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  • File : 1270600562.jpg-(24 KB, 315x315, irobot.jpg)
    24 KB Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:36 No.8256834  
    ITT Movies that strayed ridiculously far from their source material for better or for worse
    >> Not >>666666 !JYbrm0g7fs 04/06/10(Tue)20:36 No.8256848
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:36 No.8256849

    for worse
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:37 No.8256877
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:40 No.8256938
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    minority report

    Steven Spielberg fucked Philip K Dick's ass with fists
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:41 No.8256955
    I bet him cum taste good.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:41 No.8256966
    A Mario Bros. adaptation is ridiculous to begin with, so they did what they had to do.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:42 No.8256993
    the worst example of adaptation i can think of
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:43 No.8257002
    Max Payne

    It had such potential, too :\
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:43 No.8257011

    Fuck that.It turned sci-fi noir into a sequence of forced emotions.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:43 No.8257014
    Time machine
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:44 No.8257025
    changed for the better I assume?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:44 No.8257034
    A.I. (based on Super-Toys Last All Summer Long)

    I Am Legend
    >> WakingJuno !!jDwva6Zl92D 04/06/10(Tue)20:45 No.8257050

    Nice try. You've obviously never read the books. It's because they're so ridiculously loyal to the source material that the films are so bad. Same cast, some proper screenwriting and The Twilight Saga might've turned in to an OK trilogy of films.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:45 No.8257062
    xmen movies.
    spiderman movies.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:45 No.8257066
    Every Will Smith movie. Think about it.
    >> Anne Frank !o8DpFBjCx. 04/06/10(Tue)20:45 No.8257069
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    Awesome film, incredibly unfaithful adaptation of Roadside Picinic
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:46 No.8257081

    The movie was pretty loyal to the source.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:46 No.8257083
    I guess some people would say Silent Hill strayed pretty far from the source. I still loved it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:46 No.8257090
    Seriously. The game should have been one of the easiest things to adapt, and Marky Mark was a good casting choice too. Oh well. At least the movie had like ten good minutes.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:46 No.8257093
    Movies based on video games are never good.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:47 No.8257099
    What is this "Lord of the Rings" nonsense? How do you take "The Hobbit" book and invent an entire movie trilogy with different characters and plot? Tolkien must be rolling in his grave.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:47 No.8257111
    mortal kombat was
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:47 No.8257116
    Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The Gene Wilder one deviated further from the original book than the Burton adaptation and was infinitely superior.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:47 No.8257121
    in my opinion, if they hadn't been following book and with good screenwriter and director it could have been fuck-win. Great action fantasy with vampires and werewolves beating the shit out of each other
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:48 No.8257128
    every video game movie made ever

    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:48 No.8257142
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:48 No.8257150
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    MST3K: The Movie
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:49 No.8257166
    I wonder how they're going to adapt the Bioshock movie.

    That guy from Prison Break not planning on speaking?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:49 No.8257167
    none of them was ridiculously far from their source material.
    >> You Space Bastard,You Killed My Pine! !duOJsU36YQ 04/06/10(Tue)20:49 No.8257169
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:49 No.8257189
    The only faithful adaption my nigger ever got was A Scanner Darkly.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:49 No.8257190
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:50 No.8257202
    But they weren't.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:50 No.8257204
    It's going to be like Doom the movie. Resident Evil underwater.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:50 No.8257208
    This. I raged.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:50 No.8257210
    Not even trying
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:50 No.8257218
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    Star Wars
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:50 No.8257219
    Gone with the wind
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:51 No.8257231

    Robert Downey Jr. as Barris fucking RULED, but the film made Donna into too conventional of a love interest.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:52 No.8257256
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    it's hard to see where they found this movie in the book.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:52 No.8257261
    only faggets read books, your a fagget op you fagget
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:53 No.8257297
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    fuck YOU asshole
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:54 No.8257320

    This was pretty ridiculous.

