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    File : 1322606821.jpg-(75 KB, 704x396, 1314983441913.jpg)
    75 KB Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:47 No.57741142  
    Is /a/ the most consuming board?

    You depend on the products of thousands of people working in the anime industry, while frowning on people who pay for that privilege (I'm not judging). You don't produce shitty AMV's that some people might find entertaining, you don't draw manga. You never contribute something to the media.

    /a/ gets a lot of input, but barely any output.

    pic unrelated
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:48 No.57741176
    Well what about /tv/ and /v/? They're in the same boat.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:48 No.57741177
    /a/ gets quite a lot of original content, especially compared with other boards. Have you seen the drawthreads?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:50 No.57741225
    /fit/ spend a lot of money
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:50 No.57741242
    /v/ has their game developer threads and I believe they support the industry more, because they have more buyfags. I don't frequent /tv/.

    Those stickfigures don't really have a lasting appeal.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:51 No.57741255
    Maybe, but so what? The primary 'output' is entertainment. That's a valid end in itself.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:52 No.57741286
    /tg/ is the board with the most output.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:52 No.57741287
    I agree with that pic.
    Wossy is plenty moe.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:52 No.57741293
    >Implying i didn't make a comic manga
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:52 No.57741296
    >You never contribute something to the media
    That would be doujin works, you're not going to get an actual show or manga made here.
    >> !!BJiYgff8zf2 11/29/11(Tue)17:52 No.57741298
    What happened to /a/ archive?

    I can't find any of my old threads on google anymore.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:53 No.57741328
    The other boards have that too, but they also manage to contribute to the medium. /a/ just consumes.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:54 No.57741347
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:54 No.57741358
    >Don't contribute anything

    Wrong faggot. What about all Madoka fan-fiction I've written?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:55 No.57741398
    >implying AMVs are contributing to the medium
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:55 No.57741399
    >Is that a motherfucking Bawoo?

    You dissapoint me Mr Ross.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:56 No.57741415
    All of that cancer.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:56 No.57741417
    most consumig board is /ck/
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:56 No.57741422
         File1322607376.gif-(2 MB, 335x271, 291110006.gif)
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    >mfw that guy was usually the less excentric
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:56 No.57741424
    That sure counts as contributing, but you form an exception.

    Some people find enjoyment in them.
    >> !!BJiYgff8zf2 11/29/11(Tue)17:56 No.57741441

    Thank god. Oh the memories. Remember my Vagabond thread?

    >Vagabond is just:

    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:57 No.57741450
    >you don't draw manga
    Well of course not. I'm not Japanese.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:57 No.57741480
    >and I believe they support the industry more

    You gotta be kidding me. Clearly you have never been to /v/.

    Besides, /a/ supports the industry in alternative ways. For example, I spend about 10 - 20.000 yen monthly on figurines. I'm sure others are in the same boat here.

    Also /a/ kinda made a VN.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)17:59 No.57741516
    I'm gonna need sauce on that image, OP.

    From my research, Jonathan Ross in a BBC documentary?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:00 No.57741566
    The ones that last even a week?
    Even /vp/ has faster drawthreads

    Or had, before it became a tripfagfest
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:02 No.57741635
    What really counts as original content? It's hard for anything made here to spread, much less over into Japan, simply because of how broken up the fans are.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:02 No.57741659
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:03 No.57741686
    How is making AMVs or drawing "manga" contributing to the medium?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:03 No.57741697
    Much obliged
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:04 No.57741717
    >and I believe they support the industry more,
    You don't even fucking go to /v/
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:04 No.57741721
    * Japanowamah.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:04 No.57741743
    You process the media you've taken in and you work your vision out in an art form for other fans of the medium to enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:05 No.57741764
    But the "medium" is Japanese cartoons and comics. They are neither.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:07 No.57741842
    PC games are pirated left and right, but a lot of console gamers build up impressive libraries every generation. People are encouraged to pirate, but there's also a lot of buying going on.

    I'm sorry, I was wrong when I implied it should have to be the same medium. Any medium is fine as long as something is made.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:09 No.57741878
    Oh wow, someone saved my Wossy screenshot.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:09 No.57741885
         File1322608157.jpg-(14 KB, 240x320, 1309096793708.jpg)
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    This was uploaded 4 days ago, OP.

    Your argument is moot.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:09 No.57741899
    There is also a lot of buying of anime merch. Figurine sales are on an all time high.

