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  • File : 1256361073.jpg-(41 KB, 392x329, saw-movie-poster.jpg)
    41 KB Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)01:11 No.5320746  
    Just got back from seeing Saw 6.
    This one was decent.


    Saw > Saw II > Saw III = Saw 6 > Saw 4 > Saw 5

    I don't like how they keep retconning things. They just keep adding things to put in flashbacks. :/

    I also don't like how John went from a solo dude who used scrap metal to teach his victims a lesson to some dude killing a bunch of people who fucked him over by putting them in one of his 100 warehouses filled with mazes of intricate death machines. :/

    I also hate how every movie mentions Dr. Gordon but purposely leaves any explanation for him out. :/ I mean, come on. Simone hacked her arm off and is shown in a hospital... but Dr. Gordon cuts his leg off and is never mentioned or seen again? :/

    Why don't they just go back to being a thriller with a good story, a few people, a few traps... instead of trying to make me care for the characters then killing them off repeatedly?


    Thoughts? On what I said? On the movie?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)01:16 No.5320785
    >>Saw > Saw II > Saw III = Saw 6 > Saw 4 > Saw 5
    >>Saw 2 superior to Saw 3.
    Saw 3 was the best one, (have not seen 6 yet.) In terms of directing, writing and acting.
    Saw 2 the shittiest one. Mainly because they don't adaquately explain the traps, or even give us as many traps as the set-up promises. 2, 4, 5 needed to work on the logic behind the traps.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)01:17 No.5320801
    Saw II is the most entertaining after Saw.

    Saw 3 is stupid. The writing is shit. hurr durr Jigsaw and his million warehouses and mazes of traps.
    Saw II was good because the twist matched the first one almost and it tied into the first movie. The traps don't need explaining, just like the ones in the first movie didn't need explaining. Everything after II is just about grossing the audience out.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)01:17 No.5320806
    Did they keep the bad cop as the new Jigsaw still?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)01:19 No.5320828
    What were the traps?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)01:21 No.5320852
    Saw 6 was not quite as bad as 5, but that's not hard to do considering how shitty 5 was. It was still shit and contradicted Jigsaw's whole M.O.

    It was also fucking lacking in any logic. Fuck that was boring as hell. Worst movie I've seen in a long time. Every subsequent sequel cheapens any originality or appeal the first one had. Fuck this shit.

    I will go to see 7, I can't help it, I revel in how bad these movies are.

    The whole thing that Jigsaw does was that he was supposed to take "guilty" people and have them get a chance to save themselves, right?

    Well this one was about a guy having to choose between a bunch of innocent people who he should let survive. Fucking bullllshit.

    Also, I forgot to mention the hamfisted healthcare/insurance commentary. Holy shit fuuuuucking baaaad.

    Only redeeming factor is that Jigsaw's wife has huuuuge tits.

    I forgot.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)01:25 No.5320898
    Agree. Betsy Russell is fucking hot.

    >Well this one was about a guy having to choose between a bunch of innocent people who he should let survive. Fucking bullllshit.

    Why? This was the whole premise of the first movie. Zepp was supposed to kill Dr. Gordon's family.
    Dr. Gordon was supposed to kill Adam. Adam didn't even do anything.

    >contradicted Jigsaw's whole M.O.

    Agreed. He went from being a dude who taught people lessons to getting revenge on people who fucked him over. He is just another serial killer now instead of the beginning where he believed he was different and was ACTUALLY different.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)01:25 No.5320906
    I haven't seen the first one in a long time.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)01:27 No.5320935
    Neither have I, but it's pretty memorable. Watch it. It's still the best out of all of them.
    Saw II is a close second. The mood of the film is similar and it's just... simply as "good" as the first one.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)01:37 No.5321060
    A machine that goes on the head that screws bolts into your skull.

    A device that crushes your body each time you take a breath.


    A platform that you stand on that has barbed wire around your neck that hangs you.

    A maze that has pipes in it that blow hot steam at you.

    A carousel that goes around. When it stops, a shotgun is fired at the dude it stops at.

    Then there was one where the dude was in a cage and if someone in another cage pressed the button, he got needles shoved into him that injected acid.

