ITT: we spoil movies in 3 words or lessThey're under water
They're under water.
game over man
Everyone commits incest.
I am ironman
He's Keyser Soze.
M5 Neural Net
turns into prawn
He's an inmate
low self esteem
She's a Man (baby, yeah)
Japanese Joker Story
fuck you all
God kills bugs
he's a ghost
Flies off cliff.
Bye Bye Ankles
Suicide by plank.
>>8052531they made a third one of these?
It was jews
Time gas.
She's your sister..
Wife gets decapitated.
Steers and queers
He's nobody's bitch.
Why so serious?
No immune system
All reported for spoiling
gwyneth paltrow decapitated
>>8052703did Japanese Joker Story really spoil something?
they're on earth
Nothing fucking happens
He was dreaming
>>8052703Reported for being a humorless douche.
fucks his daughter
You lost it.
Purgatory time loop.
rosebud is sled
Bleeds to death.
This movie sucks.
Trapped in purgatory.
>>8052838Purgatory time loop.
Dr. Manhattan kills Rorschach.
cloning machine
They get arrested.
His daughter dies
>>8052960The clone machine was actually a distraction, the audience is tricked in to believing it, the movie did this very well because no one believes my crazy theory. There was no science fiction.
>>8052960No. That doesn't spoil anything, we see that happen. "Twins" is how you would spoil that.
Dead all along.
he's dead/limbo
>>8052955I raged at this so hard...
There's only one.
They save Ryan
He's 55 years old...
>>8053002The Prestige
Crammed into grinder.
>>8053058Moar liek Clancy Brown dies.
He's the sacrifice.
>>8053069Four words. Derp.
Shit gets real
It's Jason's Mother
>>8053126Fine>He's 55 Fag
Alan Rickman splat.
Wife is terrorist.
Slumdog becomes a millionaire.
Pedo assassin killed
>>8053182Three words onlyHurr Durr
Becomes an hero.
Killer gets away.
Everyone gets nuked.
>>8053205Douche Bag...;.;
>>8053204my favourite part is how easily he could've made it 3
Brad Pitt dies.
Viggo is Undercover
The dude abides
The retard escapes.
fight club/memento
Escapes to Mexico.
Everybody gets nuked.
Hit by train.
I love lamp.
ET phones home
Entire town explodes.
they lose
Feels good man.
Pacino becomes Godfather
A plant sings
Khan + Spock die
She's still alive.
they break up
Shot by underling.
Edward Furlong Dies
Einhorn is Finkle
Sah dah tay.
Retard wins money.
portal to hell
The lose game
Post-shootout understanding.
Gets Buried Alive
crashes into WTC
Choose life.
Shit goes bananas.
Who fucking cares?
Cage goes crazy
Hadouken vs. Rocket.
Snape loved Lilly.
cameron diaz dies
>>8053465man i wish alah akbar
Kickass gets killed.
Dies in taxi.
He kinda dies.
Groom gets cockblocked.
She kills him
>>8053554FUCK YOU!
>>8053545>alah akbar
>jesus dies
almost everybody dies
Snape kills Dumbledore XD
>>8053465What a tweest!
Damn that's gay
>>8051187best reveal of the decade
sharks kill them
They kill Hitler
The sister dies.
Orange is cop
he's a clone
they're all clones
Your food sucks
>>8053682>>8053692MOON MIND
Her sisters dead.
the cops win
he is phone
he's a replicant
>>8053682you're the clone
Jack froze to death.
>>8053751>4 wordsJack becomes immortal?Any better?
Drinks your milkshake.
Jenny dies.
Government bad, mmmmkay?
those goddamn niggers
Jim Carrey leaves.
Frost outsmarts Nixon.
he sneaks out
Brolin kills him
he gets raped
racism is justified
God doesn't exist!
Bill gets killed.
work sets you free
What the fuck
They were molested
>>8053965>4 wordsGTFO dumb nigger
>>8053965four hur words dur
Lecter escapes.
omfgthe horror
It's a trap!
only in america
Michael kills Fredo
Eventually shot dead
>>8050824He is White.
The movie sucked.
>>8053943Prejudice is wrong.
i wasted money
>>8054014AKAHe's batshit crazy
he is blind
>>8054026No you didn't.
>>8054026Full Pron Action
nigger not guilty
>>8053969He Evolves