    I also know many fags here write a lot of fapfics. We do have some drawfags as well. So I'd say you are gravely mistaken.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:09 No.57741911
    Who gives a shit?
    AMVs are shit. Western "manga" is shit. Fan fics are shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:12 No.57741996
    Waifu App. That is all.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:12 No.57742006
    Anime is shit. I don't think quality matters much in the contribution aspect.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:12 No.57742036
    I'm just saying that people contributing are a given on other boards, here those people form an exception.

    That's nice.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:15 No.57742132
    What happened to /a/'s nichijou doujin?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:15 No.57742142
    I haven't heard much about it recently.
    What gives?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:16 No.57742165
    >people contributing are a given on other boards

    How exactly does /v/ contributes...?

    How does /tv/ contributes?

    How the hell does /sp/ contributes?

    I think you are full of shit, personally.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:16 No.57742173
    They had 6 threads and the project died. I should know, I made the threads.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:16 No.57742190
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    We translate doujins, i think, at least i remember "it's not my fault that im not popular"
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:17 No.57742218
    That's the way the anime industries outside of Japan work as well. They take something already made, maybe slap some adaptation on it, but pretty much sell it as is.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:17 No.57742230
    That's not a doujin.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:18 No.57742242
    OP faget, where you think all your lightspeed fansub niggas from?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:19 No.57742280
    >The largest portion of /v/ buys their games. It's a matter of prevalence.

    >I don't browse /tv/.

    >/sp/ doesn't depend on a medium.

    I think you're full of shit, so that evens it out, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:19 No.57742316
    >The largest portion of /v/ buys their games
    [citation needed]
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:20 No.57742328
    >The largest portion of /v/ buys their games
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:21 No.57742362
    I can't present you scientific researches, you can only take my word or do a blind test yourself.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:21 No.57742381
    >The largest portion of /v/ buys their games

    Even console games are being pirated out the wazoo
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:21 No.57742382
    Man fuck all of you. I've easily spent $2k on Japanese BDs alone this year to support shows I like.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:21 No.57742385
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:22 No.57742430
    You probably have shit taste if you were able to spend so much money this year.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:23 No.57742450
    >you can only take my word or do a blind test yourself.

    I visit /v/ daily. Empirical evidence leads me to believe you are, indeed, full of shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:24 No.57742523

    It wasn't all series from this year.

    >Star Driver
    >Tiger and Bunny
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:24 No.57742538
    >Implying he implied that the shows he purchased were from this year.

    Try harder faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:25 No.57742543
    >no madoka
    I'm proud.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:25 No.57742546
    That's funny, my empirical evidence supports other claims. i.e., you being full of shit, etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:25 No.57742571
    We are dirty gaijins, so we don't contribute anything to the medium by definition. Outside of a few exceptions, we are completely irrelevant in the anime market and have been for decades.
    Not producing shitty AMVs is probably a good thing. /a/ is responsible for some translating/subbing from time to time, and we have a lot of scanalators and subbers here, so there's that.

    >buying games
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:25 No.57742577
    I take it back, dear sir. You could also have refuted me with the following quote:

    I hate cynicism. I wipe it from me. I don’t like cynical people. I don’t like cynical movies. Cynicism is very easy. You don’t have to justify it. You don’t have to fight for it.
    Michel Gondry
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:26 No.57742582

    Fuck Madoka. I was gonna buy Casshern Sins, but it's only being sold through third party sellers on amazon now and they won't ship overseas. I guess I'll just have to be satisfied with my US release for now.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:26 No.57742584
    In other words, you have no proof?

    Sugoi monogatari aniki. Try making a thread when you can back up your claims next time.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:27 No.57742634
    You also have no proof.

    Try making a post when you can back up your claims next time.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:27 No.57742642
    /a/ is the best form of entertainment there is, bar none.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:27 No.57742647
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    >Fuck Madoka
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:29 No.57742687
    >You probably have a job if you were able to spend so much this year.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:29 No.57742712
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:30 No.57742740
    Read the thread, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:31 No.57742788
    Boku no moe.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:32 No.57742815
    Boku no Wossy
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:33 No.57742849
    OP is wrong. /a/ came up with the OP and ED for Code Geass. Ichigo to Mashimaru was for a large part written by /a/nons. FOX News once spent over two days reporting the busywork of Korean animators, just because /a/ caused an uproar. 90% of all doujins on the market are published by /a/nons.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:33 No.57742857
    >Implying /a/ doesn't translate manga weekly
    >Implying we don't by figma
    >Implying none of us donn't buy a manga or anime on a monthly/weekly basis.
    Seriously OP you retarded or something?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:34 No.57742899
    I never said that nobody did it, I'm just saying that we do it to lesser extent.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:34 No.57742900
    >/a/ translating manga weekly
    We do?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:34 No.57742909
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    >I've easily spent $2k on Japanese BDs alone this year to support shows I like.
    You're a moron. First of all, you're a pampered rich asshole (a one percenter, to use a current term) who's using his mommy's Platinum Amex to finance his bullshit "hobby".

