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    File : 1248833359.jpg-(21 KB, 360x309, oreillyno.jpg)
    21 KB How do I failed math? Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:09 No.4247859  
    >"Of course Canada has longer life expectancy than the U.S. -- we have 10 times more people."
    -Bill O'Reilly
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:11 No.4247877
    By that logic, if I lived in Micronesia I'd be immortal.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:11 No.4247882
    ha ha what
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:12 No.4247886
    I hate it when people use hyperbole
    >> OptimusPrime !!3PVuHWI/AlD 07/28/09(Tue)22:12 No.4247888
    Clips please. I need to see this retard for myself.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:13 No.4247889
    >US 307,018,000
    >CAN 33,729,000

    Moar liek 9.3 tiems
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:13 No.4247895
    He's right though but you're too stupid to see it. It's the same with swedes/norwegians and fins. Big countries, many natural resources, small number of people to spread the wealth under. No wonder they can afford healthcare without too much trouble
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:15 No.4247908
    The video:
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:16 No.4247915
    There is logic too it you faggots just don't want to believe it.

    Obviously he could have phrased it better but considering the sheer amount of people in the United States healthcare becomes very hard to maintain control of. Especially when you consider the vast number of illegals and poor people.

    But go ahead, be a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:16 No.4247918

    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:17 No.4247921

    Population size has nothing to do with it. Our per capita income is on par with Norway and Sweden. We have just as much wealth to spread around as they do for each of our citizens. We actually have slightly MORE than they do.

    But not only is that irrelevant, it's wrong. And what O'Reilly said is just retarded. He said that mortality rates are proportionally linked to population size in a nation, which they are not.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:17 No.4247922
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    >defending a known bigot and obvious retard
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:18 No.4247923
    Why couldn't your health care system be proportional?

    Canada spends less on health care — socialized, everyone gets treated, no bills — than the US, per capita.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:18 No.4247925

    So you're admitting that our health care system is a failure? I agree. No one in the world wants American health care. That's why socialized health care is superior. It leads to longer life expectancy and healthier people.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:18 No.4247927
    Illegal aliens could contribute to healthcare costs, but population couldn't. You are a silly goose if you claim it can.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:19 No.4247930
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    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:20 No.4247932
    They not only have a absurdly small amount of unemployment but the tax income of a single global corporation like Ikea or some oil fields suffices for the whole government financed health care
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:20 No.4247934
    haha butthurt conservatard, too bad that wasn't the point he was making. He said it means we have 10x the accidents and crimes. fucking retards
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:21 No.4247939
    doesn't change the fact that
    >>"Of course Canada has longer life expectancy than the U.S. -- we have 10 times more people."

    is correct. Thanks for playing faggot
    >> FAGGATRON_3000 !U0FKfqmRjs 07/28/09(Tue)22:21 No.4247940
    Population density affects quality of life, FOX news at 10.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:21 No.4247944

    All socialized health care systems are more efficient and cheaper than privatized health care. And even though they cost less, they deliver more care to more people.

    But in America we have this propaganda machine that tells us that private industry is always the answer to everything even when it sucks at what it does. And the politicians in Washington don't care because they all have free health care provided by the tax payers. They got theirs and they don't care if we get it too.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:22 No.4247948
    Producing something to pay for your way of life? What an absurd concept. Go back to egypt you commie pig.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:22 No.4247950
    So the proportion of accidents and clumsiness increases with the population?

    ITT American schools stopped teaching proportion?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:24 No.4247954

    No it's not correct. How can you be that stupid? Did you drop out of high school math? Do you not understand even basic statistics? What O'Reilly said was wrong in every way. Not even one basic fact in his comments was correct.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:24 No.4247955
    we have a shorter life expectancy than Jordan

    what a fucking shithole of a country I live in
    >> FAGGATRON_3000 !U0FKfqmRjs 07/28/09(Tue)22:26 No.4247965
    ITT: Average life expectancy directly affects an individual's health.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:26 No.4247966
    I can think of 10-15 countries I'd rather live in than the US, if I was going to be kicked out of Canada.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:27 No.4247974
    I hear Somalia has a low life expectancy...
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:28 No.4247978

