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  • File : 1271732995.jpg-(74 KB, 461x523, 1271119953775.jpg)
    74 KB ITT : manly tear moments in movies / show Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:09 No.8569587  
    ITT : manly tear moments in movies / show

    I always shed a tear at these
    BSG :
    >You know, I know a lot about farming
    in the finale


    Royal Tenenbaum :
    >It's been a rough year dad

    What about yours?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:10 No.8569601
         File1271733056.jpg-(91 KB, 447x599, manly tear.jpg)
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    Star Wars:
    Princess Leia: I love you
    Han Solo: Me too
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:11 No.8569603
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    Series finale, Moral Orel.

    I really don't know why.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:11 No.8569608
    The last time I really felt moved by a movie was Moon, Gerty's broness ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:11 No.8569617
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    Supah man...

    I cried... so hard.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:12 No.8569630
    The second one man. I didn't even like the movie that much but goddamn.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:12 No.8569633
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    Lost finale when mib kills richard
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:12 No.8569634
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:13 No.8569640
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    Brother (брат)

    Just badass moments all around.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:13 No.8569641
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:14 No.8569662
    Both of these. ;_;

    Except I was ugly crying all through out the BSG finale.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:14 No.8569668
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    Too many scenes to mention.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:14 No.8569670
    The Fountain
    My tears aren't manly, they are humanly.
    Fuck you insecure weakling.
    >> Henry Moseley !1RONAnRsdk 04/19/10(Mon)23:15 No.8569671
         File1271733303.png-(32 KB, 300x353, 1270756487221.png)
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    City of ember
    >For the good of all mankind scene
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:15 No.8569678
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:15 No.8569689

    >Wake up Leela. You gotta wake up.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:17 No.8569709
    his dog (obligatory)
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:17 No.8569713

    Glad to see I'm not the only one who appreciated these moments more than that fucking dog. Really cheap way to make people sad, that dead dog was.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:17 No.8569724
    Oh, I forgot about in 2012 when the fat russian kids' father sacrifices himself to throw one of the little porkie faggots to the bridge ;_;

    the fatass was all like "papa!"
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:17 No.8569727
    I am no hero, but I served in a company of heroes.

    nuff said
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:18 No.8569733
    kinda lame, but the episode of drake and josh where drake gets the "little brother" kind of thing so he can pass english. when drake watches the video of josh and the kid talking about josh not being accepted ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:18 No.8569735
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:18 No.8569743

    The voice acting in the Royal Jelly ep was what got me.

    The dude sounded so genuinely full of sorrow and loss.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:18 No.8569745
    I just watched the season 3 finale of Angel. I have to say that brings a few tears.

    When Angel spends an actual enjoyable day with his son, after thinking he had lost him forever, and then his son, in revenge for mistakenly thinking Angel killed Holtz, attacks him, knocks him out, locked him in a coffin, and dumps the coffin into the ocean. The blank look on Angel's face as the coffin sinks through the depths as the episode ends is what gets me
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:20 No.8569781
    i don't get whats so sad about the farming thing, halp op.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:20 No.8569783
    What ep is that from?
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:21 No.8569795
    idk man, that's the buil up
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:21 No.8569799
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    When Randy is yelling at him and Carver is walking away...;____;
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:21 No.8569801
         File1271733699.jpg-(63 KB, 600x408, hbo_taking_chance.jpg)
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    Taking Chance:
    >When the soldier's brother comes off the plane
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:22 No.8569820
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    I lose it every time.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:24 No.8569859
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    The whole fucking series finale. God dammit, it caught me hard.
    >> MrSparkle !!o+VC9xR/pO7 04/19/10(Mon)23:24 No.8569861
    "Don't you ever tell me what I can't do!"

    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:24 No.8569866

    Nothing Angel's son ever did could really bug me since it was just such a terrible character.
    >> MrSparkle !!o+VC9xR/pO7 04/19/10(Mon)23:25 No.8569885
    I never even really watched it but I cried like a bitch the finale.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:26 No.8569891
         File1271733989.jpg-(36 KB, 396x587, taking_chance.jpg)
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    Then again I'm a veteran.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:27 No.8569902
    god damn it
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:27 No.8569914
         File1271734071.jpg-(14 KB, 300x281, unbreakable.jpg)
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    "Now that we know who you are... I know who I am. I'm not a mistake! It all makes sense. In a comic, you know how you can tell who the arch-villain's going to be? He's the exact opposite of the hero, and most time's they're friends, like you and me. I should've known way back when. You know why, David? Because of the kids... They called me Mr. Glass. "

    I just tear up for some reason...
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:28 No.8569921
    what movie is that
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:28 No.8569924
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:28 No.8569926

    Not a vet. Still choked up a bunch.

    Especially during the "funeral procession" near the beginning.

