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  • File : 1252620318.jpg-(66 KB, 953x540, savingprivateryan.jpg)
    66 KB Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:05 No.4769157  
    I was 10 when I saw that movie and its opening sequence.


    ITT: Traumatizing /tv/ moments
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:06 No.4769175
    The part in scarface where the dude got chainsawed in the bathtub scared me as a kid
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:07 No.4769180
    I was 6 when I saw Jurassic Park and had nightmares the following night.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:07 No.4769184
    Seeing the bitch from The Exorcist walk backwards down the stairs when I was 5.

    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:07 No.4769185
    Total Recall, I was 6 years-old and saw that by random.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:08 No.4769189
    Poltergeist as a child did not scare me, neither did The Shining, or The Exorcist when I shouldn't have been watching, but Pinky and Perky scared me shitless, I kid you not.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:08 No.4769191
    watching Twin Peaks as a kid... GODAM
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:08 No.4769193
    I was flipping though channels when I was like 5 and paused on some movie channel and someone got ripped apart. It was fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:09 No.4769202
         File1252620547.jpg-(78 KB, 1280x720, scc2x01_1170.jpg)
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    The same scene in Terminator 2, I was less than 10.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:09 No.4769205
    Ernest Scared Stupid

    You have balls of fucking steel if you werent scared of this as a kid
    >> loves2spooge 09/10/09(Thu)18:09 No.4769209
         File1252620598.jpg-(77 KB, 540x360, nk_closer_02.jpg)
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    My mom told me that I really liked this music video when I was 9-10.
    >> !ERRORUrDmk 09/10/09(Thu)18:10 No.4769210
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    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:10 No.4769211
    X-Files when I was 9. I remember seeing a guy's severed head in a bucket with maggots and shit around it, and the whole episode was taking place in a prison.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:10 No.4769218
    The guy with his intestines out in SPR caused many sleepless nights
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:11 No.4769224
    I saw Badlaa when I was 11. Jesus fucking christ that scared me.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:11 No.4769226
    A Clockwork Orange rape scene when I was seven.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:11 No.4769227
    Pinocchio. Yes, that Pinocchio.
    >> loves2spooge 09/10/09(Thu)18:11 No.4769228
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    I still do. I think I liked it because it gave me nightmares.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:11 No.4769229
    Starship Troopers at age 8
    Nip/Tuck when I was in my late teens
    >> WalterPeck !JCF1er.yTg 09/10/09(Thu)18:12 No.4769230
    1. See Alien at age 4
    2. Shit bricks thinking face huggers are in your bedroom
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:12 No.4769231
    The whole of Videodrome
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:12 No.4769234
         File1252620752.jpg-(101 KB, 800x600, Jaws.jpg)
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    I believe I was around the age of 6.

    I walked in on my family watching jaws, they told me to leave but I stayed. My uncle put his hands on my eyes during the scene when the mustache guy drops into jaw's mouth and theres blood coming out of his mouth/body. I pulled my uncle's fingers off my face and I was devastated...I now have nightmares about sharks and a fear of sharks/deep ocean water for life.

    This was like 13+ years ago.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:12 No.4769235
    Remember that guy who was looking for his own arm, and the one who blew up with his own grenade later? Could not fucking unsee.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:12 No.4769238
    Definately the terminator two film....also just about anything that happened in irreversable!
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:13 No.4769252
    my dad showed me the exorcist was I was about 10, I thought I was hardcore because I had seen all the jason and freddy movies and they never scared me. So my dad put me in my place. I watched it alone too >.<

    I still remember wtfing at this scene
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:14 No.4769254
    I saw Children of the Corn and The People Under the Stairs at a drive-in, shit was frightening.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:14 No.4769257
    Arachnaphobia when I was 5.

    Funny thing, it actually gave me arachnaphobia. 20 years on and I'm still scared of the fuckers.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:16 No.4769273
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:16 No.4769275

    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:16 No.4769282
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    I saw that when I was about 5, it's called "Le Magnifique", starring Jean-Paul Belmondo
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:16 No.4769283
    Ahaha, you deserved it!

    I fucking hate kids that do that.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:17 No.4769289
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    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:19 No.4769319
    Martyrs. God that movie was painful to watch (but it was actually good)
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:19 No.4769320
    I saw childs play when I was 6 years old. Movie scared me but not that much, But after the movie my cousin had the doll and hid in the closet. I went to bed and then my cousin jumps out of the closet with the doll holding a kitchen knife and scares the shit out of me.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:20 No.4769333
    i walked in right when the first head pops during scanners
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:20 No.4769335
    The clown doll in Poltergeist scared me so fucking much.