    If you have ten times the population and ten times the number of accidents and crime, the per capita rate of crime and accidents remains the same, thus life expectancy averages are not affected in the slightest, which logically means that life expectancy is not in any way related to the size of the population. Which means there is another reason for Canada's greater life expectancy and that reason is better health care.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:28 No.4247982
    >hurr he was really talking about population density even though he didn't mention land mass at all
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:28 No.4247983
    lol wut?
    nobody is suggesting that. If anything they are suggesting that health affects life expectancy, and not the other way around
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:30 No.4247988

    >Russian life exectancy
    >male 59.12 years
    >female 73.03 years

    >British life expectancy
    >male 76.23 years
    >female 81.03 years

    >American life expectancy
    >male 75.15 years
    >female 80.97 years
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:30 No.4247989

    >People never die for health-related reasons.

    Yeah... you can stop talking now.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:30 No.4247991
    too bad the USA have to import most of its resources from countries like Canada.

    Seriously, the $ the Canadian government earns on US oil imports alone must be enough to run a functioning healthcare system for 30 million people
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:30 No.4247993
    Actually it's true. It's called more fish in the sea syndrome or something, I forget.

    The fact that we have more people makes dangerous activities seem less risky. If we lived in a community of ten people, we wouldn't even think about doing something like skydiving or consuming things we know are extremely unhealthy.

    However because there are so many of us, we subconsciously have lost that fear of our people going extinct. Are 300 million strong community thus engages in far more frequent life endangering activities than our 30 million strong neighbors.

    China is well known to possess some of the riskiest behavior known on earth including recreational consumption of lead, as well as practicing Falun Gong, which has been proven to be extremely fatal.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:30 No.4247996
    I'm moving to canada

    It's cool because I have a post-graduate degree. All I have to do is work for a year
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:31 No.4248000
    Not at all; our income tax is higher, our sales taxes are higher.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:31 No.4248002

    Then explain why Europe with twice as many people as America and several times the population density has a higher life expectancy.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:33 No.4248007
    no, the community of ten people wouldn't try it because they don't have enough people to put on a television show glorifying it
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:33 No.4248009
    Europeans still identify more with their individual countries. Over the next several generations, if children grow up identifying more as Europeans, their life expectancy will go down.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:33 No.4248010
    Because we don't smother all our food with butter and cheese.

    Also, it's not considered strange to walk more than 20 yards.
    >> FAGGATRON_3000 !U0FKfqmRjs 07/28/09(Tue)22:33 No.4248011

    The point, you missed it.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:34 No.4248015
    Russia is practically the Mexico of Asia in terms of quality of life.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:34 No.4248018
    What a crock of shit
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:34 No.4248020
    your point was idiotic
    health care affects life expectancy almost by definition
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:35 No.4248022
    Thank you for agreeing with me and contributing further to my argument.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:35 No.4248026
    Of course, none of the libtards in this thread explained how the tiny difference in life expectancy automatically means that Canada's health care is better. It could be caused by different diet, cleaner air, water, different genetic makeup of the population, etc.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:35 No.4248029
    >Factors affecting a given death rate

    > * Age of country's population
    > * Nutrition levels
    > * Standards of diet and housing
    > * Access to clean drinking water
    > * Hygiene levels
    > * Levels of infectious diseases
    > * Social factors such as conflicts and levels of violent crime
    > * Amount and quality of health care available

    Note that population size is not listed because it does not affect the mortality rate in any significant way.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:36 No.4248033
    we probably never explained it because nobody said it
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:36 No.4248035
    Name one country who's people tend to identify closer with being European than they do with being of their own country.

    I'll save you time, there isn't one.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:37 No.4248041
    maybe because that's not the topic.
    the topic is that O'reilly is an idiot and his point was idiotic
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:37 No.4248043
    The average life expectancy in the EU overall is only 5-6 months longer than it is the United States. Talk about making a big deal out of nothing.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:38 No.4248044

    Americans work harder, and work longer hours, they are more driven.