    Second, that "support" is a drop in the ocean. It won't change the terrible ways the anime industry is going now*. The prices of japanese BDs are obscene, and there's not enough domestic interest to make a difference, so what's the point? Feel better about yourself?

    *Guess what's the best-selling anime BD this year: Gundam SEED.

    And, what's wrong with Madoka, if you don't mind asking? A REASONABLE argument, not some parroting of bullshit terminology.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:35 No.57742936
    And then there's this faggot.
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 11/29/11(Tue)18:35 No.57742941
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    /a/ has a lot of small translator/subtitle groups. Or a suppose more accurately, there are many such groups that come to /a/ both for anime discussion and/or to release their works. Hox, Hayate and SHiN are all members of such groups.

    /a/ does actually create a surprising amount of content, and some awesome stuff, but it's more contributing to itself than to the medium. The best example of this is R/a/dio.

    The thing that makes it had to output back into the boards topic, namely the anime and manga industries, is that there are few ways to do so. Look at /v/. Sure they can go on about piracy but if they want to put money in to the industry, even the poorest guy ever could wait for a big sale and buy games dirt cheap (eg, games like New Vegas, a year old, selling £4 during Steam sales). DVD/BDs and figures are expensive.

    I see why you'd think /a/ is so consuming, but it is actually surprisingly not so.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:36 No.57742953
    >Those stickfigures don't really have a lasting appeal.
    Tell that to Tumbler and Redit. They have looted 4chan's content it's not even funny anymore.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:36 No.57742966
    That would be /co/ and /lit/
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:36 No.57742971
    They just don't gloat about it.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:37 No.57742988
    A manly tear just rolled down my cheek. Being Kaiba is suffering.

    Also, Madoka was a boring show. But that's just my opinion. You can't reasonably call something with that big a budget bad.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:37 No.57743002

    These guys are devoting their lives to a bunch of millionaires prancing around on the field who could give less of a shit about any of them.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:38 No.57743021
    How many of them actually play sports and attend games?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:38 No.57743023
    Which board would you think of as the most consuming?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:39 No.57743063
    They can attend games, but watching it on firstrow while spamming >gnats in the game threads is a lot more fun.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:39 No.57743075
    >Also, Madoka was a boring show.
    I felt the atmosphere and pacing were great. It was excellent in that regard.

    >You can't reasonably call something with that big a budget bad.
    SEED is. It's a waste of perfectly good money and time for anyone who watched it.
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 11/29/11(Tue)18:39 No.57743082
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    >/v/ has their game developer threads and I believe they support the industry more, because they have more buyfags.
    Yeah, which usually consist of talking about things they spent $5 - $40 on. In /a/ buyfag threads a figma figure (see pic) is generally considered cheap compared to other things, and they're $30 - $40 each.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:40 No.57743098
    We can't really support the industry as much as a board like /v/, what with us being baka gaijin and all.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:41 No.57743127
    I'm sorry, but I can only see opinions. You asked for a reasonable complaint, but I can only give you my opinions.
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 11/29/11(Tue)18:41 No.57743137
    Couldn't say. The only boards I regular are /a/ and /v/. Don't know a damn thing about the culture or content of other boards.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:42 No.57743141
    i would say /ck/ consumes the most
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:42 No.57743156

    Don't forget Destiny. That was such a waste of money and time even some of the voice actors hated the everloving shit out of it and refused to play their roles ever again.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:42 No.57743157
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    I don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:42 No.57743162
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:43 No.57743181
    Too late.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:43 No.57743183
    So, we all can agree that the most useless board is /b/?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:43 No.57743193
    Your comment is funny, because somewhere endless eight was just triggered.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:44 No.57743202
    >First of all, you're a pampered rich asshole (a one percenter, to use a current term) who's using his mommy's Platinum Amex to finance his bullshit "hobby".

    Nope. I have a fucking job.

