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    File : 1269659339.jpg-(60 KB, 380x570, 18_year_2009.jpg)
    60 KB Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:08 No.8007322  
    The fuck is this shit?
    A person is meant to be ASHAMED of being a virgin at 18?
    Or even, say, 30?
    >> Meatrocket8 !!FyoqRmRaKEH 03/26/10(Fri)23:10 No.8007362
    If you havent fucked by the time youre 17 youre doing life wrong
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:11 No.8007381
    Lost mine at 20.
    For the record.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:12 No.8007394
    I went to a whorehouse on my 18th birthday so shit like this wouldn't happen to me.

    I had a 16 year old catholic girlfriend who was a virgin at the time.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:12 No.8007402

    Didn't go to prom, huh?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:12 No.8007405
    by whose measurements
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:13 No.8007421
    >taking the title of a spoof movie seriously
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:13 No.8007426
    21 here!

    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:15 No.8007445
    I'm a 20 year old virgin and i'm probably the most well-adjusted in my group of friends. Losing your virginity being cool is just a fucking fad

    inb4 "what friends" and other cleverness
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:15 No.8007454
    I'm 20 and still a virgin. any tips on losing it? (/adv/ is no herp) what should I do?

    when you want to get laid, what do you do? what's your process?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:15 No.8007456
    did you tell the hooker it's your first time? how did she react?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:16 No.8007480
    Hi shallow faggot. You circle jerk with your bros lately? Not being a drunken idiot or simply being innocent till your early 20's is actually smart.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:16 No.8007481
    >Implying 60% of people don't graduate high school as virgins
    >Then have sex in college, when they're away from parents
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:17 No.8007495
    The hour and a half that would have cost some rich fag $700 cost me $150.

    She held me after, I cried.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:17 No.8007502
    Lost mine a few weeks before my 20th to an ex-gf (we'd been long-since separated by this point) who wound up staying with us.

    Wound up with her shouting 'fuck me, fuck me hard' as I did her bareback. Lasted 20 minutes somehow.

    Shit was, as the saying goes, so cash.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:19 No.8007559
    I'm the 20 year old virgin. i'm at college now, but i live with my parents. how should I lose it?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:20 No.8007564
    STD's and Pap tests have pretty much ruined my desire to ever have sex. It's less troublesome being a virgin.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:21 No.8007586
    >>8007322 A person is meant to be ASHAMED of being a virgin at 18?

    Yes. Do you live under a rock?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:21 No.8007587
         File1269660081.jpg-(229 KB, 1204x1173, olivia_alaina_may_(18_yr_old_v(...).jpg)
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    Best part of the movie.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:22 No.8007615
         File1269660156.jpg-(151 KB, 500x376, lauren_walsh2.jpg)
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    >implying Lauren Walsh (pic related) wasn't the best thing in this film.
    >> ­­­­­­­­­ 03/26/10(Fri)23:22 No.8007616

    By moving the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:23 No.8007624

    Why would you be bothered getting tested for STDs every few months?

    It's not like they're the end of the world or will shorten your life severely.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:23 No.8007627
    >A person is meant to be ASHAMED of being a virgin at 18?

    I was fucking ashamed to be a 14 yeard old virgin. Most people I know lost theirs during that time. Boys and girls.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:23 No.8007634

    >Implying pegging isn't god tier
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:23 No.8007641
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:24 No.8007661
    Horrible Bacne, and very quiet.

    18 and joining the army next year. Guess I'll be ronery forever.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:25 No.8007673
    same here. 18 and still a virgin though.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:25 No.8007677
    I hear they're very unpleasant.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:25 No.8007680

    <implying the army isn't just a gay sex tour
    >> Anne Frank !o8DpFBjCx. 03/26/10(Fri)23:26 No.8007693
    The best of 18yov was the tiny cocks, for some reason that shit's hilarious when you're drunk
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:26 No.8007694

    Protip: most of them were lying. Same thing happens at every school. Fuck, I was one of the few guys in my year to have a steady girlfriend. If you lost your virginity at 14, then there's a good chance you either had to drop out of high school to support your groin spawn, or you wound up on long-term welfare before the age of 21.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:27 No.8007706
         File1269660430.jpg-(398 KB, 1098x1600, 1268338505247.jpg)
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    Anyone who said they lost there virginity on 4chan lost it too a land whale or an ugly chick.