    Why would you not include work ethic in your failed list?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:38 No.4248045

    WAM! Out of nowhere an irrelevant fact that doesn't address the central question in any way!
    >> TacticalFail !mlhPZuuce. 07/28/09(Tue)22:38 No.4248046
    >Which means there is another reason for Canada's greater life expectancy and that reason is better health care.
    Because it's [i]obviously[/i] not due to, say, better environment, a different proportion of racial and cultural backgrounds, or some other thing.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:39 No.4248051
    That study is flawed and full of baseless claims. Population is the largest (although not the only) contributor to a nations life expectancy. Harvard concluded this irrefutably.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:39 No.4248054
    >implying minorities are dragging down our life expectancy rates

    Oh, you silly racists.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:39 No.4248058
    >Americans work harder, and work longer hours, they are more driven.

    Cite your sources.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:39 No.4248061
    I thought this thread was about how retared oreilly is
    if someone wanted to show that canada has better health care, all they would have to do is point to the lists that say that canada has better health care
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:40 No.4248062

    What study? The hell are you even talking about? Do you even know?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:40 No.4248063
    Everyone except Ireland. The people of Europe have time after time voted to give up their national sovereignty in favour of handing more power to the EU and weakening their own governments.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:40 No.4248065
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:40 No.4248068
    stanford irrefutably proved that america is the shittiest country on the planet
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:40 No.4248069
    living to work is worse than working to live, yes.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:41 No.4248070
    It directly addresses the post I was responding to, but you would know that if you weren't lazy and stupid.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:41 No.4248071
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    Notice that the highest life expectancy is in countries with socialized medicine. The lowest life expectancy is in countries with almost no medical services at all. The middle life expectancies are from private health care countries and poor countries.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:42 No.4248075
    You're projecting and diverting. The facts speak for themselves.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:42 No.4248078
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    You're missing the point. The point is that Bill Orly, Sean "Fuck Your Country" Hannity, and Mike Savage are all partof the posion that is killing Murika
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:42 No.4248080

    No it doesn't, you retard. He said something about the average life expectancy in Europe. Then you came back with an irrelevant bullshit about Europeans whether or not they identify themselves as European or if they're more nationalistic. That was irrelevant and stupid.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:43 No.4248081
    fuck longer life expectancies
    the world is not ready for billions of 80+ year-olds soaking resources and giving nothing but outdated complaintive "advice"
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:43 No.4248085
    This may be true, but that's irrelevant to the discussion. The discussion is about life expectancy and how population affects it. China is well known to have the worst life expectancy rate due to it's large population.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:43 No.4248086

    Wow, go Australia :|
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:44 No.4248088
    >It directly addresses the post I was responding to

    No it doesn't. All it does is prove that you know nothing more about the people of Europe than Fox News tells you.
    >> you can't call me a faggot because i am from Canada !Iis/hu0aIk 07/28/09(Tue)22:44 No.4248089
    Why can't you guys have both private AND socialized health care? No one seems to consider this alternative. Socialized up to a certain point, with the option of private care.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:44 No.4248090

    No, I'm pointing out that you don't know what you're talking about because those facts didn't come from a single study. You just made something up out of the air and thought you had a legitimate point, which you didn't.

    That's become a very typical right wing tactic lately. To just make up facts out of thing air and peddle them as if they were true. And to ignore all real science because it proves you wrong.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:44 No.4248093
    It is a well known fact that half of the UK is on the dole. The French strike anytime a 40 hour work week is brought up, the Germans get like 2 months paid vacation a year.

    Read a book.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:45 No.4248096

    Stop trolling, you're hurting my brain. As an Irishfag I enjoy semi-private, semi-public health care. If I want slightly better heathcare and slightly faster provision of care for non-fatal heath matters, than I can pay for private healthcare, if I can't or don't want to I still get public healthcare. It doesn't impact on my access to emergency or life saving treatment.
    This is as an Irish citizen, whether I'm employed or unemployed, young or old. We have it pretty awesome, as does the rest of Europe. There's a reason why Irish workers are seen as some of the most productive workers in the world, get sick less often because of healthcare, don't have to stress about health care etc etc.
    Healthcare is seen as a right in Europe, not as a priveledge. Also anyone want to bring population density into the discussion look at Japan.
    p.s. our government just purchased Swine flu immunization for the entire population, to be completed in 6 months... hows the piggy flu treating ye in the US?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:45 No.4248097
    I'd ask you to cite the source, but I know you don't have one.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:45 No.4248099
    >Over the next several generations, if children grow up identifying more as Europeans, their life expectancy will go down.