    Then the bear trap one that was used on Amanda was used again on Hoffman.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)01:40 No.5321090
    Yeah. He was awesome at the end. Since Saw 4... he's survived like three traps.
    >> Auouywonz !hEpdoZ.tHU 10/24/09(Sat)01:43 No.5321127
    I don't like that you watched this movie and can even have an opinion. You're the reason there will be a seven.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)01:44 No.5321140
    Just fucking get the faggot who played Dr.Gordon to come back for the last one, have him come at the end, kill the new Jigsaw, put on sunglasses, scream, 'GAMA OVER, FAGGOTS!' and everyone in the audience will go apeshit.

    Good end.

    Series over.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)01:46 No.5321175
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)01:47 No.5321185
    This series won't end until Saw can get the guy playing Dr. Gordon to come back, defeat Hoffman and end it all.

    Any other ending that isn't Gordon saying, 'Game over' and ending the series is going to be shit over by everyone.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)01:48 No.5321203
    I like the motif of the movies though. I didn't think I'd be around to see another Jason or Freddy type movie... not in my generation at least.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)01:49 No.5321212
    The series will end the moment it stops being profitable.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)01:50 No.5321233
    >implying that that fact isn't true for anything
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)01:55 No.5321282
    How long until we get a torrent of this? Or a direct download, or even a goddamn stream? Anything.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)01:57 No.5321312
    Are you people serious? Saw III was the worst film ever made.

    Saw > Saw II > Saw IV > Saw VI > Saw V >>>>> Saw III
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)01:58 No.5321317
    Can't wait for 8...Also, I liked how the guy from Family Matters was there
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:00 No.5321335
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:01 No.5321356
    This was in response to these two:


    ... who were acting as if the series is going on, because Elwes hasn't come back for a finale yet. It's like with Freddy's Dead, or Jason Goes to Hell. It won't REALLY end until people stop watching. No one gives a shit about story closure, certainly not the producers.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:03 No.5321379
    SAW 2 was shit. Completely missed the point.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:08 No.5321442

    Well, if you want to just watch the ending, it's here:

    Warning: Crap Quality
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:09 No.5321447
    Elwes already figures he lost out on big money from the first one, since it was originally an independant low budget flick and he didn't get a huge paycheck from it. So he had a big fight with Wan and Whannel. Chances are good he will never do anything else related to Saw.
    >> prosaic !2xUtsvxoxk 10/24/09(Sat)02:09 No.5321458
         File1256364578.jpg-(15 KB, 160x240, MicheleBoyd_HS.jpg)
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    >Michele earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior from the University of California, Davis. Besides academia, Michele became an avid snowboarder and active in Hapkido, a street-style martial art that blends Aikido and Tae Kwon Do.

    The chick from Machines of Malice should play a protagonist in one of the future Saw movies.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:11 No.5321476
    OH! OH!!! I JUST remembered! Does anyone here remember that game show they had on VH1 Horror Queen or something? And the winner got to play a part in this movie? Well it was the black women. Does she get killed in a cool way in this?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:12 No.5321486
    stopped watching after Saw II

    it's all the same formulaic gore crap
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:15 No.5321519
         File1256364919.jpg-(58 KB, 300x531, C822.jpg)
    58 KB
    i feel in my heart that all of the Saw movies were total shit and are the embodiment of what is completely cousin fucked with movies these days
    ...Image related as i typed FUCK SAW into google and this was the first image displayed
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:18 No.5321551
    This is nitpicking, but what pisses me off is that in the first movie, a saw was central to the whole fucking movie. It's why it was called Saw. In the sequels, you'd be lucky to have any sort of saw on screen for more than 3 seconds.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:18 No.5321559
    She hacked off her own arm with a butcher's knife and survived.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:20 No.5321580

    She survives. She loses her arm.

    Scene is in:
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:20 No.5321591
    The saw had nothing to do with the title. The director said SAW just means that the killer was watching them and always saw what was going on.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:21 No.5321601
    I love formulaic gore crap. For example, I have liked every Final Destination movie, even when only the first one managed to be genuinely creepy (also even when the title only makes total sense in the first two movies).
    I just can't get over the shitty directing, music and story. They should just leave it at a dude killing just because like in old slashers, instead of making it more convoluted and listening to terrible speeches at the end.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:25 No.5321642
    Where did he say that?
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:27 No.5321673
    The director said it. Watch the commentaries, bro. Also, someone else might be able to point you to some online thing about it.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:35 No.5321769
    He did just switch to getting revenge on the people that screwed him, that was part of it from the beginning. Hell most of these traps he's had planned for a long time. But he still abides by his own rules and gave them a chance at redemption and teaching them a lesson(for example the whole point of this game was to show the health insurance guy a "more in depth look" at what its like to choose the fate of someone. To truly see the affect he has when he chooses who gets to live and who doesnt.