    Don't see too much stuff like that in my part of the country.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:28 No.8569937
    This movie was unforgivably stupid.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:29 No.8569944
    Fuck you guys, the montage showing the rest of JD and Turk's lives in Scrubs.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:29 No.8569946
    Same here, I lost if bad when the girl/plane realized why he was on the plane. And the scene where they were cleaning his body is just painful to watch.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:29 No.8569947

    Six Feet Under. Epic show is epic, but even the haters and those who never watched it realize the power of the Season Five finale. Best episode of TV ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:29 No.8569948

    he was annoying as crap in season 4, but I don't really think he was annoying yet in season 3. He had just come out of a hell dimension and was still under Holtz's influence, so I felt like his early character was a justified "I don't trust you because I'm pretty messed up and you are a vampire" as opposed to "I am now just an annoying unstable teen"
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:29 No.8569951
    No, my foe, you are.
    >> Rick Rape !wUaaKKdfXw 04/19/10(Mon)23:29 No.8569957
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:29 No.8569962
    I seriously thought he deserved it by that point for not killing his son for being such a massive faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:30 No.8569964
    >> MrSparkle !!o+VC9xR/pO7 04/19/10(Mon)23:30 No.8569969

    Awwwww poor Lem didn't deserve that.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:32 No.8570027
    yeah.. even when shane killed himself. in fact the whole series managed to make me emotional.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:34 No.8570069
    The most choked up I've ever gotten in a movie was the huge long cut sequence from Children of Men. [spoilers]That buildup with the guy getting shot at built up the tension so much. When he finally gets her and escorts her down the stairs with the child... and all of the police are just stupified at the sight of a newborn. I'm tearing up a little now as I'm writing this. Brilliant.[/spoilers]
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:36 No.8570103
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:38 No.8570133
    Cross of Iron
    >You've taken care of us long enough, Steiner
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:38 No.8570140
         File1271734736.jpg-(33 KB, 645x363, Alien_Orpan..jpg)
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    Forgot the pic
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:39 No.8570149
    That's fucking sad bro
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:39 No.8570154
    The series finale of King of the Hill. :'(
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:47 No.8570273
    Honest to god, in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, I didn't cry because Harry started crying, but because the dog ate his finger. He will never get that finger back and re-attached. That made me so sad.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:47 No.8570274
    Lilo & Stitch. When we hear Lilo talk about her parents.

    The Iron Giant. "Superman."

    28 Days Later. When they go to the grocery store. When the dad gets Rage and dies.

    A Simple Plan. Billy Bob Thornton's monologue about high school, and the ending.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:47 No.8570289

    I found it very moving the last time we heard the phone ring "I Will Survive."
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:48 No.8570307
    I don't know how manly it is, but I cried when Jane's answering machine cut out on Breaking Bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:49 No.8570308
    I can't believe i forgot about that. It was moving.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:49 No.8570313
    this movie is great
    listen to this and tell me you don't nostalgia :
    >> Kaiji.. !L.rG/tZANk 04/19/10(Mon)23:50 No.8570339
    The Aviator - because of his ocd

    Edward Scissorhands - the end

    Oldboy - because it's so damn good
    >> Karl Antioch !!gf/+wbJujYH 04/19/10(Mon)23:52 No.8570377
         File1271735559.png-(1.26 MB, 1280x985, Guaranteedbaww.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:52 No.8570378
    Oh wow! You are awesome! I love this song. I love when music is so moving like this song.

    Thanks for posting it!
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:53 No.8570389

    I thought littlefoot was a penis from the thumbnail.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:54 No.8570405
    thanks bro
    It's a shame i can't find the whole ost though
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:56 No.8570433
         File1271735764.jpg-(32 KB, 340x454, glenn-beck.jpg)
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    >You can go now, brother.
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:58 No.8570465
    God damnit one of the only things that makes me cry every time. And the whole scene after where little foot's just trudging along and meets that other old dinosaur.
    >> Rapture !Demi.vSXo2 04/19/10(Mon)23:58 No.8570471
         File1271735918.jpg-(74 KB, 317x352, RaptureReact0141.jpg)
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    LOST: When Charlie knew he was going to die in the underwater station and every time someone would say "When you get back" or the like, I would well up
    Skins: Chris dying, of course
    Clint Eastwood dying in Gran Torino
    End scene/music in Leon the Professional
    And lots of other movies I can't remember.
    I cry a lot and give no fuck
    >> Anonymous 04/19/10(Mon)23:59 No.8570489
    It's sad because he was born on a dirt poor farm on a shitty planet, worked his ass off to become a great scientist and escape his impoverished roots, getting elocution lessons so no one would look down on him because of the way he spoke. Everything about him was vanity personified and he loved being looked up to, yet after 4 years of running from killer robots his final reward? is living as a farmer on earth. even on the other side of the universe he couldn't escape his roots.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:02 No.8570537
    I think we'll be okay here leon..

