07/24/09(Fri)09:12 No. 4211517 >>4211488 >Who the fuck are you protecting people from? It's
a simple fact if America steps down from the role it took during the
Cold War that you're going to have a world wide power vacuum. What will
fill that vacuum? It could be China or Russia, but you know, it
could just devolve, you could have a situation where multiple nations
have to set up massive defense agreements similar to Europe prior to
WW1, and we all know how that will end. You could have little nations
world wide just fighting it out over terrain, Israel would of course be
one of the first to go, not that any of you care about that, but I do
for the simple fact I don't want the Middle East to turn into a blood
bath of those kinds of proportions no matter the religious affiliations
of those involved, but look at Eastern Europe, look at the region of
Asia south of Russia, the former USSR states. There is so many places
that could erupt into conflicts and the American military presence
creates STABILITY. And when you have stability for extended
periods of time, you have people like you pop up, who don't understand,
don't see that situation for what it is, you take it for granted, you
blow it off, oh it doesn't matter, what the fuck does America have to
defend itself for? What does the WORLD have to defend themselves for?
CIVILIZED countries don't have WARS, and their citizens don't commit
crimes, right? It's ignorant, man. For obvious reason. The world
isn't civilized. Never was. Never will be. Because PEOPLE aren't
civilized. And where there is a vacuum, there will be conflict,
competition to fill that void. So sure, America could jsut
stop spending that money, but then, what will fill that void? Until you
can answer that with "Another nation or group of nations with the same
commitment to personal liberty and democracy as the United States has
had for the past 75 years", then it's not time for the US to stop
spending that cash and forming that military.