    I don't really care if it's "just a drop in the ocean." I have the means so why shouldn't I try to put my money where my mouth is and buy series I find worthwhile?

    As for Madoka, I didn't hate it but it's the furthest thing from "revolutionary" in the magical girl genre. It's ludicrously over rated for what it is. I didn't find it terribly interesting and I thought the characters were rather flat and uncompelling. Some of the art direction was nice, but that's about it. Neither the story nor the execution were particularly unique or well handled imo.

    But lol opinions.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:44 No.57743203
    To answer OP's question, I think the feeling is mutual. Japanese producers have forgotten about the western market, to the point we find the present situation.

    If you believe "/a/ is not supporting the industry", that is, at least in part, because the industry forgot about our existance. The western anime fandom is smaller every day.

    That is even more true for those of us not in the US. There's no CrunchyRoll streaming, no official BDs, no stores selling merchandise (at reasonable prices).
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:44 No.57743214
    Are you stupid?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:44 No.57743218
    It's not even random, they spout the same shit all the time, it's the most predictable board actually, not random in any way.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:44 No.57743220
    katawa shoujo
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:46 No.57743266
    I'd say the most useless one is /n/.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:46 No.57743268
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    ¿Do the guys from /tv/ contribute something, aside from the live watch threads?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:46 No.57743287
    That's because America is full of morons who cling to stereotypes about anime/how they saw some ignorant weeaboos acting at a con and use that to bash anybody who likes it.

    No wonder anime is dying, and it is the fault of the overzealous weeaboos but it's also the fault of the haters who cling to stupid stereotypes.

    everybody is just fucking dumb and ruining everything for everyone.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:47 No.57743311
    >Nope. I have a fucking job.
    Lie. What kind of a job gives you enough money to finance US$2,000 in anime merchandise a year, with a fucking recession looming?

    >As for Madoka, I didn't hate it but it's the furthest thing from "revolutionary" in the magical girl genre. It's ludicrously over rated for what it is. I didn't find it terribly interesting and I thought the characters were rather flat and uncompelling. Some of the art direction was nice, but that's about it. Neither the story nor the execution were particularly unique or well handled imo.
    So, you're just jaded, I see.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:47 No.57743317
    Has anyone got sauce on OP's pic?

    What the fuck is Johnathon Ross doing? Is it a shoop?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:47 No.57743318
    I couldn't get the money on PayPal quick enough so I wasn't able to purchase the Cromartie and Princess Tutu boxset for 6 dollars this weekend. I'm so fucking mad.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:47 No.57743319
    /b/ is terrible, but it's not useless. If it wasn't there, the retards would just flood into other boards.

    Well, it's already happening, but it'd be even worse than it is now.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:48 No.57743355

    Anime in the US is dead because of overzealous licensors in the mid 00s. They licensed any title they could get their hands on, regardless of quality thinking it would sell, and it flooded the market with shit no one wanted to buy and the market collapsed.

    Though admittedly the faggotry at conventions really doesn't help the image problem anime has here either.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:49 No.57743372
    Stop trolling so blatantly. You're only pushing yourself in a corner.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:49 No.57743377

    It's Japanorama. He ran a show about Japanese culture years ago.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:51 No.57743445
    They showed this in my uni anime club way back when. Fucking crazy brits.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:51 No.57743463
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    Well this should be interesting...
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:52 No.57743487
    And people who cling to stereotypes without ever exploring the medium itself.

    You know you've heard the "anime is only for pedos and sexually confused" folks. I'm also sure you've heard the idiots who say that all anime and manga uses the same character designs with huge eyes and spiky hair.

    These are both ignorant stereotypes and further proof that the people who hate anime, haven't even explored it enough to justify their hatred.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:53 No.57743506

    I only make $26k a year, but I'm still living with my parents so I have minimal living expenses and consequently can spent more money on my bullshit hobbies while still saving plenty.

