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  • File : 1257832483.gif-(1.33 MB, 500x281, 1257785822243.gif)
    1.33 MB Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:54 No.5551947  
    ITT - we discuss liberal biases in the media
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:55 No.5551951
    See also: the media
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:55 No.5551957
    sage this shit right to page 10, right the fuck in page 10's ass
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:56 No.5551963
    Reality has a liberal bias
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)00:56 No.5551965
    It's all in your mind, OP.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:00 No.5551998
    Glenn Beck = Devil
    Keith Olbermann = A satirist
    I just don't get it. I guess ratings are the difference between evil and insignificant.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:02 No.5552014

    >Glenn Beck = Fucking insane
    >Keith Olbermann = A satirist

    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:02 No.5552019
    The media is only as liberal as the conservative companies that own them.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:05 No.5552038
    You're saying GE is conservative?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:08 No.5552055
    Fucking This. It's well documented that GOP strategists know that this is bullshit, they just call the media liberal to bully it into saying what conservatives want it to say. It's like when a frat guy calls all women whores and sluts because they won't sleep with him.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:10 No.5552066
    Liberal my ass, have you seen how much CRITICISM Obama gets these days? The media doesn't actually pander to the right or left, it has its OWN agenda of simply selling the news to its viewers. When it was cool to love Obama, they sang praises, but now that it's no longer cool, they keep on bashing him!
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:12 No.5552077
    >Glenn Beck = Fucking insane
    >Keith Olbermann = A football announcer with one too many concussions
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:12 No.5552079
    With such a conservative controlled media it is no wonder why the Republicans have a super majority, oh wait.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:13 No.5552090
    They call it the honeymoon phase. Its over so now bashing the president for the things he deserves to be bashed for is acceptable.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:18 No.5552130
    That's because of something else entirely.

    Short Version: Your side once had a super majority, but despite all the shit the media pulled and still pulls to cover it up most people still figured out your side is also full of shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:20 No.5552151
    And the next time they vote they will think that your side is full of shit for doing nothing with the power.
    It is time for a muthafuckin revolution.
    Vote Libertarian bitches.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:24 No.5552179
         File1257834283.jpg-(4 KB, 99x136, Ron Paul.jpg)
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    Fuck Year. If I was an american I think I'd campaign for him. I ronically enough I don't even pay much attention to Canadian politics, just not as interesting. Our conservative party, which is in power right now, isn't nearly as bat shit crazy as yours is. Actually our conservative party is probably doing a better job then the fucking Canadian liberals would have done.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:27 No.5552197
    You never discuss conservative biases in the media, I'm willing to bet. YOU are biased.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:27 No.5552200
    They're accomplishing nothing because the GOP openly admits to purposely obstructing anything the Dems are doing for the sole reason that the Dems are doing it. No reason at all. 30 GOP senators voted Pro-Gang Rape because the Dems voted Anti-Gang Rape in the Franken 2009 bill.

    So please, vote libertarian despite with that fag says. Yes, we noticed that most people that say they are libertarians on the internet are thinly disguised Republicans. We're working on that.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:29 No.5552213
         File1257834555.jpg-(292 KB, 425x638, Glenn beck.jpg)
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    I call myself a Libertarian, you'll have to destroy me first.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:31 No.5552225
    Gladly, asshole.

    Also. You allegedly raped and murdered a teenage girl in 1990. Since you didn't prove you didn't in your post you obviously did it. Why?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:32 No.5552230
    When I gain super powers I am forcing Glenn Beck to eat out Ron Paul's Ass. Right after Ron Paul took a five alarm chili dump.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:34 No.5552244
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:35 No.5552247
    without syrup?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:36 No.5552252
    The only reason there are high rape rates is forced integration bullshit pushed by the leftists.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:36 No.5552255
         File1257834995.jpg-(9 KB, 177x154, 5467.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:36 No.5552257
    Libertarians will never be credible as long as this asshole claims to be one of us.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:37 No.5552262
         File1257835033.jpg-(53 KB, 800x518, 1124264348913.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:37 No.5552267
    >>5552262 here

    meant to point to >>5552252
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:39 No.5552274
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 11/10/09(Tue)01:41 No.5552286
    The Liberal Media-Conservative Ownership Paradox: If the media is liberal, why they are owned by conservative businessmen?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/09(Tue)01:48 No.5552328
    In truth, from an independent/libertarian, the media still slants to the right for the most part. It's all corporate controlled, entertainment based bullshit anyways.

    The same corporations that own media companies are the same that own your representatives in washington.

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