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  • File : 1258560731.jpg-(180 KB, 457x739, newmoon.jpg)
    180 KB New Moon Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:12 No.5678031  
    ausfag here, just got back from the first ever screening of New Moon. Only have one thing to say


    cant wait till the rest of the world gets to see how utterly SHIT this movie is
    >> Racs !RwSdgHTHpA 11/18/09(Wed)11:13 No.5678047
    >cant wait till the rest of the world gets to see how utterly SHIT this movie is

    Are you a guy? And you went to see the first screening?

    Show me your blog, neck-beard.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:14 No.5678053
    You mean you didn't know it would be shit before seeing it?

    What's wrong with you? It's fucking Twilight!
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:16 No.5678079
    Not only are the books shit to begin with, but they're rushing this films as if they were corn dogs, no wonder they turn out to be 2-hour long soap operas starring faggot versions of classic horror monsters and a skinny bitch with big dumbo ears.

    OP I'm dissapoint.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:17 No.5678090
    You're an idiot OP.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:18 No.5678103
    >>5678031cant wait till the rest of the world gets to see how utterly SHIT this movie is

    Well, that was kind of obvious when the trailers couldn't even make it look good.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:19 No.5678110
    ausfag can't movie
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:20 No.5678123
    OP here, flame away fellow anons cause yes i did expect it to be shit and went in there full well knowing it would be shit but HOLY SHIT i never expected such cringe worthy dialogue and you will feel my pain the second u hear Bella squeal on film that first time! (yes it happens and its HORRIFIC!)
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:22 No.5678141
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:23 No.5678148
    Any sleep deprived loli's there you fucking pedo? Midnight screenings for Twilight make me sad.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:23 No.5678151
    if u think the trailers are bad, u wont believe how bad the actual movie is. Trust me when i say its near impossible to prepare for this level of shit, the first hour will feel like the longest of ur life!

    we can movie sooner than you and the rest of the world!
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:24 No.5678167
    >we can movie sooner than you and the rest of the world!
    But you're all dense motherfuckers who use that power to give money to the studios you're maligning.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:25 No.5678169
    Please tell me OP you got taken to this by a GIRL THAT WANTS TO FUCK YOU.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:27 No.5678183
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    Ok so if you really watched it, spoil the movie for everybody, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:27 No.5678185
    there were FOUR cinemas with every seat filled playing the first screening so what do u think? tho it was completely countered by the sheer amount of bulldykes also attending, quite a scary scene.
    and YES there were goths, black wearing strap boot faggot looking GOTHS!
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:31 No.5678224

    Amerifag hey? How was it watching Taken a year after it's first screening?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:31 No.5678228
    ITT: Ausfag pointing the obvious.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:32 No.5678235
    would love to say that was the case but i was simply coping with another sleep deprived night. Sorry to disappoint.

    There is NOTHING i could possibly say about the movie that is not already part of the pathetically predictable outcome known by everyone already. And even if there was im not one of those anons, sorry.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:33 No.5678256
    Amerifag living in Australia here. As painful as it is to admit this, the Australian box office numbers are nowhere near as depressing as the US. My fellow Americans watch some dumb shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:35 No.5678269

    What does that even mean? Since when do we "malign studios"? Like Australian mainstream audiences are any different to Americans or the rest of the world for that matter.
    >> Leper Messiah Complex !!zmCRLNlU5RV 11/18/09(Wed)11:36 No.5678288
    >faggot versions of classic horror monsters

    And this is why I hate Twilight most of all.


    Spoiler tags or you are troll confirmed.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:38 No.5678305
    >There is NOTHING i could possibly say about the movie that is not already part of the pathetically predictable outcome known by everyone already. And even if there was im not one of those anons, sorry.

    You haven't seen it. Stop wasting everybody's time.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:38 No.5678306
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    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:38 No.5678310
    >the Australian box office numbers
    they don't have as many people...
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:39 No.5678319
    I don't hate Twilight for any content reasons.

