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  • 10/01/2009 - 4chan turned 6 years old

    File : 1255468512.jpg-(45 KB, 514x418, 50cal.jpg)
    45 KB Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:15 No.5185636  
    How many people watch their movies and /tv/ on their computers exclusively? Like, cancel the cable stream/torrent/rar everything.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:16 No.5185649
    I haven't owned a TV in 4 years since it broke down and I threw it out.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:16 No.5185651
    I do. Sometimes at my friends house.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:17 No.5185667
    Eurofag here, since I mostly watch american series I use the computer. For movies I prefer going to the theater.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:17 No.5185669
    TVs are obsolete ricer shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:18 No.5185676
    I really can't stand to watch cable TV anymore since I haven't seen an ad in like five years.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:18 No.5185678
    I use my TV as background noise, it's relaxing.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:18 No.5185680
    I havent had access to a TV in the last 3 years. I live in a small student appartment so I dont have room. Move my 24 inch monitor to the corner of my desk though, and I can ly down in my bed and watch awesome series in good quality, which will air here in europe in about a year.

    feels good man
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:19 No.5185685
    I don't have room for a TV in my shitty university flat. If I had one I'd just use it to play the DVDs I download.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:19 No.5185687
    >> Heisenberg !!MccXMv5WZnz 10/13/09(Tue)17:20 No.5185699
    I have a TV but no Sky (Britfag version of cable). I mainly use it for big sporting matches, and for DVD's/ VHS'. I normally like to burn films to DVD's to watch on the TV since it's more of an experience.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:22 No.5185719
    i watch most shows exclusively on my pc because i thought it would be months before they get to uk but most things have been picked up fairly quickly this year
    house/bones/NCIS etc only 4~5 weeks behind, flashforward is practically up to date etc.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:23 No.5185730
    If you're in the U.K. and computer everything, do you still have to pay the license fee?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:24 No.5185736
    Mostly watch everything on the computer, though nothing beats lying back and watching 4 hours of Top Gear on the sofa. Viva la Dave
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:26 No.5185746

    >> Heisenberg !!MccXMv5WZnz 10/13/09(Tue)17:26 No.5185748
    Yes. It sucks, but most people watch TV constantly here so it's not a big deal. As long as X Factor and Strictly Come Dancing is on people will stay watching.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:32 No.5185791
    Jeremy Clarkson:
    >see you next week, or if you're watching on dave, in a couple of minutes
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:32 No.5185795
    TV detector vans don't exist.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:37 No.5185838
    I watch most stuff on my computer and usually just turn the tv on when I'm preparing/eating dinner or cleaning up and don't really pay much attention. My tv is pretty much just used for videogames.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:38 No.5185854
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:41 No.5185880
    notebook (13 inch) = 5%
    tv (42 inch) = 95%
    >> !/uiU.T4kAQ 10/13/09(Tue)17:43 No.5185896
    I use the computer for everything
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:51 No.5185952

    This is not true in the slightest.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:53 No.5185966
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:53 No.5185970
         File1255470837.png-(4 KB, 203x221, 1249492181479.png)
    4 KB
    i have a 42" tv as my 2nd monitor, fuck all of you.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:54 No.5185977
    I watch real tv for background noise or when I'm eating and want something on.

    I watch all movies and all series that I care about and follow on the computer.
    >> Heisenberg !!MccXMv5WZnz 10/13/09(Tue)17:55 No.5185990
    If you have an Internet connection you have to pay a TV license.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:56 No.5185993

    lol, no.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:57 No.5185998
    I watch sports on my TV and....That's about it.
    I only watch shows if I'm at my friend's house
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)17:57 No.5186001

    No, faggot, you only need one if you're watching live TV online.
    >> Heisenberg !!MccXMv5WZnz 10/13/09(Tue)17:59 No.5186019
    So if I torrent does that count?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:00 No.5186022
    watching on dave?? you mean hal?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:01 No.5186028
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:01 No.5186030
    >watching live TV online.

    You figure it out.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:01 No.5186032
    yep, internet only

    I watch most new stuff on hulu, but I also pirate things where I have to. If someone asks where I got a video I tell them Davy Jones' Locker.

    I plugged my cable into my tv the other day because I was bored. It turns out i get the discovery channel and TBS for free even though I dont subscribe to anything but internet. I dont use it much though. And 2 channels isnt exactly fantastic, unless you like discovering, or sienfeld. TBS, we know sienfield.