    Mother of God.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:46 No.4248102

    Obama is trying to make a public insurance options, which is a crappy half-assed form of social medicine for the poor but the Republicans and Democrats who are owned by the insurance industry won't allow even that much. They really do hate America and they're only working for the insurance industry, even though they know the insurance industry is killing people and 12,000 people per day are losing their insurance coverage.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:46 No.4248103
    It is NOT irrelevant. It's the only thing that matters! The population in each of the countries of Europe individually are much lower than the population of America. The lower population of the group (their country) that they identify with contributes directly to their higher life expectancy.

    If they all identified primarily as Europeans, their life expectancy would drop.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:46 No.4248106
    If that were true, then why is the US so high on the list. Shouldn't its lack of socialized health care put it down with the African countries?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:47 No.4248113
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    Canada has better health care.

    If you're wondering why America isn't on the list, it's because it's health coverage is so bad that it didn't even show up on the screen for the screencap. It's all the way down at #38, just behind Costa Rica.
    >> FAGGATRON_3000 !U0FKfqmRjs 07/28/09(Tue)22:48 No.4248117

    Lrn 2 read, average life expectancy affects an individual's health the same way the fatass from down the street affects my cholestrol levels.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:48 No.4248121
    nobody is considering that, except for our entire country
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:49 No.4248122
    >>4248069 living to work is worse than working to live, yes.

    Not when you enjoy what you do.

    Working to live is a stagnant shitty existence.

    This is an American mindset, and what makes us better than you.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:49 No.4248123
    >If you identify yourself as a European, you will die sooner.

    lol wut?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:49 No.4248124

    UK unemployment rate 5.5%
    US unemployment rate 7.2%
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:50 No.4248129
    Thats what is trying to be pushed through in the US right now. You wouldn't know it after hearing about it.

    I also don't get how the 10-15% uninsured in America is going to clog up the system until it becomes unworkable like has been argued time and again.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:50 No.4248131
    The problem with these studies is that the definition of "better health care" is very political and biased.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:50 No.4248133
    What number is Canada on that list?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:51 No.4248137
    but I'm telling you that nobody in this thread said it affected you

    we were saying that health care affects life expectancy

    nobody said anything about you
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:51 No.4248140

    Canada is #30.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:52 No.4248142
    Well, unless the population of Europe goes way down, then the life expectancy will go up again.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:52 No.4248146
    the "live" in "working to live" means having fun outside of your job you moran
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:53 No.4248148

    No it's not biased or political. They measure how many people have access to health care and what the mortality rate of the nation is and other objectively measurable facts. Then they rank the countries based on those facts.

    And based on those facts, America's health care industry is one of the worst in the developed world.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:53 No.4248150
    >The problem with these studies is that they don't come out how I want them to

    fixed for what you really meant
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:53 No.4248153
    So we might have a better health care system than the US, but over all it's not that great.
    >> FAGGATRON_3000 !U0FKfqmRjs 07/28/09(Tue)22:53 No.4248155

    Different countries report labor stats throught different methods? I am shocked!
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:54 No.4248157
    The WHO is a leftist organisation. Cite something a little less biased, please.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:54 No.4248160
    I see that we've concluded that O'Reilly is indeed an idiot and now people are trying to distract from that
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:54 No.4248163

    Yeah, there's a total bias towards 'facts' like a good health system is when the most people get treated for illnesses faster, cheaper and quicker which equals a lower death rate.