    I've never seen the Child's Play series because of that. I know, they wouldn't scare me now, but still, there's something off-putting.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:21 No.4769350
    The Texas Chainsaw Massacre as a child. Masked people had always scared me the most, so someone with human skin on their face as a mask in the pitch black of night... oh go.
    >> !ERRORUrDmk 09/10/09(Thu)18:22 No.4769362
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    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:22 No.4769366
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    "Who framed Roger Rabbit"

    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:23 No.4769378
    I've seen it again since then and I thought it was a fantastic comedy so it didn't scare me.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:24 No.4769379
    Robocop where they shoot the shit out of Murphy in the warehouse
    >> !ERRORUrDmk 09/10/09(Thu)18:25 No.4769389
         File1252621503.jpg-(34 KB, 482x354, clowndoll1.jpg)
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    Oh yeah? HOW ABOUT NOW????
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:25 No.4769390
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    This. Vader cutting off Luke's hand was my very first contact with anything related to Star Wars. I was so fucking shocked.

    Now, make fun of me.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:25 No.4769391
         File1252621509.jpg-(86 KB, 636x338, Jurassic.Park[1993]DvDrip-aXXo(...).jpg)
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    Jurassic Park when I was 6.
    This scene. Nightmares for years.
    >> Leo !Leper3r8c. 09/10/09(Thu)18:25 No.4769392
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    Be sure and tell 'em Large Marge sent ya!
    >> !ERRORUrDmk 09/10/09(Thu)18:26 No.4769405
    When I was a kid, the part in Robocop that freaked me out was when the ED-209 kept counting down after that guy in the board room had already put down the gun. Everyone starts screaming and he's running around all scared and shit. And then ED-209 just minces the guy with tons of bullets. I was like "..."
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:27 No.4769406
    Watching Summer Glau in the pilot of Terminator SCC

    "Oh my god, does John really have to have that fugly woman as a body guard? Shit's sick, man"
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:27 No.4769413



    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:28 No.4769415
    >Traumatizing /tv/ moments

    When Firefly got cancelled
    Shitty fourth season and ending of BSG
    Every twist from Buffy the vampire slayer
    "Wesley, why can't I stay?"
    Angel's series finale
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:28 No.4769416
    Fire in the Sky

    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:28 No.4769420
         File1252621731.jpg-(8 KB, 251x189, 1252071907306.jpg)
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    I have two moments..

    The opening of the Ark of the Covenant in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

    Also the part w\ Sarah Connor witnessing the Nuclear Explosion in T2.

    Both scared the hell out of me when I was little.. : |
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:30 No.4769439
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    i still have nightmares
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:30 No.4769441
    Mars Attacks when I was about 10 or 12.

    But I watched the terminator movies at an earlier age and wasn't fazed by them. I might add that anything to do with eyes and gore freaks me out but wasn't bothered about the terminator taking his eye out or the T1000 stabbing that security guard in the eye.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:30 No.4769446
    Anything with Chucky from Childs Play 1, 2, or 3. That shit had me fucked up in the head for so long. Anywhere small where he could hide and get you, I was afraid of. I wasn't afraid of the dark, I was afraid Chucky could be in the dark. I wasn't afraid of sleeping, I was afraid Chucky was under my bed waiting. I wasn't afraid of couches, but I was afraid Chucky could be hiding under/behind. I watched Friday the 13th movies when I was like 3 already and that shit didn't scare me, but Chucky so messed me up, it also didn't help I had a My Buddy doll, he was gone quite fast but the damage was done. Hell even going in the video store then I was afraid of the boxes with him on it, I had to walk with my back to it and still freaked out some till i was in my mid teens.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:30 No.4769448
         File1252621859.jpg-(14 KB, 640x480, theouterlimits_2005-1.jpg)
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    THIS. This series had some of the best sci-fi I've ever seen, but God, some things are not to be seen if you're too young. Especially the opening music. Shit's still scaring me.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:31 No.4769454

    What is that from?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:31 No.4769455
         File1252621898.jpg-(187 KB, 500x730, seven-movie-poster-500w.jpg)
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    I was 9 when I watched Seven, I don't know how much it traumatized me but I remember it being the first "grown up" movie I watched and I loved it.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:31 No.4769456
    Ditto. The first time I saw T2 (I think I was 7) I had nightmares for weeks that there really were metal men who could morph their limbs into whatever they wanted and that the world was going to bombed to hell like in Sarah's nightmare.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:31 No.4769457
    fucking mars attacks no lie. they turned into fucking skeletons.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:31 No.4769458
    This except for the milk carton. It was off-screen for a bit so it scared me more. Plus the music right then.....

