02/06/10(Sat)18:14 No. 7078339 >>7077995 Nah see, the
Matrix movies made perfect sense. They were both entirely Dependant on
each other, Humans needed the Machines, and than the Machines needed
Humans. The revelations of 'The One' was a mathematical mistake that
could not be rectified by the architect, despite trying countless times,
the same anomaly kept recurring, thus changes in the Matrix had to
incur. These changes was to make it more life like, more real, as to
what we conceive life to be now - suffering with a chance of happiness.
The problem though, was that the anomaly of The One also arose simply
because of humans willingness and un-suppressing ability to break free
from slavery, from their reality to find truth. Therefore, The One
served a purpose to simply renew the cycle, as there was no way to
defeat the machines, and the machines could not annihilate the humans
because it would destroy their energy source ( they were scared that to
destroy the One, could destroy humans willingness to live etc in the
confines of the Matrix) Thus The One's purpose was to renew
Zion's existence, and restart. This had been going on for hundreds of
years. The one difference though, was Agent Smith. A rogue program who
had broken free of his bios, and eventually wreaked havoc on the Matrix
by pretty much creating a virus that would destroy all humans
consciousness in the Matrix ( therefore killing all humans and the
machines energy source) Neo was the only solution to the problem, as he
manifested powers beyond anything else, his powers were exact same as
Agent Smith He had the powers to 'hack' the Matrix, which
essentially is all he was doing, something which all but one machine was
uncapable of doing as it was not in their bios, their structure, their
construct Therefore, in concluding my essay, Neo made a bargain
to save the Matrix to allow Zion to continue to survive, and allow them
to free any humans wanting to be free, while the others lived in virtual