    Fuck, how can you even argue the US healthcare system is better, I know one lady in the US (this was when I was in Montana) while she was having a heart attack she was afraid to ring the ambulance because she couldn't afford the thousands of dollars the hospital would bill her for.. Now, that's fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:55 No.4248164
    It also means you are a slave to your work.
    >> FAGGATRON_3000 !U0FKfqmRjs 07/28/09(Tue)22:55 No.4248168
    >>mortality rate of the nation is and other objectively measurable facts

    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:56 No.4248169
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    >The WHO is a leftist organisation.

    Haha, oh wow.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:56 No.4248171
    Americans take less vacation hours and work more hours during the week than any other nation besides Japan. But I suppose I should say thats only for people who are actually employed, though I assumed that would be obvious.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:57 No.4248178
    I don't know if he's an idiot or not, he comes off like one a lot of the times but it could be a character, however I have not once wavered in my defense of the words he said that the OP posted.

    Population directly affects life expectancy. It is not the only factor, AIDS and crime can also affect life expectancy, but the larger a nations population is, the shorter they tend to live.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:57 No.4248182
    >I claim mortality rates aren't objective facts because they make my Republican leaders look stupid when they fight against health care reform.

    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:58 No.4248184
    Just because they have "access" to health care, it does not mean that the health care they get is not worse than in the US.

    > The problem with these studies is that the criteria is selected to support the agenda of the political group sponsoring it.

    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:58 No.4248185
    ITT: Idiots who sit in front of the TV all day debate health care policy. There's a reason why all your "arguments" are one or two short sentences. 3 guesses why.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:58 No.4248188
    Reality has a well known left wing bias.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)22:59 No.4248194
    > Stupidity has a well known left wing bias.

    >> OptimusPrime !!3PVuHWI/AlD 07/28/09(Tue)22:59 No.4248195
    Faggatron makes me ashamed of being a tripfag. What a retarded faggot.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:00 No.4248198
    Some people find a purpose in their job. Some people fine a purpose outside of their work that needs to be funded through a job. I don't know why people are arguing.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:00 No.4248199
    1. We are good at summing things up

    2. The issue isn't as complex as it's made out to be

    3. Tacos are delicious
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:01 No.4248201
    If you believe in evolution than you shouldn't support socialized medicine. You are doing mankind a disservice by allowing the weak and helpless to live and pass on their genes. If you support abortion because you think that it is a good form of "population control" then you should also not support socialized medicine, which only makes the situation worse.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:02 No.4248205
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    I hate both parties. They dont seem to realize that trolling the population with polar opposite viewpoints and attacking eachother with lulzy insults and hypocritical bullshit does nothing to better the country. All it does is divide.

    Im all for socialised health care. A person should not have to pay to survive. But I can see how it would not work in the U.S. The illegal immigration problem is waaay more serious for us than the rest of the world. Thats one of the reasons our social security system is so fucked up. If we manage to get the immigration problem fix'd, AND do something about the ones that are already here, AND get the tards from the Libtards and Conservafags to stfu and stuff their outdated opinions up their asses, then maybe it can work. But since this is the country where nothing ever sensible happens, I'm pretty much just blowing hot air and pissing off alot of hippies and fascists.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:02 No.4248206

    So you're saying that giving people access to health care is not necessarily better than denying them any health care at all?

    lol wut?

    Where do you loons come up with this shit? UHC countries have the same medicines and treatments and equipment as America does, but they make it available to everyone. That's why their health care systems are superior. And their economies aren't being destroyed by health care either, because in America 50% of all bankruptcies are caused by medical bills. That danger has been eliminated in UHC nations. Which is another obvious benefit.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:02 No.4248211
    >implying that all tripfags aren't retarded faggots
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:03 No.4248215

    Because you are a better writer than Mr. Stephen Colbert, right?. I don't see you booked for the White House Correspondents Dinner.
    >> OptimusPrime !!3PVuHWI/AlD 07/28/09(Tue)23:04 No.4248218
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    >Implying Faggatron isn't even more retarded than regular tripfags
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:05 No.4248225
    >the Dems and Repubs have polar opposite views

    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:05 No.4248226
    No matter what we do, we have removed ourselves from the natural process of evolution. Any evolving we do from here on out will have to be technological.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:05 No.4248227

    That's retarded. We don't need to kill people to keep the forces of evolution going. Sexual selection does that for us. The weak and unworthy remain life long virgins because no woman would have sex with them. Thus only the strong and powerful mate and continue the species.

