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    They all have shitty canned "anon delivers" type responses. We're working to block it, but for now, stop being idiots!

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    File : 1265372956.jpg-(646 KB, 1920x1200, Transformers.jpg)
    646 KB Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)07:29 No.7055324  
    "Busy scouting - Chicago, Detroit, and Washington D.C. for Transformers last week. Things are going well. The script is feeling very different from the other two. There will be a nice crescendo ending, It gets much more into the robot character. The last time you kind of met a few of the robots; this time you’re gonna get a much cooler landscape"

    Michael Bay
    sauce: (his personal website)
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)07:32 No.7055343

    Well, except for Peter Cullen.

    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)07:36 No.7055375
    >>Well, except for Peter Cullen.

    Oh, and Frank Welker, too.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)07:37 No.7055381
    I really like the first one. I give it a 8.9 out of 10
    but i have really conflicted feeling on the second one. saw it once in theartres and 3 times i watched a cam rip. it had its moments of cool, but overall it seemed very rushed, very sloppy, very stupid, and the humor was terrible. His shots are beautiful, i just wish someone would make him direct movie with good scripts.

    i was able to lie to myself that revenge of the fallen was good, up till the point they were in the National Air and Space Museum in DC, and then stepped outside to a corn field with a bunch of planes in it.
    >> Gaston !!LHiOF05DTPp 02/05/10(Fri)07:39 No.7055391
    Starscream looks way too small in that picture.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)07:39 No.7055397
    >they were in the National Air and Space Museum in DC, and then stepped outside to a corn field with a bunch of planes in it.
    i remember spraying sprite all over the back of the neck of the woman in front of me when that happened, and no one else in theater even got what i was laughing at
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)07:43 No.7055424
    At least the first one wasn't a total clusterfuck. A quick removal of some shit jokes would make it a much more enjoyable movie for me.

    The second one is a horrible trainwreck. It can not be redeemed at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)07:55 No.7055491
    >> It can not be redeemed at all.

    Oh, come on. Optimus taking on Megatron, Starscream and... someone else... was worth the ticket price alone.

    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)07:58 No.7055513
    >more into the robot character.

    More robots farting and oil cumshots?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)08:01 No.7055527
    Okay, that was a good bit... and the bit in Shanghai, but still. Edit everything else out and you've got a 20 to 30 minute short film.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)08:02 No.7055530
    I hated the face-part. The Optimus i knew from when i was a kid would never say something like that. He's a noble leader, that wants to do as good as possible. Not ripping off faces from other beings.
    >> Ille qui nos omnes servabit !WqjPzMBpm6 02/05/10(Fri)08:05 No.7055554
    Seeing this guy would've been worth the price of admission
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)08:06 No.7055556

    Dude, Optimus had just gotten KILLED.

    While I admit it was out of character for him, if I had gotten killed and then brought back to life, I'd be pretty pissed off at the guys who did it, too.

    Who knows, maybe later after he calmed down, he went "Geez... I really shouldn't have done that. 'Give me your face?' What the hell was I thinking..."
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)08:06 No.7055558
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)08:12 No.7055587
    what's the countdown on his site for?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)08:13 No.7055591
    please, Michael Bay doesnt even use that much shaky cam, and when he does it always makes sense

    you want to see too much shaky cam? The Bourne Supremacy. The 1st and 3rd Bourne films are god tier, but theres so much shaky cam in the 2nd one that its almost unwatchable
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)08:13 No.7055594
    the release of Transformers 3

    he always has a countdown up till the release of his next movie
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)08:18 No.7055616
    it's like he REALLY WANTS everyone in the audience to be nauseated
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)08:19 No.7055618
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    >Michael Bay doesnt even use that much shaky cam, and when he does it always makes sense
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)08:21 No.7055629

    I love how Michael Bay's personal website is called "shoot for the edit" when NOT A SINGLE ONE of his action sequences actually cut together properly. Prove me wrong.

    See the effortless geography in anything by Martin Campbell, James Cameron, or John McTiernan (my 3 masters of Western action cinema), then watch Bad Boys 2. You'll laugh out loud that Bay is considered the master of modern action cinema by so many.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)08:38 No.7055700
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    Martin Campbell only has made 2 movies that dont suck, and of those, only one is actually good.

