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  • File : 1270821042.jpg-(62 KB, 780x712, Untitled.jpg)
    62 KB Kaiji.. !L.rG/tZANk 04/09/10(Fri)09:50 No.8315938  
    How do I get these actresses to notice me?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)09:51 No.8315943
    Tell them you are movie sexpert
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)09:51 No.8315950
    You have to ask them questions, poopy head.

    Ask her if she curses in real life the way she does in Kick-Ass.
    >> Eye on the /tv/ !!UUyyFlGguOx 04/09/10(Fri)09:52 No.8315955
    Tell them you're Korean and you have a massive cock
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)09:53 No.8315963
    I don't think Isabelle actually uses her Twitter. It's probably her mother. But Chloe does and she'll respond to you sooner or later.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)09:53 No.8315967
    I thought Tylar was the movie expert...
    >> sage sage 04/09/10(Fri)09:54 No.8315971
    Why are you feeding him?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)09:54 No.8315972

    Tell Saoirse how you really feel about her.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)09:54 No.8315973
    stop being a stalker psycho
    >> Justice¡¡¡Carnage !!+gPfQzH95bs 04/09/10(Fri)09:54 No.8315975
         File1270821299.jpg-(59 KB, 480x501, taeyang_20090518_seoulbeats.jpg)
    59 KB
    your soo cute kaiji,
    you made me like korean boyz
    >> CinemaGirl !!QW6HXnY88z8 04/09/10(Fri)09:55 No.8315984
    Go slow at first, then when you notice they get moist between the legs penetrate them.
    Otherwise it hurts.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)09:56 No.8315990
    >I'm a movie expert you know.

    Oh Kaiji you pathetic faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)09:56 No.8315996
    >you're . . . websight
    you dirty grammar troll
    >> Eye on the /tv/ !!UUyyFlGguOx 04/09/10(Fri)09:56 No.8315997

    I <3 Kaiji
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)09:56 No.8315998
    Because Kaiji is a 1000x more entertaining than you.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)09:59 No.8316024
    Kaiji is a pedophile
    >> sage sage 04/09/10(Fri)09:59 No.8316027
    What makes you think i am here to entertain you?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:00 No.8316035

    This. Kaiji may be a hopeless loser and a troll, but he amuses me, like a monkey. And he's better than Scar.
    >> Darwin !CMIxjDP0mk 04/09/10(Fri)10:00 No.8316041
         File1270821645.jpg-(35 KB, 480x360, 0 copy.jpg)
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    Kaiji. I don't mind you. i think you're interesting, but i have yet to see any evidence of your 'movie expertise'.

    Exactly in what way are you a movie 'expert'?

    Not trolling. Curious and possibly competitive...
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:02 No.8316058
    You don't HAVE to entertain me. But don't expect me to reply to your boring-ass posts.
    >> Justice¡¡¡Carnage !!+gPfQzH95bs 04/09/10(Fri)10:03 No.8316079
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:03 No.8316086
    Don't make me like you Kaiji, don't you make me like you.
    >> CinemaGirl !!QW6HXnY88z8 04/09/10(Fri)10:05 No.8316103

    You're already sending lewd tweets to disney girls, you sleazeball.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:05 No.8316106
    Yeah, you should get one. Even ChloChlo has one:
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:05 No.8316108
    I didn't know moot was a websight.
    >> Justice¡¡¡Carnage !!+gPfQzH95bs 04/09/10(Fri)10:06 No.8316110
    hey you attention whore. gb2 to your own thread
    >> Kaiji.. !L.rG/tZANk 04/09/10(Fri)10:06 No.8316111
    I'm a former Fulbright scholar. Are you a former Fulbright scholar?
    >> I <3 Ellen !Page4aGT/o 04/09/10(Fri)10:06 No.8316112
         File1270821979.jpg-(30 KB, 400x300, gladiator_l.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:06 No.8316114

    You never will. Kaiji and shit taste in films and TV and he's not much of an expert on anything. But he's funny in a village idiot kind of way.

    Also, another tripfag? Really? Fuck spring break up it's ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:06 No.8316121
    Who the fuck is Chloe?
    >> CinemaGirl !!QW6HXnY88z8 04/09/10(Fri)10:07 No.8316125

    More like Partiallydim.
    >> Justice¡¡¡Carnage !!+gPfQzH95bs 04/09/10(Fri)10:07 No.8316126
    i know her real twitter, why you give me a fake one?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:08 No.8316136
    lol i trol u
    >> CinemaGirl !!QW6HXnY88z8 04/09/10(Fri)10:08 No.8316138

    because you're fake
    >> Justice¡¡¡Carnage !!+gPfQzH95bs 04/09/10(Fri)10:10 No.8316158
    hur dur i has girl in my tri-tip
    gimme attention
    >> Saetre !!lodPMkWYbj4 04/09/10(Fri)10:11 No.8316171