    Universal Health Care won't end darwinism. It will just improve the quality of society and protect people from bankruptcy when they get sick.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:05 No.4248228
    No. I'm saying that it doesn't matter how many people have access to health care, if the quality that health care is shit.
    >> FAGGATRON_3000 !U0FKfqmRjs 07/28/09(Tue)23:05 No.4248230

    >>A nation's healthcare system can be measured in one number.

    What kind of fantasy world do you live in?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:06 No.4248231
    >illegal immigration problem is waaay more serious for us than the rest of the world

    even if this were true (and it's not) there's such a thing as ID and a database.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:07 No.4248236
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:07 No.4248239
    soylent green ends darwinism. you know that. not that we'll live to see it.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:07 No.4248242

    Wrong. Evolution among humans is moving faster today than it ever has before. Primarily because of the large populations, which means more mutations, which means more chance for positive mutations. And people are breeding with new ethnic groups, which spreads around new mutations faster across the globe. Evolution among humans is accelerating.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:07 No.4248243
    Is there anyone in this thread who isn't trolling?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:07 No.4248244
    you guys are fags
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:08 No.4248246

    please tell me what other english speaking country you come from that has a worse immigration problem?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:08 No.4248250

    Socialized medicine will provide the same quality of health care to more people for less money. The only people who lose are the asshole insurance company CEOs who fucked up our health care system in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:09 No.4248257
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    Enjoying dying younger because of your retarded shitty healthcare system Amerifags.


    P.s. pic related.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:09 No.4248258
    Evolution doesn't work the way you think it works.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:12 No.4248277

    Yes it does because I learned that from evolutionary biologists. They're the guys who know how it works and that's what they see happening when they do their studies. They're a lot more reliable than you, some random douchebag on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:13 No.4248280
    have you been to the UK in the last 5 years?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:13 No.4248281

    I, for one, am here just for the trolling.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:13 No.4248283
    umm believing evolution is real doesn't have anything to do with believing that evolution should dictate the future of the species.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:13 No.4248285
    That evolutionary biologist was probably a christfag trying to spread disinformation for jesus.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:13 No.4248286
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    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:14 No.4248292
    >anecdotal evidence
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:15 No.4248296
    Yeah, its not like moronic red necks and their equivalents don't have the most kids or anything. Only the smart and strong procreate.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:16 No.4248301

    You don't know what anecdotal evidence is, do you?

    >In the study, researchers analzyed genomes from 270 people belonging to four disparate ethnic groups: Han Chinese, Africa’s Yoruba tribe,
    Japanese and Utah Mormons. By comparing areas of difference and similarity, they determined that about seven percent of the genome has undergone significant change since the end of the last Ice Age.

    >If human beings had always evolved at such a rapid clip, said the researchers, genetic differences between people and chimpanzees would be 160 times greater than they are.

    >Driving the changes are environmental fluctuations and population growth. As the number of people swells, so do the number of mutations generated by random chance. Further selecting for disparate genetic inheritances are the diverse terrains, climates and social structures inhabited since the glaciers retreated.

    >The findings contradict the hypothesis that evolution must be slowing down because people who once would have died are sustained by modern medicine and social safety nets. They also suggest that genetic differences between different ethnic groups can be significant.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:18 No.4248314
    Sure looks like studies and raw data in here...
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:18 No.4248318

    Dumb rednecks have to breed more kids because their kids are less successful and they die out more easily. It's the only safety net they have to ensure their genes survive. Smart people breed more slowly because their kids are more successful and don't have such a high mortality rate.