    24: I'm sorry we let you down ryan...
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:03 No.8570554
    yeah man
    also that emphasize pretty much the whole situation the survivors are all in.
    During all the show they are strong and full of pride, but in the end they still in end up being in a shit hole with no ressources and can't be much more than shitty farmers
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:05 No.8570582
    It's a Wonderful Life ending, when everyone saves his broke ass

    just recently in Kick Ass when Big Daddy is being fried alive and he is still telling Hit Girl what to do STROBE CHIIIIILD

    but I cry a lot in movies

    hell, I tear up in Hercules from the time Meg dies and Hercules offers his life to save her. Then he choses to be a mortal to live with her. By the time it goes to "that's Phil's boy" I shed a tear.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:15 No.8570771
    When she sees the Hot Chocolate there on the table.. :(
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:16 No.8570776
         File1271736963.jpg-(188 KB, 1280x720, Supernatural109_200.jpg)
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    "Dad, I know I've left messages before. I don't even know if you get 'em. But I'm with Sam and we're in Lawrence and there's something in our old house. I don't know if it's the thing that killed Mom or not... but...I don't know what to do. So whatever you're doing, if you could get here... please. I need your help, Dad."
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:22 No.8570865
    Those are great. Honestly I also love the episode when they all get de-aged and Leela decides to stay in the sewer with her parents to have a childhood, Fry's almost tearing up before he leaves. "I'll come visit you when I'm all grown up. I promise." I'm probably misremembering this.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:22 No.8570870
    what the fuck, man?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:23 No.8570904
    When Thorin dies in the Hobbit. I hadn't watched that cartoon since I was a kid, and it didn't really effect me then.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:24 No.8570921
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    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:27 No.8570959
    Just watched Letters From Iwo Jima.

    Is this still Japan?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:28 No.8570962
    Doctor Who - The Girl in the Fireplace
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:28 No.8570967
         File1271737709.jpg-(20 KB, 358x312, Up_movie3.jpg)
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    When Carl gives Russell the badge at the end.

    Every. Time.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:29 No.8570975
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    brokeback mountain ending
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:29 No.8570984
    Just finished watching "Falling Down"

    Not sure how many manly tears moments.

    But it was a lot.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:29 No.8570987
         File1271737758.gif-(1.54 MB, 263x174, epic-crying.gif)
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    The episode from like 3 weeks ago
    Dean:It's okay Mom, Dad still loves you...I love you too
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:29 No.8570990
         File1271737765.jpg-(131 KB, 900x727, 2002_signs_011.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:31 No.8571023
    I finally saw this last weekend. I thought people were pussies for crying during this movie...but within the first 10 minutes ;_____;
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:32 No.8571030
    gets you if you know what brothers are like
    gets you if you every relate to fry and his pursuit
    gets you if you really love(d) your dog as a kid.
    The new episodes likely won't be able to pull this kind of stuff, so I doubt they'll be good.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:32 No.8571041
         File1271737970.png-(240 KB, 400x448, bawwww.png)
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    that whole episode me bawww like a bitch
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:33 No.8571047
    The goddamn poster makes me cry.
    >> Just¡¡¡Carnage !!+gPfQzH95bs 04/20/10(Tue)00:34 No.8571069
    The Last Song.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:36 No.8571089
    >rest JD and turk's lives
    It gets me too, dude.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:36 No.8571095
         File1271738207.jpg-(8 KB, 180x260, mark_mckinney.jpg)
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    the show as a whole kind of sucked but when Mark McKinney was on Studio 60 as the writer who lost a wife/child in a car accident, and there's the episode with the hostage situation sketch that might not make it to air if the real-life hostage situation ends badly - and it does.

    "...He killed the kids?"
    his face. fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:37 No.8571124
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    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:38 No.8571128
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    -> Adama sitting next to Roslin's grave talking to her


    -> they all happilly live together and suddenly he starts to see


    -> obviously that montage

    Time Travelers Wife

    -> She gets to see him after he dies
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:38 No.8571130
    "Hi Hal."
    "How do you know my name?"
    "It's me, Cadanace"

    *Children's Bun Unit*
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:38 No.8571133
    He looks so happy
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:41 No.8571185
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    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:42 No.8571197
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    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:42 No.8571208
    I think this one will work
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:44 No.8571235
    When JT got stabbed on Degrassi
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:44 No.8571240
         File1271738659.jpg-(73 KB, 520x317, 1267313823148.jpg)
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    Oh god, this scene ;___;
    >> Rapture !Demi.vSXo2 04/20/10(Tue)00:45 No.8571253
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:45 No.8571263
    Scrubs-When Dr. Cox loses his three patients and the dialogue that ensues between Cox and JD
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:46 No.8571269

    If you don't baw you're not human.
    >> BigBeast !SelenaOqMs 04/20/10(Tue)00:47 No.8571279
    My of my would be manly tear moments come from anime.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:47 No.8571291

    Cox's breakdown when he loses the final patient/his friend.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:47 No.8571292
    Spock dying
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:48 No.8571309
    I remember allways crying during that scene when I was little..
    And I still do ;~;
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:49 No.8571316

    great fucking movie...
    >> Anonymous 04/20/10(Tue)00:49 No.8571328

    - Adama leaving the Galactica

    - "I laid out the cabin today, its gonna have an easterly view. You should see the light we get here. When the sun comes from behind those mountaings, its almost heavenly. reminds me of you"

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