
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)07:04 No.8697519
    My theory is that the Daleks and the Time Lords are working together to break the time loop prison. They will resume their war after they get out and we will have a new season with a magnificent war.

    The Cracks are from their efforts to free themselves.

    How does that make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:04 No.8697521
    Not going to happen. Moffat doesn't like Rose.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:04 No.8697523

    A crack let prisoner zero out in a place where its guards were able to just run around, meaning that the crack was just connecting two places in the same universe.

    The cracks are probably being caused by some creature/army/randomjackass trying to break free from a prison or travel quickly across the universe or possibly to break through a barrier in time.

    Not enough has been shown to tell what the hell the cracks are about. They're making as much sense as the "Bad Wolf" references from earlier in the 2005 series, anyone even remember what it meant? I vaguely remember it having a connection to Rose being misplaced in space or something, but I don't remember why kids were spray painting it if that was even explained.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:04 No.8697524
    >The Rani is a scientist and places her experiments above everything else

    True. She does, however, appear in situations with rather dangerous monsters, and has always been in charge in each particular episode.

    She previously did an experiment on mice on gallifrey, which resulted in her being expelled from the planet (after it grew and ate the presidents cat iirc). Perhaps she is collecting data on the most desirable "traits" for a killing machine in the universe.

    Alternatively, she may simply be messing with the fabric of reality (hence the cracks) to trap the incarnations of the doctor she meets.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:04 No.8697526
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:05 No.8697531

    Bad Wolf was a heap of shit, because they thought it would be great to foreshadow something, but they couldn't work out what it was they were foreshadowing.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:05 No.8697533
    Both River Song and Jack Harkness are from the same century, it seems fairly obvious that she's Jack before the sex change.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:06 No.8697543
    >I vaguely remember it having a connection to Rose being misplaced in space or something, but I don't remember why kids were spray painting it if that was even explained.

    She made it happen when she was godly (she was omnipotent and omnipresent).

    It was a sign to let her know she could go back to save the doctor (which in itself presents a paradox).
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:06 No.8697544

    No I mean David Tennant. And don't lecture me on what makes one a moron tripfriend.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:07 No.8697559
    >River does not behave like the Rani. Not by a long shot.

    Explain why she has a drastically different appearance, attitude (changed personality), and appears older in "Time of Angels".
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:08 No.8697568

    Oh yeah "Your theory" sure, kid.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:08 No.8697570
    Bad acting and time, both hallmarks of Doctor Who.
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)07:09 No.8697582
    Because actors age. It's a TV show, bro, not the real world.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:09 No.8697589
    >Both River Song and Jack Harkness are from the same century

    There has been no indication of the origin of River Song.

    >implying River song isnt Susan Foreman
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:09 No.8697590

    River Song is Steven Moffat's mary-sue faptoy. He'll never have her be evil.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:10 No.8697601
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    >>Back "bad writing" as the reason your shit fan fiction wont work.
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)07:10 No.8697603
    Who wants the Time Lords to come back? I do.
    >> Faraday !HjLTtX.XQ2 04/25/10(Sun)07:11 No.8697619
    Yeah and WTF is with Walt looking older than he should be in some scenes in Lost??
    Something is definitely going on there!!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:12 No.8697629

    Why what purpose would they serve.

    "Hey the Time Lords are back"
    "Awesome, what are they going to do?"
    "Be pompous arrogant fucks like the old days"

    That's exactly what will happen.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:12 No.8697636
    go away
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:13 No.8697652

    Oh god he was making a joke, do you have to go Doctor Who fanboy on him?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:13 No.8697654
    I like the Rani, but it doesn't make much sense for River to be her. They'd better have a damn good explanation if she is.
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)07:13 No.8697657
    That sounds pretty good to me.

    Also, EPIC WAR with the Daleks.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:14 No.8697661
    >susan foreman

    haha no
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:14 No.8697667
    It appears you don't know who susan foreman is.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:16 No.8697680

    You are 12. Get out.

