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  • File : 1245949664.jpg-(79 KB, 470x605, BK.jpg)
    79 KB Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:07 No.3982248  
    Anyone else sick of all the sexual imagery being forced down our throats?

    look at this Burger King ad. LOOK.

    Fucking hell, I don't mind seeing something hot and arousing now and then but these people are just doing it for the sake of being able to do it. Blow? Seven inches? Really? The only people that this ad appeals to, are fucking trailer trash hicks.

    Fucking christ, we're on the way to the society shown in Idiocracy.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:09 No.3982270
    I agree OP
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:09 No.3982272
    Good fucking job, now I'm going to feel like a massive homo when I eat your product because you made me associate it with sucking a huge nigger cock.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:09 No.3982276
    Put it in me, Scott.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:10 No.3982279
    This is very thinly veiled attempt at discussing the downfall of society and you know it.

    But anyway, that is a retarded way of advertising. Don't you have some sort of ethical board that prevents this type of advertising in the US?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:10 No.3982281
    >huge nigger cock
    >seven incher

    Not quite.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:11 No.3982283
    is that creepy-chan?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:11 No.3982285
    7 inches being 'blow your mind away' AHAHAHAHHAAA
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:11 No.3982286

    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:11 No.3982287
    I'm not sure why but I feel like getting a BK SUPER SEVEN INCHER.

    I'll wash it down with a PEPSI.
    >> !RaAAAAaGEs 06/25/09(Thu)13:11 No.3982290
         File : 1245949919.jpg-(6 KB, 235x233, 1241635836742.jpg)
    6 KB
    ITT: nigger lovers
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:12 No.3982293
    So if you're a guy you like eating 7 inch dicks?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:12 No.3982300
    >Anyone else sick of all the sexual imagery being forced down our throats?

    Anyone else sick of all the sexual innuendo in your opening line?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:13 No.3982303
    Maybe it's because I'm not a 14 year old virgin but I don't find anything especially sexual about this.

    I mean yeah sure, I get that they're trying to go for it, but still this doesn't affect me in any kind of way.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:13 No.3982306

    oh hay dudes
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:13 No.3982308
    ITT americans and their puritanism, again.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:13 No.3982309
    " if you desire something long, juicy and flame-grilled" rotfl
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:13 No.3982310
    don't forget giggling teenagers
    just think
    one day they'll be adults
    and they'll still be giggling at shit like this

    i hope we're being trolled by op
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:13 No.3982311
    >fill your desire for something long, juicy

    Boy, I sure do love dicks ramming up my anus.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:15 No.3982321
    Did any of you stop to think that maybe this is aimed at slutty girls?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:15 No.3982335

    what the fuck do you think of the juxtaposition then?

    A lady gasping as a sandwich floats in midair mysteriously? what the fuck else implication do you think of
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:16 No.3982337
    I agree with you, OP, but you're not going to find sympathy for your cause at a cesspool like this.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:16 No.3982340

    Probably, considering all you'd have to tell a dude is that your burger is 7 FUCKING INCHES HOLY SHIT THAT'S HUGE and he'd want it

    I know I did
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:16 No.3982346
    >>3982248 Anyone else sick of all the futa sexual imagery being forced down our throats on /tv/?

    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:17 No.3982348
    I am extremely uncomfortable with anything sexual. I have to reload the pages on 4chan's sfw boards so that they will display the forumwarz ads instead of the snorg-t ads that have a hot girl with a suggestive smirk and cheeky sex pun on her shirt. I hate this shit so goddamn much I can't even turn on my TV without feeling disgusted as I get some tits shoved in my face.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:17 No.3982351
    >Sexual innuendo is clearly an expression of freedom, and certainly not a cheap attempt at marketing to the horny, lonely masses.

    This is what European youths actually believe.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:20 No.3982376
    She looks like a blow up doll.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:20 No.3982383

    Like I said, I know they're going for it.

    I just don't get an erection every time I see someone eating a banana.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:20 No.3982386
    No, no I don't.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:21 No.3982394
    I'm sick of both the forcing of it and the message it coveys
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:22 No.3982399
    This ad works. You know why? You're talking about it. You even posted it, so Burger King just got free advertising on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:22 No.3982400
    Yes, but that's because there's not a gentleman in a dark suit behind you yelling "NOTHING WILL MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD LIKE A CHICK LICKING YOUR BANANA."
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:22 No.3982402
    The only people who don't appreciate sexual connotations in media are ugly people.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:23 No.3982407
    That doesn't make any sense, you goddamned idiot.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:23 No.3982408
    Yeah, but it hasn't made me want to buy a burger, in fact it's put me off burger king, so the advert has failed
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:23 No.3982410
    If only everyone would except the absolute wisdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, God. I know his wisdom and you will do as I say. Etcetera.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:24 No.3982416
    My first thought too
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:25 No.3982424

    Yes, but someone else who sees this might. So it worked.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:26 No.3982432
    Prove it
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:27 No.3982444
    It only worked if someone bought a burger directed because of this ad, and so far there's been a pretty negative reaction to it
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:29 No.3982456
    holy shit I want 7 inches in me now!!
    >> Anonymous 06/25/09(Thu)13:31 No.3982474
    That looks like a lot of mayo. It'd probably squirt from under the bun all over my face at the first bite.

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