    >So, you're just jaded, I see.
    What's wrong with that? Isn't it normal to find shit you've seen a thousand times already in only moderately different iterations boring/stale?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:53 No.57743508
    Any full time job.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:53 No.57743523
    >They licensed any title they could get their hands on, regardless of quality thinking it would sell, and it flooded the market with shit no one wanted to buy and the market collapsed.
    Here's an idea: if licensors just ASKED the fans what they want to see licenced, would that work?
    Add to that a reasonable distribution network, going from online streaming to Cartoon Network.
    >> Bitches & !Whores/8sg 11/29/11(Tue)18:55 No.57743581
    >Lie. What kind of a job gives you enough money to finance US$2,000 in anime merchandise a year, with a fucking recession looming?
    flipping burgers
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:56 No.57743596
    >What kind of a job gives you enough money to finance US$2,000 in anime merchandise a year
    Any job, even desk jops and WcBurger
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:56 No.57743611
    Here's a simpler idea:

    Check the number of downloads a torrent gets, if you want it a bit more complex then check which torrents are more downloaded in North America.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:56 No.57743614
    >I only make $26k a year, but I'm still living with my parents
    Oh, I see. Well, over here US$2,000 a month is a lot of money.

    >What's wrong with that? Isn't it normal to find shit you've seen a thousand times already in only moderately different iterations boring/stale?
    See >>57742577. And Star Driver on your list doesn't help your argument.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:57 No.57743635
    Which is great, look at what happened to the video game industry when they stop being a niche market. Not to sound hipster, but nowadays those idiots don't know how to recognize a good game.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:57 No.57743657
    Read the conversation 2k a YEAR, also, what shit country do you live in?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:57 No.57743666

    I'm not really sure what would have worked. Fans are notoriously stupid about what's actually going to sell (they're a vocal minority and often know what they want only because they've already pirated it).

    The licensors seemed to be doing just fine by cherry picking hits and series that seemed to appeal to the mass market in like '99-'03, but by '05-'06 they were licensing literally anything they could get their hands on––frequently before series even aired––without any concern for quality or market appeal. That was probably the stupidest thing they could have done with the DVD model. CR functions on basically that same idea, but the amount of assumed risk is significantly lower (from what I understand for the vast majority of series they license for streaming they aren't required to pay any upfront licensing fees and it's just a profit sharing model––tl;dr near 0 risk for CR).
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:58 No.57743692

    > Lie. What kind of a job gives you enough money to finance US$2,000 in anime merchandise a year, with a fucking recession looming?

    Are you serious? How about any even somewhat skilled job.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)18:58 No.57743694
    $2k a year, Anon.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:01 No.57743777
    assuming release, /a/ instantly confirmed for contributing board of the year all years no further input required
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:03 No.57743859
    Then why the fuck /a/ has thread after thread on the stupid cunts of Stratos, while a decent show like Michiko & Hatchin passed ignored?

    At least Redline didn't passed ignored here, so /a/ is a mixed bag, to say the least.

    The guy said he earned US$26,000 a year, roughly $2,000 a month. That's a large salary over here, for anyone. For reference, minimum wage is about $300 a month and poverty line is about $100 a month.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:03 No.57743893

    I don't think you've actually watched Star Driver if you think that's the case.

    But regardless, I didn't like Madoka so I didn't buy it. Simple.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:04 No.57743910
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    OP is right

    I don't even know why you faggots even bother trying to deny and debate about this.

    then there is the buyfag morons who generalize himself to everyone else in /a/, what a bunch of dumbass
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:04 No.57743924
    OP detected.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:05 No.57743935
    Because /a/ talks about current anime not good anime.
    And Michiko to Hatchin was shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:05 No.57743944
    >I don't think you've actually watched Star Driver if you think that's the case.
    It's a poor rehash of Utena, with bad character designs and too much homolust.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:07 No.57743992
    Get a job,all(most probably dont do shit) of you, idk, like a decent one, just being a cop gets me 50k a year and it sucks being the law
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:07 No.57744000
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:07 No.57744004
    >And Michiko to Hatchin was shit.
    Define this, please. It was a decent show, and different enough from the shitstorm of poor stereotypes and MediaFactory-inspired harem crap.

    It's because it has strong (non-fetichistic) female characters and that puts you off, correct?
    >> OP 11/29/11(Tue)19:07 No.57744013
    Sorry, nope. I only just now dropped by to read new responses. I'm watching Kemonozume.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:08 No.57744030
    >For reference, minimum wage is about $300 a month and poverty line is about $100 a month

    If you can pay for internet with such a wage then you can support the industry.

    Also, minimum wage can vary from country to country since obviously you have to consider how much you actually spend.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:08 No.57744035
    >Sorry, nope. I only just now dropped
    What convenient timing.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:08 No.57744049
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    May I ask you fine gentlemen the sauce of that pic? A legitimate BBC program....what?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:09 No.57744090
    >minimum wage is about $300 a month and poverty line is about $100 a month.