    ....that music...
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:32 No.4769469
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    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:32 No.4769472
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    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:33 No.4769476
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:35 No.4769500
    Total Recall

    The part where arnold and that girl got outside in mars.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:36 No.4769507
    >> !ERRORUrDmk 09/10/09(Thu)18:37 No.4769523
         File1252622234.jpg-(34 KB, 468x297, talesfromthedarkside.jpg)
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    The episode with the talking food.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:37 No.4769524
    2001 a Space Odyssey. So fucking boring it traumatized me.

    Also, the first time I saw hardcore pornography.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:39 No.4769545

    waaaaa that sucked too :(
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:39 No.4769546
    Get your ass to Mars.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:45 No.4769614
    Those movies with the giant snakes. I'm talking about the ones where the snake's head was as big as your body. Always gave me nightmares.

    Trucks gave me nightmares for a couple days too.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:47 No.4769627
    Seeing Kevin Bacon get an arrow through the neck in Friday the 13th. I was really young when I saw that movie and it was right before I went to summer camp.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:47 No.4769631
    IT scared me alot as a child. It didn't help that after I watched it my mom hid balloons under the covers of my bed. I was also deathly afraid of the Tremors movies.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:48 No.4769646

    You're weak.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)18:50 No.4769664
    >IT scared me alot as a child. It didn't help that after I watched it my mom hid balloons under the covers of my bed.

    your mum is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:01 No.4769771
    Well, fuck you
    >> PosterParent !!JVEkaVAk0gQ 09/10/09(Thu)19:04 No.4769787
    My dad took me and my brother to the cinema to watch the the Thing.

    The cinema is still around and they still apply the same rule: any age allowed.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:07 No.4769811

    >any age allowed

    I believe that is the general rule for when you are accompanied by a parent, as most cinemas dont show NC-17 films.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:07 No.4769812
    Watching the exorcist as a kid. Damn movie spooked me beyond belief.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:07 No.4769814
    "The Arrival" yes it really did freak me out when the chick is killed by the scorpions, it traumatized me so I thought scorpions were all over my house
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:08 No.4769820
    I was flipping channels when I was like 7-8 and Edward Scissorhands comes on, I watch it for a bit and see the flashback of the Creator dying, and the part where Edward accidentally slashes the little brother's face up. I had nightmares for weeks.

    Also I caught a glimpse of a Child's Play VHS cover in a video store when I was really young and that was enough to haunt me for years.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:09 No.4769830
         File1252624190.jpg-(41 KB, 605x382, ohai.jpg)
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    What's going on in this thread?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:09 No.4769831
    Tales of the Crypt: Night of the Devil, specially since the night I saw the movie was raining.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:11 No.4769836
    Jaws...with the body parts on the beach.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:14 No.4769852
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    You guys mind if I add in my two cents?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:16 No.4769863
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    "You're gonna love this movie little bro, it's called Hellraiser."
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:19 No.4769908
    OP is 15 years old.
    >> PosterParent !!JVEkaVAk0gQ 09/10/09(Thu)19:21 No.4769928
    Well, not exactly. Later my father tried to take me and my brother to Aliens to the cinema in the city. We weren't allowed because we were too young.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:25 No.4769966
         File1252625103.jpg-(51 KB, 500x421, braindead.jpg)
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    At the ripe old age of 17-ish, I flipped onto IFC for the last ten minutes of BrainDead, without any context or escalation to the giant Mother puppet un-birthing the dude and then exploding in a bloody mess. Shit actually scared me, so I told my dad about it. "Oh, I've gotta see that!" He said. We have since seen the movie together two or three times with many laughs.

    Similarly, I pussed out of Evil Dead about halfway through when I was about 13 when my dad was watching it (mom was out of the house for a few days), only returning to watch the last 10 minutes or so. I never saw the movie all the way through until about a year ago.

    My dad's a cool dude.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:28 No.4770015

    That scene pretty much ruined my sleep for 5 years. Also Jaws has has me paranoid when swimming in deep water.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:30 No.4770034
         File1252625429.png-(388 KB, 720x480, HolyMountain01.png)
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    I was forced to watch The Holy Mountain when I was 10.