    >Casino Royale
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)08:44 No.7055722
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    >>7055591 >Michael Bay doesnt even use that much shaky cam, and when he does it always makes sense

    Also, >>7055700 - both Zorro and Vertical Limit are excellent movies. Fuck you
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)08:46 No.7055738
    the first zorro is good. i think CR is awesome.

    vertical limit and Goldeneye are bullshit
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)08:48 No.7055754
         File1265377721.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 51 KB, 450x600, 1260091153719.jpg)
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    >my face when Michael Bay
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)08:51 No.7055767

    What's with all the cocks on /tv/ tonight?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)09:01 No.7055835
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    Transformers 2 had potential, but they screwed it up somehow. Storywise it was just as "good" as Avatar.

    I don't understand why people bash it so much... It has it's cool moments.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)09:03 No.7055853

    As long as 1) the theme song is used and 2) Megan Fox gets completely naked on-screen, I'll be happy with TF3.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)09:05 No.7055862

    + No more Linkin Park.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)09:05 No.7055863
    Avatar proved that Bay is not the most overrated douchebag in Hollywood.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)09:06 No.7055869
    the humour, it would have been just a cool movie if those two nigger bots werent in it, the humping robot wasnt in it, the old robot wasnt like a granpa stereotype, ect. just cut out all that and it wouldve been all right. also the girl with the tongue, that must be cut out as well
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)09:07 No.7055886
    Linkin Park is the best thing about Revenge of the Fallen

    we all used to fap to that band in jr high school, it doesnt make you edgy to hate them now cause your embarrassed of who you used to be when you liked them
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)09:09 No.7055895
    I still like them. SUCK IT!
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)09:18 No.7055943
    Agreed, but it was the constant barrage of poor-taste jokes that killed it, I think. But the story was far more more original than fucking Avatar.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)09:20 No.7055960
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    I don't think anyone thinks they're being edgy by hating Linkin Park, it's just that they are truly truly awful and deserve to be hated.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)09:26 No.7056008
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    too bad i still think they're one of the most fucking awesome bands out there
    i like how u imply that the music you dont personally like is objectively bad. you would fit in on /mu/
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)09:28 No.7056026
    They don't think they're being edgy, they're just trying to fit in.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)09:30 No.7056039
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)09:31 No.7056044

    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)09:32 No.7056051
    actually, your pretty edgy cause your fucking ballsy enough to say you still like them.
    well, er, i mean not here , cause your like Anon, you know, but if you publicly like them, thats fucking edgy.
    its popular to hate them now even though everyone who was a teen in the 2000's fucking loved that shit
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)09:33 No.7056060
    Actually I like One Step Closer better.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)09:39 No.7056094
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    LP's old school demos are golden
    Hybrid Theory is good, but a little too straight forward musically and lyrically
    Meteora is mindblowing to this day. The layers, the tracks, the beats, the synth, the raps, its awesome.
    the remix album they released was pure shit
    the Jay Z mashup had some really cool stuff, and some lame stuff too
    Minutes to Midnight is an amazing change of pace, a more intellectual quieter turn.

    Shinoda's work in Fort Minor is more than noteworthy its fucking cool as hell, though i bet Chester's side project will suck.

    Later this year theres a new LP album due though, Shinoda says its more like Meteora than anything else
    this is win
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)09:41 No.7056113
    A random thought just struck me...

    Has it occurred to anyone working on the Transformer movies, that if they keep insisting on putting Linkin Park in Transformer movies, they should sing the FUCKING THEME SONG?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)09:42 No.7056120
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)09:52 No.7056210

    Oh Michael.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)10:07 No.7056324
    Oh dear god. Typical Michael Bay fanboy right here. You people should not be allowed to live.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)10:08 No.7056333
    >Linkin Park
    >Michael Bay
    I don't see a difference. Do you? Apparently not.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)10:08 No.7056334
    I'd find it hard to believe that you're over 13 years of age.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)10:09 No.7056344
    Only someone retarded enough to like the music of Linkin fucking Park could be retarded enough to like a Bay movie.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)10:10 No.7056354
    Jesus christ. How old are you?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)10:11 No.7056363
    I thought all the Michael Bay fans had cleared out of /tv/ after summer ended?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)10:13 No.7056384
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)10:15 No.7056400
    A new batch of them started to flood in around the time of Avatar's release, I assume.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/10(Fri)10:17 No.7056418
    Man, I'm most excited for the new Autobots, House Nigger and Porch Monkey. Dey eat dem enajon wa'melons.

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