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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop. As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).

    We've done all we can do about him. We've banned THOUSANDS of proxies, and deleted OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND spam posts. His attacks continue though, and we've reached the limit of what we can do.
    edit: we aren't going to add captcha.

    File : 1268293492.jpg-(34 KB, 852x480, pXCkM.jpg)
    34 KB Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:44 No.7696457  
    >Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop. As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).

    >We've done all we can do about him. We've banned THOUSANDS of proxies, and deleted OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND spam posts. His attacks continue though. I'm out of ideas at this point.

    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:48 No.7696506
    I just took a look at /b/ for the first time in months. Funny shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:51 No.7696541
         File1268293917.jpg-(4 KB, 130x93, kirk.jpg)
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    >wat do?
    well moot its pretty fucking simple hire someone to kill kimmo, I'm sure there's atleast one real psycho on /b/ that'll do it.
    >> ThePreacherKobold !KVaqQ0CI3E 03/11/10(Thu)02:53 No.7696559
    Does he have a bot doing this shit or something?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:54 No.7696573
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:56 No.7696589
    Find somebody on /b/ who knows shit about computers, hack this faggot and make his life living hell.

    Anon loves to talk about leejun and shit, so ACT FUCKING LIKE IT and HANDLE. THIS. SHIT.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:57 No.7696600
    Have we considered legal action?

    And by "we" I mean "you" of course.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:58 No.7696617
    We took down Oprah.

    I'm pretty sure we can handle one Asian fat kid in his mom's basement.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)02:59 No.7696635
    couldnt people on /g/ have a better chance at that??
    >> Axolotl !iLoVeYOUvM 03/11/10(Thu)03:00 No.7696648
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    I really do hate that man.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:00 No.7696653
    >We took down Oprah.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:00 No.7696657

    >Sorry, I didn't see those first few e-mails you sent. Please contact me at my primary e-mail address to expedite future delivery:
    moot confirmed for god tier troll
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:03 No.7696699
    He is unstoppable, I think /b/ tried to take down anon talk 3 times and suceeded once. I know he pulled the plug once and /b/ ran up a couple thousands of dollars. I honestly don't think noone gives a fuck unless its like the super cancer blue boxes and shit.
    >> Axolotl !iLoVeYOUvM 03/11/10(Thu)03:07 No.7696757
    ok, so its official. kimmo is in fact a complete psycho
    >> Axolotl !iLoVeYOUvM 03/11/10(Thu)03:08 No.7696762
    i seriously wonder how he keeps that fucking website alive
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:09 No.7696778
    His grasp on English seems tentative at best.

    It reminded me of when people used to post excerpts from Uwe Boll interviews.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:11 No.7696817
    have a fucking cry moot you giant faggoty piece of crap
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:12 No.7696834
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    >> Special Agent Dale !CoOperRA66 03/11/10(Thu)03:13 No.7696845
    you should read the emails.

    they're great.
    >> ThePreacherKobold !KVaqQ0CI3E 03/11/10(Thu)03:14 No.7696857
    Just did, laughing hard at how full of shit this guy is.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:14 No.7696858
    Nukluar War Against Sweden. It's The Only Way To Be Sure And They'Re Useless Anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:15 No.7696864
    >I'm gay for moot and I lash out to hide it.
    Fix'd that for you.
    >> Axolotl !iLoVeYOUvM 03/11/10(Thu)03:16 No.7696879
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    what i dont even
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:18 No.7696904

    He's swedish.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:23 No.7696971
    BTW, someone oughta tell Moot it's spelled and worded "what to do?" not "wat do"
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:24 No.7696991
    sup kimmo
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:31 No.7697070
    reading his emails, the guy probably has some kind of mental illness
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:33 No.7697091
    Isn't anontalk that a site with high amounts of CP? If so, I don't see the problem, just report them. There are several organisations worldwide, so there are several to choose from.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:35 No.7697105
    Put back up an /i/ board and DDoS and flood his board with shit until it dies.
    >> Special Agent Dale !CoOperRA66 03/11/10(Thu)03:35 No.7697106
    if I'm not mistaken, at least a few hundred complaints against Anontalk have been registered in regards to the child pornography it hosts.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:35 No.7697112

    It's not an image board. Theres high amounts of questions about the best way to get CP or rape kids, but no pics.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:36 No.7697117

    I checked the site earlier purely out of curiosity, quickly aborted mission....all i can say is avoid, full of dirty ped's
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:37 No.7697123

    It doesn't host CP. I for one actually kind of like it, because the most pathetic sick fucks in chanverse post some pretty horrible/amusing crap on there.


    >Hey guys, if you were going to rape and murder a kid, is there a drug you can give them so they don't shit and piss on you when you are fucking them and choking them to death?
    >> Special Agent Dale !CoOperRA66 03/11/10(Thu)03:39 No.7697148
    huh, I was given the impression that it has actual CP on it from the ED article

    so, in regards to child porn, it's just a CP-sharing hub?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:41 No.7697164

    I can't believe i lol'd at that, i'm so ashamed.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:42 No.7697177

    No. Not even that.

    Just a gazillion cyber-illiterate pedo's asking how to get Tor, or Frost to run, and how to access Hidden Wiki and shit, so that they can then go and find a CP hub.

    That and endless disturbing "WHAT I PLAN TO DO TO A CHILD AND YOU WHY DOES SOCIETY HATE ME FOR IT" threads
    >> Special Agent Dale !CoOperRA66 03/11/10(Thu)03:43 No.7697189
    >Ether works great. Aqua-dots used to work better. Crush up Ambiens and inject into juice containers for best results.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/10(Thu)03:43 No.7697190

    I've seen far worse, and far lengthier and detailed threads on there. Funnier/Sadder still is both how serious they take it, and how victimised they feel.

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