    I didn't freak out, I wasn't tripping balls. I was just fucking mad that I had to watch it instead of playing Excitbike.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:31 No.4770054
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    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:32 No.4770065

    When I was a kid I used to fantasize about melding my body with girls I was crushing on, and then I saw the episode with the chick who gains alien powers and absorbs the men she has sex with at climax. It was the hottest shit ever.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:33 No.4770067
         File1252625581.jpg-(6 KB, 320x240, sober19.jpg)
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    The first music video I've ever seen was Tool's Sober.

    It's still one of my favorites.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:35 No.4770106
    I caught a Phantasm marathon on cable when I was in the US of A in 1990. I was 12. I shat bricks for a week.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:35 No.4770109
         File1252625749.jpg-(15 KB, 300x200, 1188850888421.jpg)
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    At about age 7-9, I saw Event Horizon on a local Fox channel.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:36 No.4770120
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    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:37 No.4770129
    >The first music video I've ever seen was Tool's Sober.

    Do you live in a cave?

    ITT: We admit to being underage fgts. Get out.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:39 No.4770163
    We didn't have MTV at my house, saw it at a friends place when I was over.

    Plus the video came out in like '93, I was only 8 at the time.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:40 No.4770165
    My dad let me watch a movie about killer bees attacking people or something. I've been fucking afraid of bees ever since. This was in the 80s or something, anything happen to know this movie? I remember the finale taking place in a skyscraper or something ... Not sure ...
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:40 No.4770179
    You realize that video is pretty old, and it's not like you were watching music videos in a high chair.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:41 No.4770182

    I believe you're thinking of The Wu-Tang Clan-Triumph
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:41 No.4770185
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    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:42 No.4770199

    Oh lawl ... Thanks but too recent.
    >> !ERRORUrDmk 09/10/09(Thu)19:42 No.4770201
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:43 No.4770204
    There was this old movie I haven't been able to find, hopefully one of you remembers.

    Freaked the shit out of me when I was a kid, the definitive scene was a woman writing in bed and her body actually splits in half and becomes two separate people. The transformation was fucking brutal.

    I think they would recombine as well.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:43 No.4770212
    There was some movie where this guy gets his eye poked out by a pen or a needle or something, i can't even remember now. But for 3 or 4 years after I saw that I freaked out everytime anyone got anything near my eyes.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:43 No.4770213

    I've realized that a lot of 4chan posters are well below the required age of 18.

    Alright, alright, I honestly thought Sober came out in the late 90s. My bad. Also, I had Sky Channel. FUCK YEAH PAT SHARP! DJ KAT SHOW! FUN FACTORY!
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:44 No.4770225

    Dario Argento, probably. I've forgotten the name of the movie, imdb it.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:44 No.4770230
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    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:45 No.4770233
    I was THAT lucky kid who had the Spice Channel unscrambled.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:46 No.4770240

    The Swarm.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:46 No.4770243
    Un chien andalou

    Salivdor Dali helped make it
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:46 No.4770245

    Killer Bees (1974) ... Might be this. Can't be sure ...
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:46 No.4770253
    Suspiria when I was about 5, the pool of maggots and decaying body parts along with the deformed dwarf murderer fucked me up good and proper
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:47 No.4770262
    Fuck OP. I was the same age as you when I saw this and I had the same exact experience. I threw up because gore + being sick + being 10 = fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:47 No.4770263
    mine only came in unscrambled in very brief intervals, like the fully clothed commercials in between the fucking. such teases.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:47 No.4770267
    haha, same here bro. except every fucking friend I had wanted to spend every weekend over so they could pretend that they weren't going to fap like mad later
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:49 No.4770281
    The scene where the feddie cunt goes to see Lecter for the first time in Silence of Lambs

    The hallway and shit. Freaky.
    Was like, 10 back then.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:49 No.4770284

    can i come over your house tomorrow?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:49 No.4770287

    Holy fuck! That's it! Just watched the trailer on youtube ... Chilling ... I haven't seen it in 20ish years ...
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:49 No.4770290
         File1252626594.jpg-(36 KB, 720x480, suspiria-2.jpg)
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    Watching it now, it's pretty hilarious

    Falling in razor wire still gives me a case of the sharp hisses
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:50 No.4770293
    >When I was a kid I used to fantasize about melding my body with girls I was crushing on, and then I saw the episode with the chick who gains alien powers and absorbs the men she has sex with at climax. It was the hottest shit ever.

    qThen you should like this music video:
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:51 No.4770306
    This weird french trippy movie that had some hot actress give birth to an alien covered in white slime with tentacles.
    I think it was from the 80s or something.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:51 No.4770309
    Anyone remember a movie about a man who was a science experiment gone wrong who had a tongue/hole in his head that released a spiked tentacle that would suck people's brains out?

