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  • File : 1264104213.jpg-(113 KB, 611x481, 1260061085515.jpg)
    113 KB Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:03 No.6800379  
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:04 No.6800392
    it's quite sad most of them are just looking for a little love...
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:05 No.6800401
    he's such a poet
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:06 No.6800404
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    i must go shopping
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:06 No.6800412
    oh wow, I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:06 No.6800417
    Where is the guy that you can tell lurks /tv/? He says something about watching Family Guy or something.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:07 No.6800431
    >you can tell lurks /tv/
    >implying we like family guy
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:08 No.6800436
    Wasn't there supposed to be some famous person busted on the season finale? Anything ever come of that?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:09 No.6800453
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:09 No.6800456
    Did they catch Kaiji yet?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:10 No.6800471
    I know what he's talking about sagefag, not to mention we aren't HURRDURR HIVE MIND LEGION ANONYMOUSE HURR DURR. The guy mentions Family Guy but he says something else and he sounds like... Well, he sounds like an idiot like you, an average 4chan user.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:10 No.6800476
    kool thread
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:11 No.6800479
    Being the decoy would be the coolest job ever.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:12 No.6800492

    There you go! He talks about Family Guy, his name is based on Dexter, and he wants to get high and watch TV with an underage girl. Admit it, which one of you is he? That guy is obviously a /tv/ lurker, probably LGL.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:12 No.6800494
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:12 No.6800504
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:13 No.6800508
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    and here's /tv/'s white knight to the rescue
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:13 No.6800511
    what film is this form?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:14 No.6800522
    Im Australian and wtf is decoy
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:14 No.6800526
    Hard Decoy
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:15 No.6800540
    All of them are perfectly hittable except for the first guy.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:15 No.6800541
    It's usually a police officer or something pretending to be an underage kid to convince pedophiles to met them in person, and then the pedo is arrested if he shows up.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:15 No.6800544
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:16 No.6800559
    When is this show on?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:16 No.6800561
    Not a movie
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:17 No.6800574
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:18 No.6800584
    lmfao That's awesome, saved.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:18 No.6800588
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    Kaiji believes in being prepared, and naked
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:18 No.6800596

    Thank god.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:20 No.6800615
    There should be a part two where the decoy says something about smoking and Kaiji yells at her for an hour.

    Then says he has to leave to pick up his shift at Arby's.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:20 No.6800620
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:22 No.6800651
    >"weeeerreeee goooonnnnnaaaa fuuuuuuuccccckkkkiiinggg eeeaaaaatttt yoooouuuuuuuu"

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:23 No.6800671
    That guy kind of looks like an Indian Urkel
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:24 No.6800694
    wait, so the secret to making people believe you are a 13-year old girl is saying "kool" to everything?

    wow, thats genius
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:25 No.6800707
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:26 No.6800717
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:27 No.6800731
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    a/s/l? u got any pics? how bout condoum.. i got go to store
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:29 No.6800759
    kool! hows that for starters!
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:30 No.6800783
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:30 No.6800791
    If I was a pedophile, I would watch out for users named "decoy".
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:31 No.6800795
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:31 No.6800804
    Coy children are the sexiest.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:32 No.6800812
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    hi nice to meet you
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:33 No.6800822
    I work with a girl who was some big deal at Perverted Justice, and was on To Catch a Predator a few times. She was like their #1 best online decoy or something.

    Total dyke but very fuckable.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:33 No.6800829
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:35 No.6800842
    Naw bro, they are cool, just different and young.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:35 No.6800844
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:35 No.6800849
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    do u liek guitar hero?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:37 No.6800887
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:37 No.6800894
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:39 No.6800924
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    guitar hero is like totally kool
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:40 No.6800935
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)15:56 No.6801126
    >chat hidden

    i lolded
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:28 No.6802379
    This is fake right?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:30 No.6802406

    No, the real Kaiji was arrested some time ago. All the Kaiji's you see now are just substitute trolls.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:34 No.6802460
    Ever since the simpsons jumped the shark, this has been the single funniest show on television.

    I love that the perverted justice people are all obese neckbeards or dykes, and that sherrifs department can get 5 SUV's, ten armed cops and a bunch of tazers to take down scrawny indian students, but are too scared to go arrest drug dealers.

    The canadian one was pretty win too, but there were no cops, so it was kinda anti climactic
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:36 No.6802483
    Favourite episode had some old black guy, who pulled up, then changed his mind. The producers were so angry at losing a black pedo, that they made the cops go and arrest him anyway.

