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  • File : 1255727218.jpg-(24 KB, 465x468, 1231220701094.jpg)
    24 KB Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:06 No.5221743  
    New to /tv/ but had to ask, what do you all think about Where the Wild Things Are?

    I've got a feeling it will completely disappoint because I don't see how 10 sentences gets stretched into 2 hours.

    pic unrelated
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:08 No.5221761
    It's getting "Generally Favorable" reviews on Metacritic, so apparently, it's not all that bad!
    Gonna see it myself over the weekend. We'll see how that goes.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:08 No.5221766
    >I've got a feeling it will completely disappoint because I don't see how 10 sentences gets stretched into 2 hours.
    Movies don't work like that.
    Also, it's a childrens film. For children.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:09 No.5221767
    pretentious hipster moralfag casual faggotry
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:10 No.5221780
    The consensus is that it's hipster shit, but all of /tv/ will go see it anyways.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:11 No.5221797
    critics are morons go see it for yourself
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:12 No.5221816
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:18 No.5221887
    I liked it
    by the way it's not hipster shit

    It's very well done and I just wish that they could have made a longer movie without having to watch what they do because of an inevitable youth audience

    Go see it
    it was good
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:19 No.5221892

    What do you mean movies don't work like that? The book we all read as a kid only had 10 sentences, I'm just wondering how exactly the story gets dragged out so long for the movie.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:19 No.5221893
    >Also, it's a childrens film. For children.
    pretty much the opposite of what reviews are saying

    The Boston Globe review said "it's more a movie about [kids] than for them"
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:20 No.5221902
    >Implying that critics really matter
    >Remembering picking up the paper only to see Iron Man get 2.5 stars
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:21 No.5221921

    Iron Man sucked bro.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:26 No.5221995
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:27 No.5222024
    Someone explain how it was Hipster shit (I have not seen it yet) so I can get an understanding of what /tv/ labels as hipster.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:29 No.5222043
    hipster artist did the OST, hipster trailer

    the movie didn't feel hipster at all when I saw it, though
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:29 No.5222047
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:29 No.5222057
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:29 No.5222059
    i thought the yeah yeah yeahs were totally mainstream
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:30 No.5222071
    Wow, you know about those guys?
    You must be so indie.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:31 No.5222084
    so are hipsters
    also, the soundtrack was actually pretty good

    it was just Karen O, not the Yeah Yeah Yeahs
    The Yeah Yeah Yeahs suck
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:32 No.5222097
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    >implying that an hour and a half is two hours
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:32 No.5222106
    >implying hipsters aren't just mainstream hiding beneath a false "obscure" identity.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:33 No.5222116
    They are. But /tv/ is too stupid to realize this.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:34 No.5222131
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    Or used Google and have spent time on /tv/ enough to know what band was used in a trailer.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:35 No.5222149
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    When will Hipster be wordfiltered?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)17:37 No.5222178
    Troll or trolled?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)18:09 No.5222603
    Max died in those woods, the Wild Things Are in Purgatory
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)18:12 No.5222650
    >it was just Karen O, not the Yeah Yeah Yeahs
    >The Yeah Yeah Yeahs suck

    >Karen O, the vocalist of the New York art rock band Yeah Yeah Yeahs, wrote the film's soundtrack. Karen O's bandmates Brian Chase and Nick Zinner and former touring guitarist Imaad Wasif, Deerhunter's Bradford Cox, Liars' Aaron Hemphill, The Dead Weather's Dean Fertita, and Jack Lawrence from The Raconteurs all also contributed.

    >Karen O, Brian Chase and Nick Zinner and former touring guitarist Imaad Wasif
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)18:16 No.5222704
    Iron Man has a 93% based on Rotten Tomatoes cumulative critic's score tallying

    Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen has a 19%
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)18:19 No.5222732
    they used arcade fire in the trailer you chuckle fuck
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)18:23 No.5222787
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)18:30 No.5222857
    You're all hipsters for not liking it because you think hipsters like it.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)19:32 No.5223546
    i feel like that is some kind of a paradox
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)21:29 No.5224827
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    >Implying Iron Man was good.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)21:45 No.5224979
    Apparently I'm the only one here who saw the movie. GF and I paid 14 bucks to see it. It is indeed hipster shit. There is no audience for this movie, hence why they have to use the term hipster to describe who would like it. No one could like this movie whether kid, adult, or the depressed jewish child of divorcee parents reeling from a breakup who is now grown up that seems to be the actual audience for this movie. They spend a fortune on the monsters but use horrible camerawork so that you can barely see them. Takes an hour of lonely child with no sports, vidya, Father or attention before they even get to the monsters. The monsters are all emo whining about breakups and unemployment, and existential meaningless. Kid's teacher says life is pointless cause sun will burn out, but humanity will kill itself befre that even happens. Its just a big shit movie of shit, and we left and watched couples trip which was supposed to be terrible but it actually was good, so fuck metacritic.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)21:48 No.5225018

    Give me a reason why it wasn't.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)21:51 No.5225059

    Because it wasn't as dark or gritty or realistic as The Dark Knight hurr
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)21:58 No.5225122
    Idiot troll
    >> Anonymous 10/16/09(Fri)22:02 No.5225186
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    > couples trip

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