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  • File : 1246057956.jpg-(88 KB, 324x268, fauxnews.jpg)
    88 KB Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)19:12 No.3996215  
    >The attorneys for Fox, owned by media baron Rupert Murdock, successfully argued the First Amendment gives broadcasters the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on the public airwaves.
    or full url:
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)19:15 No.3996240
    Old news is old.

    Most intelligent people figured this out during the first Bush term. Slowfags figured it out during the second.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)19:20 No.3996270
    Yeah, you can say whatever you want on TV... except that means you can no longer call it "news" ... or so I thought. Someone should file THAT lawsuit.

    >implying 100% of the people have figured it out
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)19:22 No.3996288
    >successfully argued
    more like successfully bribed some people
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)19:41 No.3996415
    lol foxnews

    is anyone, well except for the kool-aid drinkers who will keep their heads in the sand, surprised?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)19:44 No.3996437
    If true, will be overturned

    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)19:48 No.3996454
    I didn't read this; maybe you can let me know

    Does this mean that it would be unconstitutional for the FCC to revoke their license for that?
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 06/26/09(Fri)19:50 No.3996473
    >Does this mean that it would be unconstitutional for the FCC to revoke their license for that?

    Yes. But it goes to show you that you can't trust mainstream media these days. You have to verify the truth of the news yourself.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)19:50 No.3996475
    All our news channels are biased and crappy. Only idiots hate Fox News and then gleefully watch MSNBC or CNN and think that they are watching honest television.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)19:51 No.3996482
    The triumph of truthiness.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)19:53 No.3996489
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    OP is so utterly clueless of the machinations of the 4th estate that it would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)19:53 No.3996492
    What about those of us that make up our own minds and don't let the media make our decisions for know, the people that actually elected Obama in the red states.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)19:55 No.3996504
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)19:56 No.3996508
    Wait, what other news agencies have gone to court to argue that they have the right to make up shit as new?

    btw, the Cardinals won the last Superbowl. It's true because I want it to be, and it appeals to the Arizona public.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)19:57 No.3996513
    new = news
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)19:59 No.3996528
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    Hey, I like Kool-Aid fella.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)19:59 No.3996533
    That's completely constitutional, news networks aren't legally inclined to be truthful, just like you aren't inclined to treat them as viable news sources.

    So don't, because they aren't
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)20:00 No.3996543
    Only a compete idiot would think that anyone thinks that it is
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)20:07 No.3996590
    This is a bit more complicated than that. The FCC is in place because there are only a limited number of public airwaves. Their task is to allocate those airwaves in the manner most beneficial to all (or something like that). It's not simply a matter of "of course they can do that"... because of course you can curse, or show nipples on tv. When dealing with a limited, public resource, the concern is a bit different. We are trying to get the most use for the most people. Making up news is a terrible way to use this resource

    That being said, I'm a bit confused by this: isn't fox news on a private cable network (which isn't limited and, therefore isn't regulated by the fcc)?

    Why should this concern them at all?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)20:08 No.3996601
    True dat. I got into an argument becuase I said MSNBC sucks as hard as FOX, my position being that I don't want ANY propoganda, just the fucking facts. Olberman and O'Reilly should both die of ass cancer for all I care.

    And anybody that doesn't know that CNN is for & by retards needs to have their voting rights revoked.

    tl;dr - NPR/PBS/BBC FTW
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 06/26/09(Fri)20:10 No.3996614
    True, but the FCC hasn't done it's job in doing that in a long time.