    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:11 No.8316179
         File1270822306.jpg-(64 KB, 427x615, 1270626364541.jpg)
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    hur dur post pictures of myself on 4chan
    gimme attention
    >> Justice¡¡¡Carnage !!+gPfQzH95bs 04/09/10(Fri)10:13 No.8316185
         File1270822387.jpg-(647 KB, 5000x4975, 1270629166144.jpg)
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    that was for muh tri-tipfu.
    you wouldnt understand
    >> Darwin !CMIxjDP0mk 04/09/10(Fri)10:14 No.8316195

    I have Masters in Cinema, Media Arts and Production, something i achieved after undergrad in Media Art Production, and First Class Honours in Media Arts Production. I've also directed 30 tv advertisements, written 400 reviews for a well known news paper and directed two feature motion pictures that got wide release in over 42 countries including the US.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:15 No.8316207

    1. Download Greasemonkey for Firefox, or Opera, it's built in to Chrome

    2. Get the 4chan Thread Filter script

    3. copypasta tripcodes such as !L.rG/tZANk, !FYlvhP/ago and !RwSdgHTHpA into the tripcode filter box, click apply

    4. Profit
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:15 No.8316209

    Even though you're an attention whore, I would massage your shoulders and sing you to sleep every night.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:15 No.8316212
         File1270822552.jpg-(47 KB, 640x480, 1270447825482.jpg)
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    I do. You want attention as much as CinemaGirl, you're just as bad as each other, stop trying to pretend you are not.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:16 No.8316217
    please tell me Caranage is not really a skinny girl
    >> CinemaGirl !!QW6HXnY88z8 04/09/10(Fri)10:16 No.8316221
    itt under 7inches
    >> CinemaGirl !!QW6HXnY88z8 04/09/10(Fri)10:17 No.8316227

    horrible fingernails
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:17 No.8316231
    He's not.
    >> Justice¡¡¡Carnage !!+gPfQzH95bs 04/09/10(Fri)10:17 No.8316235
    i don't 4 threads every 5 minutes and i try to keep to myself and my tri-tip friends
    why did you save my pictures if you don't like me?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:17 No.8316237

    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:18 No.8316250
    subtle troll is subtle
    >> Kaiji.. !L.rG/tZANk 04/09/10(Fri)10:18 No.8316252
    I'm taking a 500 dollar seminar on screenwriting.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:18 No.8316255
    Ok, /tv/ has the absolute worst tripfags on 4chan. This is absolutely indisputable. I'm not talking about the trolls, like Kaiji, who is fine, but everyone else. You are all pathetic people.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:19 No.8316258
         File1270822743.jpg-(37 KB, 640x480, 1270445500395.jpg)
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    To troll you. You do really need to clean your nails, although maybe you left them dirty for some negative attention? Who cares as long as it's attention, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:19 No.8316262
    Why would I want to get rid of the tripfags?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:20 No.8316269

    so subtle,
    it's not even a troll, idiot
    >> Eye on the /tv/ !!UUyyFlGguOx 04/09/10(Fri)10:20 No.8316275

    u mad, bro?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:21 No.8316285
    Yes, clearly. Why do you ask?
    >> Justice¡¡¡Carnage !!+gPfQzH95bs 04/09/10(Fri)10:21 No.8316288
         File1270822870.jpg-(77 KB, 400x531, oh hai.jpg)
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    my nails are clean! it was the light!
    youre creepy me out. stop posting the pics.
    and yes i want the attention
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:21 No.8316289
    The tripfags are the only good thing about /tv/.
    >> Darwin !CMIxjDP0mk 04/09/10(Fri)10:21 No.8316297
         File1270822902.jpg-(30 KB, 300x375, the_rock_300.jpg)
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    haha this is why i like you.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:22 No.8316306

    write "I am carnage" on your forehead in sharpie and post pics
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:22 No.8316308
    If you really wanted our attention, you'd show us your VAGOOOOOO!
    >> Eye on the /tv/ !!UUyyFlGguOx 04/09/10(Fri)10:23 No.8316322

    Just checking :D
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:23 No.8316330

    Kaiji is a satirist on the same level as Twain and Vonnegut.
    >> Darwin !CMIxjDP0mk 04/09/10(Fri)10:23 No.8316336

    god just go back to /b/. cheers
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:24 No.8316345

    You're such a cock block.