    Also Simone had a tourniquet, Dr. Gordon didn't. Even Elwes said the character wouldn't make it two blocks.

    Anyway i thought it was decent as well. interested in seeing 7 just to see how fucked up Hoffman's shit is.

    She cuts off her arm to survive(decent acting from her too) Hoffman interrogates her at the hospital and asks her did she learn anything, she tells him to loook at her stump and asks"what the fuck was I supposed to learn?"
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:38 No.5321791

    See, this is why Saw I is good, and everything else is bad. Lawrence, could bearly crawl, and turned pale and blue, and was shaking, and pretty much just dying slowly in front of us when he took a saw to his foot.
    The black lady hacks away at her arm like a deli sales men, picks up her arm, runs over the gate thing, drops it, and then screams. The fat guy, who would have most likely passed out from the pain, or shock, or blood lose in general, when he cut open his stomach.
    Fuck you Saw II and up. Oh well. I'm still going to see it.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:43 No.5321852

    I can bearly see it, or hear it clearly, can someone tell me please what the scales do and how they are attached to the things one their heads? And couldn't they have just thrown in like...their cloths, shoes and knife in their? That would have been pretty heavy...
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:46 No.5321877
    >from the beginning
    No it wasn't. In the beginning, it's explicitly stated that he takes victims that don't appreciate their blessings because he has cancer.

    Then, they retconned it badly and it's all just about revenge now.

    >traps planned
    No he hasn't. Again, bad retconning.

    He had a belt. As a doctor, I'm sure he'd use it. On top of that, they found Sing's body... meaning they found Tapp's body... meaning they would have found Gordon's body... especially if he made it two whole blocks.

    Seriously, they should just go back to the basics.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:47 No.5321894
    >Lawrence, could bearly crawl, and turned pale and blue, and was shaking, and pretty much just dying slowly in front of us when he took a saw to his foot.
    >The black lady hacks away at her arm like a deli sales men, picks up her arm, runs over the gate thing, drops it, and then screams.

    She was able to hack off her arm the same way he was able to cut off his foot, Adrenaline. Also she was pale and blue because she had an actual tourniquet on her arm and Gordon lightly tied a shirt onto his ankle. He was bleeding badly, she was just in immense pain.

    >The fat guy, who would have most likely passed out from the pain, or shock, or blood lose in general, when he cut open his stomach.

    Again, adrenaline. also he wasnt cutting his gut open, he was cutting off his fat, although the blood loss would have killed him soon enough. Just faulty thinking on his part i guess.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:49 No.5321908
    >gordon had a shirt
    he had a shirt, he also had a belt... pants... the tourniquet isn't the problem.

    The problem is that nobody found his body even though the building that it occurred in was raided by cops when they found Sing's and Tapp's bodies.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:55 No.5321963
    >He had a belt. As a doctor, I'm sure he'd use it. On top of that, they found Sing's body... meaning they found Tapp's body... meaning they would have found Gordon's body... especially if he made it two whole blocks.

    Watch the movie again, Gordon didnt use his belt, he used his shirt. They found sing's body because Tapp was still alive at the time(his throat was slashed but he was still alive.) And that happens WAY before anything in the finale happens. Also Tapp survived being shot by Zepp(Tapp is the main character of Saw:the video game.)
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)02:57 No.5321984
    >used his shirt
    But he could have put the belt on later.

    >Also Tapp survived being shot by Zepp(
    His picture is shown at a memorial in Saw V. He's dead. The building was found. Everybody else in that godforsaken building should have been found. Everybody now knows that John had a bunch of real estate shit... they know all his properties. Why not check the big fucking warehouse where he had all of his shit stashed. If not even that, Sing and Tapp already had the building figured out.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)03:02 No.5322048
    >his picture is shown at the memorial in Saw 5, he's dead.

    Tapp kills himself at the end of the game
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)03:05 No.5322082
    I know.

    But he's still dead and the building is known. I don't see why nobody found Gordon yet. There is no logical reason... other than an out-of-film reason and that is that they are just milking his death for the sake of having an extra mystery.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)03:05 No.5322087
    Also, you used a comma splice, bro.
    >> Anonymous 10/24/09(Sat)03:07 No.5322107
    Maybe Gordon just died in the hallway outside the bathroom, and then jigsaw and his pals got rid of it when they were setting up the extra traps around there so they wouldn't trip over his rotting corpse.

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