    Also, the FCC has limited jurisdiction in cable and satellite broadcasting and can't regulate programing in cable or satellite systems unless it's obscene.
    >> FAGGATRON_3000 !U0FKfqmRjs 06/26/09(Fri)20:10 No.3996626
    Still better than digg or perez hilton.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)20:12 No.3996634
    thomas jefferson is turning in his grave
    >"whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government." --thomas jefferson
    the aim of this sort of disinformation is to wrest power from the people's hands and give it to a new aristocracy
    the biggest irony is that they used the system in its current form and made it work against itself
    this by the way goes for the entire media, not just fox
    it's an oligopoly working for the american oligarchy
    democracy is dead
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)20:12 No.3996639
    That is my point

    Why would Fox News Network ever be regulated by the FCC? They aren't on public airwaves
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)20:13 No.3996646
    Say Fox News
    Then say Faux News if faux was pronounced wrong
    It's the only way this joke would work
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)20:14 No.3996661
    In the past, politicians that owned newspapers would publish lies about their opponents. How is now any different from when our founding fathers did the exact same thing?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)20:16 No.3996670
    ITT people to incompetant to get their news from off the wire
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)20:16 No.3996671
    or the joke could be its visual similarity to "fox" and the fact that it means "fake"

    It never even occured to me that people might think it was pronounced similarly; I"m not sure why you think it's necessary for a joke to be made
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)20:17 No.3996680

    nice job there, broseph
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)20:18 No.3996685
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    >to incompetant
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)20:20 No.3996702
    So why is the FCC so worried about keeping the airwaves "decent" and "clean"?.

    A tit is shown on tv, somebody says motherfucker and all hell breaks lose but networks routinely distort the news and lie and the FCC stfu.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)20:21 No.3996706
    he also misspelled "incompetent"
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)20:21 No.3996709
    Today people are way more gullible and thus much more dangerous.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)20:22 No.3996714
    "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)20:27 No.3996761
    Except some countries have more shit for brain "patriots" than others. America is the perfect breeding ground for fascism. Europe is experienced in that area so they are less nationalistic. But who knows how long that will last. They will forget eventually.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)20:27 No.3996763
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)20:30 No.3996786
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    this thread is now about bruno making a sex tape with ron paul
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)20:35 No.3996821
    Paul is pretty limp wristed there. O_o
    I think he may have scared the straight out of him.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 06/26/09(Fri)20:44 No.3996881
    What's even worse, there are no regulations regarding violence in broadcasting. We are possibly the only country in the developed would without such regulations.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)21:15 No.3997075
    Once upon a time people believed everything that was photographed was real. They took it as scientific proof that everything that was pictured was real. Nowadays we know about photoshop and know we can't take every picture so literally.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)21:25 No.3997127

    You make it sound like that's a bad thing
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)21:43 No.3997219
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    clearly it has NO effect on society
    you dumb 14 year old
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 06/26/09(Fri)21:53 No.3997274
    It is, because movies are still censored and American television, in comparison to Europe's, (read: the UK and France) have not fully grown up when it comes to objectionable content.

    The Parents Television "Council" has plenty of complaints on sex on television (even simple mild references), but has never did a major campaign on tv violence.

    Also, the standards and practices guidelines of the major broadcasting companies (ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC)? You can't find them online on their websites.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)22:22 No.3997425
    Fox News is a cable channel, and therefore does not have an FCC license, nor is it required to have one.

    FCC licenses are only for broadcast stations, which mostly means PBS, ABC, NBC, Fox (not Fox News), CBS, The CW, MyNetworkTV, and some spic stations.

    There are smaller ones (Create, e.g.), but those are the main ones.

    tl;dr Fox News is cable; no need for FCC license; stop talking like you have a brain.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)22:25 No.3997434
    lol I konw
    I posted >>3996590
    it was actually a preliminary question to my actual question

    I'm a lawyer, faggot; my brain is bigger than yours
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)22:26 No.3997443
    Uh, look at the fucking filename of your picture, asslobster: "VIDYA GAME" not "TV"

    PS I guess we should ban everything that isn't sunshine and flowers from TV so we don't have an army of fruitfucker high schoolers, right?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)22:27 No.3997448

    HAHAHAHAAAAAA NIGGA What's your area of expertise bitch? Legal Aid? hahahaaaaaa
    >> Anonymous 06/26/09(Fri)22:28 No.3997456
    Don't you already feel stupid enough?

    no need to drag this out

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