    I just hate it cause they were badly written books that were translated into badly made films.

    Maybe if more effort was put into the film and maybe if Meyer wasn't an amateur writer, it wouldn't be so shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:39 No.5678323
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    Twilight Vampire
    >Superhuman speed, strength, sense etc.
    >additional powers based on personality of the vampire in past life
    >Cannot be killed via traditional vampire means
    >Sparkles in Sunlight
    Twilight Werewolves
    >Have complete control of transformation
    >Doesn't require the moon to initiate transformation
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:40 No.5678332
    u mean like all that Tyler Perry shit that is constantly making it to #1 on the US box office?
    oh and hope you are enjoying our big ol country
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:41 No.5678344
    >taking the characteristics of imaginary beings literally
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:44 No.5678382

    I am. To be honest, at first I just wanted to get out of America. Not that I hate it there, but I just needed to live somewhere else. I like the people here. Though I still feel like a foreigner.

    And yeah, Tyler Perry. God I hate Tyler Perry.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:45 No.5678395
    OP here, the dialogue was utterly painful to sit through, some scenes were just so disjointed i cant even put it into words. Oh and for those doubting if i saw the movie, i will use spoiler tags below but im not ruining the movie for anyone

    I will only convert you under one condition Bella
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:48 No.5678422
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    i'll just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:49 No.5678438

    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:50 No.5678442

    Well Estonia is pretty small...
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:50 No.5678450
    >but im not ruining the movie for anyone

    how could you when you haven't even seen it?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:51 No.5678452
    26th November?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)11:55 No.5678512
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    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:01 No.5678599
    and the doubters are silenced
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:18 No.5678826
    Nah, he got that from the blog of some teenage whale.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:40 No.5679125
    oh and there was a new trailer for Avatar before the movie, longest trailer yet that explained the whole story about the Unobtanium (retarded name!) with Giovanni Rabisi doin a whole lotta dramatic talkin
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)12:41 No.5679145
    was it like 2 hours of this?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)13:13 No.5679551
    to be honest, no matter how shitty these movies are, teenage girls will go see them anyway. twilight was the worst piece of shit movie i've ever seen, yet people saw it more than once and would rage on me for saying it was terrible. worst acting ever. worst plot. worst fx. shit shit shit shit shit. my friends dragged me to the midnight premier last year, and it was like being in a living hot topic. girls everywhere with those fagfaces on their shirts. or better yet, HOME MADE shirts. they'd kill each other for this shit. it's so fucking sad. the success of this crappy-ass franchise makes me lose even more faith in humanity.

    by the way, half her shit is almost identical to true blood, which were written years before. OHAY.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)13:22 No.5679679
    it comes as a small comfort to know that her writing has been panned by critics from every which way, it truly is some of the most terrible writing imaginable but you are right in saying there will always be that fanbase no matter how bad the movies get. I felt bad when seeing Robert Pattinson explain how fans come up to him and ask him to bite them, seriously WTF?!
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)13:25 No.5679725
    What's that blotch in the upper right corner? A cum stain?
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)13:28 No.5679752
    >Implying bad reviews are gonna stop kids from wanting to see it.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)13:29 No.5679773
    reflection off a cafe table
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)13:34 No.5679821
    Why did even go to the first screening? You could have just downloaded the movie, it would have saved you money and the embarrassment of watching TWILIGHT alone.
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)13:37 No.5679841
    OP here, as stated above i was just doing anything to get through dealing with a sleep disorder, seemed a good way to kill a good 3hrs (they actually showed a full half hour of ads before the movie!) and i can now say with 100% certainty that i wont be wasting my downloads on this movie when it gets released
    >> Anonymous 11/18/09(Wed)13:37 No.5679843
         File1258569434.jpg-(73 KB, 940x650, KristenStewart1.jpg)
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    Unfortunately, I'll watch this tripe for Kristin Stewart

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