So i just watched Paul Verhoevens StarShip Troopers for the first time...Holy shit this guy is a genius, why hasnt he directed more actions movies since then? I mean he is just what we need in this age of PG13 garbage
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I've seen some sequels around for this, are they any good? I loved the first one, all the over the top propaganda stuff.Oh, and the badass sergeant or whoever. "PUT YO HAND ONNAT WALL"
>>7118488Well there's not much more to say.Watch Total Recall and Robocop if you want more his good stuff.
it was like it was making a joke of itself for being so serious while being oblivious to it's own jokes it was making on itself and unaware of actually being bad movie with a good storyline and still being obviously trying too hard to be different
>>7118525ive heard they are garbage
Paul only makes movies when he wants to make a political point about fucked up futures...The world we live in now... pretty much what he hates...
Also watch Firefly, they used the exact uniforms from Starship Troopers for Alliance uniforms, cos they were too poor to get a bunch made up special. I thought they looked the part.
Nuke em Rico!
>>7118525For the love of all that is good in the world, never, ever see the sequels for Starship Troopers. The first one was simply awesome in every way. But they managed to so royally fuck up the sequels that I can't even properly put it into words. You've been warned.
>>7118556Thats because all of the cheesiness of the first is satire. Its a good movie and a good action movie. The sequels are just bad movies.
>>7118556This is good to know. I nearly bought Starship Troopers 3 on Blu-ray the other day, thinking it was the first one. Got in line at the counter and noticed the massive 3 and was like hell no.
>>7118534>Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like