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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop.
    As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).
    ↑ UPDATED March 16th! ↑
    One of Kimmo's ex-moderators posted hundreds of PMs. They are absolutely hilarious/terrifying.

    File : 1269115508.jpg-(921 KB, 3496x1590, imabuyfag.jpg)
    921 KB Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)16:05 No.7871328  
    Dear /tv/, I'm a buyfag. 90% of what I buy is special/limited/collector's editions, because I feel regulars are normally not worth buying.

    Discuss my swag and buyfaggotry in general.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)16:06 No.7871346
    Same here, OP. The only way to do it.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)16:06 No.7871355
    I'm basically the same about special editions. I am assuming I'm just OCD or something.

    That Event Horizon case is pretty badass.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)16:06 No.7871358
    Except I don't necessarily have to have special editions and I often buy used. As long as I have the film, I'm good.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)16:07 No.7871368
    you are dilusional, "special edition" is a complete con.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)16:07 No.7871372
    I used to do the same. I still have lots of cool digipaks sealed. Never opened. But I don't buy anymore because of Blu-ray. I'll download everything and wait does BD become the next DVD or Laserdisc. It's still somewhat uncertain. Collecting is costly and I don't wanna be spending my money on something that is worthless in a year. At least DVD ruled some good 10 years.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)16:09 No.7871392

    >you are dilusional,

    Or "delusional", as one would say in English.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)16:13 No.7871471
         File1269116017.jpg-(17 KB, 470x376, 1267418400110.jpg)
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    >Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)16:22 No.7871632
         File1269116574.jpg-(597 KB, 2000x1500, eh.jpg)
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    >>7871355 That Event Horizon case is pretty badass.
    You have no idea. Picture related.

    I don't think so. Limited = 2+ discs almost always, and I'm a bitch for makings ofs etc extras. Also partly related to my work and studies.

    Didn't go BD yet either, will probably wait 2-3 more years. I have seen maybe 5 special BD editions equivalent to what I find worth buying in DVD. But other than that, they're mostly pushing out crap to cash on the early adopters and people easily wooed by numbers.

    Until then, I will enjoy awesome cheapo DVD editions. Once BD starts being released properly I will re-buy maybe 10-15% percent of my collection, but won't consider this wasted money.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)16:23 No.7871647
    OP what comes in the Casino special edition?
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)16:25 No.7871688
    Nice collection.

    also, >buying
    also, > not blu-ray
    >> I <3 Ellen !Page4aGT/o 03/20/10(Sat)16:26 No.7871691
    Holy shit, I need this Event Horizon edition.

    I'm the same too, I only buy DVDs if it's a collectors edition in the sale, if not I download.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)16:26 No.7871704
    I know. :( Got it for the digital backlot extras.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)16:27 No.7871707
    I'm in the same position as you.

    I try to get special editions, unrated, or director's cuts of DVDs where possible because the regular releases are vanilla versions.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)16:31 No.7871808
    I bought The Golem and all of the Horatio Hornblower, Futurama and Mr. Show DVDs last month on a whim.

    I normally steal.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)16:34 No.7871843
         File1269117246.jpg-(74 KB, 1024x576, vlcsnap-2010-03-20-20h29m18s12(...).jpg)
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    This and the next picture, about 2 hours of docus.

    Casino is a fucking amazing film, I can't believe it's 3 hours. Feels like 45 minutes and leaves you craving for more.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)16:37 No.7871906
         File1269117464.jpg-(75 KB, 1024x576, vlcsnap-2010-03-20-20h30m09s24(...).jpg)
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    >>7871808 I normally steal.
    Ah, I should have mentioned that also some 90% of what I buy is what I have torrented before and liked enough to warrant a purchase. I'm not into gambling, and if it wasn't for torrenting, I would have never got into starting and building a legal collection. Hear it, MPAA fuckers.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)16:39 No.7871946

    Cool. I'll have to check it out then.
    >> Anonymous 03/20/10(Sat)16:41 No.7871993
    As for niche markets, I own 129 UMD movies for my PSP.

    I see them more as collectable cute htings.

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