    Dumb people will always outnumber smart people but smart people will usually be more successful at surviving and flourishing in society.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:20 No.4248332
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    USA has Glau. USA wins.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:21 No.4248345
    Okay, but that doesn't change anything I said. You implied that evolution would weed out the "inferior" or whatever you were on about, yet you admitted yourself they would always be the majority.
    >> FAGGATRON_3000 !U0FKfqmRjs 07/28/09(Tue)23:22 No.4248354
    ITT: Hippies and socialists brag about saving money by paying the government to pay for their $20 asprins and $350 checkups.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:23 No.4248364
    Access to education for women is connected to fewer births and later in life. Smart people have fewer kids because *they* have more opportunities early on. Dumb people don't. Their job out of high school is likely how they'll spend the rest of their adult life, they don't have another 4-12 years of school ahead of them before getting a career and then settling down.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:25 No.4248376

    Evolution DOES weed out those who can't survive. It weeds out babies that are too deformed to live. Even though those rednecks are comparatively inferior to a white college educated liberal, they're still good enough to live technically. If they can eke out an existence on their farm, fucking pigs and drinking Jack Daniels, then they're fit to live as far as evolution is concerned. Evolution doesn't give a shit about anything other than whether or not you can survive long enough to breed and raise the next brood of uneducated Republican voters.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:27 No.4248391

    PROTIP: Private health care will charge you $100 for Aspirin. Seriously, they do it all the time. And they'll charge you $2,000 a night in the hospital plus whatever other useless procedures and disposable sterile goods they can tack onto your bill.

    That's what happens when you let people make a profit off of health care. They exploit the patient for every last penny they have.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:28 No.4248403
    I'm happier with the 10k dollar.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:30 No.4248425
    some of you guys are conflating evolution and natural selection

    evolution still occurs; natural selection, less so
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:32 No.4248439

    But sexual selection will always occur. Unless the Republicans ever institute a mandatory breeding program and outlaw abortion again because God supposedly says that sex is only for procreation.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:34 No.4248455
    If you are privately insured, and you develop a chronic illness, insurance companies have an incentive for you to die

    also, what they'll do sometimes is tell you not to get a drug for a condition, citing possible dangers of interactions with other drugs. But once the drug goes generic (and therefore costs a lot less), those interactions will suddenly not be a problem

    privatized health care is a monstrosity
    >> FAGGATRON_3000 !U0FKfqmRjs 07/28/09(Tue)23:35 No.4248471

    >>Doctors, Insurance companies, Drug companies are all t3h evilz!!!!!!

    Among the many reasons why American healthcare is shit expensive is because American consumers end up paying the amount of money companies need to recover after research and marketing while the rest of the world have price controls.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:36 No.4248483
    10k dollar surgery I mean. Damn.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:38 No.4248499

    We told you earlier ITT, research money paid to pharmaceuticals will not be affected by UHC. The problem is not the pharmaceutical companies, they're okay even if they do sometimes overcharge to make huge profits. The problem is also not the doctors, no one ITT is blaming doctors. The problem is the insurance industry which makes a profit by denying people life saving operations. Every time they can deny a claim or turn down someone's service, they make money. They have entire departments with people whose job it is to think up new ways to stop people from getting treated for their illnesses.

    If you don't see the obvious flaw in that system, then you're retarded.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:40 No.4248509
    Yeah. Except then the drug companies just release a new similar drug at an even higher price that does the same thing and keep raking in the dough.

    Of course when Obama mentioned that using a matrix reference, he was decried for attacking the industry like a bully, or something.
    >> you can't call me a faggot because i am from Canada !Iis/hu0aIk 07/28/09(Tue)23:41 No.4248521
    /tv/ is the new /n/
    do americans actually listen to o'reilly? guy's the biggest jackass in newscasting history
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:41 No.4248523
    Europe > Asia > America > Rest of first world > Third world > Canada
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:43 No.4248535

    also, what they'll do, is rescind your insurance after you've paid for it for decades, because of innaccuracies on the insurance form

    of course they don't check this while you are paying. Only at the moment of your need do they decide to investigate the minutiae of your form and claim.