    I use comcast cable internet if you are wondering.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:03 No.5186048
    I don't have cable.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:03 No.5186053
    >If you have an Internet connection you have to pay a TV license.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:04 No.5186061

    They're trying to implement that in Sweden as well. Fucking stupid, I don't have a TV and I don't want to watch public service god damn it.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:06 No.5186068
    I don't see how they can forced you to pay a tv license just for having the internet. They might as well make an Internet License in that case.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:07 No.5186078
    I eat in front of my PC.
    Maybe it's a bad habit but I do it anyway.
    >> Heisenberg !!MccXMv5WZnz 10/13/09(Tue)18:07 No.5186083
    It doesn't matter anyway. I really wouldn't be surprised if by this time next year torrenting had all but gone, and only a small number of private servers were still going.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:09 No.5186100
    Nobody torrents these days anyway, get with the times.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:11 No.5186122
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:11 No.5186124
    Please explain, im torrening Always Sunny right now
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:12 No.5186133
    I was exaggerating. Of course some people still use torrents, but they are idiots.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:13 No.5186144
    I have a TV, but it's really just my second monitor. I'll occasionally watch Freeview if I have to do a drive scan or something in boot.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:14 No.5186152
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:14 No.5186155
    What is replacing torrents? Rapidshare? I can never find what im looking for on rapidshare, and when I do half the time its virused or passworded. Plus its bad for large files

    Also, every rapidshare search engine I have tried has sucked my balls. Very poor selection of files and they never update broken links.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:15 No.5186160
    Rapidshare, megaupload, etc.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:16 No.5186166
    Usenet is good for: Being the first for everything, being the source of most shit everywhere else, and quick speeds guaranteed.
    Usenet is bad for: only having the latest files, for the most part. Want to download something that's a few months old? Haha, tough luck faggot. Also you have to pay monay most of the time.

    File Hosting is good for: High speeds, getting stuff early after Usenet if you know where to look, ability to find really old shit unlike Usenet, large communities sharing shit with each other that creates a huge library of stuff, basically everything that's good about usenet, and none of the bad.
    File Sharing is bad for: You have to pay money, and unlike usenet/torrents, the sites can get complaints and may deleted illegally traded media, so make sure you are careful when you name that shit, and make sure to check your old files to see if they're still up for other downloaders. Also, there are a lot of different sites, so choosing one to subscribe to may leave you having to use free shit on another site, though going rapidshare is usually fine as shit that isn't on rapidshare is on decent free sites like megaupload and all that, pretty much boils down to knowing where to look.

    Torrents are good for: Great communities and all that entails (requests and all that), ability to download reeaaalllly old files as long as some silly fucker is seeding, free no matter what, and there's very little chance of an internal problem with illegal shit, as the people that run the trackers aren't exactly big companies in the threat of being sued.
    Torrents are bad for: Entirely dependent on the users, for speeds (seeders and uploading ability) and life in downloads (0 seeds = fucked). Usually, uploading is required to make up for downloads, which is a problem as upload speeds tend to come at 1/10th the speed of downloading.

    There, they all have their ups and downs, SO SHUT YOUR GOD DAMN FUCKING FACE UP YOU WORTHLESS PILE OF HORSE SHIT!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:16 No.5186172

    Frankie Boyle:

    "Or, if you're watching on Dave, stop dropping Doritos on your filthy vests and fucking do something with your lives.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:17 No.5186178
    You are not looking hard enough.
    And if you can't protect yourself from viruses there's no reason to think that torrent is any safer.
    >rapidshare search engines
    ok, maybe it's better for you to stick to torrents.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:18 No.5186182
    >half the time its virused or passworded
    Where have you been looking?
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:19 No.5186190
    I do if I miss an episode of one of the only two shows I actually watch. And if there's an older show that no longer airs or something and I want to check it out, I'll watch it on my computer rather than get the DVDs.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:21 No.5186202
    You do not require a television licence to watch television on your computer or mobile phone. However, you do require a licence if the computer is used together with any other apparatus to receive a signal.

    part of the tv licence rules in ireland, at least they made it perfectly clear...
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:21 No.5186206
    Torrents are safer because there is a large listing of posts associated with each torrent that can vouch for it or not. If half the posts claim its a virus, you should probably skip that one.

