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  • File : 1256096227.jpg-(50 KB, 548x474, wash3dees.jpg)
    50 KB Anonymous 10/20/09(Tue)23:37 No.5279488  
    >> Anonymous 10/20/09(Tue)23:37 No.5279499
    >> Anonymous 10/20/09(Tue)23:39 No.5279510
    >> Anonymous 10/20/09(Tue)23:39 No.5279512
    Go back to bed Beck
    >> Anonymous 10/20/09(Tue)23:39 No.5279514
    FUCK! I laughed so hard. The "sheeple" put it over the top.
    >> Racs !RwSdgHTHpA 10/20/09(Tue)23:40 No.5279523
         File1256096459.jpg-(49 KB, 548x474, republicans.jpg)
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    Why hello thar...
    >> Anonymous 10/20/09(Tue)23:42 No.5279535
    The Onion? Kelly?
    >> Racs !RwSdgHTHpA 10/20/09(Tue)23:42 No.5279536
         File1256096544.jpg-(52 KB, 548x474, republicans2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/20/09(Tue)23:43 No.5279543
         File1256096610.jpg-(86 KB, 550x389, cartoonpaulazahn.jpg)
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    Is weeping George the new crying Liberty?
    >> Anonymous 10/20/09(Tue)23:43 No.5279547
    >autistic banned faggot that spend all his life making shitty photoshops
    >> Anonymous 10/20/09(Tue)23:44 No.5279552
         File1256096658.png-(383 KB, 425x621, Blobone___obama_moses.png)
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    >> Racs !RwSdgHTHpA 10/20/09(Tue)23:44 No.5279556
         File1256096696.jpg-(44 KB, 514x600, petefatfu.jpg)
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    Like, Obama, is like, Bush, cause, like, he has sheep, and, like, sheep n stuff, so, like, we're just gonna pretend, like, 8 years never happened n stuff. So, like, it's cool... cause we're, like, takin' it back.
    >> Anonymous 10/20/09(Tue)23:45 No.5279561
         File1256096728.jpg-(194 KB, 756x576, Gate(R)1.jpg)
    194 KB
    Dees Illustration > this crap
    >> Racs !RwSdgHTHpA 10/20/09(Tue)23:46 No.5279573
         File1256096799.jpg-(22 KB, 565x600, datcat.jpg)
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    You see, like, Obama.. like, he's like a messiah, and, like messiahs don't, like, have to answer and stuff. So, like, he's like Bush, but, like worse, cause, like, he's got, like, health care n stuff.
    >> Anonymous 10/20/09(Tue)23:46 No.5279577

    Only according to Republicans do our founding fathers always cry after a perfectly legitimate exercise of our democracy... but only if they don't agree with the outcome.
    >> Racs !RwSdgHTHpA 10/20/09(Tue)23:48 No.5279591
         File1256096884.jpg-(16 KB, 431x356, fatfry.jpg)
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    And, like, Obama, is gonna, like, make a North American, like, Union and stuff.. cause, like, he's just socialist/communist that way. So, like, he has sheep. Do you, like, see the sheep?
    >> Anonymous 10/20/09(Tue)23:48 No.5279596
    Holy shit, that's hilarious. It's like Zeitgeist: The Comic Series written by David Ickle.
    >> Racs !RwSdgHTHpA 10/20/09(Tue)23:49 No.5279612
         File1256096968.jpg-(13 KB, 350x350, fataus.jpg)
    13 KB
    You guys see the sheep in the picture, right? Cause, I just, like, wanna make it clear n stuff. Cause, like, we conservatives are relying on, like, imagery and no substance.. so, like, you gotta get it n stuff.
    >> Anonymous 10/20/09(Tue)23:49 No.5279613
    Please tell me he's a fake like Colbert
    >> Anonymous 10/20/09(Tue)23:50 No.5279617
         File1256097007.jpg-(71 KB, 548x517, queen1_dees.jpg)
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    ...the fuck?!
    >> Racs !RwSdgHTHpA 10/20/09(Tue)23:51 No.5279626
         File1256097062.jpg-(28 KB, 400x609, gummofat3.jpg)
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    So, like, the sheep in the picture, like, represent the democrats, cause, like, they're sheep n stuff for not voting for, like, Sarah Palin.. cause, like, the media n stuff took her down. We're, like, a godless nation now.
    >> Anonymous 10/20/09(Tue)23:51 No.5279630
         File1256097084.png-(416 KB, 600x543, Salvador_Limones___Obama_IT_cr(...).png)
    416 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/20/09(Tue)23:51 No.5279632
         File1256097091.jpg-(53 KB, 548x418, swear_dees2.jpg)
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    Yea I'm a truther myself but find her illustrations hilarious. This one is actually pretty appropriate though.
    >> Anonymous 10/20/09(Tue)23:52 No.5279638

    Your shit is not funny dude, tripfag. I would be ashamed to even have a name on that.

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