    That or the midget. You get the impression he just wants to fuck something his size. And then we he admits to molesting his niece, and you see him in a little kids jump suit and shackles...priceless.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:37 No.6802505

    The Australian Kaiji
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:38 No.6802526
    This Decoy doesn't play the role of a 13 year old girl very well. I should be Decoy. I should be the 13 year old girl
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:39 No.6802535

    When they get to the house and see the IRL decoy, how can you blame them for wanting to fuck them. Fucking 18 year old bitches acting like jailbait.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:40 No.6802542

    >its important to understayyynd

    Only thing better would be if it was in New Zealand

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:40 No.6802554
    These idiots deserve to get caught, 13/f on the internet that says 'wow' 'kool' without first typing :))))) hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    iii liikeeee to talllkk likeee thisssssss
    >> anon !13aFQe1omM 01/21/10(Thu)17:42 No.6802577
    This is "To catch a predator," right?

    Where the fuck can I watch it online? It sounds great.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:42 No.6802588
    inb4 pedos whining about entrapment.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:43 No.6802596
    I'd love to find what chatrooms they chill in. So I could troll the fuck out of them.
    >> McAvoyfag !9mXVLJMxUA 01/21/10(Thu)17:43 No.6802601
    What was "I HAVE NOT...NOT...NOT...NOT!" in response to?
    >> GAELIN THUNDERFAGGOT !SigGvpr2Pk 01/21/10(Thu)17:44 No.6802605

    >R: For the rest of their lives, Geoffrey, they'll be thinking of that animal who stole their innocence.
    >G: What about the last time you had sex with anybody? That was an evil occasion, wasn't it? There was NO NO consent there, was there?
    >R: What are you saying, Geoffrey?
    >G: I'm saying that you too are a raper. You're enjoying this aren't you?
    >R: Do you think those young boys enjoyed it when you abused them?
    >G: Yes they did!

    Ha ha, oh wow.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:44 No.6802613

    We export those freaks over to you chaps lol
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:49 No.6802688
    I have to say, I am really enjoying the Kaiji-bashing in this thread
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:50 No.6802702
    where can i stream full episodes online
    >> MNIS !!JB89V07Jaol 01/21/10(Thu)17:50 No.6802709
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:51 No.6802714
    >> anon !13aFQe1omM 01/21/10(Thu)17:52 No.6802725
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:53 No.6802749
    >> anon !13aFQe1omM 01/21/10(Thu)17:53 No.6802761

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:55 No.6802792
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:57 No.6802815
    What if these "predators" are really just considerate neighbours who want to lecture the kids on the subject if they fall for their fake predation?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)17:58 No.6802837
    'I'm sorry i fell and landed with my penis in this girls vagina'
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:00 No.6802857

    lol sometimes they say that. And then their car gets searched and it's full of porn and anal lube.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:01 No.6802875

    The decoys are the worst actors I've ever talked to.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:05 No.6802941
    >implying considerate neighbours can't enjoy erotic material in the comfort of their own private vehicles
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:06 No.6802951
    I thought it was pretty lulzy when they IRL trolled that guy (that didn't even go to meet the chick, and pretty much did nothing wrong by the way) and he an hero'd in his house.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:06 No.6802956
    Was it legal to still grab the guy that decided not to go inside?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:06 No.6802965
    no one will believe them and laughs will be had by all.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:07 No.6802978
    Lul, yes, all of my neighbors keep a six pack of Zima and a bottle of Uncle Touchy's Ol' Timey Fun Lube in the glove compartment of their cars.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:15 No.6803078

    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:16 No.6803099
    did this really happen?
    >> anon !13aFQe1omM 01/21/10(Thu)18:19 No.6803126
    "I don't want to have touch you I don't want to do anything illegal"

    "lol, I'm a virgin, and I will have sex with you"

    WTF man, are you really supposed to actively resist girls who want to fuck you? Jesus christ.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:21 No.6803151

    If fucking them means you could do to prison? Hmm, let me think.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:21 No.6803152

    lol someone's still a virgin.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:22 No.6803162

    Never been hit on by a fat desperate chick huh?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:23 No.6803179
    Enjoy your prison.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:24 No.6803200
    what garbage
    >> anon !13aFQe1omM 01/21/10(Thu)18:25 No.6803206

    They use the pics of good looking 16/17 year old girls to catch them. But apparently if you wait 1 year you could fuck the girl in the picture and it would be fine. xD
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:26 No.6803224
    That's the thing about this set up. These guys aren't actively preying on girls. They just think there is some horny teen girl who is looking for an an anonymous fuck.
    >> Nomad Trash 01/21/10(Thu)18:29 No.6803278
    This show is retarded. The police should just man up and actually catch real pedophiles instead of letting NBC entrap horny sad dudes.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:30 No.6803290
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    pedophile detected
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:32 No.6803323
    /tv/ sympathizing with predators?