    Also, Mission: Impossible with Tom Cruise was still about "spying," but by making it about one badass action hero instead of a quirky team, they pretty much removed everything that made the series what it was. It was just a generic action movie.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:56 No.8257353
    i mad that they cut tons of Freck out and scaled back the "jive cat"s and stuff, but I was pretty pleased with it overall.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:56 No.8257371
    i always laugh at fags who complain about the silent hill movie fucking with the story

    aside from 1 and 3, they all had different stories
    and even those two didn't have great continuity
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:57 No.8257388
    I preferred the movie. The book was fucking retarded. DURKA DURKA JIHAD ending
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:58 No.8257419

    I know what you mean.They took out Dick's subtle racist overtone, too.I wish I could say I "balled" girls without having to explain.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:58 No.8257422
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    >MI 1
    >Generic Action movie.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)20:58 No.8257435
    Except it was retarded that there was a pyramid head in the movie since only James should have been able to see him.

    Although Homecoming fucked that up too so now the series has gone to shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)21:00 No.8257482

    I nominate Silent Hill for best game to film adaptation.
    >> Anne Frank !o8DpFBjCx. 04/06/10(Tue)21:00 No.8257500
    Pyramid Head's always been there in the background as the town executioner. He was just more prominent in James' tale for obvious wife related reasons
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)21:01 No.8257518
    Most Stephen King books were butchered on the big screen. Hearts in Atlantis being the most recent one I can think of. Obviously you have Dreamcatcher...
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)21:01 No.8257526
    Forest Gump
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)21:01 No.8257527
    Blade Runner I guess.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)21:07 No.8257707
    Lawnmower Man. Nothing but the title.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)21:08 No.8257717
    The Shining
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)21:09 No.8257738
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)21:10 No.8257776
    no, it keeps a lot from book
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)21:11 No.8257809
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    The Jungle Book

    disney raped Mowgli
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)21:16 No.8257955

    no. pyramid head was a manifestation of james' mind to represent sexual frustration. the executioners in silent hill in the old days wore that pyramid thing on their head, and when james and mary first visited, that picture in the historical society must've had an effect on him.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)21:18 No.8258012
    "The Running Man"
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)21:21 No.8258089
    James Bond
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)21:24 No.8258170
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    Jane Austen-ised version. And the lead actress preggers to boot.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)21:27 No.8258291
    the Golden Compass. in b4 lol book sucked, it really didn't
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)22:44 No.8261174
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    His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass (Movie)
    huge pile of crap.

    The book was a billion times better, I'm glad that the project of a second movie was dropped.

    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)22:44 No.8261196
    book sucked bro

    would have been fun to see them try to make the sequels into tween movies though
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)22:45 No.8261212
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)22:45 No.8261232
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    >> FamilyPhotoShoot !!ERUHDGJJY2o 04/06/10(Tue)22:46 No.8261240
    >No results

    /tv/ I am disappoint
    >> remurmur !Zm/YKPWYiw 04/06/10(Tue)22:47 No.8261280
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    So loose that if they had changed the names, they could have released this film with absolutely no risk of copyright infringement.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)22:49 No.8261336
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)22:49 No.8261341
    wasnt so far off. Just ridiculously trimmed for the sake of time. Also >lol raining at the end
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)22:50 No.8261359
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)22:51 No.8261377
    Lynch's Dune wasn't far removed just 6 hours shorter.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)22:51 No.8261391
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    Homer's Odyssey, lol.
    >> ChloChlo !MoretzUAvk 04/06/10(Tue)22:53 No.8261450
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    hurr durr, it wasn't exactly the same as the book so obviously its not a good analog
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)22:54 No.8261464

    How was MI 1 NOT a generic action movie? it was like a thousand other things out at the time.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)22:55 No.8261516
    the series sucked too