    Pretty sure that's for people who can't do shit. That's what a decent major is for.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:09 No.57744107

    Not really. It's a mash up of magical girl and super robot bullshit. Anything Utena-esq about it was a result of Enokido's thematic fixations––they're in literally every one of his works.

    But again, opinions.


    Minimum wage in the states is like $1.2k/mo if that helps put it in perspective. Also that $26k salary is before taxes, I only actually take home about $1.6k/mo––I still live with my parents because moving out would mean after rent and shit I basically wouldn't have any money to save, let alone spend on anime shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:10 No.57744118
    >with such a wage then you can support the industry
    Are you serious? Have you seen the prices of Japanese BDs?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:10 No.57744136

    Read the thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:11 No.57744172

    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:11 No.57744173
    >Not really. It's a mash up of magical girl and super robot bullshit. Anything Utena-esq about it was a result of Enokido's thematic fixations––they're in literally every one of his works.
    It drags a lot more than Madoka, that's for sure.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:12 No.57744181
    I bought a manga today. Does that mean I contributed more then most of /a/ does in a year? But at least we ain't /v/. It doesn't take a economics expert to realize no one is going to make games if everyone pirates them all.
    >> OP 11/29/11(Tue)19:12 No.57744182
    Three minutes after somebody agreed with me? Why, yes, very convenient indeed. Also, I don't name my reaction images, neither do I save/use a lot of them.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:12 No.57744208
    That's why I mentioned if you can pay for internet.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:13 No.57744226
    >It's because it has strong (non-fetichistic) female characters and that puts you off, correct?
    Are you kidding me?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:13 No.57744257
    Was it raw? if not, then you didn't really contribute.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:14 No.57744264

    Looks like we have an angry pretentious anime fanboi going on a rampage here.

    >It's because it has strong (non-fetichistic) female characters and that puts you off, correct?

    It is funny because she wears less clothes than the average girl in a harem anime.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:14 No.57744279
    >Does that mean I contributed more then most of /a/ does in a year?
    Pft. No.
    Have you seen buyfag threads?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:15 No.57744301
    We make lots of /a/ sings videos and have a r/a/dio. Not to mention all the translators we have here that benefit lots of anime watchers and manga readers that don't even know of this site.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:16 No.57744349
    Fetishes are what YOU have. I have tastes in sexual characteristics. In much the same way, there's tons of shit pandering anime for you, and lots of good anime that appeals to me in its presentation. Don't confuse these ideas!
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:16 No.57744356
    Yes, It is sir.
    I suggest you to read the thread, as the source was already posted.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:17 No.57744379
    Isn't someone from /a/ responsible for this?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:17 No.57744383
    >I have tastes in sexual characteristics
    But you're a virgin.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:18 No.57744401
    That's right.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:18 No.57744417
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    He said shitty amvs, whereas that one is god's gift to mankind.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:19 No.57744443
    Looks like another shitty AMV to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:20 No.57744464
    are you kidding? a lot of people on /a/ buy stuff. not to mention /sp/? they don't play sports, and i doubt they have paid for a sports game in their life. people in japan would have to torrent football games if they wanted to watch them.

    plus, peer to peer sharing benefits core copyright industries.
    people who download media "illegally" are 10x more likely to purchase media
    most of the rest of the people who "steal" media wouldn't purchase the media anyway

    If there was a fee to be able to download anime and you had to pay a reasonable fee monthly, I am sure many people on /a/ would have no problem paying for it.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:20 No.57744478
    Well shit, that was pretty neat.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:21 No.57744523
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    >Manly anime for manly men, like myself.

    >mfw I saw this editor at a convention
    >mfw it's a chick
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:22 No.57744548
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    /v/ contribute to the industry more than you ever will just by buying a console.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:22 No.57744558
    Of what? That video had no editing at all.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:23 No.57744571
    Huh. I don't know why, but I'm kind of proud of the fact our board can take credit for that.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:23 No.57744591

    Your opinion counts for less if you grew up with the show. The AMV has horrible timing.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:23 No.57744603
    >Well, over here US$2,000 a month is a lot of money.
    Do you live in Afghanistan or something?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:24 No.57744620
    I noticed a fair amount, but I just rewatched Pokemon recently. Anyway, there's quite a bit of photoshopping going on in it.

    That you can't tell is probably a good thing though.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:24 No.57744623
    You're trying way too hard.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)19:24 No.57744653
    Where do I find the video in OP?

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