    At the time I was genuinely freaked out by the graphics.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:52 No.4770314
         File1252626729.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 32 KB, 800x441, Black-Knight-monty-python-3801(...).jpg)
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    Oh cool, Kinghts, just like my Lego guys....
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:52 No.4770321


    fucking pennywise

    easy my most traumatizing /tv/
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:53 No.4770334
    The scene in Species when she's eating pudding in the train and starts freaking out before she "matures" and gets torn apart by tentacles and turns into a cocoon on the ceiling
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:54 No.4770350
    Oh fuck that scared me too
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:55 No.4770360
    Jurassic park 2 didnt happen to me but it happened to some kid in the theater. When the raptors jump out of the bush I see this fat teen jump up and run out of the theater at full speed crying. I couldn't stop laughin
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:57 No.4770378
    In Saving Private Ryan why does the beach look so big when the shot is from the american perspective but so small when the shot is from the bunkers?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:57 No.4770384
    the music video for Black Hole Sun by soundgarden.

    OH FUCK that scared me when i was like 5
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:57 No.4770386
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    awesome! Every school needs at least one room with a tangle of razor wire sitting below a window for no reason. I don't suppose you've seen this?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:57 No.4770392
    I was 25 when I saw that movie.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:58 No.4770393

    I got half a stock, cheers.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:58 No.4770399
    I was six and my parents took me to see Raiders of the Lost Ark at the drive-in. The end when the Nazis open the Ark and the faces start melting. I shat bricks for years after that.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:58 No.4770404
    Beginning of Xtro?...maybe?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:59 No.4770412
    The whole movie Men Behind the Sun traumatized me more than any other movie. Mostly because I know that this shit actually happened. Sure, you have all the movies about the jews getting raped in WWII, but that's more sad than disturbing. Not sure why... Maybe something to do with not seeing any experiments on them, like in the aforementioned movie. Just gassing, beatings, shootings and burning.

    Back when I was 9, I was terrified of the first Batman movie though. Jack Nicholson scared the shit out of me.

    I should also mention Mulholland Drive. One of the most scary moments ever is the guy behind Winky's.

    I never really understood what was so scary about Saving Private Ryan. Fairly sad, yes, seeing so many men killed, but... I dunno, perhaps it was all the uneccessary jingoism that surrounded the movie that made me unsensitive. I did rage hard at that faggot who let the german knife his buddy when he FUCKING HAD A GUN AND WAS IN THE ROOM RIGHT NEXT TO HIM FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:59 No.4770424
    ..not sure if trolling
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)19:59 No.4770425
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    The Body Snatchers freaked me out when I was 11 or 12
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:00 No.4770428
    I was 8 watching Jurassic Park and when the Dilophosaurus's neck frilled and killed Newman, I ran out of the room.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:01 No.4770433
    I can never think of anything in these threads. I fucking hate it.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:01 No.4770436
    holy shit, are you me?
    i didnt know it was supposed to be a comedy until i saw it again bout 3-4 years ago...
    >> Robert Muldoon !zYXZ/PooCU 09/10/09(Thu)20:02 No.4770441
    I saw Jurassic Park at about that age in theaters. The theater had cranked the volume to max and it freaked me the fuck out, ESPECIALLY Newman getting killed. I still don't like that scene.

    Also, Clever girl.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:02 No.4770445

    No, it was a different movie.
    She gave birth at the end in some underground corridor or passageway.
    The whole movie was weird up to that point but nothing outright scifi.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:02 No.4770449
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    When Jeff Daniels goes to arrest batshit crazy Dennis Hopper and just gets blown up without a fight

    I was always scared that any room in any location could actually be a clever terrorist trap since it wiped out a main character so effortlessly
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:02 No.4770450
    This and invasion of the bunny snatchers REALLY creeped me out.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:02 No.4770451

    I totally forgot that. My dad is awesome and showed this to me at an early age. I shat bricks when they started to melt. Had nightmares a long long time after this.

