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    44 KB Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:26 No.5810334  
    Does /tv/ have Asperger's? All you faggots do is list shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:27 No.5810344
    Well, they also have no social skills.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:27 No.5810345
    Prove it. Make a list.
    >> Monkey Man !!VjxqfsxRhCq 11/27/09(Fri)01:27 No.5810353
    Damn right I'm an Aspie! GONNA MAKE SOMETHING OF IT?!
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:28 No.5810355
    It has been suspected. But no diagnosis has been made.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:29 No.5810368
    Aspergers is fake.
    The symptons are far to convenient to be considered a disorder.
    It's a merely an excuse for being a social failure, that was brought up by poor parenting

    Now it's the psychological flavor of the month, and all the hack therapists are cashing in on it (see OPs pic)

    TLDR: No OP, we aren't asspies, but you're a faggot
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:29 No.5810370
    I banged 3 girls this semester, inb4 my hand, my mom, holodeck, etc
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:32 No.5810397
    >I banged 3 fat girls this semester

    fix'd that for ya, and just for reference

    Not having sex > Having sex with a fatso
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:32 No.5810404
    >implying you don't have Asperger's
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:34 No.5810425
    I didn't imply anything.
    I plainly stated that aspergers is fake, and that you enjoy sexual intercourse with elderly hirsute men.

    Deal with it shit eater
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:35 No.5810437
    Yeah. Asperger's... and much of the Autism diagnosis in this country is false diagnosis, unfortunately.

    Partly because of doctors wanting return patients... partly because of bad parents simply wanting a pill to fix their kid so they don't have to be decent parents.

    It's sad, but it's true. Which is why Michael Savage got blasted to shit for pointing this out.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:36 No.5810453
    Why so butthurt?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:40 No.5810489
    >implying I'm butthurt
    >being underaged banned
    >having aids

    No, why are YOU butthurt?
    Scratch that I don't want to know...
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:41 No.5810493
    What's wrong, anon? Were you bullied by an aspie or something?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:42 No.5810503
    My parents did a wonderful job.

    I'm 30 and live in the basement and illegally download movies all day. We can't all be brain surgeons.
    >> willowisp !!8OQZZE/8IdP 11/27/09(Fri)01:42 No.5810507
    no im a bot
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:44 No.5810524
    I would think you are future me, but we don't have a basement.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:45 No.5810547
    I was diagnosed with Asperger's, and have a pretty decent life. Currently going for my Ph.D.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:45 No.5810553
    ass burgers

    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:46 No.5810558
    I don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:47 No.5810574
    No. It's complete bullshit. Just another hole to shove the undesirable into.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:48 No.5810588
    I pretend I'm aspergers to get chicks.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:48 No.5810589
    If you really don't get it, its because you spend so much time online that you have never said aspergers out loud.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:49 No.5810596
    Are you sure you don't have Ass Burgers?

    'Cause you sound butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:49 No.5810599
    >Which is why Michael Savage got blasted to shit for pointing this out.
    I'm reading about it now. Fucking lol. I feel bad for the guy.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:50 No.5810611
    I've got the best patties in the Province, boyo.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:51 No.5810625
    My brother has it. It's absurdly easy to tell the difference between someone like him who actually has something wrong with him, and the faggots that just want an excuse for being losers.

    Not to imply that he's not a faggot or a loser.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:52 No.5810638
    For the sake of my own human curiosity, what is "wrong with him"?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:54 No.5810667
    You must be retarded if you can't tell the difference between someone who genuinely has Asperger's and someone who doesn't.
    >> >> 11/27/09(Fri)01:56 No.5810679
    Things Better than this thread
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:56 No.5810683
    What? We haven't even started the argument yet. I don't even have his list of symptoms to form an opinion about whether it's legit or not. What the hell.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:56 No.5810685
    UM OK
    number 1: i take offense to that op!
    number 2: i do not have asperger's
    number 3: who even knows about that syndrome lol
    number 4: no i don't life stuff
    number 5: the is libel
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:57 No.5810696
    My mom thinks I do, but I don't.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:59 No.5810719
    /tv/ is aspergers incarnate. just make a list of your favorite movies and watch what happens.

    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:59 No.5810720
    Bullshit! You've already formed an opinion and you know it.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)01:59 No.5810727
         File1259305187.gif-(717 KB, 280x220, I_Am_Not_IAN_BRANDON_SOMETHING.gif)
    717 KB
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)02:00 No.5810730
    You're out of your God damned mind!
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)02:00 No.5810734
    It's kind of hard to explain. I guess it's mainly just his lack of understanding of normal social cues. Like he can't understand if a conversation is going well or badly or if it's time to say something or stop saying things.

    They do really have a lot in common with the typical neckbeard, so they tend to self-diagnose, but I think the main difference is that the neckbeard's awkwardness is more in their own head, where the aspie just isn't aware of it.
    >> djg;sdg; 11/27/09(Fri)02:00 No.5810738
    Does it come wit cheese?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)02:01 No.5810746
    see >>5810727
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)02:02 No.5810758
    I dont have aspergers heres a list of the reasons why
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)02:03 No.5810762
    It's too late! Anonymous has already ruined everything. I hate you!
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)02:16 No.5810883
    Nah I don' have ass pie syndrome, I just come here for shits and giggles. /tv/ being my fav place for introducing me to Carl Sagan and Cosmos.
    I own one of those 7" records with a glorious dawn on it now.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)02:17 No.5810896
    >implying that a self-diagnosis means shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)02:22 No.5810932
    >They do really have a lot in common with the typical neckbeard, so they tend to self-diagnose, but I think the main difference is that the neckbeard's awkwardness is more in their own head, where the aspie just isn't aware of it.

    This. Most of you just want an excuse so you don't feel so bad about failing at life.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)02:23 No.5810943
    You're projecting, son.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)02:25 No.5810956
    Yeah, I couldn't possibly just be a normal guy who's annoyed with your attitude.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)02:25 No.5810966
    >normal guy
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)02:26 No.5810974
    We hate most those things we despise most in ourselves.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)02:29 No.5811010
    I'm curious why you're so angry at aspies. Did an aspie take your job? Steal your woman? Molest your daughter? What's the deal, anon?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/09(Fri)02:31 No.5811029
    Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffffeeeriiiingggg.

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