    And how do you do it? If you cant seach for files, how do you find them? I use a search engine when I search for torrents and it works fine.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:23 No.5186214
    >Sixty percent wrongly believed that no licence would be required to watch live TV on a laptop
    >wrongly believed
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:24 No.5186216
    I usually punch the name of the file I want into google and follow it with the word "rapidshare"

    but like I said, lots of broken links, passworded files and other bullshit
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:24 No.5186221
    I watch everything on my computer.

    The digital switchover was complete bullshit. I got five channels before the switchover, including fox, NBC and CBS. Now all I get is CBS because the digital signals from local stations is weak as fuck, and the converto boxes are complete shit. I can't believe they spent 3 fucking years on that switch-over, and we end up with less than analog. Fucking gay.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:25 No.5186223
    Fun fact; portable devices don't require a license. As long as the laptop it's plugged into the mains, it doesn't need one.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:25 No.5186225
    That, and common sense. If a movie is 10mb, it probably is a virus. If a movie, is an exe file, it probably is a virus. If you don't scan it anyway, then you deserve it to be a virus.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:26 No.5186229
    Who gives a rats ass about the license, it's almost impossible to find a live stream of anything so it doesn't matter.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:28 No.5186249
    Switchover was all fucked up, I get only one channel now and its constantly freezing and tearing and stopping. Digital was a horrible idea.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:29 No.5186262
    Hey asshole, you still haven't explained how you do it.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:30 No.5186268
    >A TV Licence currently costs £135.50
    FOOK man, who the hell would pay that? You're much better off in just buying DVD's.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:35 No.5186321
    Still have to buy a license.

    Anyway, there's no such thing as tv detector vans. They're as fake as the tooth fairy.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:37 No.5186341
    >watching dvds
    >Still have to buy a license.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:38 No.5186352
    If you need help stick to torrent, that's my suggestion. I used it myself for years.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:38 No.5186353
    lolwut? Oh, you English. Serves you right for giving up your gun rights.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:39 No.5186373
    British people can own guns just the same as Americans, we just don't because we're not gun crazy rednecks.
    >> SavetheKakapo 10/13/09(Tue)18:40 No.5186389
    You must see the superbowl pigeon ad!!!
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:41 No.5186392
    Then I guess torrenting isn't going to die, is it.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:43 No.5186423

    Erm... no you don't, you just don't have the TV connected to the aerial (sp?).
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:45 No.5186431
    Wrong. A tv needs a license. But for just watching dvds on say a dvd player connected to a monitor (not a tv) or your computer it doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:49 No.5186473

    Not wrong, I pay zero monies with just a TV connected to a DVD player.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:56 No.5186535
    I have a 42" TV with Verizon FiOS and a large DVD collection that I actually paid for.

    Shit, I guess I'm a minority.

    Enjoy your tiny screen and waiting for downloads poorfags. In the time you've downloaded something I've gone to the store, come back, watched it from the comfort of my couch, and placed it on my shelf.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)18:56 No.5186543
    If it can receive tv signals, you need a license.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:06 No.5186673

    And you can't recieve signals without your TV connected to an aerial, derp.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:10 No.5186711
    Computer + Ceiling-mounted projector
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:12 No.5186735
    derp derp it's still technically capable.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:15 No.5186779

    herpdederp, but they can't prove that you are using it to watch TV, so you don't have to pay, trust me, I am in this situation.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:22 No.5186880

    I somewhat fee this link is relevant in this thread. Looks like a britfag big brother 200 replies thread is coming up.

    Also I'm in Manchester. I want to steal this device.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:24 No.5186902
    I cannot sit in front of my pc screen for too long at all.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:26 No.5186939
    doublederp, doesn't matter. If you have tv receiving equipment you have to pay, no matter if you use it or not.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:27 No.5186958

    Except that I don't, because I don't. Enjoy your misconceptions.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:28 No.5186966
    I feel for you bro.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:30 No.5187004
    Sure thing bro, tell that to the Judge.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:32 No.5187019
    I actually like this trend of watching movies on your computer. I don't do it myself, but hopefully the entire twitter generation will stop going to the movie theaters altogether and the cinema will be a more peaceful experience.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:34 No.5187041

    Well, TV license people have come to my house because I haven't had a license in ages, they've looked at my setup and said that I need no license. So I'm pretty sure I'm OK, thanks for your concern though, brah.
    >> Anonymous 10/13/09(Tue)19:52 No.5187234
    cool story bro

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