Don't mind me, just making another Glau thread to give the spamfag an aneurysm.
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster.
Fuck yeah I love LOST!So what do you guys think the deal with Desmond is? Do you think Widmore is going to use his powers to try and cross the two realities?
>Implying that's not Moon Bloodgood.
this is your fucking life, this posting pictures of a lacklustre actress on an anonymous image board is your entire world.
>>8136612You think that's bad, you should see the guy who's entire life is posting hundreds of random unrelated screencaps on top of the threads made by people who spend their lives posting Glau
>>8136612Sure buddy, whatever makes you feel superior.
>>8136612y u mad tho?
>>8136612And whining about it is yours, apparently. I think it's a lot more sad that you spend your entire life focusing on he things you don't like while they spend it on something they do like.
So you got the Lost spammer and Glau spammer.