    I also felt really bad for the guy who got trampled by the t-rex in jurassic park (i think it was the second) Such a shitty way to go. :(
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:03 No.4770456
    I was raped when I was 5. I was watching Men in Black 2.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:04 No.4770465

    >>Men in Black 2
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:06 No.4770484
    Anyone remember a movie from them 70s or 80s where a guy gets stuck inside his houses wall or something. Only part I remember, scared the shit out of me.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:07 No.4770504
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    This and couple of other scenes in Total Recall ...
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:08 No.4770514
    at least you were distracted by how shitty the movie was
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:09 No.4770521
    House? House 2: The second story?
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:10 No.4770529

    That whole movie is just one incredible Awnuld gorefest with a touch of mindfuck

    Its brilliant
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:11 No.4770550
    At least we have the intro to the animated series.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:11 No.4770563
    When I was about 10 and watching Jaws.

    Cue corpses face to float out of sunken ship.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:12 No.4770567
    >ITT: Traumatizing /tv/ moments

    I was like 6-8yo when Aliens was first released on VHS. My dad was recording it (pirating runs deep in our family) in the TV room and I happened to walk in near the end. It was that calm scene where Ripley is talking to Bishop and then suddenly Bishop gets ripped in half by the Queen alien and he was puking white shit all over the place.

    I shat myself, screamed, and ran out of the room and down stairs to "mommy". I could hear the screams on the TV upstairs and my dad laughing.

    Around the same year, I went downstairs at like 1am to get some water. My parents were watching the movie, "April Fool's." I got my water and stood near the TV and watched like 2 minutes of somewhere in the beginning. It was a scene that had some woman turning the crank on a Jack-in-the-box. The Jack-in-the-box sprung open and had a fake monster in place of the clown. The woman screamed. I screamed too and ran back upstairs to bed. I could hear screaming downstairs and my dad laughing.

    I was upstairs in bed and my parents were downstairs watching TV. I don't know what the movie was, but when I was much older I happened to see the scene that terrified me while I was up in bed listening to it. It was a stupid comedy movie. The scene was some woman in an airline bathroom that had accidently flushed her scarf or dress down the toilet and it was sucking her down to the toilet. She was screaming her head off like something was eating her. I screamed too. I could hear my dad laughing downstairs.

    Goofy Time

    I screamed. My dad keep laughing.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:13 No.4770575
    when i was really young i stayed up late some night and saw what i'm guessing was a sci-fi film, there was a blob-like man (or something to that effect) who also bore a resemblance to kuato, who was suffering in a room with a red hue

    it just looked really disturbing, and it bugged me for quite some time
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:13 No.4770577
    When I was about 5 or 6, watching Gremlins 2, since my mum and dad assumed (quite correctly, really) that it would be appropriate for me.

    Then Gizmo gets fucking tossed into a duct and locked in, starts crying while all the evil gremlins laugh at him. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING ;_;

    Also, Short Circuit 2, when the goons crowbar Johnny 5 into an electrical mess and he tries to repair himself. Happy ending, obviously, but even still, watching him get the shit beaten out of him was awful to watch.

    Childrens movies can be the worst for it, because you aren't really expecting sad/traumatic moments, but the fuckers include them anyway sometimes. Happy ending or no, its still painful to watch.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:13 No.4770594
    >#2 was "April Fool's Day"

    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:15 No.4770619

    >> Sin Epnepsi !ZZt93Ga1mw 09/10/09(Thu)20:16 No.4770638
    alien at the birthday party

    >spanish gibberish
    >more spanish gibberish
    wtf, what are they screaming at?
    >zoom in on the alley
    What the hell are they screaming a-HOLY FUCKING FUUUUUUCK
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:17 No.4770646
    Men Behind The Sun, when I was about 14. I was all excited about watching this new LASERDISC with my uncle.......OH GOD CAN'T UNSEE
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:18 No.4770670
    Archive this thread
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:20 No.4770697

    The beginning when he gets mutilated by those guys before becoming Robocop. I never made it past that part for years to come. I can still remember his hand exploding when shot by the shotgun.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:20 No.4770710

    That seriously scared the fucking SHIT out of me.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:21 No.4770722

    THAT'S what set me off. I left the room for about 45 min while my two cousins and uncle kept watching.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:21 No.4770724
    That scene got me too. It's one of the best lead-ups and deliveries in film history. Everyone I've seen watch it shit bricks at that scene.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:26 No.4770787

    I had nightmares for weeks that I had impregnated that skank and was thus stuck with her and her brat FOR LIFE.

    >> Anonymous 09/10/09(Thu)20:26 No.4770788

    You's a pussy. That's probably why he laughed at you.

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