    What a suprise
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:33 No.6803336
    I sort of hope one of the idiots turns up with a gun and starts shooting, that might kill the show off.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:33 No.6803348
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:34 No.6803353
    Predators? More like lonely desperate virgins who think they've had a stroke of luck with a willing girl old enough to make sex decisions.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:35 No.6803379
    The title is incorrect. The so called predators are in fact the prey. They are lured by predators. But logical conundrums like this just add to the layers of comedy present in the show.

    Another favourite, when they busted Ray Romano.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:35 No.6803389
    itt confirming an already known truth about /tv/

    /tv/ is filled with pedos.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:37 No.6803423
    >old enough to make sex decisions
    yeah, that's not what 'age of consent' means.
    >> Kazuya Mishima !!KcrxRQ/zEdO 01/21/10(Thu)18:37 No.6803424
    Fucking lol'd when he said gentlemen.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:39 No.6803459
    "Age of consent" is a legal term, not a literal one. 16 year olds are mature enough to make decisions about their own bodies.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:42 No.6803513
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:42 No.6803516
    fuck. i love you.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:42 No.6803525
    hahaha, no. Not really.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:43 No.6803526
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    Age is just a number, baby.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:43 No.6803536
    16 year olds are idiots
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:46 No.6803580

    You don't stop being an idiot at 18, 25 or whatever retarded age of consent the USA has.
    >> anon !13aFQe1omM 01/21/10(Thu)18:47 No.6803590

    I lol'd at the part where he shows up at the kid's house
    and the kid won't put the beer in the fridge
    and the kid is like "so you wanna fuck me" or something liek that
    and the guy goes "nah, let's just hang out."

    then he gets arrested.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:53 No.6803711
    I personally think this show is just porn for people that enjoy human suffering. Not that pedos shouldn't be locked up, just don't make a fucking tv show about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:54 No.6803720

    SEXY idiots.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:54 No.6803724

    >human suffering


    Because it's bad to laugh at pedos?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:56 No.6803748

    The show rarely features pedo's.

    The show perversely uses sexual exploitation (creating an imaginary sex crime and parading perverts in fron of the cameras) to sell advertising space.

    It's fucked up to be sure, but it's also fucking great tv.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:56 No.6803751

    Not exactly, I just think there's a certain amount of perversion involved with watching a show like this. Not on the same level as molesting a child, but that doesn't mean the two are mutually exclusive either.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:56 No.6803760

    This is our version of heads on pikes
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:57 No.6803764
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    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:57 No.6803768

    No, because it's bad to create a crime where one doesn't exist to make money by combining Punk'd with implied child rape.

    Not saying it's not fucking funny and great tv, but the sexual offenders are only part of the puzzle that makes it so hillarious.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:58 No.6803784
    hey faggots here is a novel concept: less fucking text and more hilarious chat screencaps from the show.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:59 No.6803792

    concept in action
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)18:59 No.6803808
    hey, i think you're a little confused. the world doesn't revolve around. there are treatments for assburgers
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:00 No.6803818
    what a man
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:00 No.6803820

    >No, because it's bad to create a crime

    Anyone who falls for the "lol thats kool" decoy is fucking stupid and DESERVES to be arrested
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:02 No.6803845
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    Oh god I haven't seen this one hahahaha
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:03 No.6803852
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    >> Kaiji. !L.rG/tZANk 01/21/10(Thu)19:03 No.6803857
    This is childish and /b/ material, reported
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:03 No.6803858

    Stupid yes. Deserve to consume massive amounts of tax dollars so NBC can make a buck? I don't think so.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:03 No.6803866
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:05 No.6803896

    Wait, that guy is a COP? LOL
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:05 No.6803907
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    o dang
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:06 No.6803912
    haha, why do some of these guys think its normal to just type in all caps.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:06 No.6803916
    Yea but too bad it is a show. That is on Television.

    fuck face
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:06 No.6803920
    >> Anonymous 01/21/10(Thu)19:06 No.6803928

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