    By the way, I propose we have the daleks fire bubbles like they did in that one movie, instead of lazors.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:16 No.8697683
    >implying Susan isn't dead forever
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)07:16 No.8697692
    No you!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:17 No.8697695
    thats the joke.jpg
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:17 No.8697696

    There wont be a war,idiot. If post Time War Timelords escape the time lock they will just initiate the ultimate sanction. Personally I'd rather have Time lords that were kept hidden, or hid themselves in a colony because they didn't want to fight in the war, showing up or something like that. Time lords shouldn't be blood thirsty neanderthals.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:18 No.8697707
    This Rani theory makes no sense whatsoever.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:19 No.8697719
    it makes a lot of sense.

    Will it happen? No
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:19 No.8697720

    That wouldn't be too bad considering they've been turned a bit nasty over the years in their little private universe with the daleks or whatever they're calling it.

    It would mean evil time lords springing up in places and stirring shit up to try and set up the same supremacy they once held over the natural order of things.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:19 No.8697722

    The fuck are you talking about i was talking about his Jack/RS tranny joke. Susan died of starvation after David abandoned her rapist infested London.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:20 No.8697729
    Yes, and you didnt notice the foreman joke.

    You can get out now.

    You are small time
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:20 No.8697732

    The crack maker is something called the Pandorica, which (apparently) is going to be a fully powered, fully armed and fully chameleon powered War TARDIS


    And aborted story called 'The Angel Of Time' about more or less God himself coming through destroying existence, Rose was supposed to be the one to stop that. Also a trademark issue about using a variation of a lightsabre canned it.

    Still but what's done is done.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:21 No.8697735

    But they reached the point where they can destroy everything. No need to fuck about, this is also the reason why Davros coming back is ridiculous. They made them all far to powerful.
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)07:21 No.8697738

    Nice argument.

    Anyway, are you implying that if they break free there wouldn't be some deus ex machina reason for them not to enforce the Final Sanction?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:22 No.8697745

    I got your "Joke" I choose to ignore it because it wasn't funny.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:23 No.8697751
    Just thought I'd say the polite voice on the angel at the end of the episode was the best bit for me.

    >Snapped my neck sir
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:24 No.8697759

    Yeah that was nicely done.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:24 No.8697760
    I'll go for the boring but more likely theory that River's the Doctor's wife from the future. Although now, that might be too obvious.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:24 No.8697761
    River Song after the next episode isn't in this season until the last two episodes. The bigguns. I imagine she'll play a big part in it all.
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)07:25 No.8697766
    Every episode of Dr. Who should be about the Daleks. No exceptions.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:25 No.8697768

    I had an argument after calling you an idiot. It's apparent all you want is laser and explosions and "EPIC WAR" Go put the opening of Revenge of the Sith on repeat. You sound like a child.
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)07:26 No.8697775
    I am watching it as we speak. Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:27 No.8697779

    You really are just a fucking clown.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:27 No.8697784

    I don't mean to suggest they should keep with the RTD bullshit version of the TIme Lords where they're all nuts, but rather to bring their society back and have a few go rogue being a bit evil.

    The timelords in the past have been mentioned as having kept some of the forces of time in check, so their revival could open some stories of incompetent timelords screwing things up when trying to fix things.

    The whole idea of an insane group of Timelords doesn't necessarily mean they're all evil, but rather that they're a bit more paranoid about things maybe. It isn't as though they couldn't be changed about a bit.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:29 No.8697798
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:29 No.8697799
    Like she is rani and trying to open the pandorica?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:29 No.8697806

    I like this. I really did hate how every time Lord wanted to destroy all matter. War doesn't turn everyone into a genocidal fucktard. Some,yes, of course. But all the Time Lords. That was ridiculous.
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)07:30 No.8697813
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:30 No.8697819
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:31 No.8697824

    Why do you want the Rani so much. Take it from an Old Who fag. She was never good.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:32 No.8697848
    >I like this. I really did hate how every time Lord wanted to destroy all matter. War doesn't turn everyone into a genocidal fucktard. Some,yes, of course. But all the Time Lords. That was ridiculous.

    Thats not what happened. You should rewatch it again.