    The Prisoner was the only good thing to come out of that fad
    >> Psycho Pirate 04/06/10(Tue)23:03 No.8261727
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)23:04 No.8261748
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    Fuck you paul thomas anderson....You could've made the movie like the book (Oil!) which would've been so much more relevant to todays time (government corruption, greed, capitalism vs. socialism/communism, big business, war)

    Instead you shat out a movie about some crazy and greedy oil man, and worst of all you made H.W (bunny) a fuckin deaf/mute. Upton Sinclair would've beat you over the head with a bowling pin.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)23:07 No.8261814

    For better or worse?
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)23:08 No.8261858
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    >> Pirate Captain !EYRgmGD79E 04/06/10(Tue)23:09 No.8261875
    Eragon fucking sucked.
    >> Psycho Pirate 04/06/10(Tue)23:14 No.8262001
    You decide
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)23:34 No.8262513
    'Hearts in Atlantis' was a bastardized version of the book, but 'Dreamcatcher' actually followed the book pretty closely, until the end, and just completely ruined it.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)23:38 No.8262628
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    >> Just¡¡¡Carnage !!+gPfQzH95bs 04/06/10(Tue)23:38 No.8262652
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)23:39 No.8262657
    Fuck your nostalgia. The original was two notches up from shit and the remake is one.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)23:39 No.8262658

    Duddits was not a fucking alien in the Dreamcatcher book.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)23:40 No.8262679
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    die in hell Michael Bay
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)23:40 No.8262690


    not only did they try to make it "less offensive", but they cut off THE CLIMAX OF THE FUCKING BOOK.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)23:42 No.8262720
    The original at least had an actual plot with actual characters and wasn't trumped up michael bay-like hollywood bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)23:44 No.8262767
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    Utter Shit
    >> Rick Rape !wUaaKKdfXw 04/06/10(Tue)23:44 No.8262770
    Every videogame movie ever.
    >> HKK !Li1UpTuBEs 04/06/10(Tue)23:46 No.8262811
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)23:46 No.8262826
    That's the ending I was referring to. Note how I said, "until the end, and just completely ruined it."
    >> Rick Rape !wUaaKKdfXw 04/06/10(Tue)23:52 No.8262950
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    File that one under "Different but great".
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)23:53 No.8262973
    >implying movies that try to be 'current' are good
    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)23:57 No.8263082
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    >> Anonymous 04/06/10(Tue)23:59 No.8263114
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    Him being left out is a crime.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)00:00 No.8263136
    no, it's not a crime, this is pure genius.
    >> Marquis de pomme frites 04/07/10(Wed)00:01 No.8263157
    >Tom Bombadil directors cut
    >extra 13 hours of deleted scenes
    >> FamilyPhotoShoot !!ERUHDGJJY2o 04/07/10(Wed)00:01 No.8263170

    Bombadil completely destroys any credibility the Ring has as an object of temptation. You just spent a bunch of time establishing the Ring as highly addictive and magnetizing and then you go an introduce a faggoty hermit who's all like "Nope, not interested in the Ring. Let's have tea."
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)00:06 No.8263246
    Did you even read the book, or did you just read the wikipedia article so you could wander into threads and go "LOL TOLKIEN'S A STUPID FAGGOT LOLOLOL BRB FAPPAN TO GEORGE RR MARTIN"?

    Well, of course it was the latter.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)00:06 No.8263250
    Dude, fuck Tom Bombadil. I almost stopped reading the trilogy because of his ass. 30 pages of him sitting around doing fuck all? NO.
    >> FamilyPhotoShoot !!ERUHDGJJY2o 04/07/10(Wed)00:08 No.8263300
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    You mad?
    >> Psycho Pirate 04/07/10(Wed)00:12 No.8263382

    Although, I'll admit it's probably for the best that he was left out of Fellowship. He's still an awesome character, and an awesome part of the book.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/10(Wed)00:15 No.8263450
    You're an asshole. Shave your neckbeard and get out of the house.

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