    I'm good.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:27 No.8007707
    or you're AWESOME!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:27 No.8007712
    not an option (trust me, it's impossible. me and my family are almost broke. i'm in my third year of university, and even if a get a good job when I finish next year i'll have to live with them a while.)

    so let's say i'm in high school, i live with my parents, can't bring people over to my house. how would one lose his virginity? how did you?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:27 No.8007714
    I got made fun of in school for being a virgin at 16. I lost it at 18 though.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:28 No.8007722
    The hooker who took my virginity was a 8/10.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:28 No.8007723
    I dated a slut 16 year old retard for awhile and one of the main topics among her retarded friends was guys losing their virginities. For some reason they couldn't understand guys over 17 being virgins.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:28 No.8007738


    I'm female
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:28 No.8007741
    Keep telling yourself that fatty.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:29 No.8007751
    there's nothing pathetic about that, it's your choice. with us guys it's difference. "a man is not a virgin"
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:29 No.8007757

    butthurt armyfag detected
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:29 No.8007762
    *it's different.
    >> ­­­­­­­­­ 03/26/10(Fri)23:29 No.8007765
         File1269660597.jpg-(45 KB, 567x633, big cat.jpg)
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    24 and virgin, fuck yeah?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:30 No.8007768
    Lets see a shoop for the 13-year old virgin
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:30 No.8007779
    me too. never kissed either. im pretty awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:30 No.8007780
    This should be posted on /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:31 No.8007797
    Well, come on, there's got to be some great advice on here for losing virginity (even if most of the people on here are on /tv/ on a friday night)
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:31 No.8007798
    hmm. i might rent this.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:32 No.8007807
    Why the hell are we having a discussion about this? The movie is a tits and ass movie aimed at stupid frat boys and high schoolers, it's also made by the same company as I AM OMEGA and TRANSMORPHERS.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:32 No.8007811
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:34 No.8007853
    Whatever standards you have, lower them or throw them out the window.

    The friend ploy never works(you know where you become the girl's best friend so you can fuck her)

    Ask girls out and if they say no, move on. It's a numbers game, you're gonna get rejected a lot.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:35 No.8007863

    kissing is the greatest feeling ever
    >> ­­­­­­­­­ 03/26/10(Fri)23:35 No.8007865

    I specifically moved out to lose my virginity.
    Once I moved out it was so easy, you dont even have to try, just invite chicks over to your place, you own place, every time you get a chance, and it just happens.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:35 No.8007869
    1, find dumb girls
    2, buy her some drinks
    3, ??????
    4, profit

    these days is so easy to fuck some stupid gilrs that is not even a challenge.
    21 and a virgin, btw
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:36 No.8007878
    I was:

    gotcha. unfortunately i don't meet a lot of girls. i only know like one girl and she's my friend (don't want to fuck her, i'm also long friends with her fiancee)
    >> Anne Frank !o8DpFBjCx. 03/26/10(Fri)23:36 No.8007885
    Download it, I'd feel robbed if I'd paid for it
    >implying the movie is bad
    >implying we don't get Asylum threads all the time
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:36 No.8007892
    Dude here, it's true.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:37 No.8007899
    Now I just feel depressed. I'm stuck for at least 5 more years with my strict mom and dad and brothers and sisters....
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:38 No.8007916
    Boo you whore.
    >> Meatrocket8 !!FyoqRmRaKEH 03/26/10(Fri)23:38 No.8007929
    Jesus Chrysler, why cant all these virgins be chicks
    >> ­­­­­­­­­ 03/26/10(Fri)23:40 No.8007956
         File1269661230.jpg-(108 KB, 728x595, aliens 2.jpg)
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    Hey i'm in da same boat too, awesome, maybe we can kiss and make out together?
    >> ­­­­­­­­­ 03/26/10(Fri)23:44 No.8008040

    On some show on TV, don't remember the name, they did research and your chances of getting layed, in your lifetime are 1 in 25.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:47 No.8008078
    Go to a party (if you're not invited, just look at the events board for something), get drunk, be social.

    Don't be afraid of women, and don't have your standards too high.

    It shouldn't be a big deal.

    Of course, if you want an actual relationship, that's gonna be a different story, but if you just want to have sex...
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:47 No.8008081
    >>Aliens 2.jpg


    This thread is over, nothing to see here.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:48 No.8008098
    whats an events board?

    i guess i could convince the girl you go to her place, as long as her parents aren't home.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)23:49 No.8008120

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