    They were an ignoble race, and valued their existence over that of humanity. They werent going to "wipe the universe clean", they were going to obliterate the human race to bring back gallifrey.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:35 No.8697884
    >old who fag

    Sproken like a true whovian. Yeah, nice try, kid.

    She had excellent potential as an alternative to both the doctor and master (who ran/went mad at the sight of the vortex).
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:37 No.8697923
    They literally wanted to 'end time' by destroying the universe so they could become higher forms of counsciousness or something
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:38 No.8697927

    No you re-watch it. They were going to rip the time vortex apart and bring existence to nothingness. How did you miss that?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:38 No.8697928
    >The crack maker is something called the Pandorica, which (apparently) is going to be a fully powered, fully armed and fully chameleon powered War TARDIS

    The War TARDIS theory is retarded, as the doctor has a 102, and the 102 is significantly more powerful than the War TARDIS.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:38 No.8697932

    >They werent going to "wipe the universe clean", they were going to obliterate the human race to bring back gallifrey.

    This could easily be retconned as being just the actions of the leader of the Time Lords at that time rather than all the Time Lords.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:38 No.8697942
    >They were an ignoble race

    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:39 No.8697946
    Don't you mean Type 40?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:39 No.8697951

    OK kid believe what you want. If you want the Rani and not something new just for the sake of your fan wank, go ahead.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:40 No.8697970

    Except they were all shouting "for the end of time!" and that the counsel voted for the use of the final sanction.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:42 No.8697994
    Oh yeah. Sorry, I was thinking of the old one (compassion or whatever it was called)
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:43 No.8698008
    this is actually the best Who thread i've come across in awhile

    Although this Rani stuff is rubbish, how about we wait and find out rather than coming up with increasingly elaborate theories that end up reading like teenage fan fiction?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:44 No.8698021
    Not sure how this thread is any good?

    We've got the rani theory and some lost tripfriend talking about HURRDURR I WANT A TIME WAR XD

    The rani theory is the best part of the thread
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:44 No.8698022

    hear hear, but it is half the fun pointing out the plot holes in said theories.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:47 No.8698056
    What were the "plot holes" in the Rani theory exactly?

    There haven't been any posted that I have read. At best, the only thing I can think of that we can honestly say goes against the OPs theory is

    a. It's the same actress
    b. River song "died" (but her soul was put into a virtual world)

    There are other (possible) subtle cues given that may suggest the OPs theory is correct;
    She is called Doctor Song
    -> She laughs when she gets told she will some day become a "professor"
    She has a terrible secret, and may go back to prison if he finds out
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:48 No.8698069


    That reminds me, we need the books to be give more credibility on screen. We need Fitz and number 8 on the show in a once off episode.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:49 No.8698087

    It just seems like so much desperation and speculation to me. You have to remember who this show is primarily aimed at.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:51 No.8698112
    Professor River Song has been strongly hinted by Russell T.Davis to be The Doctors last companion, and wife.

    Her real name is Bernice Summerfield, and she was part of the Doctor Who novels before the 2005 revamp. In the novels she has no other connection to the Doctor other than being a minor companion. Her role in this series will be different to that of hers in the novels.
    She has a Wikipedia page:…

    Dr Moon, (his true name is revealed later in this series, Irving Braxiatel) is a Time Lord (possibly the Doctors brother). This could mean that River Song is also a Time Lord.

    There is a small possibility that River Song is afflialted with the return of the Rani. (Of whos return is hinted at at the end of Series 3), or that she is The Doctors last companion before he dies (the more likely theory).

    Both of these explains her Sonic Screwdriver, knowledge of the Doctor, and knowledge of the role which Donna plays in the Last Great Time War. (Involving Racnoss, Parallel Universes, and Daleks...enjoy)
    >> Graham Norton 04/25/10(Sun)07:52 No.8698123
         File1272196352.jpg-(20 KB, 479x359, Graham-Norton-ruins-9-11.jpg)
    20 KB
    Hi Graham Norton here, just thought I'd let you know you'll be seeing a lot more of me in Doctor Who from now on.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:52 No.8698128
    >It just seems like so much desperation and speculation to me. You have to remember who this show is primarily aimed at.