    You pay companies, for years, and they have absolutely no intention of paying for your claims. It is their duty to try to avoid doing so. How can anyone defend a system like that
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:43 No.4248539
    he has the highest rated show on cable news, though I'm sure half of those just watch to laugh at him
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:43 No.4248541
    Big Pharma in the USA: advertise like mad "if you have a symptom, any symptom at all, ask your doctor about Pill-X", then 'encourage' doctors with gifts and payola to prescribe Pill-X to every patient who asks. Pill-X causes all kinds of problems in just about everyone, but why pay for real testing and improve the product when you can shift the onus to doctors and the public, while in effect field-testing it on humans?
    >> you can't call me a faggot because i am from Canada !Iis/hu0aIk 07/28/09(Tue)23:44 No.4248543
    forgot mah sage
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:46 No.4248556
    insurance is a form of socialization
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:47 No.4248566
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    >asking a question while using sage
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:49 No.4248579
    Hannity is a much bigger asshole. Oreilly has calmed down considerably the last couple years. He still makes outrageous claims and gives them as fact, but he isn't an outright asshole about things like Hannity.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:49 No.4248585
    Privatized health care has come up with every single bit of medicine and medical procedure that has ever existed. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
    >> you can't call me a faggot because i am from Canada !Iis/hu0aIk 07/28/09(Tue)23:49 No.4248588
    You got a problem with that?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:50 No.4248595
    Why are we arguing about how old people expect to live?

    Bill O'Reilly does have a point, considering how diverse our population is and how everyone in Canada is an anglo saxon of European decent.
    >> FAGGATRON_3000 !U0FKfqmRjs 07/28/09(Tue)23:51 No.4248602

    If you think insurance overhead is the sole or even the biggest source of avoidable costs you are sadly mistaken.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:52 No.4248605
    Even if the current Privatized health care system is bad, it does not mean the socialized health care system will be better. The only reason this is being put forward is that the alternative would be a clusterfuck of arguing over how to properly reform and moderate insurance companies so they can still profit without dicking over people. Even still, once the companies become fucked over by Socialized health care, guess who's getting fucked? Not the corporation heads. Not the share holders, the CEOs and any of the higher ups, it's the workers. The anal dildo gets passed down to them instead. Good job taxing business owners and those who dictate payroll. Good job.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:52 No.4248609
    also, I'm talking about the insurance companies, and the system by which they are the arbiters of your health care
    >> sage Negrodamus the 9000th !3GqYIJ3Obs 07/28/09(Tue)23:53 No.4248616
    fuck this thread.
    >> you can't call me a faggot because i am from Canada !Iis/hu0aIk 07/28/09(Tue)23:53 No.4248620
    >>4248595 how everyone in Canada is an anglo saxon of European decent
    not sure if troll
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:53 No.4248623

    Way to entirely miss the point. People ITT were right when they said you were retarded.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:53 No.4248624
    ITT: old /n/
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:53 No.4248626
    it's your average joe insurance broker

    whatever will he do?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:53 No.4248631
    O'Reilly is hilarious.
    He tells it like it is and isn't afraid to get in someone's face. You could call him a bully, but he is so much better than Hannity and Glenn Beck.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:55 No.4248640
    seriously you guys can't even defend this
    and you know it to be true

    why not just accept that that is an outright immoral way to have health care in any country?
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:56 No.4248648
    >Bill O'Reilly does have a point, considering how diverse our population is and how everyone in Canada is an anglo saxon of European decent.

    Canada is more diverse. You only think you're diverse because you have so many blacks and Mexicans. We have actual diversity thanks to refugee and immigration policies.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:56 No.4248651

    The system is broken because companies profit by keeping people sick and not treating them. That is not the intended purpose of a health care system. Socialized health care has been such an amazing success because no one profits from other people's sickness. They only profit by treating patients. That's why it works so well.

    Socialized health care doesn't hurt the common person, that's a myth that literally comes from the mouth of insurance company CEOs. They put out the lies and you eat them up because you want to believe. But the facts demonstrate the error of their statements. Socialized medicine works better and delivers better treatment for less money to more people.
    >> Anonymous 07/28/09(Tue)23:57 No.4248656
    fucking /thread guys
    America is shit and you assholes are fighting to keep it shit

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