    Darwin confirmed for uncool
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:24 No.8316354
    Good tripfags:


    Shit tripfags:

    everyone else

    The fucking worst:

    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:24 No.8316357
         File1270823099.jpg-(47 KB, 640x480, 1270446856237.jpg)
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    Take another picture then with "I want delicious attention" time-stamp it too.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:25 No.8316363
    Nah, movies too fast. End they're not as easy to troll.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:26 No.8316376
    Writing shit on other shit is too easily faked. You should ask her to do something unique.
    >> Eye on the /tv/ !!UUyyFlGguOx 04/09/10(Fri)10:26 No.8316392

    >cock block
    >Implying carnage was going to do it
    >Implying you won't see tits and vag on /b/
    >Implying you're not a cum guzzling faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:27 No.8316395
    Ceph is an ugly attention whore
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:27 No.8316398
    Do it you filthy attention whore, show us how much attention you want.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:27 No.8316406
    >implying tits and vag isn't /tv/-related
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:28 No.8316416
    Do you even care about film or television?
    >> CinemaGirl !!QW6HXnY88z8 04/09/10(Fri)10:29 No.8316426
    At least I don't post tits on /tv/ for attention.
    >> Justice¡¡¡Carnage !!+gPfQzH95bs 04/09/10(Fri)10:29 No.8316432
    i made the signs for people who i care about on /tv/
    i not here to prove anything to you guys. i can care less :]
    so w/e
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:29 No.8316433
    Tripfaggot detected
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:29 No.8316439
    Only because you don't have any.
    >> Justice¡¡¡Carnage !!+gPfQzH95bs 04/09/10(Fri)10:30 No.8316443
         File1270823411.jpg-(77 KB, 400x531, oh hai.jpg)
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    I am God Tier
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:31 No.8316453
    You said you loved the attention, you'd get so much more admitting you just want delicious attention. Post another picture, do it, deep down you want to, you crave the attention and you know it will come with just one simple picture.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:31 No.8316456
         File1270823490.gif-(38 KB, 200x200, 1263926130006.gif)
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    all tripfags confirmed for cock blocks
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:32 No.8316468
    >Kaiji Thread
    >People jerking to Carnages sister
    >Mad and Butthurt
    >Some new tripfags attention whoring

    What a fucking trainwreck of a thread. /tv/, I am dissapoint.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:33 No.8316486
    Yes, I care about television and film. And, no, I'm not a tripfag. But Anonymous trolls WAY harder than the tripfags. Most of the tripfags actually DISCUSS things! The typical Anonymous reply to a thread is usually one of these gems:


    pretentious hipster bullshit

    ur a faget

    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:35 No.8316510
    Oh, and of course to bitch about how tripfags are ruining /tv/.
    >> Darwin !CMIxjDP0mk 04/09/10(Fri)10:35 No.8316512
         File1270823727.jpg-(51 KB, 600x452, 2003_intolerable_cruelty_010.jpg)
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    you fascinate me
    >> Justice¡¡¡Carnage !!+gPfQzH95bs 04/09/10(Fri)10:36 No.8316532
         File1270823818.jpg-(77 KB, 400x531, oh hai.jpg)
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    your funny
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:38 No.8316547

    so he prostitutes his sister?

    how does it feel knowing that everyone wants to plow your sister, and probably already does
    >> Kaiji.. !L.rG/tZANk 04/09/10(Fri)10:38 No.8316560
         File1270823937.jpg-(86 KB, 600x800, sis.jpg)
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    I wish my sister would let me prostitute her for /tv/
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:40 No.8316576
         File1270824001.jpg-(38 KB, 500x633, birain.jpg)
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    Sexy Korean men :3
    >> !X4tPDgrvmo 04/09/10(Fri)10:41 No.8316590
         File1270824060.jpg-(30 KB, 386x363, 1270616031089.jpg)
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    haha im loving this justice, kaiji, darwin love triangle developing.

    currently eating popcorn hmmmmm......
    >> Justice¡¡¡Carnage !!+gPfQzH95bs 04/09/10(Fri)10:41 No.8316598
         File1270824087.jpg-(17 KB, 399x400, Kaiji.jpg)
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    ew rain...
    Kaiji is way more sexier than him
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:41 No.8316604
         File1270824110.jpg-(23 KB, 450x338, 600107-oh_you_super.jpg)
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    >Lady Gaga
    >POP corn
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:43 No.8316620
         File1270824191.jpg-(37 KB, 520x643, birain2.jpg)
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    Hell naw
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:47 No.8316697
    norm norm is the best trip
    >> Justice¡¡¡Carnage !!+gPfQzH95bs 04/09/10(Fri)10:49 No.8316722
         File1270824541.jpg-(194 KB, 650x652, taeyang_hot_01.jpg)
    194 KB
    your making me puke.
    Kaiji has twice the body
    >> Anonymous 04/09/10(Fri)10:53 No.8316790
         File1270824796.jpg-(17 KB, 399x270, 1269711400184.jpg)
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    >twice the body

    yeah, or maybe triple

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