    There are 1001 theories about who river song is. The Rani happens to be a rather popular one. The OPs thoughts aren't exactly original
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:52 No.8698130

    Oh god you're right. Older woman, smug, annoying.

    It's fucking Benny.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:54 No.8698158

    That stuff all sounds like an annoying pile of shit, but any crossover with Irving Braxiatel, and thus the novels, is fine by me. Those books got me into Doctor Who.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:54 No.8698159
    Learn to MS Paint
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:55 No.8698168
    Rani is an anagram of Rain
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:56 No.8698185

    Also Nair.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:57 No.8698196
    Also Inar
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:59 No.8698222
    >Older woman
    It's fucking Donna.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)07:59 No.8698227
         File1272196790.jpg-(109 KB, 1000x661, TheRani.jpg)
    109 KB
    You guys suck. OP is correct.

    Here she is in cuffs after the doctor finds out who, or rather what exactly she is.

    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:03 No.8698267
    The diary is a type 103 tardis
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:04 No.8698282
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:06 No.8698321
    Where is this image from???
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:08 No.8698346

    the internet
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:10 No.8698383
    is it next episode?
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)08:14 No.8698427
    Fukken lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:14 No.8698434
    The Rani means "She is singing"
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:14 No.8698444
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:17 No.8698465
    I dunno about you guys, but this rani theory just makes sense to me
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:17 No.8698467
         File1272197845.png-(259 KB, 637x362, ang1.png)
    259 KB
    What's it doing to me?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:19 No.8698487
    It's making you weep, angel.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:19 No.8698496
    >RIver Song
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:21 No.8698519
    What is this I don't even
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:21 No.8698529
    >Both Water
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:22 No.8698544
    Both instruments of sexytime
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:22 No.8698548

    >Amy POND

    Yeah what now?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:23 No.8698559
    It's mother Gaia
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:23 No.8698569
    Amy pond isnt singing. Go away.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:25 No.8698591
    They're never going to bring the fucking Rani back. She was a shit villain who appeared in two abysmal serials. They only bring good villains back.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:25 No.8698592
    How do you know it's an Amy Pond when there are no Amy's in it?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:26 No.8698611
    A > T
    M >H
    Y >E
    P >R
    O >A
    N >N
    D >I
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:26 No.8698617
    Gillian Anderson should play Rani
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:27 No.8698625

    The light stained her eye.

    Her eye is now an angel.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:27 No.8698638
         File1272198474.jpg-(49 KB, 542x407, 1267490854795.jpg)
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    Do go on
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:28 No.8698647
    Russel T Davies said that it was the hand of the rani picking up the masters ring in an interview
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:28 No.8698653
    Y is not > E. If it was greater than, it would appear earlier in the alphabet.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:29 No.8698671

    Even though it clearly wasn't, it was those people who revived him in The End of Time.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:30 No.8698681
         File1272198610.jpg-(19 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:30 No.8698682
    i see caesar in her eyes
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:31 No.8698693
    Another clue is that the Rani's last apperence involved a plot about trying to take over Eastenders or something.

    Eastenders is a soap opera.

    The actress playing River used to be in a soap opera, ER.

    ER also happens to be the first and seccond to last letters of 'Eastenders'.

    Co-insidence? I think not.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:33 No.8698736
    not canon
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)08:33 No.8698737
    Good idea. The character is shit, but I would be able to live thorught that if Scully was her.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:36 No.8698775

    It is now that the Moff is in charge.
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)08:41 No.8698842
    Can we get some proper spaceships for the Daleks plz? Those saucers are abominable.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:42 No.8698846
    This thead guy from the thread
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:43 No.8698869
    Someone should photoshop a troll face onto that little Graham Norton animation
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:44 No.8698876
         File1272199457.png-(140 KB, 624x352, vlcsnap-2010-04-25-20h43m48s16(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:44 No.8698879
         File1272199471.jpg-(53 KB, 171x297, 1270013972006.jpg)
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    Doctor who thread on first page

    my face
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:45 No.8698897
    i got three tabs open all about doctor who
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:45 No.8698898

