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    File : 1247244473.jpg-(62 KB, 480x340, law-and-order.jpg)
    62 KB Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)12:47 No.4104674  
    How can people stand this shit? It's so unrealistic, formulaic and lacking of emotion and substance. I just can't believe it became a franchise, let alone last so long...

    People going about their business find a body. Detectives arrive at the scene and say something clever. Credits. They interview family members and friends, who are saddened but not much, either because they're shitty actors or the writers realize a realistic depiction of grief every episode would overwhelm the audience. The usual suspect is discarded, then they arrest the unusual suspect. Then arraignment, then a bunch of motions where McCoy has to clean up the detective's mess because every damn episode they violate someone's civil rights. Then a couple of witnesses testify a whole minute (pleeease!) and then the verdict.

    Yeah, one episode = one trial. It's not like trials take weeks or months IRL, and apparently the cops always make an arrest within day.

    And I say, why not make this show realistic and depict what a week in the detective's and prosecutor's life at work would be like (working many cases, which develop at different speed)?

    Damages appears to be the only realistic legal drama out there when it comes to time. Seriously, if you watch this garbage you're part of the problem.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)12:50 No.4104702
    You must have watched it to form this opinion. Does that make you part of the problem? Does that make you a Problem Child 2?
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)12:56 No.4104755
    Oh fuck!
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)12:57 No.4104763
    I think you missed the entire point. Law & Order has been around for almost two decades, and it popularized the format which so many other shows now copy. While the format may be predictable, you have to admit it is a hugely successful one.

    Furthermore virtually all TV shows are formulaic. ER, House, Star Trek, The Sopranos, tend to have major plot elements that are resolved in 1-3 episodes at the most. TV has been like that forever because shorter stories over the backdrop of larger ones allow new viewers to enjoy a show without having to know the entire history.

    >>Damages appears to be the only realistic legal drama out there when it comes to time.

    Personally I think Damages is crime-drama-lite for homosexuals. I will admit Glenn Close and Rose Byrne desperately need to fuck on the desk wearing lingerie and high heels, but that's all I'll give Damages.

    >>Seriously, if you watch this garbage you're part of the problem.

    You are taking entertainment way too seriously if you truly believe people watching a certain show contributes to a "problem". Go outside and take a walk or something. Get a life.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)13:00 No.4104789
         File1247245234.jpg-(62 KB, 445x471, 6a00d8341c730253ef011570f0d376(...).jpg)
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    OP is a faggot
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)13:01 No.4104800
    I'm not gay, but if I had to get fucked by Meloni in order to have a threesome with Hargitay, I'd do it in a second.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)13:03 No.4104807
         File1247245391.jpg-(114 KB, 1024x768, HORATIO CAINE 05.jpg)
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    << Superior
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)13:12 No.4104887
    Furthermore virtually all TV shows are formulaic. ER, House, Star Trek, The Sopranos, tend to have major plot elements that are resolved in 1-3 episodes at the most. TV has been like that forever because shorter stories over the backdrop of larger ones allow new viewers to enjoy a show without having to know the entire history.

    First off, ER does. House does. Star Trek most definitely does. Sopranos DOES NOT. Don't know why you included it with these other ones.

    Oh, and any show which is set up like this is crap made for dim-bulb TV viewers with short attention spans.
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)13:16 No.4104916
    I love law&order
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)13:19 No.4104947
    which one is hag -- is the old dude or the black guy
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)13:29 No.4105037
    >Yeah, one episode = one trial. It's not like trials take weeks or months IRL, and apparently the cops always make an arrest within day.

    You know those little black titles that tell you the scene? Yeah they also have dates on them. You should try reading them.

    I will agree Law and Order is extremely formulaic but go ahead and name a couple of dramas that don't do that?
    >> Anonymous 07/10/09(Fri)13:32 No.4105057
    I always find it funny that DNA tests and autopsies only take a couple hours to complete. Also, people always talk with the police without a lawyer present, stupid thing to do.

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