03/16/10(Tue)15:12 No. 7797593 >>7797425 well, I
for one would be willing to try this again. I don't think it will work
and I also think you are missing a few pieces of history as to how that
arrangement came together last time... but sure, we can try. I
don't know if you remember but when that deal was in effect last time,
hate and dupe threads were started alot in order to break the deal. I
fuess those people have their own methods of spamming now or whatever
the fuck. I'm not even trying to understand it anymore. My point is,
fuckers are persistent and fuckers want caos and destruction. I'm
all for showing goodwill to people like you though, for me it was never
about pissing other people off with Glau, no matter how hard they'd try
to troll me. I guess not all glaufags feel that way though but they
would settle down if the spam would stop, I'm pretty sure of that. So
yeah, we can try. Most likely won't work though. I still think /tv/ as a
board should pull together and ask moot to open janitor applications.
That would be a different story than just one person emailing him
saying: "I WANNA BE A MOD/JANITOR DERP" If we all ask for
applications to be accepted he might understand that there really is a
problem here that needs to be solved.