    You should have seen the one last night, there was an extensive discussion of Weeping Angel mating, pregnancy and childbirth.
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)08:46 No.8698903
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:48 No.8698937

    I think it makes more sense that there is only one weeping angel that has existed and the various incarnations are just extensions of the same creature protruding into our perception of reality. Creating an image just makes it possible to push through a bit.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:48 No.8698940
         File1272199723.png-(244 KB, 688x384, drGun.png)
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    ungrateful bastard
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:49 No.8698957
    UPDATE: four tabs
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)08:54 No.8699032
    >I think it makes more sense that there is only one weeping angel that has existed and the various incarnations are just extensions of the same creature protruding into our perception of reality. Creating an image just makes it possible to push through a bit.

    I think its better if the angel is actually not real and is a solid hallucination taht can create false perceptions resulting in the creation of others
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)08:56 No.8699055
         File1272200191.jpg-(45 KB, 468x385, 1270991496928.jpg)
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    >> Author !KcUvy/XyRY 04/25/10(Sun)08:58 No.8699084

    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:09 No.8699228
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:14 No.8699329
         File1272201282.png-(25 KB, 402x402, crack.png)
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    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)09:15 No.8699353
    Do I see a Dalek peeping from in there?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:18 No.8699397
    Someone needs to shoop Graham Norton coming out of the cracks.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:18 No.8699400
    I'd plug Amy Pond's crack with my TARDIS if you know what I mean.

    My penis might only be two inches on the outside, but inside it's bigger than Ron Jeremy (the man, not his penis).
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:20 No.8699424
    I'd plunge myself into Amy's crack, if you know what I mean.
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)09:20 No.8699435
    No, I do not know what you mean.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:24 No.8699488
    That's because you're 12.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:26 No.8699511
         File1272201968.jpg-(47 KB, 500x573, 1270812762721.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:30 No.8699570
         File1272202225.png-(31 KB, 402x402, wall_street.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:31 No.8699584
    The Pandorica is Lehman Brothers!
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)09:33 No.8699605

    No, I do NOT know what you mean.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:33 No.8699614
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:33 No.8699618
    So. First, martha was the rani. Then, The doctors daughter was the rani. And, of course, then bloomin kylie minogue THEN Donna, THEN riversong? Some people are getting depserate.
    >> Colonel Coffee Mug !phJ7yIcs.Q 04/25/10(Sun)09:34 No.8699623

    >MIND = BLOWN.

    P. much this. Godammit I lol'd hard.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:34 No.8699628

    No but this time its definatly Rani
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:35 No.8699635
    > So. First, martha was the rani. Then, The doctors daughter was the rani. And, of course, then bloomin kylie minogue THEN Donna, THEN riversong? Some people are getting depserate.

    river song is the first person Ive ever thought to be the rani
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:35 No.8699639

    motherofgod.jpg - I would post pic but I lost it.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:35 No.8699640
    it's entirely possible that she's the rani but it's a whole lot more likely that she's just some batshit alien or something
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:35 No.8699644
    This poster >>8699618 is the Rani!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:36 No.8699656

    and then I was the Rani
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)09:37 No.8699675
    Good. Now we don't have to deal with that awful character in the show.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:38 No.8699677
         File1272202685.jpg-(48 KB, 300x448, Rani.jpg)
    48 KB

    FABULOUS, isn't it darlink.
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)09:38 No.8699687
         File1272202735.png-(2 KB, 350x346, wrtwertwert977.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:39 No.8699693

    damn that looks like river song
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:39 No.8699695
    >FABULOUS isnt it sweety

    fixed that for you
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:40 No.8699708
    Both wear red nails
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:42 No.8699724

    And that ring looks familiar.....
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:42 No.8699725
    Y'all are going to get Jossed.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:42 No.8699728

    Both are ghastly middle aged women.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:42 No.8699733

    so does their hair and face and vneck
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:44 No.8699758
    The pecuniary and temporal ramifications of differentiating process for special needs students are capacious, and thus put additional strain upon the teacher throughout the day.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:45 No.8699775
    She can't be the fucking rani, why can't the doctor tell she's a timelord?
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)09:46 No.8699787
    Because she is not one.

