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10/09/09(Fri)14:40 No.5137083  File1255113624.jpg-(26 KB, 624x352, glee.s01e06.hdtv.xvid-fqm[11-4(...).jpg)
 >Dear journal, feeling listless again today.
began at dawn, when I tried to make a smoothie out of beef bones,
breaking my juicer. And then at Cheerios practice, disaster. It was
unmistakable. It was like spotting the first spark on the Hindenburg.
quiver, that quiver will lose us nationals, and without a championship,
I'll lose my endorsements, and without those endorsements, I won't be
able to buy my hovercraft.
club. Every time I try to destroy that clutch of scab-eating
mouth-breathers, it only comes back stronger, like some sexually
ambiguous horror movie villain. Here I am, about to turn 30, and I've
sacrificed everything, only to be shanghaied by the bi-curious
machinations of a cabal of doughy misshapen teens.
I missing something journal? Is it me? Of course it's not me. It's Will
Schuester. What is it about him, journal? Is it the arrogant smirk? Is
it the store-bought home perm? You know journal, I noticed something
yesterday. Of course, it's coming clear to me now. If I can't destroy
the club, I will have to destroy the man. |