    She is The Master.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:46 No.8699790
    He cant do that.

    He couldnt tell that Saxon was the master until he worked it out
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:47 No.8699806

    Because they will come up with some nonsense
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:49 No.8699834
    He couldn't tell that Professor Yana was the Master because he was a human when they met. He never met Saxon before knowing it was the Master.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:49 No.8699850
    >He never met Saxon before knowing it was the Master.

    Exactly. He hasn't met River Song before, either.

    River Song = Rani.

    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:51 No.8699870
    He's met her a number of times.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:52 No.8699886
    He doesnt know she is The Rani, though, faggot. Learn to read outside of a single post.

    Since when can the doctor "sense" a time lord?

    The masters trickery RELIES on him not being able to
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:53 No.8699899
    Face to face with a timelord? I'm sure he would be able to tell.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:53 No.8699902
    River Song = The Valeyard
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:53 No.8699909
    Timelords can sense one and another and recognise them even with changed appearance. It's been mentioned loads of times in Doctor Who.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:53 No.8699910
    >Since when can the doctor "sense" a time lord

    Since forever?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:54 No.8699927
    >bitches dont know about perception filters
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:55 No.8699946
    The master wasn't fooled by the perception filter. I doubt the doctor would be either. She's not using the chameleon arch either.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:57 No.8699962
    Doctor Smith Who saw through a perception filter in a matter of seconds in Amy Pond's house.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:57 No.8699969
    Name an instance when the Doctor didn't know a perception filter was active.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:59 No.8699996
    When he was John Smith.
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)09:59 No.8700009
    Wow talk about insufficient cognitive ability...

    He never met Saxon. If he did, he would have been to tell it was a Timelord.
    He wasn't able to tell that Yana was a Timelord, because the professor himself didn't know.

    The only way Song can hide that she is a Timelord is if she didn;t know it herself. That kinda defeats the purpose, but whatever.
    We clearly knows who she is with all that prison talk.

    So, use your brain before you type and read more posts before jumping into a thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)09:59 No.8700016
         File1272203988.jpg-(36 KB, 221x246, 1270140908499.jpg)
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    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)10:00 No.8700024
    She clearly knows*
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:00 No.8700035

    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:01 No.8700040
    The only way Song can hide that she is a Timelord is if she didn;t know it herself. That kinda defeats the purpose, but whatever.
    We clearly knows who she is with all that prison talk.

    >we clearly know who she is

    So tell us?
    >> Mr. Eko !!Kvd62zjcAJW 04/25/10(Sun)10:01 No.8700048
    This. It was a typo.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:04 No.8700096

    No he didn't, he didn't spot it at first it only occurred to him later.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:05 No.8700108

    >Implying The Doctor and The Master are of equal intelligence.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:06 No.8700116
    Rani's name given in the Deca means "dawn".

    Rani means "she is singing"

    >she is singing at dawn
    >today is ANZAC day
    >>she is a war veteran
    >>>she was in and survived the time war
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:07 No.8700133
    The point is that they are, and that the Doctor only triumphs because he also has companions.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:07 No.8700134
    I hate that dam Time War, it's such a fucking DEM.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:09 No.8700163
    The master is more creative however, because he is insane
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:12 No.8700195
    So as someone who hasn't seen the old Who, can someone fill me in on what the Rani is/are?

    Also, someone remind me. In one episode where the Master dies, someone picks up a ring. That was used in The End of Time to bring the Master back right? I remember reading at the time that people were saying the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:13 No.8700211

    yeah the ring was used to resurrect the Master but the process got sabotaged
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:13 No.8700217
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:14 No.8700225
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:14 No.8700227
    Yeah one of the Master's cultists picks up the Master's ring at the series 3 finale and then uses it to revive him at the start of the big damn ending.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:26 No.8700423
         File1272205615.jpg-(45 KB, 428x548, roflbot-zWrD.jpg)
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    One Question for Moffat: When and how is the Master back?
    I don't even care if he continues being blatently homosexual for the Doc, I really miss him :(
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:28 No.8700435
    he was sexy as fuck when he was firing lightning during the end of time

    no homo
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:28 No.8700446

    Too busy being in the season finale of Ashes to Ashes.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:30 No.8700475

    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:31 No.8700479
         File1272205878.jpg-(14 KB, 320x240, TheMaster.jpg)
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    The Master died a long time ago, and he will be missed. John Simm doesn't even have a goatee, how they can call him The Master I just don't know.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:32 No.8700498
    John simm did a damn good job.

    Plus hes sexy
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:34 No.8700513
    John Simm did a great job of playing an evil Doctor fanboy, but that wasn't The Master.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:34 No.8700516
         File1272206083.jpg-(53 KB, 394x599, doctor who celery.jpg)
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    Matt Smith doesn't even have a celery, how they call him The Doctor?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:35 No.8700531
    Not a chance.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:36 No.8700546
         File1272206217.jpg-(67 KB, 500x755, VoteSaxon01.jpg)
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    he is sexy, no questioning.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:37 No.8700555
         File1272206249.jpg-(16 KB, 340x255, dw27.jpg)
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    You don't need a goatee to be the Master. Just a ming the Merciless-esque sense of fashion.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:38 No.8700564
         File1272206291.jpg-(97 KB, 566x733, cyberman.jpg)
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    Guy that's in a cyberman suit doesn't even have an achille's heel of gold, so how can they call him the guy that's in a cyberman suit?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:38 No.8700569
         File1272206326.jpg-(161 KB, 800x1008, dci-gene-hunt11.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:44 No.8700638
         File1272206657.jpg-(38 KB, 600x504, dan mays.jpg)
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    You won't be hunting down scum for long Gene....
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:44 No.8700645
         File1272206674.jpg-(136 KB, 2048x1365, EndOfTimePart1-0087.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:46 No.8700673
         File1272206777.jpg-(10 KB, 252x250, 1272135173994s.jpg)
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    someone wants a word with you . . .
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:47 No.8700698

    Man when Gene called him a jew this week I shouldn't have laughed. Also FUCK YOU.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:47 No.8700703
    Yeah its obvious there is a timelord fucking shit up. Remember that star whale episode? The brits left the "dying" earth way before the sun expanded ("End of the World" epsiode).

    Different timeline. Obviously someone is fucking shit up and no one remembers or theyve fallen into a parallel universe (which the doctor would remember, obviously)
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:50 No.8700748
    I started watching Ashes to Ashes like 2 weeks ago when the guy was going to set the house on fire with his wife in it.

    That's a fucking great show.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:54 No.8700818

    You've seen Life on Mars obviously? Ashes is pretty good but man LoM was awesome, just seeing the difference between policework and society back then and now was great, when that lady is shot in one ep and Sam realizes EMTs aren't in use yet was horrifying.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:55 No.8700842
    No i haven't seen Life on Mars actually, I'll need to watch it sometime.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)10:59 No.8700894

    They left temporally and would return when the earth fixed itself for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)11:02 No.8700934

    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)11:03 No.8700946
    The daleks also time travel so its not just possible that it is a time lord
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)11:03 No.8700962
    This is a great thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)11:06 No.8701009
         File1272207995.jpg-(79 KB, 532x288, LOM 01x04.subtitulado.avi_0001(...).jpg)
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    >Watching AtA before LoM
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)11:07 No.8701026
         File1272208052.jpg-(25 KB, 700x400, 19.jpg)
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    You faggots are forgetting something.
    We already HAVE a Rani, and she's the only reason The Sarah Jane Adventures is worth watching.
    (why a kid's show continually makes references to the old series, i don't know)
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)11:08 No.8701042
    Rani is rani
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)11:08 No.8701049

    My god, I forgot that Shaz's LOM predecessor was FUCKING GORGEOUS GODDAMN!!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)11:10 No.8701082
    >> Anonymous 04/25/10(Sun)11:10 No.8701084
    Because a massive Who nerd is writing it and nobody cares what he writes (it is the SJA) so he can pretty much do anything he wants.

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